The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 235: heart, fearful, fearful

The halberds, the long swords, the constant collisions, the violent collisions were so clearly audible in the slaughter of 200,000 people.

Two people, one is a peerless swordsman and the other is a peerless warrior.

At this time, each of them did their best, but restrained, to avoid smashing the head that had been beheaded into pieces.

An area of ​​hundreds of square meters completely formed a blank area around the two of them. As the two moved, this area kept changing positions, but no matter where they reached, they could instantly create an empty forbidden area. .

The shocking power of the halberd and the sword intent swept away by the long sword easily emptied all those who were covered by this field.

Farther away, Zhang Liao, Wei Xu, Song Xian, Hou Cheng, Gao Shun and others quickly formed a team again and kept driving away the 50,000 elite Khitans who had been killed by Lu Bu with less than 2,000 people. cavalry.

Two thousand drive out fifty thousand, and then stir up fifty thousand with fifty thousand.

This kind of scene is definitely rare to see in the ages. However, at this time, Zhang Liao was beaten like a commander that defies the sky.

In this medieval era, the number of people on the battlefield may be very important, but the more important thing is the momentum, and once the momentum is displayed, it is possible for one or two thousand, or even a few hundred people to drive out tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people.

Of course, every time such a scene appears, it definitely represents the rise of a famous general throughout the ages.

At this time, Zhang Liao undoubtedly reached the peak of his life ahead of time. In the original history, Zhang Liao estimated that it would take another ten or twenty years before he had the opportunity to swept the hundreds of thousands of troops of Soochow with eight hundred iron cavalry in Xiaoyaojin.

Now, Zhang Liao has created an even more unrepeatable miracle. Two thousand rangers swept 200,000 Khitan cavalry.

However, when Zhang Liao was disturbing the Khitan army, dense horseshoes came from a distance along with the sound of footsteps.

On the high ground in the distance, a cavalry figure appeared, and it looked like there were at least tens of thousands of people.

"The Emperor of the Han ordered that the Khitans left their own clan without permission and invaded the territories of other clans. The criminals would not be forgiven, and they would kill them all..."

A low roar like a dull thunder came from a distance, and immediately, the same dull sound of horse hooves began to explode, and the cavalry began to run wildly.

The rush of tens of thousands of cavalry was more shocking than the 200,000 cavalry of the Khitan.

The face of the already disturbed Khitan cavalry began to show panic, but Zhang Liao stopped his horse, and there was a trace of strangeness in his eyes. Lu Bu and Wang Yue, who were fighting frantically, stopped at the same time, and the two looked at the tens of thousands of cavalry. fast direction.

"This credit... I'm afraid we can no longer compete for it..."

A wry smile appeared on Wang Yue's face, and the head that had been held tightly in his hand fell off.

Wang Yue, who had stayed in the palace, was more aware of the darkness of the officialdom than Lu Bu. When the tens of thousands of cavalrymen appeared, Wang Yue knew that this foreign race going south was actually just a game for those noble families.

"Who would dare to **** the credit of a certain family..."

Lu Bu's eyes widened, the halberd swung out of his hand, and looked fiercely at the direction where the tens of thousands of cavalry were charging.

Angry, irritable...

Lu Bu only felt the pain in his chest that was blocked in one breath.

It's just that the cavalry in the distance didn't care about Lv Bu's feeling. In the blink of an eye, the cavalry had already reached the vicinity, and then tens of thousands of people cut the 200,000 Khitan cavalry apart.

"Fengxian, the emperor's majesty's order has come down. Yuan Taifu ordered his son and nephew to personally direct the Yuan family's spies on the grassland to find out the strangeness of the alien race. There are some things here, so the Khitan must be completely destroyed..."

Ding Yuan's happy voice came from afar, he blinked his eyes and got close, looking at Lu Bu, who was full of resentment and anger, and said indifferently.

When he spoke, a sarcastic expression flashed from the depths of Ding Yuan's eyes.

What's the use of being a hero, what's the use of being a hero, let you be a hero, first try the quality of the Khitan, and in the end it's not about picking up the peaches by yourself.

This world, after all, is the world of the aristocratic family. It is ridiculous to not rely on the aristocratic family or think about how to satisfy the aristocratic family.

However, fortunately, Lu Bu is such a person. If not, with Lu Bu's military power, how can there be other warriors in this world.

"Master Yuan, Yuan Wei, Yuan family... When did they come to the grassland..."

Lu Bu roared angrily.

Although he had stayed in the barracks before, but with his status among the rangers in the Northland, there was nothing in the Northland that could be hidden from him, and there was a change in the alien race. Every one of the rangers on the northern grasslands could tell him for sure, except The necessary big man spies, absolutely no aristocratic family on the grasslands has sent spies there.

"Bold, Lu Bu, you can't revolt. You can know about the affairs of Yuan Taifu and the Yuan family. What is the identity of Yuan Taifu, and what he does, you can know..."

Ding Yuan's eyes roared furiously. After the roar, his tone was lowered again. He looked at Lu Bu deeply.

"Fengxian, calm down, this world belongs to an aristocratic family, even if it is a poor family, it will be very difficult, not to mention that we are not even a poor family... You will only kill your wife and daughter, except for the fact that we are not even a poor family. Besides, what's the use..."

The low-pitched words seem to be a well-meaning elder persuading an unhappy junior, but the last sentence is the essence of this sentence.

Few people in this world know that the flying general, Lu Bu, known as the tiger, is the only person in this world who will turn his head for him under any circumstances. Yan's daughter.

Lu Bu calmed down with heavy breathing.

"In this battle, I have merit..."

The demon-like eyes closed slightly. In this world of harmony, even the demons could only hold back.

"Naturally, I will help you remember..."

Ding Yuan laughed.

Of course, remember, just like in the past few years, all the credits are remembered, that is, they will not be exchanged for corresponding rewards.

On the other side, the sword-wielding Wang Yue looked at Ding Yuan sadly, and then his figure disappeared among the dense cavalry.

Let your martial arts be outstanding, let you take the rank of general in the army, what use is it in this era.

Bei'an, Ling Tian's eyes were indifferent, and Baqian Tieqi's eyes were as indifferent as his, and millions of women, children and children were being driven in front of them.

This is already the tenth day that they have broken through the Koguryeo and Tielezhen clans, and they have finally driven millions of women, children and children from these two clans out of Bei'an.

Goguryeo and Tiele had a total of 600,000 people, while Ling Tian had only 8,000 people. This difference in numbers was no longer something that could be smoothed out by tactics or strategies, even if it was like Zhang Liao who drove them away. Not even a single blow can do it.

An army of 600,000 people covers an area large enough to make any kind of rolling bead curtain unplayable.

With this amount, even if the 8,000 people Ling Tian brought with him were replaced by the hot weapons of later generations, he would still be unable to handle it.

What's more, the commander of the 600,000 people at this time is still the famous commander of Tiele, and now there is a very well-known Kurk on the grassland.

Therefore, Jia Xu really used his reputation as a poisonous man to the extreme. Eight thousand could not beat 600,000, so 8,000 pressed millions of women, children and children to attack 600,000.

This is a crazy tactic. Eight thousand people drove away millions of people, almost torn eight thousand people to pieces. At this time, even one brave man who stood up among the millions of prisoners was enough to destroy the eight thousand people. Thousands devoured.

It's just that Jia Xu's poison is obviously more than that. Millions of people are now poisoned by Jia Xu.

Not to mention fighting back, being able to walk is considered tough enough.

Outside the city of Bei'an, Gongsun Zan raised his hand holding the spear, and the white horse under his crotch raised his neigh to the sky. Next, he planned to take the remaining 20,000 people to his death. By this time, Gongsun Zan also knew that he had underestimated the alien race and destroyed 30,000 people. 600,000, he can't do such a thing.

But Gongsun Zan did not flinch at all. In fact, regardless of the history or romance recorded in later generations, Gongsun Zan was definitely a tough guy who was not afraid of death.

In other words, few of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms are afraid of death.

When the battle is defeated, self-immolation is most likely the last madness of these heroes.

"Lord Colonel, Lord Colonel...East, East..."

At this moment, a mixed voice of surprise, surprise, disbelief, and excitement suddenly sounded. The voice was mixed with so much that he couldn't help himself. Gongsun Zan subconsciously followed the voice to see it.

To the east, shadowy black lines appeared, and across the distance, Gongsun Zan could vaguely see that those people seemed to be women, children and children of different races. Gongsun Zan could better judge that they were at least over a million people.

At this time, more than one million women and children of different races must not have come to be reinforcements.

So, that's definitely a prisoner.

Millions of captives are still women and children, which undoubtedly shows that the alien lands have been emptied.

On the periphery, hundreds of thousands of alien troops rioted. Obviously, those aliens also saw the scene in the distance.

Compared with the alien cavalry, the prisoners were already crazy at this time, and millions of prisoners rushed towards the alien cavalry.

There is no one in this world who is not afraid of death. These women and children are just as afraid of death as children. Even if there are some of them who know that they can't attack their clan's army now, but there are millions of people who are sober, what's the use.

Under the mad charge of millions of captives, hundreds of thousands of alien cavalry could no longer maintain a stable formation.

The army formation began to disperse, and facing his own clansmen, including his own wife and children, those foreign cavalrymen dared not ride their horses and dash, let alone wield their swords.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were suddenly stagnant, as if they were trapped in the mud.

It has to be said that Jia Xu's poisonous scheme has completely manipulated people's hearts to the extreme, and is also anti-human to the extreme.

However, neither Ling Tian nor Gongsun Zan felt that there was anything wrong with Jia Xu's strategy.

Behind the millions of prisoners, 8,000 people have assembled again.

Ling Tian's indifferent aura completely connected 8,000 people with himself. The most basic anger of the emperor was completely unable to make Ling Tian transform and use the power of 8,000 people. To die is to pass Ling Tian's consciousness to 8,000 people. , so that the team of 8,000 people can be like arms and fingers.

However, such power is enough at this time.

On the other side, Gongsun Zan raised his hand that had dropped slightly.

"Form formation, formation formation... rush formation, rush formation..."

An extremely excited roar roared from Gongsun Zan's mouth. It was naturally impossible for Gongsun Zan to not know what it meant to him in such a situation.

In front, the hundreds of thousands of alien cavalrymen and over a million alien prisoners are now meat on the chopping block. They don't need to bother to defeat them at all, they just need enough energy to kill them.

In this case, fools can win the battle, the only difference is how much they gain.

Eight thousand on one side and more than 20,000 on the other, the two cavalrymen began to sprint rapidly amid the chaos of the alien race. Soon, the two cavalrymen turned into two sharp arrows, mercilessly piercing the dense crowd of alien races.

There is no barrier, just like a hot knife cutting through butter, two cavalry staggered past, then turned back, and crossed again... Millions of people, more than 30,000 people to beheaded, it will not be able to kill in a short time. Light, but after several cross-cuts, the alien race has begun to collapse.

Millions of aliens screamed and scattered wildly...

However, with millions of people huddled together and so easily dispersed, the killing continued.

It seems that Gongsun Zan and Ling Tian are about to perform a miracle, killing over a million prisoners and 600,000 cavalry with more than 30,000 people.

However, at this time, on the other side of Bei'an, on the high ground, a general who was over fifty years old slowly appeared on his horse, and behind him, at least nearly 100,000 cavalrymen followed.

"Zigan, after today, you will be famous all over the world..."

Next to the general, a man in a Confucian robe said with a smile.

"I would rather not have such a reputation..."

The general coldly glanced at the man beside and then looked at the battlefield in the distance. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Gongsun Zan and Ling Tian had won. The only difference was how many aliens they could kill.

At this time, his appearance was all about picking peaches.

A trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Gongsun Zan was his disciple, and Ling Tian was also the husband of Nie Xiaoqian, whom he admired very much, and he was also a great person in a generation.

However, the Taiping Dao in the Central Plains is about to rebel, and the aristocratic family is all taking the attitude of letting it go, which makes Lu Zhi extremely uneasy. Over the years, he has been in contact with the Taiping Dao, and he has learned about this Dao sect, so he clearly knows What kind of disaster would the Taiping Road rebellion be?

Although this disaster cannot destroy Dahan, but, with this disaster, Dahan is afraid that it will no longer be able to maintain this fragile balance.

In order to be able to take the initiative in the conquest of Taiping Dao, he must take the credits of his own disciples and Ling Tian, ​​and then share it with those noble families, so as to obtain the entry volume to participate in pacifying the Taiping Dao rebellion.

"By the emperor's order, with the cooperation of Yuan Taifu, Yang......and other families, we will expose Tiele, Goguryeo, and Khitan to gather millions of exterminate the clan and set an example..."

A low voice came out of Lu Zhi's mouth.

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