The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 236: princes and generals

100,000 cavalry, 100,000 well-trained cavalry, 100,000 mechanical cavalry swooped down in the most neat formation.

In an instant, the sound of the whole world has disappeared.

Millions of foreign women, children and children, hundreds of thousands of foreign cavalry, even Lingtian's 8,000 cavalry, Gongsun Zan's more than 20,000 cavalry were all obscured by the more than 100,000 cavalry.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Gongsun Zan watched the 100,000 cavalry swooping, and suddenly laughed, laughing loudly, as if he was very happy, but in the place where no one saw him, there was a sad look in his eyes covered with his hands.

In this **** world, the biggest credit this time is Ling Tian, ​​followed by him. Originally, the two of them should have created the most terrifying battlefield miracle in history, 38,000 sweeping 600,000, if those prisoners count In other words, 38,000 swept nearly two million aliens.

What a terrifying miracle, it was enough for him and Ling Tian to be famous for the ages, and to be remembered in history.

And now, there's nothing left.

A feeling of worthlessness appeared in Gongsun Zan's heart.

Is this damned world still worth his efforts to protect?

Is it worth his hard work in this northern land? Or, learn from those who are savage, anyway, as his father-in-law, maybe he can get promoted quickly like this.


Behind, someone spoke, it was Gongsun Zan's personal soldier.

These personal soldiers did not understand many calculations, they only knew that they had won this battle.

"Let's withdraw..."

On the opposite side, Ling Tian, ​​who also saw Lu Zhi coming with 100,000 cavalry, exhaled, and immediately opened his mouth to Han Dang and Dian Wei.


The latter two stared blankly at Ling Tian.

Retreat at this time, isn't it the credit of giving up?

Although these two men are not stupid in some aspects, such as battlefield intuition, they are called beasts, but sometimes they are stupid and tight, such as official intuition, like children.

"They're here. In fact, we don't have anything to do here anymore. From now on, whether we win or lose, this battle has nothing to do with us..."

Ling Tian glanced at Han Dang and Dian Wei and said.

Ling Tian himself had no opinion on the end of the battle. In fact, if the war could be ended earlier, Ling Tian would not care about the credit at all. However, he also understood that this was extremely unfair to Han Dang and Dian Wei.

"Let's go, go... I just went back to the shopkeeper to collect the reward after the fight, haha..."

He was stunned for a moment, then Han Dang laughed.

Han Dang was obviously open to the fact that the battle had nothing to do with them, while Dian Wei laughed a little later.

Thinking about it, it's not unusual. With the contacts Nie Xiaoqian has accumulated over the past ten years, Han Dang and Dian Wei Danfan want a half-official position. With their strength and Nie Xiaoqian's contacts, they have long been enough to help a lower-level officer.

In fact, the two of them have been following Nie Xiaoqian all the time, and never thought of relying on Nie Xiaoqian's connections to become an officer.

"Let's go then..."

Ling Tian looked at Han Dang and Dian Wei carefully, and confirmed that the smiles of both of them came from the heart. He immediately laughed, and then Rama walked towards Bei'an.

In the crowd, Jia Xu twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw the three people's reactions, and then his eyes showed an incomprehensible look.

Originally, seeing Lu Zhi appear with 100,000 cavalry, Jia Xu was already anxious.

He was worried that Ling Tian asked him to help him and figured out how to get the credit that belonged to Ling Tian and others from Lu Zhi. In that case, it would really cost him his life. He was a poisoner, but he was not a poisoner either. powerful.

But now, Ling Tian has no such thoughts at all, which makes Jia Xu feel at ease, but a strange feeling emerges in his heart.

In the distance, Gongsun Zan, who was also full of resentment, originally planned to bring more than 20,000 people under his command to meet Ling Tian, ​​but then he saw Ling Tian bringing Han Dang, Dian Wei and all the 8,000 soldiers still alive towards the north. He walked away in peace, sighing helplessly at the moment, extinguishing all unnecessary thoughts.

With 100,000 Han cavalry swept across, more than a million mixed races were quickly cleaned up.

Most of the hundreds of thousands of alien cavalry were killed and wounded, but the rest fled in a strange way, while the millions of alien women, children and children were even more miraculous and one did not escape.

Bei'an, the city head, Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian stood quietly together.

Both of them were covered in blood. Looking at the final battle outside Bei'an City, they both showed a hint of helplessness and sadness in their eyes.

Both of them from the later generations are very clear about who Lu Zhi is. Even if they are not clear, they can know just by looking at the 100,000 cavalry swept before. If Lu Zhi wants, he can wipe out all those alien races at any time.

But in the end, most of the alien cavalry still fled, which means that Lu Zhi planned to let go of the general alien cavalry from the very beginning.

"The Yellow Turbans... are going to rebel..."

An indifferent voice came out of Ling Tian's mouth, not even the slightest sarcasm. He had seen too many similar things, and Ling Tian had no longer even the slightest sarcasm in his mind.

These aristocratic families always think that they are the center of the world and that they can count everything.

Then, things that are enough to make anyone with a little bit of conscience look at it can't wait to go crazy.

"By the emperor's order, destroy the whole family of Koguryo, Tiele, and Khitan, and order Bei'an to prepare food and grass... for this will chase and kill Goguryeo, Tiele's remnants..."

Soon, Lu Zhi's deep voice sounded outside the city.

One hundred thousand iron cavalry swept the north.

It sounds very mighty, but Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian are both human beings, how can they not know the story behind this.

The 100,000 cavalry that Lu Zhi brought this time is probably the most elite in the northern part of the Han Dynasty, at least the most elite cavalry in the northeast region. Once these cavalry enter the grasslands and do not return for a long time, the Central Plains area will fall into the most elite iron cavalry in the history of the Han Dynasty. Empty times.

At this time, if the Yellow Turbans encountered something that had to rebel, millions of Yellow Turbans would soon sweep across the Central Plains.

Of course, even if the most elite Dahan iron cavalry fell into the grasslands, the Yellow Turban rebellion would never succeed. After all, Dahan had other troops. However, if the other troops wanted to exterminate millions of Yellow Turbans, it would not take two days a day. God thing.

"Is there any way to save this world..."

Nie Xiaoqian's weak voice sounded.

Ling Tian turned to look at Nie Xiaoqian carefully, and suddenly revealed a faint smile.

"Are you interested in being an emperor, empress, an empress like Wu Zetian, and then create a world that both you and I like, and when the world is stable, we will hand over the throne and play around the world, and then we will get tired of waiting for this. The world, my power has also returned to its full glory, and we will go to the next world to continue playing..."

Ling Tian looked at Nie Xiaoqian and said slowly.

As soon as the sentence fell, Nie Xiaoqian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ling Tian dumbfoundedly.

Being the emperor, Nie Xiaoqian never thought about this.

However, Ling Tian knew that with Nie Xiaoqian's ability, if he were an emperor, he would definitely not be inferior to most of the so-called Ming Jun in history.

"Treasurer, Captain, Master Lu is here..."

At this moment, Dian Wei's voice resounded not far away.

Han Dang and Dian Wei were both standing not far from Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian. The conversation between the two was only vaguely heard by Han Dang, but Dian Wei could hear it clearly. However, this ranger was obviously not loyal to the big man. If it was Nie Xiaoqian If he really became an emperor, Dian Wei would probably be happy instead.

Therefore, at this time, Lu Zhi was still far away from the city, and Dian Wei had already opened his mouth to remind Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian.

"Ms. Nie..."

When Dian Wei was talking, Lu Zhi had already climbed the city wall, and soon he was in front of Nie Xiaoqian and Ling Tian. Lu Zhi spoke with a slight hesitation.

After saying those words, he looked at Ling Tian again.

"Feel sorry……"

A very sincere apology. Lu Zhi didn't say the reason for his apology, but everyone knew why Lu Zhi apologized.

"Suppressing the rebellion is the responsibility of the frontier army itself, so what is there to apologize for..."

Ling Tian smiled calmly.

At this time, Ling Tian had already developed the idea of ​​supporting Nie Xiaoqian in his struggle to dominate the world. As for Lu Zhi, although he knew that it was impossible to win over him, Ling Tian believed that Lu Zhi would definitely be able to create many opportunities for him to make contributions in the subsequent eradication of the Yellow Turbans. .

Of course, when the time comes, the aristocratic family will also participate in the competition for military merit, but then the **** will also participate in it, and if you have money, there is nothing wrong with the eunuch.

"You two, I don't want to say anything extra, but I will do my best to solve the matter on the grassland, but I also need to go south at any time. If the matter on the grassland has not been completely solved by then, I am afraid that I will need to trouble you two. Lu Ziqian, please two..."

Lu Zhi clasped his fists and bowed to Nie Xiaoqian and Ling Tian to the end.

In Lu Zhi's current status, apart from the three princes and nine ministers, none of the other officials would dare to say that they were definitely better than others. Facing Lu Zhi's such a gift, even Ling Tian was slightly surprised.

This is a good official.

This official, just like he and Nie Xiaoqian thought, wanted to save the big man, but the big man was afraid that there was no way to save him.

The Yellow Turbans naturally wanted to rebel, but Lu Zhi, Lu Zhi was afraid that they would not be able to solve the Yellow Turbans.

According to Nie Xiaoqian's information, Lu Zhi should not be a pedantic person, and it is unlikely that he will be harmed by the **** because he is unwilling to give money to the eunuch. Obviously, there are other things involved.

Ling Tian guessed that it was probably nothing more than aristocratic families who were making trouble inside.

In this era, facing the family, even Ling Tian would not dare to underestimate him.

The Three Kingdoms of Gaowu, even though they are Gaowu, but their personal valour obviously cannot control the general trend of the world, so the strength of the aristocratic family is terrifying.

The Yellow Turbans swept across, the world was in turmoil, and more than 400 years of chaos and chaos, the aristocratic family not only did not shrink, but instead became a huge family with five surnames and seven nobles in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

"Sir, get up, Bei'an is our hometown, no matter if it's an alien or anything else, we won't let it get cholera here..."

Ling Tian stretched out his hand, helped Lu Zhi up, and spoke with incomparable firmness.

This sentence is in response to Lu Zhi's request, and it is also a precaution for future matters, not only aliens, if the Yellow Turbans come, Ling Tian will not let it go.


Lu Zhi reached out and patted Ling Tian's shoulder, then clasped his fist at Nie Xiaoqian, then turned around and walked down the city wall quickly.

"Lu Ziqian, it's a pity..."

Looking at Lu Zhi's back, Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help sighing slightly.

After saying this, she looked at Ling Tian.

"Perhaps, I should consider your suggestion..."

People like Lu Zhi will be punished, so what else can this big man save.

No matter how powerful Nie Xiaoqian is, after all, she is not a god, she is still a woman, how can she save anything in this era, and Ling Tian is stronger than Nie Xiaoqian in certain aspects, but Ling Tian is even more arrogant than Nie Xiaoqian.

How could such an arrogant person be able to save the big man from the filth of those aristocratic families, and it would be good not to take the initiative to kill them all.

"Handang, our caravan should focus more on Qingzhou and go to Bingzhou..."

Nie Xiaoqian turned to look at Han Dang not far away.

Qingzhou, located on the side of Hebei, is an important area for Cao Cao's rise in the future. It is also through Qingzhou that Cao Cao can stumble over Yuan Shao. With Nie Xiaoqian's current status in Bei'an, she will definitely not give up in Bei'an, and Youzhou, although Originally it would have been Gongsun Zan in history, but in this world, I am afraid that Gongsun Zan would never be able to compete with Nie Xiaoqian, let alone Gongsun Zan, even Liu Yu would never be able to compete.

Youzhou is definitely in hand, and the next expansion areas Nie Xiaoqian can choose are Qingzhou, Yizhou, Bingzhou and other places, but the Yuan family is deeply rooted in Hebei, no matter how talented Nie Xiaoqian is, it is difficult to compete with the Yuan family. extremely difficult.

In this way, we can only cross the sea to capture Qingzhou, and then use Qingzhou and Youzhou to flank Yizhou.

"Dian Wei, you take the time to visit Bingzhou, this time the Khitan is heading west, I don't believe that the tiger will be indifferent, and looking at the scene here, I am afraid that the tiger will not be able to get any credit~www.readwn. com~ Now ten percent is suffocating, help me send a letter to that tiger..."

Nie Xiaoqian gave Han an order and then looked at Dian Wei, a sneer spread from the corner of her mouth.

The Yellow Turban Uprising is about to begin, but this time, she hopes to see a different battle to pacify the Yellow Turbans.

It's ridiculous that someone like Lu Fengxian was unknown during the Yellow Turban Uprising.

Lv Bu is famous, and there are heroes everywhere. The family is shameless, and the royal majesty does not exist in a world.

In Bingzhou, the burly figure of Lu Bu was standing at the gate of the humble courtyard. A panting war horse followed behind him. The horse was obviously exhausted and even had difficulty walking. However, even in the north, the price of war horses was extremely high. Gao, with Lu Bu's salary, he really couldn't afford a better war horse.

Not only the war horse, but even the halberd in his hand has been full of pits. In later generations, because of Lu Bu's martial arts, Fang Tianhua halberd has become a weapon of magic. Who would have thought that a ranger, a master book, no matter how powerful Wushuang, where do you have the money to play with magic weapons?

Pulling the exhausted warhorse to the ground and carrying the halberd that was about to be scrapped, Lu Bu stood at the door of the humble courtyard for a long time, not daring to reach out and knock on the door.

This time, she came back without success. As the master book, how could Yan shi stand up and face her family, even if this woman never complained, but as a man, how could she be invisible.


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