The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 228: terrible truth

Zhang Jiao's laughter seemed to be arrogant, but Ling Tian could hear full of resentment.

This is also obviously a poor man.

Ling Tian looked at Zhang Jiao indifferently. In real history, Ling Tian didn't know how old Zhang Jiao was when he rebelled, but Zhang Jiao, who was standing in front of Ling Tian now, was definitely over sixty years old.

Even in the Three Kingdoms of Gaowu, this age group is considered an elderly person.

In the past sixty years, no one knows how much Zhang Jiao has experienced.

However, Ling Tian didn't care about this either.

There are too many poor people in this world, and Ling Tian can't take care of it at all. Besides, he is not a Virgin. The reason why he does those things to maintain peace is only because he wants peace and because Nie Xiaoqian doesn't want to see death .

That's all.

"So, you must think that it is impossible for Dahan to continue to exist..."

With a mocking tone, Ling Tian looked at Zhang Jiao and said.

When he was talking, a strange breath had already locked Zhang Jiao, killed Zhang Jiao, and prevented the Yellow Turban uprising. This in itself was the plan that Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian made at the beginning. Now, although Zhang Jiao appeared, he said that he was a big man. The demise of the Yellow Turbans has nothing to do with the Yellow Turbans, and the Yellow Turbans never thought of rebelling.

But are these important? Obviously, these are not important.

"I want to try..."

Ling Tian looked at Zhang Jiao indifferently.

There was no Yellow Turban uprising, and no aliens invaded. Ling Tian really couldn't imagine how the big man could be destroyed.

Is it an aristocratic family?

Those guys may indeed be able to destroy the big guy, but what good is that for those guys?

Now is not the Sui Dynasty, nor the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. The rule of the Great Han is more loose than that of the Great Sui Dynasty. The great families of the Great Han have almost the same rights as the emperors in the Great Han, and in this era, no aliens have entered the pirates. Those great families of the Great Han are on the grasslands. Even the Western Regions, and even Europe as far as now, can rely on the banner of Dahan to make profits.

A strong and powerful man has only advantages and no disadvantages for any aristocratic family.

Ling Tian couldn't think of any reason for the aristocratic family to destroy the big man.

Since there is no reason, then the aristocratic family may not be able to save the big man. Then, if Zhang Jiao is killed, there will be no Yellow Turban uprising. Will the big man survive?

The murderous intent generated and spread, like thousands of threads starting to wrap around towards Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he sighed helplessly. Suddenly, his hand was picked up and released, and then the person flew towards Nie Xiaoqian like a bird with wings.

There is no doubt that in Zhang Jiao's place, Ling Tian is also not what he cares about. The only person Zhang Jiao cares about is Nie Xiaoqian.

The cold force exploded, Nie Xiaoqian's arm trembled, and traces of frost swept across, covering Zhang Jiao like snowflakes all over the sky.


A low voice sounded, Zhang Jiao's hand was pinched in the fly, a dull tone swept across, and Nie Xiaoqian's frost instantly dissipated.

Ling Tian raised his brows slightly, this was the power of Taoist mantras.

The Taoist mantra is very similar to the Buddhist mantra, and even many times, people only know the Buddhist mantra, but not the Taoist nine-character mantra.

However, the power of Taoist mantras is definitely not weak.

Buddhist mantras generally refer to certain spiritual powers, such as wisdom, will, etc., and then extend the meaning of immovable like a mountain and a diamond that is indestructible.

The Taoist mantra is closer to nature.

The conversion of the Buddha's diamond indestruction into Taoism probably means immortality and so on.

Zhang Jiao's cultivation base on Taoist mantras has obviously reached a certain extremely advanced level. The meaning of the word 'ping' itself is nothing, but when Zhang Jiao shouted this word, the whole world changed immediately.

Then, the word has some kind of extraordinary power.

This kind of power does not seem to be the same as the power Ling Tian knew about this world.

Ling Tian's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he didn't think much about it. After all, Zhang Jiao was claimed to be the descendant of Nan Hua, and it seemed normal to have some different powers.

With a slight movement of his figure, Ling Tianren disappeared directly from the spot.

Now, although his strength has fallen to the lowest level in history, his strength has not disappeared, and he still understands the movement technique of changing positions.

The blink of an eye appeared on Zhang Jiao's side, Ling Tian's arm shook violently, a trace of weak energy began to shrink, then condensed, and then directly attached to Ling Tian's arm, turning into an indestructible sword.

The long sword slashed, and Sen Han's sword intent immediately swept through.

At this time, Ling Tian's power was actually similar to Zhang Jiao's.

And this kind of resemblance made Zhang Jiao's eyes move slightly.

"Since you also use this kind of power, why..."

Zhang Jiao opened his mouth in doubt, but before he finished speaking, Ling Tian's sword intent was already falling towards him.

That sharpness suddenly made Zhang Jiao's remaining words suffocate in his throat, and the old man's eyes changed suddenly, probably, until Ling Tian shot just now, he never thought that Ling Tian would have such terrifying power.

Sword Intent, compared to when Ling Tian used to display it, was totally worthless. There was no such thing as destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

However, because of the decrease in power, the pertinence is increasing.

This sword completely pulled Ling Tian back from the powerful bombardment. Instead, he began to pay attention to the mystery of swordsmanship.

The sword qi was constantly entangled and changed on Ling Tian's arm, and then, the sword qi turned into countless mysteries, and the trajectory of Ling Tian waving his arm began to change into more variables.

Each of those kinds of variables is extremely dangerous, and even a little tip can kill people.

Facing Ling Tian's sword intent, Zhang Jue's eyes changed drastically.

This kind of swordsmanship is different from the traditional style of play in this world. Although there are many changes and mysteries in the swordsmanship of this world, this world is more about incorporating the vitality of heaven and earth into one's body, and then the body attack as a weapon.

These four words are not an adjective. In this world, fierce generals are really fierce generals, not only referring to their tyrannical strength, but also to their bodies. After incorporating so many heaven and earth vitality, this The physical strength of the world's fierce generals is simply appalling.

Under this violent physical strength, no matter how subtle the moves are, it is absolutely impossible to maintain the subtlety.

And now, although Ling Tian has obtained the Chaos Demon God, he has also understood the top martial arts of this world, but now that Ling Tian has no system, it is far from easy to integrate it into his own martial arts.

Therefore, this sword not only brought back Ling Tian's subtlety of swordsmanship, but also did not have any rigid power that belonged to this world.

A sword fell, not to mention that Zhang Jiao's face changed drastically, even Ling Tian himself felt a very mysterious feeling.

This sword, after Ling Tian lost most of his power and could no longer open the sky with a single strike, instead had a certain kind of charm that was close to Taoism.

Sword skills, probably this is called sword skills.

Ling Tian felt such a feeling in his heart, and his arm had already fallen naturally.

Next to him, Zhang Jiao's figure had already burst back when Ling Tian's arm fell. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Jiao's figure had already reached dozens of meters away, but just as he was about to leave Ling Tian's sword, Suddenly, a sword intent slashed through Zhang Jiao's chest.

Blood spattered, and Zhang Jiao's aura suddenly stagnated...


After being slashed with a sword, Zhang Jiao looked at Ling Tian with extreme horror. At the same time, Zhang Jiao's mouth spit out a sharp voice.

The blood in the sky exploded, and the overwhelming red swept across the sky, and Zhang Jiaoren disappeared directly in place.

Seeing Zhang Jiao disappear, Ling Tian had no intention of chasing after him.

The sword intent surrounding Ling Tian's arm had begun to dissipate, and it seemed that Ling Tian was in a state of unconsciousness.

Nie Xiaoqian didn't care about Zhang Jiao's escape, so she strode towards Ling Tian with worry.

"How are you? Are you alright?"

A worried voice came out of Nie Xiaoqian's mouth, she grabbed Ling Tian and began to examine it carefully.

"No, I'm fine..."

Recovered by Nie Xiaoqian's actions, Ling Tian patted Nie Xiaoqian lightly.

Ling Tian was not injured just now, of course, but after slashing Zhang Jiao's sword, Ling Tian really felt that he had touched a certain threshold of kendo.

With that sword just now, Ling Tian was completely over the top. Of course, even if he wasn't over the top, Ling Tian believed that he would still have a chance to hit Zhang Jiao, but that would require the cooperation of Ling Tian's own martial arts, chasing, attacking, azimuth blocking, etc. Wait, however, with that sword just now, Ling Tian actually didn't even chase after him at all, just following his own feeling, the sword fell.

Then, his sword intent actually hit Zhang Jiao across dozens of meters out of thin air.

These methods have already vaguely brought a taste of space rules.

Yes, the rules.

Ling Tian can be sure that he did not use any space-type power in the sword just now. In fact, in Lingtian's martial arts, space-type power is also somewhat. However, wanting to combine space-type power with martial arts, this itself It's not easy.

In the past few worlds, even after Ling Tian used the system to raise some martial arts to the highest level, it was absolutely impossible to integrate the power of space.

In this regard, Ling Tian's swordsmanship has definitely been greatly improved.

However, this was still not the reason why Ling Tian was stunned.

What really made Ling Tian stunned was that Zhang Jiao had just passed some words into his ears before he disappeared.

"The alien race is about to go south, and the aristocratic family will allow the alien race to destroy some villages and even cities, so as to create an inherent impression of the alien race's cruelty and strength. Then, the children of the aristocratic family can get enough merits by eliminating those alien races..."

These words were passed on to Ling Tian when Zhang Jiao disappeared.

Ling Tian didn't know whether Zhang Jiao's words were true or not.

If it's fake, it's nothing. If it's real, then Ling Tian can only say that the family in this world really knows how to play.

And if this is the case, Ling Tian is almost certain that it will be quite difficult to save the big man. Having experienced the worlds of Daming and Sui, Ling Tian clearly knows how terrifying the family can be to a dynasty.

"Look for a way to check whether there is a problem with the water sources in various places, especially check whether there is a problem with the water sources on the grassland..."

Ling Tian looked at Nie Xiaoqian and said.

In this era, the big Han is unprecedentedly powerful. Not to mention other places, there are a large group of people who surrender to the big Han around Bei'an alone. Even the tribes that rose up after Nie Xiaoqian's demise also surrendered to the big Han. That ambitious, and said to be extremely capable The head of the tribe is now just a vicious dog crawling at the feet of the big man.

In this case, the aristocratic family might be able to influence some clans, but destroying some villages and cities, especially the latter, fear that no clan around would dare to do so.

After all, no clan can bear the wrath of a big man now, unless this clan has reached a situation where it cannot survive.

On the grasslands, people's demand for water is no different from that of the Central Plains, and may even be more dependent on them. After all, the ecological environment of the grasslands is more homogeneous than that of the Central Plains.


Nie Xiaoqian didn't ask much, not even about Zhang Jiao's escape, but nodded.

The disappearance of the water in the river began to ferment completely in the next two days, and panic spread. Fortunately, Nie Xiaoqian once again showed the heritage she accumulated over the years.

Bags of grain were transported out, and then the porridge shed was built outside the city. Then, the Xu family and other aristocratic families cooperated to take out different amounts of grain and started small-scale disaster relief under the command of Nie Xiaoqian. Stable people.

In fact, the disappearance of the water in the big river will not have immediate consequences. No matter how the water disappears, it is not a problem to just meet the needs of drinking water in daily The real disaster is that there is no water source for irrigation, in the coming year lack of food.

And Nie Xiaoqian's behavior gave the people in Bei'an the hope of living.

This also made Bei'an quickly stabilized. However, Bei'an's stability was only limited. Nie Xiaoqian's staff quickly brought back news that neither Nie Xiaoqian nor Ling Tian wanted to hear.

The drying up of rivers is not a matter of one place, but a matter of the whole world. From the grasslands to the southernmost wilderness, most of the rivers in the world have disappeared, and the sea water seems to have risen, but not to mention the sea, a slight rise. It is almost impossible to see that it is meaningless to determine the changes of the sea just because the sea water cannot irrigate the crops.

In addition to this, Taiping Road flourished even more under this disaster.

People obviously like to find a support in disasters, and the already well-known Taiping Road is undoubtedly an excellent choice.

Zhang Jiao was not dead, and he believed that the big man was exhausted, and now there were natural disasters all over the place, Ling Tian was basically certain that the Yellow Turbans would rebel.

However, the situation with the Yellow Turbans was not the worst.

The news that Nie Xiaoqian arranged to bring back from the people on the grassland confirms the authenticity of the words Zhang Jiao left before leaving. On the grassland, some tribes are quietly gathering, and there is a great possibility of going south.

It's not that they are no longer afraid of big men, and it's not that they are too bold, but that as the water sources dry up, a large number of cattle and sheep of their tribe are dying. If they don't loot, those tribes will not be able to survive this year.

: . :

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