The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 237: When the Yellow Dragon rises, the heroes lurk

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the five years have passed.

The dynamics of the three major foreign armies in the north with nearly one million troops did not affect the prosperity of Luoyang, the capital of the Han emperor.

The aristocratic family continued to calculate everything, and how to maintain the ten permanent attendants seemed to threaten them, but in fact it would not affect them at all, so that Emperor Han Ling would not be afraid of them.

At the same time, the world's water resources are drying up, which makes the family even more calculated, how to reduce the loss, and more importantly, how to make the family benefit from this matter, so that the descendants of the family can take advantage of the situation.

Every time something big happens, it’s a disaster, but it’s also an opportunity.

Luoyang, like a labyrinth of alleys, several guards in uniforms embraced each other, blocking a man running in embarrassment in the middle of the alley, and then they swarmed up and overwhelmed him to the ground.

The man who was brought down was called Tang Zhou, one of Zhang Jiao's direct disciples. He came to Luoyang this time, but he had nothing to do with Zhang Jiao, but because he was from Luoyang himself, someone sent him a letter not long ago that he mother is seriously ill.

Now, there is no doubt that this is a trap.

"take away……"

A low voice sounded, and a group of standing guards quickly wrapped Tang Zhou and disappeared into the alley.

"The servants and guards can do things in Luoyang's prefect's mansion. This big man... is there any help..."

The Changfu guards disappeared, and several young people with good looks and refined temperament appeared in the place where Tang Zhou was brought down.

One of the young people with deep eyes spoke with a sigh.

"If you can let His Majesty know... sigh..."

Beside him, a young man with the same deep eyes couldn't help but sigh halfway.

"Wen Ruo seems to want to understand, in this world, there is no salvation..."

The young man who spoke before looked at the second young man's reaction and couldn't help but smile.

"There are no rules, is that how you talk to your uncle..."

The second young man rolled his eyes and glanced at the first young man. While speaking, the anxiety in his eyes became more intense.

"Wenruo, Gongda, from today onwards, I ask you to keep a low profile and keep a low profile. If the matter of the Taiping Road can be resolved as soon as possible, it will be fine, if... sigh..."

A low sigh spread out in the alley.

The figures of several men quickly disappeared into the alley.

A few days later, news came out in Luoyang City that Tang Zhou, a disciple of Taiping Dao, took the initiative to find the government and surrendered himself, reporting the Taiping Dao rebellion. At the same time, 70% of the state capital Taiping Dao disciples rebelled at the same time.

Many religious believers who had simply entered Taiping Dao to seek peace of mind were inexplicably carried by others and began to pass through the prefectures, while the defenders of the prefectures collapsed without a fight.

In a short period of more than ten days, the entire big man has been covered in flames and smoke everywhere.

Somewhere deep in the mountains, Zhang Jiao, who fought against Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian earlier in the Northland, was found by Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang. After the fight with Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian, Zhang Jiao suffered severe internal injuries. Maybe he had the intention of rebelling. , but at this time there is no reason to rebel.

"Good means, good means... We were caught off guard like this, let us loose the sand, and it looked like a mighty one, so that they could have a chance to get enough merit..."

Zhang Jiao sneered when he heard what Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang said.

Although only a short month has passed, most of Zhang Jiao's injuries have recovered.

At this moment, full of anger, Zhang Jiao slowly got up.

The terrifying power immediately dissipated.

"Those families thought we would be used by them so easily. It's a joke. Even if I can't achieve my original goal, it's still fine to cut the red dragon..."

Zhang Jiao's icy eyes looked towards Luoyang.

"Help me prepare things, I want to kill the dragon..."

The deep voice dissipated, and Zhang Jiao's aura became even more intense.

When Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

Slaughtering a dragon sounds like a mighty word, but in reality, slaying a dragon is by no means an easy task.

In this world, what can be called a dragon is simple.

After all, this is not a popular novel of Ling Tian's first life. Dragons have become common things like caterpillars. In this era, dragons are still supreme, regardless of the East or the West, but everything related to dragons is a supreme being.

Zhang Jiao may have extraordinary skills, but it will never be easy to kill a dragon.

Ten days later, the Yellow Turbans officially erected their flags, and the Thirty-Six Canal Commanders officially appeared in all parts of the Han Dynasty. Originally, they seemed to be very powerful, but in fact, the rabble Yellow Turbans began to appear organized.

Thirty-six lands swept across the north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest of Dahan... Only the northwest and Luoyang Guanzhong did not have the Yellow Turbans.

However, as the Yellow Turbans from all over the country began to sweep, a large number of disaster victims also poured into Guanzhong.

On the earth, all the green plants have been turned into food by the homeless.

Guanzhong, which was originally a land of lush water and soil, turned into a thousand miles of red in just three months.

Within three months, Lu Zhi, who had traveled to the northern grasslands, had already returned, and was immediately appointed by the emperor as the commander-in-chief of the crusade against the Yellow Turbans.

However, Lu Zhi obviously came back a little early, which made those aristocratic families extremely unhappy. Then, Lu Zhi was targeted by the eunuch, inexplicably offended the eunuch, and was ordered by the emperor to be escorted back to Luoyang.

Immediately after the change of coach, the disciples of the aristocratic family finally began to go into battle together.

However, when the children of the aristocratic family began to fight together, heroes who were far more brilliant than the children of the aristocratic family emerged from all over the place.

In Dolphin County, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei led three hundred people to kill the Yellow Turbans and led Pei Yuanshao, Bei'an, Ling Tian, ​​Han Dang, Dian Wei, Taishi Ci, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and 8,000 iron cavalry from Bei'an to sweep down directly. The Yellow Turbans that destroyed the entire Youzhou, except that the Dolphin County was deprived of a little credit by Liu Bei and covered up a little color, the rest of the land has nothing to do with others.

Beidi, Bingzhou, Lu Bu, who resigned from Ding Yuan's position as the chief bookkeeper, led Hou Cheng, Song Xian, Wei Xu, Gao Shun, Cao Xing, and nearly 2,000 rangers to the south. On the way, they swept the invincible and approached Luoyang. At that time, hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans had already been swept away, and several Shushuai Qu had been beheaded.

The Yellow Turbans in Bingzhou and even Yizhou were almost swept away by Lu Bu's army.

The outbreak of Ling Tian and Lü Bu also stimulated those aristocratic families. Nanyang, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, etc. joined forces and directly wiped out hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans in Nanyang. Jiangdong, Sun Jian led Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and others to reach Jiangdong in March.

At the same time, when Ling Tian swept across Youzhou, Gongsun Zan led 30,000 cavalry to the south and swept the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou.

The Yellow Turban uprising this time was much faster than the pacified time in history.

However, when the three brothers Zhang Jiao died, black clouds floated above the sky of the big man. Everyone could clearly see that within the clouds, a golden dragon was ruthlessly on a red dragon. took a bite.

Although the golden-yellow giant dragon bit the red dragon and dissipated directly, the scarlet giant dragon seemed to have also suffered great damage, and it became transparent.

The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand...

In the beginning, when Taipingdao rebelled, a rumor from an aristocratic family suddenly appeared in everyone's heart.

Perhaps, this is not a rumor, just a slight change, both are dead.

The war is decided in March.

However, Emperor Ling of Han's spirit was exhausted.

After March, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty decided to establish the Eighth School of the West Garden, and the whole family in the court began to riot.

The eight schools in the West Park represent the eight top officers.

All the aristocratic families want to intervene.

However, at the same time, on the ground, these families began to move at the same time.

In the land of Jiangdong, Sun Jian's mansion, a smiling elegant man sat opposite Sun Jian.

"My son admires Brother Sun's military ability very much, and hopes to get more guidance from Brother Sun..."

The elegant man smiled and looked at Sun Jian and said.

A lot of pointers, military capabilities...

Of course, this is a nice thing to say, but in fact, it's just an excuse to recruit Sun Jian.

The son of that refined man is named Yuan Shu.

"Mr. Sun has little knowledge, I'm afraid he may not be able to give Yuan Gongzi much help, please atone for his sins..."

However, in history, Sun Jian, who had joined Yuan Shu in the past, turned down Yuan Shu's solicitation tactfully but firmly this time.

Following Sun Jian's words, the elegant man's smile faltered. He never expected that Yuan Shu's solicitation would be rejected by Sun Jian.

You must know that the Yuan family is the third prince of the fourth generation. In today's world, apart from the royal family, which other aristocratic family can compare with the Yuan family, and Sun Jian, although he claims to be the descendant of Sun Wu, but in which year was Sun Wu a historical figure? Don't say that Sun Jian may not have anything to do with Sun Wu.

Even if Sun Jian is really a descendant of Sun Wu, it is already worthless now.

Under these circumstances, Sun Jian's refusal of Yuan Shu's solicitation was nothing short of extraordinary.

"Sun Wentai doesn't have to think too much about it..."

At this point, the elegant scribe's tone suddenly became gloomy.

At this time, this scribe did not know that there were more than one or two like him.

In Bei'an, the same elegant scribes were directly stopped a few kilometers away from Nie Xiaoqian's mansion. Although Nie Xiaoqian lived in the village, unless the army came, otherwise, the defense of this village was more strict than that of Bei'an City. .

There is no way, although there are ordinary villagers in this village, the people of the whole village can repay Nie Xiaoqian with death.

And there are thousands of guards around the village.

"You know who I am..."

The scribe angrily spoke to the guard who stopped him, but the guard responded with a long knife that the guard slowly drew out.

Looking at the guard's extremely cold eyes, the scribe didn't even dare to say a word of cruelty. He could feel it. If he dared to say a word of cruelty, the guard would dare to slash his neck with a knife. .

At the same time, Northland and Bingzhou.

Ding Yuan's body trembled as he stood outside Lu Bu's humble house, and an iron lock on the gate of the house was in sight.

"Lu Bu took his wife and those rangers to the grasslands, saying that he was going to grab a few more horses, and then he could fight with two horses alone..."

Next to him, Ding Yuan's guard informed Ding Yuan of the news.

Lu Bu, who made a great name in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, didn't even think about getting any credit this time, nor did he think about going to Ding Yuan in exchange for any credit or getting a military position such as a commander. Instead, he took his wife and The brothers went to the grasslands.

This made Ding Yuan very unacceptable.

And just when Ding Yuan was trembling with anger, at the end of the street, a group of people crowded and made Ding Yuan's body tremble slightly.

He was able to recognize that one of those people seemed to be a member of a top family in Luoyang.

Lu Bu, after all, was spotted by a certain top family, but unfortunately, he didn't meet him.

If Lu Bu met someone from this top-level family, then, does this Northland have something to do with it...

Ding Yuan's body trembled, and there was a look of extreme resentment in his eyes.

There were many different places, and the heroes seemed to be everywhere, but they soon disappeared. Sun Wentai rejected Yuan and quickly disappeared in Jiangdong. Except for Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian, other heroes who rose in the Yellow Turban Uprising were hidden one after another.

In this way, three years later, the Yellow Turban Uprising was originally a strategy from the Aristocratic Family, but this time the Golden Uprising did not seem to have achieved any of the Aristocratic Family's goals.

Three years after the Yellow Turban Uprising, the family started an inexplicable struggle.

And Liu Hong's body didn't know why it weakened so quickly. In the third year, Liu Hong could no longer sit on the dragon chair for the morning court, and the court affairs could only be completed in front of Liu Hong's bed.

In the 60s of this year, the heat wave swept through for the first time. Inside the palace, on the first day that the bronze Tibetan ice cooled down, Liu Hong fell into a coma in the cold air brought by the melting ice.

And this faint Liu Hong never woke up again.

General's Mansion, He Jin received the news of Liu Hong's death as soon as Butcher He is no longer the same as in the original history and in Romance. He was not excited or hurried to deal with Liu Hong's death. After the news, He Jin recruited his confidants.

"Send this imperial decree to Jiangdong and give it to Sun Wentai... Remember, it must be delivered, and I will ask the embroidery envoy to **** you..."

"Send this to Bei'an and give it to Ling Tian... Remember, be sure to..."

"This one, send it to Jiuyuan, Bingzhou, and give it to Lu Bu... Remember..."

With uncontrollable excitement in his eyes, He Jin carefully instructed his confidants. Although He Jin is not a smart person, he is not a fool either. In the past, he was surrounded by too many aristocratic and smart people. , Therefore, in the case of those aristocratic sons and smart people who didn't take him seriously, he was tragic.

In this world, no matter Sun Wentai, Lu Bu, or He Jin, they are all connected to one person, and that is Nie Xiaoqian.

Then, everything started to be different.

Up to now, Sun Wentai, Lu Bu, and Ling Tian have all made their names in the Yellow Turban Uprising. He Jin, as long as he is not an idiot, knows what it means for these three people to bring the warriors under their command to him.

Of course, at this moment, He Jin had absolutely no idea that Sun Wentai, Lu Bu, or Ling Tian had no intention of coming quickly.


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