The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 234: White Horse Gongsun

The lakes are crisscrossed, if it weren't for the surrounding grasslands, and the mountains and fields in the distance were shining together, Ling Tian would think that he was looking at the sea.

Of course, Ling Tian can also be sure that the lake in front of him is definitely not as deep as the sea. Well, this is a conclusion drawn without considering the underground river channels.

This is a source of water flow.

As the world's water sources have dried up, the water sources here have also dropped a lot. You can see some trash fish jumping in places with puddles among the aquatic weeds.

However, those trash fish won't be around for long.

Because the flames have started to burn from all directions.

And apart from the flames, there are more densely packed animal carcasses around the lake.

In the humid wilderness, the grass and trees carry a lot of moisture, and they shouldn't burn so easily. However, the military advisers of this era seem to have their own talent for arson, such as Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu.

Under Jia Xu's command, even the water plants that had just been exposed due to the falling of the water source had already been set ablaze.

At the same time, with the flames and Jia Xu not knowing what to do, the carcasses of those animals that had just been hunted for a while had already rotted away as if they had been dead for several years.

The stench blanketed the entire lake area.

Standing on a high ground far away from the shore, Ling Tian could even clearly see some highly toxic liquids seeping into the water.

The water from the source infiltrates towards the underground channel and also towards the downstream.

It is not difficult to pollute a river, but it is extremely difficult to pollute the source of a water flow, and it can even be said to be impossible most of the time.

In fact, even if he was very tempted by Jia Xu's plan at first, Ling Tian had already given up on the plan when he saw the source. The source in front of him was already terrifying. With the addition of the underground river, it was simply a An unimaginably huge living water gathering place.

In such a place, to say that it is polluted is just like someone said to poison the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and even the sea, and poison all the creatures that use the water in these three.

However, now Jia Xu has done such a thing.

Poison, poison...

In this world, this poisonous man is no longer just referring to Jia Xu's xinxing in the original history.

In this world, Jia Xu, a poisonous man, is afraid that he really has the ability to poison the world.

"Captain, this person must not let him go. If he can't be used by adults, then it's best to kill him immediately..."

Behind him, Han Dang's voice sounded in a low voice.

"Lao Dian also really wants to cut this guy..."

Dian Wei's voice sounded at the same time.

However, both of them were surprised and frightened by Jia Xu's method.

"Captain, there is something moving..."

Ling Tian listened to Han Dang and Dian Wei's words, and looked at Jia Xu indifferently. He didn't say anything. In the distance, a scout horse came quickly, rushing and shouting.

This is not the first source of Ling Tian's pollution these days, but the third one. Ling Tian's luck is obviously not very good, but it is not bad at home. There is no need to pollute all the sources to find Goguryeo and Tiele. real clan.

"Continue with the brothers, keep an eye on Jia Xu, if you find any signs of escaping...kill him..."

Ling Tian turned his head and glanced at Han Dang and slowly ordered, and at the end of the sentence, he hesitated before spit out three words.

Jia Xu's fear is even worse in this world than the original history. If it is a strategy, Ling Tian may be afraid too, but the strategy can still be used to kill by force, and this kind of poison, even if Ling Tian can rely on the past. The various forces accumulated in several worlds can resist, but if he leads the army, there is another army that can resist this poison.

In this era, Jia Xu is definitely a strategic weapon of destruction.

He got on the horse and left quickly. I don't know if he forgot or what. Ling Tian seemed to have forgotten to take Dian Wei away.

And when Ling Tian left, Dian Wei also looked at Han Dang with a simple and honest smile.

Of the 8,000 people, 3,000 of them had been commanded by Han Dang in the past, and Jia Xu, although Han Dang and Dian Wei didn't like it, Jia Xu was also considered to belong to Ling Tian now.

Han Dang looked at Dian Wei, and then at Jia Xu, who was standing in the distance with a complacent smile.

"Next, I would like to trouble Brother Dian to watch this vicious guy with me, so that we can complete the task given by the commander..."

Han Dang said with a smile, Dian Wei still scratched the back of his head honestly and clasped his fists towards Han Dang.

It seems that this is the courtesy between the two warriors. However, Han Dang can be called Jiangdong Huchen in later generations, how can he be stupid, or even Dian Wei, who can make a great reputation among the rangers, It is even more capable of killing people and escaping far away, and it is definitely not really stupid.

Bei'an, the dilapidated city wall seems to be the kind of city that has been in ruins for a long time, and the dense army of aliens has already been attached to it. From a distance, the city wall of Bei'an seems to be covered with black insects. People feel scalp tingling.

Behind the hillside, Gongsun Zan stood at the outcrop and looked at Bei'an City coldly. His gaze was like a falcon from above the city wall to outside the city wall.

Continuous camps, continuous army formations.

What is the concept of an army of 600,000 people, it is hard for those who have not seen it to imagine. In fact, at this time, the army of Tiele and Goguryeo was surrounded by Bei'an City on all sides, not only to prevent the people in the city from escaping, but also Because if they were all in one place, there would be no way that many people could stand outside Bei'an City.

"Twenty-eight's a miracle..."

Gongsun Zan's eyes returned to the city wall from outside the city. With his eyesight, he could clearly see a slender figure flashing on the city wall, and the splendid cold light was swimming beside the figure, climbing one by one. The aliens on the city wall were swept down.

From half a month ago, only such a figure was left on the city wall. The real owner of the city, all the officials from the Xu family had already evacuated.

Or should not say evacuate, but has long been frightened.

Xu Feng, the head of the Xu family, was probably the longest supporter, but he only lasted until the tenth day. When Tiele and the Goguryeo allied forces rushed to the city wall for the first time, the head of the Xu family was frightened directly from the city wall. He fell down and never appeared on the city wall again.

"My sons, you should have all seen the behavior of those cowards in Bei'an City these days. Aristocratic families, hehe, it's not as good as women and children... Erlangs, attacking 600,000 with 30,000 is something that has never happened in history. I can't guarantee that you will all survive, so I waited with you for half a month, waiting for the enemy to start to slack off, and waiting for the enemy to pay more attention to Bei'an City...

Now is the best time for us to charge, of course, I can't guarantee that the charge will win now, but tell me, are you like the cowards in the city, or each of you is a real north Earth boy..."

Gongsun Zan's voice resounded loudly, and every cavalryman slowly stood up in this mountain pass.

30,000 to 600,000, this is indeed a crazy thing.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant the Han people in this era are, no matter how arrogant the Han people are, they are three to sixty, that's one to twenty, which is four times more than the one Han and Wuhu.


"Kill, kill, kill..."

In the silence, one of Gongsun Zan's personal guards shouted loudly, and then the screams of killing frantically sounded.

People follow the crowd, and soldiers, when their blood is burning, don’t say that 30,000 rushes to 600,000 enemy troops. Even if 30,000 rushes to 600,000 demons, there will definitely be people who will rush, just as the soldier in a certain film and television drama said. , As long as there is a person with a rush, even if it is dead, he will rush with his eyes closed.

"Target, the enemy's central army, follow me, rush..."

Gongsun Zan mounted his horse and rushed forward quickly.

The mountain is at most ten kilometers away from Bei'an City. It's not far, and it's not too close. This distance is just enough to allow the horses to run without giving the enemy the slightest chance to react. A qualified cavalry commander.


The halberd that whistled down was blocked by a long sword.

Under the huge power, the long sword constantly changed its power, and the power of the halberd was quickly removed in the blink of an eye more than ten times.

"Lu Bu..."

Wang Yue looked at Lu Bu and spoke in a deep voice.

He didn't come much to the Northland, and he had been there before, and he knew the reputation of Lu Bu in the Northland even more.

In the past, Wang Yue didn't think that Lu Bu was really that strong, but now, he recognized Lu Bu's strength.

And only the existence of the kind of reputation that has been spread out can put him so much pressure.

"Wang Yue..."

At the same time, Lu Bu looked at Wang Yue and said coldly.

Like Wang Yue, Lv Bu had also heard of Wang Yue's reputation.

No matter what kind of reputation the two have in later generations, at this time, in reality, they are both just rangers.

Moreover, Wang Yue's sword and Lu Bu's halberd are much more famous than Dian Wei or Gan Ning, who is also a ranger now.

"Fight out first, then we'll share the credit..."

Looking at Lu Bu, Wang Yue hesitated slightly and said.

The head of the Khitan leader, Wang Yue knew that even without him, Lu Bu could cut it off. According to his character, he wanted to return this head to Lu Bu, but without this head, he would probably be dead for the rest of his life. Never go back to the palace again.

Or the only person who will hear about the woman again soon is the son of the noble family that the emperor promised the woman to.

"Ha, do you qualify to share this credit with a certain family..."

Listening to Wang Yue's words, Lu Bu couldn't help but burst into laughter. Before the laughter ended, a furious roar roared from Lu Bu's mouth. The next second, the halberd rose into the air like an exposed dragon.

The blood mist that filled the sky was swept up, and the halberd moved and flashed in the blood mist, as if it came alive, it swept towards Wang Yue.

He almost ignored the Khitan's 200,000 cavalry, and at this moment Lu Bu was mad with every blow.

In this era, the big Han's attitude towards aliens is contemptuous. Even if Lu Bu prevented the 200,000 troops of the aliens from going to the Hexi Corridor, it is nothing to the big Han. Only the head of the Khitan leader, only that thing has Then a trace might make Lu Bu an officer.

Even if it is not enough to climb the ranks of middle-ranking officers, at most he can only get a captain, the highest officer in a place, but it is enough for a woman he loves to raise his head slightly in front of her family.

For a proud man, what a tragedy it is that he can't even let his woman raise her head in front of his family. This is unimaginable for ordinary people.

And Lu Bu, a man among men, is a thousand times more arrogant than the average person.

The significance of this Khitan leader's head to him can be imagined.

Now someone came out and said that he wanted to share this head with him, but he ran out when he was about to successfully kill the head of the Khitan. How could Lu Bu not be angry?


The violent impact shook.

The look on Lu Bu's face was crazy, Wang Yue's face flashed a trace of guilt, and then he calmed down completely.

"Fengxian...Damn it, Wei Xu, Song Xian, Hou Cheng, Gao Shun...Follow me, drive these Khitan people towards their other teams and disturb them..."

Later, Zhang Liao saw that Lu Bu and Wang Yue were fighting, and his expression changed. Although they killed the head of the Khitan, the Khitan still had nearly 200,000 iron cavalry. , no matter how strong they are, they will inevitably be consumed to death.

However, looking at the scene of Lu Bu and Wang Yue fighting, Zhang Liao knew more clearly that no one of them could separate the two of them. The strength of the two was so strong that anyone who went up here would be cut into 17 or 8 sections face to face.

The blood flowed all the way, and the scattered alien cavalry rushed in the direction of Bei'an. Behind, Ling Tian led thousands of people and detained hundreds of thousands of alien women and children.

"There are 600,000 people in Tiele and Goguryeo. You said how can we kill them all with 8,000 people, or in other words, kill them all without being killed by them..."

On the horse's back, Ling Tian looked at Jia Xu coldly and said, before the horse's back, Jia Xu's cheeks twitched slightly, even if the poisoner is good at at the moment, there is a feeling of madness.

In a few days, Ling Tian has taken the clan land hidden by Tiele and Goguryeo. Now, he has a clear understanding of the word poisonous. With such a counselor, many things will indeed be very simple, so, He didn't want to spend any more brain cells, and simply let Jia Xu make up his mind about what to do next.

In Bei'an, Gongsun Zan led 30,000 cavalry to penetrate an army formation of 50,000 people in Tiele. After the penetration, the number of cavalry behind Gongsun Zan was about 2,000 or 3,000 fewer than that of Tiele's 50,000 people. The army formation was not even half assembled.

Twenty-three thousand were two to three thousand, which was already a crazy victory, but at this time Gongsun Zan's unexpected advantage had disappeared, and the rest of the Tiele and Goguryeo cavalry had begun to surround him.

"Brothers, a certain family may not be able to take you out today, but a certain family promises to die with you..."

Gongsun Zan looked painfully at the cavalry that was still following him. Although most of the 30,000 cavalry were given by his father-in-law, half of the manpower that died just now were his personal guards, who were recruited and trained by him. Get along day and night.

"Where righteousness comes, life and death go hand in hand, the sky can learn from it, and the white horse is the proof... Today, there is no end to death, Gongsun Zan will never live alone..."

Gongsun Zan glanced around, and suddenly raised the spear in his hand and roared angrily. Under his crotch, a white horse with no stray hairs neighed up to the sky.

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