The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 220: What do you want

Schadenfreude, or something.

Ling Tian glared at the head of the house viciously, but didn't have time to pay attention to it. The dark aura was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already traveled hundreds of meters.

Ling Tian didn't dare to hesitate at all, and his figure was already chasing out.

Although his perception is not invincible in this world, he will be avoided by various existences if he is not careful, but when he concentrates his attention to lock on a breath, it is not just that anything can get rid of his perception.

Perceiving the aura that swept away Nie Xiaoqian's phantom, Ling Tian's figure swayed and quickly chased out.

On the spot, the patriarchs of the four major families coldly watched Ling Tian’s figure swept out, but none of them followed suit, and the patriarch who had obtained the source of the gods threw away the source of the gods at will. Give a master behind you.

"It's Montenegro..."

Throwing out the source of God, the Patriarch looked at the other three Patriarchs and said.

"It's Montenegro. I think it's time to bring that soul to the passage of heaven and earth, the passage of the underworld..."

An indifferent smile emerged from the face of a family owner.

"I'm not dead yet, I can send a message to your imperial brother. The passage to the underworld is about to appear, so he won't be able to come to support him. If there are too many ghost kings rushing out of the underworld, we won't be dead. Don't blame us when you can't control the underworld..."

Another head of the family turned around, walked over to the princess who should have been beaten to death by Ling Tian, ​​stretched out her foot and kicked the princess and said.

"If you dare to be rude to me again, I promise to cut off your leg..."

The princess' icy voice sounded.

With a deep cough, the princess climbed up with difficulty. Her face was extremely pale. Just as she climbed up, she immediately retched and spat out two mouthfuls of blood with her hands on the ground.

Obviously, Ling Tian's blow did not take her life, but it also severely injured her.

"Are you alright..."

The owner of the family who was standing beside the princess finally calmed down as he looked at the princess.

These four people are the masters of the family, and their strength is absolutely top-notch, so the damage caused to Ling Tian is not a big surprise.

It's just that the princess is a princess after all. If something really happened, the four major families would have to pay a huge price to quell the immediate impact.

"I can't die, if I don't control the underworld, how dare I die..."

The princess wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth and slowly climbed up from the ground. Her eyes turned to the direction of Lan Nuo Temple. They had already guessed the location of the gate of the underworld. At this time, the dark aura that swept away Nie Xiaoqian's shadow They were heading towards Lan Nuo Temple, which allowed them to determine the location of the gate of the underworld.

The demon world, the celestial world... In fact, although the channels that were opened before had a great impact on this world, they had little impact on the existence of the four major families like the princess.

The world is in chaos and demons are proliferating. They can still live well.

However, the opening of the gate to the underworld had a great impact on them.

Ling Tian had an idea before. In fact, no one from the four major families, the royal family, wanted to go to the heavenly realm. Although the heavenly realm was theoretically the highest of the three realms, the gods in the heavenly realm were destined to have no human emotions.

Losing emotions and becoming a **** like a puppet is unwilling for people in high positions, whether it is the royal family or the head of the four major families.

Moreover, entering the heaven will not benefit their family or the royal family.

If the passage to the Three Realms is closed, the influence of the gods in the heavens on the human world can hardly be said to be.

The underworld is different.

There have always been countless ghost kings in the underworld. Even when the Three Realms were not in chaos, the underworld was not peaceful. There are actually many similarities between the underworld and the human world.

There are naturally Yamas in the underworld, but there are also mountains and rivers entrenched by countless ghost kings in the underworld.

Whether it is the four major families or the royal family, they naturally never thought of becoming Yama, they only wanted to become the overlord of the underworld.

The kind of overlord who can have an influence on Yama even if the Three Realms restore order in the future.

And as long as they can become such overlords, they can not only keep their emotions, get the same enjoyment in the underworld as in the world, but also protect their descendants.

To use the most inappropriate analogy, pulling a few smart souls to reincarnate into one's own family can also enhance the family's heritage.

However, due to the changes in the world, the monsters and ghosts in this world have begun to increase continuously. The monsters outside the gate have been continuously strengthened with the opening of the monster world. In the gate, although the sect seems to be weakened by the disappearance of the gods and Buddhas, the sect itself They also have their own gods and their own masters. Under this circumstance, cooperation between the royal family and the aristocratic family naturally appeared.

At the same time, the royal family sent countless members of the royal family to infiltrate the demons.

The seventh prince and this princess are all such people.

Of course, there must be countless stories in the process of infiltration. Those stories may have been arranged by the royal family, but in this process, whether the emotions of the parties involved are true or false is no longer within the control of the royal family.

"The son is returning..."

The princess got up, a trace of tenderness flashed in her eyes, and she repeated the words she had never forgotten in her heart, and then her expression became completely cold.

She has a story. The people in her story have died earlier, but now that the underworld is about to open again, the people who died are just in the underworld. As long as she can stabilize, she may not be able to see those who have lost regret.

At this time, Ling Tian naturally didn't know that there were so many calculations involved, he chased the breath that swept away Nie Xiaoqian's phantom and quickly reached the outside of Lan Nuo Temple.

And when they got here, the breath stopped.

Ling Tian's figure immediately knocked off the ground and rushed towards the location of the breath.

In Lan Nuo Temple, there is a huge void beneath the earth.

It seemed that there was an underground world under Lan Nuo Temple, but when he slammed into this space, Ling Tian's expression became serious.

This underground world is not a natural underground world. Ling Tian can feel that countless dark auras are constantly colliding in this underground world at this time, and with the collision of these forces, this underground world is also constantly expanding.

It seems that there is a special force that is constantly hollowing out the underground world of Lan Nuo Temple.

With both feet on the ground, Ling Tian dissipated his perception.

He already knew that in this world, his perception could not completely sense everything around him, some powerful beings could avoid his perception, and he would not be able to capture the aura of those existences until he made a move.

Or, if those existences are hostile to him, I am afraid that he will have to be attacked by them before discovering those existences.

But Ling Tian didn't care about this at the moment, his perception spread out, then condensed, and the phantom that shrouded Nie Xiaoqian tightly, people rushed over.

He could vaguely feel that the dark aura itself seemed to want to **** Nie Xiaoqian here, and the purpose of that dark aura swept Nie Xiaoqian was definitely not good intentions.

In the underground world, there are many strange and messy stones, Ling Tian's figure swayed, and he quickly passed through the passage made of countless stones. Then, Ling Tian saw the phantom of Nie Xiaoqian.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian's phantom was lying flat in a concave and convex stone trough, and a strange breath was escaping from her body. Then, those breaths quickly pulled the power that opened up this underground world.

With the aura in Nie Xiaoqian's body pulling, although that force is still developing this underground world, it is no longer simply squeezing and hollowing out the soil, but directly swallowing up the space piece by piece.

With that space being swallowed up, some indescribable fluctuations are overlapping with this underground world.

Ling Tian felt a little bad in his heart, but soon Ling Tian could no longer care about those feelings.

No matter what this underground world will look like, it has nothing to do with Ling Tian directly, but at this time, because the aura in Nie Xiaoqian's body is combined with the power to open up this underground world, vaguely, Nie Xiaoqian's own aura is constantly disappearing.

Nie Xiaoqian and Xinshen themselves are the relationship between you more and me less, and you less and me more.

Now, although it is not the awakening of the new god, the expansion of the power of the new **** will undoubtedly herald the disappearance of Nie Xiaoqian.

Ling Tian's expression changed, and his figure quickly swept over to Nie Xiaoqian. True Fire and Duan Yin Yang appeared at the same time. He must invade Nie Xiaoqian's soul world again as soon as possible, and then cut off the power of the new god. Otherwise, it won't take long for Nie Xiaoqian. It will be completely assimilated by the power of the new god.


Just as the figure moved, suddenly, a huge arm fell out of thin air.

The arm made of mud looks loose and loose, and a lot of dirt and gravel fell when it was swung, but the strong wind brought by the falling of this arm was extremely violent.

Moreover, in that strong wind, there is an extremely strong demonic energy.

This is a big monster.

The real big demon is not the head of the wolf demon or the half-assed big demon like the princess, but the kind of big demon that can shatter the sky and shatter the earth.

Ling Tian felt such a feeling in his heart, the real fire shrank, Ling Tian's palm was quickly raised, and the five elements of Yin and Yang, Qingcheng Wushuang fiercely greeted him.

His strongest martial arts fusion, the strongest power is all in this move.

In mid-air, the huge arm suddenly broke apart.

Soil, gravel, demonic energy...

Everything vanished in an instant.

The big demon was not Ling Tian's scruples. Ling Tian's concern was that the big demon could not be killed with one move, and it was too late to save Nie Xiaoqian.

The demonic energy swept through, followed by another arm made of clay.

Then, Article 3, Article 4...

Countless arms began to fall towards Ling Tian frantically one by one.

These countless arms, even if Ling Tian only needs one move to get each one, but when he gets all of these arms, I am afraid that Nie Xiaoqian will not be able to recover.

In Ling Tian's eyes, Sen Han's murderous intent began to condense.

He knew that the big demon didn't really want to fight him, and now it's all just to delay time, wait for Nie Xiaoqian to be assimilated, and then wait for the power that opened up this underground world to achieve what purpose.

Unfortunately, this big monster is indeed very strong. At least, if this big monster is not cleaned up, Ling Tian can't stop Nie Xiaoqian from being assimilated even if he forcibly rushes over.

The perception shrinks, and then it turns into a spear and spear and starts to spy out.

The demonic energy condensed and dispersed, and the earthy arm fell from the sky, but Ling Tian ignored it.

Although the arms made of mud and gravel were as thick as a train carriage, such a heavy object was nothing to Ling Tian, ​​even if he was buried in the ground, or the endless ocean. The abyss will never die.

The only thing that is a little troublesome is that demonic energy, but that demonic energy is only a little troublesome, his true fire happens to be the nemesis of demonic energy.

Ignoring those arms, Ling Tian quickly surveyed the surroundings, and soon, the spear transformed into perception pierced the front. It seemed indifferent, but in fact the strong demonic energy that had almost materialized was explored.

This demonic energy is hidden very deep, and it is basically impossible to feel it from the surface, but when it is spied on, it bursts out suddenly, but it is terrifying and terrifying.

"Do you want to die so much..."

As the demonic energy exploded, a furious roar sounded at the same time.

The next second, the gravel splashed, and a strange-looking stone shovel was violently squeezed out of the soil.

Accompanied by the appearance of this strange stone scorpion, countless dark demonic energy spread in the air, intertwined, and then turned into various monsters and swarmed towards Ling Tian.

And when those dark demonic auras were swarming, the strange stone scorpion flickered out of thin air, blinking in front of Ling Tian.

The rubble gathered, and in the blink of an eye, Ling Tian's surroundings seemed to be filled with countless and as the rubble gathered, Ling Tian's expression froze slightly.

Every gravel is the body of that big demon...

This big demon actually cultivated a thousand abilities in another way.

The whistling wind sounded, and the rubble that filled the sky immediately shot towards Ling Tian from different angles. Every rubble was a clone of the great demon. In this world, no matter how powerful a cultivator you are, it is better than your body. I am afraid that the power is not as strong as that of the big demon, so these gravel are like bullets to ordinary people to most cultivators.

And even if Ling Tian has a successful body refinement, or has a monster body stronger than Ling Tian, ​​monsters and gods like the **** body will definitely find it difficult to face this gravel.

And the reason why the big monster is a big monster, it must have more than one means, so there must be other more powerful means after this gravel. Even if it can block this gravel, the next means of the big monster will definitely let it Take a hard drink.

Ling Tian glanced at the many rubble around him, and quickly swung his hands away.

While quickly blocking these rubble, Ling Tian sensed that he continued to shrink, and then quickly explored every rubble and every surrounding area.

Although this great monster has countless incarnations, it does not mean that every gravel is a complete great monster. In the same way, Ling Tian believes that this great monster must have its origin, which is the same as the origin of God.

As long as the source is destroyed, I dare not say that I have subdued this big monster, at least I can temporarily defeat this big monster.

: . :

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