The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 227: Yellow Turbans who don't want to rebel

Receiving the guards of Han Dang and Nie Xiaoqian's caravan was easier than Ling Tian imagined, and Ling Tian didn't even need to show his strength during this process.

The woman Nie Xiaoqian was indeed quite remarkable. Whether it was Han Dang or the **** team, their loyalty to Nie Xiaoqian was much higher than Ling Tian had imagined. With this loyalty, it could be said that even if Nie Xiaoqian sent a woman here Take over this convoy.

Of course, after taking over, Ling Tian still showed his aura.

The loyalty of others is one thing, and it is another thing to let others know of one's own strength.

For such a team, Ling Tian is extremely recognized, and it is precisely because of this that Ling Tian cares more, and letting such a team know his strength will definitely have a better effect in future cooperation.

By the time Ling Tian left the guard camp, all the guards in the camp had basically returned to Ling Tian.

This kind of smoothness, especially from the smoothness created by Nie Xiaoqian, made Ling Tian feel very good, but this good mood changed after he got on the carriage of Nie Xiaoqian who had been waiting outside the camp.

Ling Tian entered the guard camp to subdue those guards, but Nie Xiaoqian did not follow. This woman knows better than anyone when a woman should help a man and when she should choose to retreat.

So Nie Xiaoqian has been waiting outside the camp.

And Nie Xiaoqian obviously didn't have the slightest doubt about Ling Tian's ability to subdue the guards.

After Ling Tian returned to the carriage, Nie Xiaoqian first congratulated Ling Tian on successfully subduing the guards, but then Nie Xiaoqian gave a piece of news that Ling Tian cared about.

"Zhang Jiao, arrived in Bei'an... Then, my people lost track of him..."

Indifferent words, Ling Tian's brows tightened slightly.

If someone else was in charge of this matter, even if Zhang Jue's trace was lost, Ling Tian would not think too much about it.

No matter how easily Zhang Jiao in history and in Romance was considered to be a dishonest person, how easily he was cleaned up, but, as a religious leader who could set off the prelude to the demise of the world's top empire, Zhang Jiao's ability must not be underestimated.

However, Ling Tian knew Nie Xiaoqian better and recognized Nie Xiaoqian's ability.

In terms of ability alone, Nie Xiaoqian may be slightly worse than Zhang Jiao, but Nie Xiaoqian has hundreds of years of experience more than Zhang Jiao.

Those hundreds of years of experience are enough for Nie Xiaoqian to crush Zhang Jiao perfectly when she is prepared. It is not that she thinks that hundreds of years are nothing. At the end of the Han Dynasty, the characters were still carved with bamboo slips, and reading was still a luxury. Even in the era of Nie Xiaoqian, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies and other military books were basically worthless.

Nie Xiaoqian was born in a scholarly family. She loved to read since she was a child, but she suffered catastrophic changes when she was an adult, experienced hardships, and was involved in the market.

The combination of abundant knowledge and bumpy life, poured into Nie Xiaoqian's smart brain, and Nie Xiaoqian's seemingly virgin, but in fact extremely tenacious personality, has created Nie Xiaoqian who is not inferior to any top women in history.

And such a person, who has made preparations in advance, has been developing silently for more than ten years, and knows the historical trajectory, loses Zhang Jiao, the problem is definitely not simple.

Zhang Jiao sensed Nie Xiaoqian's hostility towards him...

Zhang Jiao sensed Nie Xiaoqian's hostility without having any contact, not even saying a word, having had an exchange, and not even having much communication with Taiping Dao...

Like those spells in the world of Liaozhai, this world may have different rules of heaven, but Zhang Jiao obviously sensed Nie Xiaoqian's hostility in some way.

"Don't worry, Zhang Jiao will come to you... No matter if he wants to rebel or do anything else, your agricultural accomplishments are all he needs..."

Ling Tian thought for a while and slowly opened his mouth.

Zhang Jiao, the founder of Taiping Dao, and the disciple of the legendary Nanhua old immortal, at least that skill was taught by the legendary Nanhua old immortal.

Such a person is definitely extremely powerful, and any strong existence has great confidence in himself.

In this way, even if Zhang Jiao knew that Nie Xiaoqian was hostile to him, because of Nie Xiaoqian's agricultural skills, Zhang Jiao would come to see Nie Xiaoqian.

The only thing I don't know is when Zhang Jiao will come.

The matter of beheading Zhang Jiao cast a shadow, Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian could only wait patiently while carefully sorting out the power in their hands and waiting for the development of the matter.

In this way, in the past few days, Ling Tian has basically taken up the post of Bei'an Commander.

The situation in the entire Bei'an area was in Ling Tian's hands.

Similarly, after mastering this area, Ling Tian found that Nie Xiaoqian's arrangement here was almost perfect.

Although the situation on the alien races is complicated, as Nie Xiaoqian said, 90% of the alien races depend on Nie Xiaoqian's caravan to survive. As long as Nie Xiaoqian's caravan goes well, no one of those alien races will object.

Even the extremely powerful guy who appeared in the alien race would definitely not be able to make a big wave.

Everything was very peaceful, and even a family like the Xu family were very cooperative. If you don't think that this period was the period of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, it was the end of the Han Dynasty, then, for Ling Tian, ​​this was the most peaceful thing he had ever stayed in after crossing the border. years.

It seems that the battle, bloodshed, etc. are all gone.

However, the calm changed fifteen days after Ling Tian woke up.

"The shopkeeper's, the shopkeeper's..."

This day, early in the morning, Ling Tian was woken up by anxious and panicked shouts. He hurriedly stood up, and when he opened the door, he happened to see the door of Nie Xiaoqian's room on the opposite side.

The two looked at each other and immediately went to the gate of their house at the same time.

"The shopkeeper, the river is disappearing..."

Opening the door, outside the door, Ling Tian woke up and stood there with sweat on Nie Xiaoqian's face, looking at Nie Xiaoqian who opened the door and said.

The river, disappeared...

Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian were stunned for a moment at the same time, and then their expressions changed.

"Lead the way..."

Ling Tian's voice sounded in a deep voice.

The words "the river disappears" sounds strange, but neither Ling Tian nor Nie Xiaoqian were ignorant of people's livelihood. In this feudal era, farming depended on water sources, and in the north, there must be rivers around most of the fields.

If the disappearance of the river is a literal meaning, then the meaning it represents is chaos in the world.

Without thinking too much, Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian followed the man and ran outside quickly.

Nie Xiaoqian's house was not in Bei'an City, but in a village outside the city. There were countless ponds around the village. Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian followed the man all the way, and the faces of the two of them had just left the village. Dark down.

In the village, the water levels of several ponds they passed through seemed to have dropped by more than half compared to before.

Ponds are not connected to rivers, or even to groundwater. However, if groundwater dries up, the water-deficient earth will draw all water sources, including ponds.

After leaving the village, it didn't take long to reach a big river.

When Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian arrived, there were already scattered people standing along the bank of the big river. Obviously, they were all people who heard that there was a problem with the river and came to check.

In this era, all cities were built on the banks of rivers, especially in the north. The reason why Bei'an City could be built was because Nie Xiaoqian's agricultural skills and caravans were one aspect, and the big river was another aspect.

This is a big river with a width of hundreds of meters and a depth of tens of meters.

Originally, the water flow of such a river should be inexhaustible, but at this time, in the sight of Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian, the water flow of this river had already dropped and was about to reveal the riverbed.

"How could this happen... Has anyone sent someone to look at the upstream, is there something wrong with the upstream..."

Ling Tian looked at the scene in Da He Nei with an unbelievable feeling in his heart, and then he looked at the man who was going to report the letter and started shouting.

"Upstream, I have seen dozens of kilometers up, and downstream too, it's all the same, the water has disappeared..."

The man cried out in a bit of a breakdown.

In this era, the horror brought about by drought is by no means imaginable by future generations. Once there is no water source, there will definitely be a famine, which will be accompanied by the rise of displaced people, beacons everywhere, and the beginning of a chaotic world.

"Go to the guard camp and send the guards south to see other rivers, to see every river you can find, to see if the water in those rivers has disappeared..."

Suddenly, Ling Tian seemed to be thinking of something, he grabbed Nie Xiaoqian abruptly, turned around and ran back.

If all the water disappears is just a river on the side of Bei'an City, then it's not a big deal, but if it's all in the world, no, it doesn't need all, as long as most of the river water disappears, then chaos is inevitable.

"I don't believe that the water in the world will disappear for no reason, so don't worry, there must be a reason for this. If we find the reason, we can solve it. This world can't be messed up..."

Ling Tian pulled Nie Xiaoqian and opened his mouth while running.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian has lost her sense of proportion a little. This woman is indeed strong, but she is still just a woman after all. She has no ambition, she just wants to live quietly, plus a bit of the Virgin, she just wants peace in the world.

The disappearance of the water in this big river for no reason really gave her a great shock.

Under this kind of shock, Nie Xiaoqian didn't know what to do for a while.

Ling Tian may not be as good as Nie Xiaoqian in some respects, but he doesn't have the mentality of the Virgin, and he has experienced some things that Nie Xiaoqian has never experienced, so he is very calm at this time.

"The water in this world will not disappear for no reason, but the water on this land can completely return to the sea..."

The two were running fast, but a calm voice suddenly entered their ears gently.

Ling Tian's figure paused and blocked Nie Xiaoqian behind him.

At this time, Ling Tian's strength had long since lost its prime, but it was definitely not weak. The owner of this voice could only let Ling Tian realize where it was when he spoke, and his strength was absolutely terrifying.

Protecting Nie Xiaoqian, Ling Tian turned his face sideways, and beside him, a figure in the undisguised field was already standing there.

This is an old man who looks quite immortal. Although he is wearing a linen shirt, it gives people the feeling of a fairy.

"Zhang Jiao..."

Looking at the old man, Ling Tian opened his mouth with a hint of surprise.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, there were many well-known religious figures. Zhang Jiao, Yu Ji, Zuo Ci, and even Zhang Lu were all famous for a while. However, at this time, only Zhang Jiao was most likely to appear here.

The founder of Taiping Tao should also come to find Nie Xiaoqian.

"No need to be nervous, Pindao has no ill will towards the two of you. In fact, if Madam Nie can truly save the world, Pindao would be willing to lead a horse for Madam Nie even if she gave up her position as the leader of Taiping Dao..."

Zhang Jiao acquiesced to his identity, then looked at Ling Tian and said.

However, Zhang Jiao said it nicely, but Ling Tian couldn't believe Zhang Jiao's words at all, and even Ling Tian vaguely suspected that Zhang Jiao had something to do with the drying up of the river.

"All the dynasties in the world have qi, and the Han family has been enjoying the country for more than 400 years, and the qi will eventually be exhausted. In this world, I am afraid that there will be flames everywhere. The old man came to see Ms. Nie, and just asked, is there a way to grow food in this bare land..."

Zhang Jiao glanced at Ling Tian indifferently. Obviously, the old man saw Ling Tian's distrust, but the old man didn't seem to care, so he looked straight at Nie Xiaoqian and asked.

His question caused Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian to raise their brows slightly at the same time.

The Han Dynasty is exhausted. No matter how you listen to this sentence, the person who wants to rebel has found an excuse and reason, and the latter sentence seems to be a new emperor asking if he can quickly stabilize the country after the success of the rebellion. .

"Where does the qi come The things in this world are all made by humans. If we can conquer the sky with people, then where will the qi come from..."

Ling Tian looked at Zhang Jiao coldly and said.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian both knew that it was the end of the Han Dynasty, and the princes would soon rise up, but they both wanted to prolong the life of this big man.

Liu Han's acquisition of the country is disgraceful, and the Liu Han royal family is not a good royal family, but this big man, this Han nation, has indeed become the top empire in the world because of countless people with lofty ideals.

In later generations, except for a Tang Dynasty, in fact, basically no dynasty can surpass this dynasty.

If the food problem can be solved, perhaps, this dynasty can go another route, and peace will exist forever.

Ling Tian is not the Virgin, but now he yearns for peace, whether it is permanent peace or the peace he and Nie Xiaoqian need to live in, he hopes to keep this big man.

"Man wins over the sky, hahahahaha..."

When Zhang Jiao heard Ling Tian's words, he was stunned for a moment and then laughed. The old man seemed to have heard something extremely funny.

"Old Daoist sees that you are also a cultivator, where did this ridiculous saying come from, since Zhou Wu defeated Zhou, the emperor replaced the emperor, the emperor of the human race, and the emperor are willing to submit to the sky, how can there be a man in this world to conquer the sky... ... The prosperity of the human race is only four hundred, and who can compete, the only thing we can do is to minimize the loss..."

After Lao Dao laughed, he looked at Ling Tian and said word by word.

: . :

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