The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 221: 5 lines complete

Cut off the source and destroy this black bear, or it can also be called the demon of Montenegro.

Then, Duan Yin Yang closed the gate of this underworld.

Ling Tian's mind kept pouring out such thoughts, at this time, whether everything was arranged by the system at this moment, or was he actually no longer caring about anything else.

Seeing that Nie Xiaoqian was about to die, she couldn't ignore the scruples in her heart.

The perception turned into the constant thrust of the spear, and the large pieces of gravel dissipated in an instant, and the body that belonged to the great demon shattered in an instant. Then, a trace of feeling appeared in Ling Tian's heart.

This big monster may have been a black bear in the beginning, but after becoming a demon, it has become a mountain, and now, it has completely become a monster like brick, stone and soil, and its body is naturally soil.

After it was broken, what Ling Tian realized was the power of the earth.

The land of the five elements...

Ling Tian sensed that the spear he had transformed into was piercing extremely fast, and the speed at which the monster's body was shattering was also extremely fast.

To yang, to yin, to true fire, to earth...

Vaguely, some kind of switch was turned on, and within Ling Tian, ​​the power of fire and earth continued to blend, and then a metallic aura began to be born.

The five elements are inherently interdependent, and with the emergence of gold from fire and earth, the remaining water and wood gradually have a clue.

The five elements began to take shape, and the yin and yang were already in place. Ling Tian felt that he had undergone some kind of peculiar change.

His martial arts, his body training, especially his body training, began to rise continuously along with the completeness of yin and yang and the five elements.

Tiangang Body Refinement Jue, this is the first body training method Ling Tian has obtained. In the world of Xiaoao, this method is very strong, but in the following world, the name of this method is a joke.

Tiangang, Xiaoao's body-refining method in that world is placed in the Tang Dynasty, Fengyun, and even the current world, what qualifications can it be called Tiangang?

However, at this moment, with the integration of the five elements of yin and yang, this originally inconspicuous Tian Gang Body Refinement Jue suddenly changed, and the space power that was integrated into it later, and the various schools of the Tang world were stripped away.

Pure, the mysterious breath belonging to Taoism, the breath belonging to immortal Tao began to be born.

Naturally, back to basics...

Ling Tian could feel that every cell in his body was undergoing changes.

Innate body...

These four words came out of Ling Tian's mind.

Innate, Ling Tian had already come into contact with it as early as the Tang Dynasty world. In essence, this is also a bad word.

It seems that no matter what power can be replaced by a sentence of innate.

However, at this moment, Ling Tian can swear that his body at this time is the real innate body.

It's not the kind of innate that rebels against the source, but the real formation of heaven and earth, the innate body that is immortal and immortal. If you have to make an analogy, it can probably be compared to those innate gods and demons in the prehistoric world.

Yes, at this time Ling Tian could clearly feel that his body was being transformed by this side of the world and turned into a non-destructive body that was naturally generated by this side of the world.

Of course, this world is definitely not as good as the prehistoric world, so this innate body is naturally inferior to those innate gods and demons in the prehistoric world.

But no matter what, this is a divine body created by heaven and earth, and its strength is not known to be much stronger than that of man-made cultivation.

However, with the formation of this body, Ling Tian's unease became stronger and stronger.

How similar he is to Nie Xiaoqian at this time...

Although he still has self-consciousness, the uncontrolled increase in strength is simply a replica of the possession of a new god.


This thing came suddenly, but who can say exactly what it is...


The anxiety in his heart spread, but Ling Tian's perception was still searching for the source of the black bear. Finally, something strange came from an area in his perception.

Ling Tian's thoughts moved, and the power he had just acquired immediately swept away.

The seemingly ordinary forces mercilessly closed together, and the area suddenly turned into chaos.

The five elements, Yin and Yang, annihilate everything...

Ling Tian's eyes flashed in horror, this kind of power was stronger than he imagined, I don't know how much.

This is definitely not the power he can master, at least not the power he can master now.

Strictly speaking, this kind of power is already the power that opens up the world, or destroys the world.

Still using the metaphor of flood and desolation, probably only Pangu in this world can possess such power.

Of course, the current Ling Tian can't really open up the world and destroy the world, but the power in his body is indeed that kind of power. Soon Ling Tian will become the Pangu of this world.

This is absolutely not normal...

The thick and thin mud arms of the train car dissipated one after another after Ling Tian's blow, and the rubble and soil fell. Ling Tian exhaled, putting aside the many worries for the time being, the figure quickly swept towards Nie Xiaoqian's phantom.

At the same time as the figure swept away, Ling Tian's primordial spirit continued to move forward, wrapping Nie Xiaoqian in the blink of an eye.

The broken yin and yang and the real fire appeared again.

It's a pity that Ling Tian's huge improvement just now only affects the body, not the soul. Therefore, at this time, the power of his Primordial Spirit is not much different from before. At most, as the body becomes stronger, The power of the primordial spirit can be better exerted.

Therefore, at this time, the power of the primordial spirit is extended, and what he can do is to slowly help Nie Xiaoqian get rid of the impurities in his soul as before.

Yuanshen sneaked in and reached Nie Xiaoqian's soul world again, but Ling Tian was stunned by what he saw.

At this moment, in Nie Xiaoqian's soul world, a huge portal was standing there.

The gate of the underworld...

Almost instantly, Ling Tian understood what this portal was. There was no doubt that it should be the legendary gate of the underworld.

However, although this portal was the gate of the underworld, it gave Ling Tian a strange feeling. This portal seemed to have the feeling of a space barrier when traveling through space.

Underworld, space, portal...

In other words, the gate of the underworld is similar to the space barrier that travels through the heavens and the world.

Ling Tian's heart moved slightly.

"Congratulations to the host for discovering the key point of the Three Realms Passage, the host can try to devour the Three Realms Passage..."

The system prompt sounded just as Ling Tian's heart moved.

At the same time, Ling Tian felt that the power in his body was about to move. It seemed that after swallowing the portal in front of him, he would immediately gain a great improvement again, not inferior to the previous one.

A greedy feeling emerged in Ling Tian's heart.

However, along with this greed comes more vigilance and fear.

The system seemed to have a feeling of impatient waiting in this world, especially after the Three Realms Passage was made public, which made Ling Tian feel horrified.

You must know that the system is attached to him, just like the new **** is attached to Nie Xiaoqian, and it is more like a ghost in another sense.

Now, when the system couldn't wait, Ling Tian couldn't help but think more.

What exactly is this system trying to do.

Will it take over his body directly one day?

Ling Tian wasn't sure if those things would happen, but, without a doubt, as long as Ling Tian wasn't stupid enough, he wouldn't follow the system for everything.

Now, the portal in front of him, regardless of whether Nie Xiaoqian will disappear after being swallowed, the system's eagerness to swallow him makes Ling Tian dare not do too much.

"I really don't know what I want..."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Ling Tian's mouth, and he spoke to himself.

From the initial activation of the system, and then fighting all the way, Ling Tian felt that he seemed to have become stronger and seemed to be able to control his own destiny, but, more often, he seemed to fall into some kind of strange rhythm.

Fight monsters, level up, level up, fight monsters again...

Although his strength has been getting stronger and his lifespan seems to be increasing, Ling Tian has not been able to figure out whether he is still himself or not.

It stands to reason that with his character, it is absolutely impossible for him to work hard for Nie Xiaoqian to such an extent. However, perhaps from the abnormality of the system, or even from entering this world and encountering those things, Ling Tian has already developed some kind of fear in his heart.

Nie Xiaoqian, perhaps the only one who let him see the human nature.

People live only for the sake of living, or in other words, how can people be sure that they are alive?

There must be something to care about, some... fetters, in the language of the island nation's anime, it should be called fetters...

Eternal, powerful, but, in this world, in countless worlds, there is no one who cares about you, and no one cares about you. Is that still called living...

The broken yin and yang swept through, and the real fire turned into a long knife, and then slashed towards the front of the gate of the underworld.

The violent and compressed force fell fiercely. Immediately, a huge shock echoed back, and the terrifying force hit his chest in the opposite direction. Ling Tian only felt his breathing stagnate...

No, it's not really a stagnation of breath. At this moment, he is in the state of his primordial spirit, and in fact there is no body. Even if his primordial spirit is connected to his body, the damage to his primordial spirit will be directly transmitted to his body.

However, the shock just now, his body was not affected in any way, only his primordial spirit was affected.

At this time, the difference between his primordial spirit and his body is too great. If his body is already at the innate level, formed by heaven and earth, then his soul is only stronger than ordinary people. If the body is a hundred, the primordial spirit is the best. More than ten, or even less than ten.

With such a primordial spirit, the connection between the gate of the underworld and Nie Xiaoqian's soul will never cease.

Unless he devours the gate of the underworld directly through his body, but if he devours it directly, I am afraid that Nie Xiaoqian's soul will also be devoured in one go.

This is a complete contradiction to the extreme.

Of course, if Ling Tian didn't think about Nie Xiaoqian, but just started from the mission just like the previous world, then swallowing everything and cutting the gate of the Three Realms, what the seventh prince, what Laoshan Taoist priest, what demon world, After he has complete yin and yang and five elements, and devoured the gate of the underworld, it is a joke. He can easily kill all the enemies just like the original Xiaoao world, and then complete the task and leave this world.

Everything will be astonishingly simple.

However, the system of this world is urgent, and Nie Xiaoqian's seemingly virgin, but in fact the same tenacity, makes Ling Tian come up with different ideas from the bottom of his heart.

What exactly does he want, and is he really alive now?

There were so many doubts that Ling Tian couldn't help but doubt everything.

Under such suspicion, Ling Tian did not want Nie Xiaoqian to dissipate.

To put it bluntly, in Ling Tian's heart now, Nie Xiaoqian has basically represented his last and only human emotion that he can grasp.

Starting from the world of Xiaoao, starting from the opening of this system, Ling Tian thought about it carefully, his emotions that belonged to human beings seemed to have almost dissipated.

In the past few worlds, he seems to have become a machine, gaining fame, transforming luck, capturing the practice, improving the practice in all ways, including killing people, and even destroying any country to do this.

In the process, he has basically completely abandoned basic discrimination such as good and evil.

The body stood firm, Ling Tian took a deep breath, then, his arm shook, the real fire condensed, the long knife appeared, took a step forward, and Ling Tian waved the knife down again.

In the past, the purpose of everything he did was too strong, and that kind of strength had reached a situation that ordinary people could not imagine.

But now, he doesn't have that much purpose, or in other words, his purpose doesn't have those utilitarian, those cold, like machines, now, all he wants to do is save Nie Xiaoqian.

Rescue without any The long knife fell to the ground, and the terrifying force oscillated. Then, the compressed force was torn apart, and the huge force exploded. Ling Tian’s whole body flew backwards like a cannonball. .

The world of the soul has no beginning and end, Ling Tian didn't know how far he flew, his body fell to the ground, and half of his body seemed to have dissipated.

Using the remaining arm to support the ground and sitting up, Ling Tian looked at his current appearance, half of his shoulder was blown off, one arm disappeared, and he didn't know how many large and small scars on his body.

Then Ling Tian sensed his body again, it was intact and full of power.

There is still a connection between the primordial spirit and the body, but the damage is not even... There is definitely something wrong with his body...

Supporting him to stand up, Ling Tian looked into the distance, and soon, the gate of the underworld was pulled closer.

By this time, Ling Tian was almost certain that there was a huge problem with the system. His body was definitely already under the control of the system. However, if he was willing to listen to the system's arrangement and devour the gate of the underworld, then his body would still be his. Yes, and a stronger body.

However, by this time, Ling Tian didn't want to listen to the system anymore.

Life and death, Ling Tian doesn't seem to care much anymore.

True fire, condensed, more difficult to gather than before, that blow just now, Ling Tian was indeed hit hard, now Ling Tian condensed true fire is much more difficult than before, but he did not hesitate to continue to condense true fire, Then, it turned into a long sword again.

: . :

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