The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 251: Exotic Chaos

"The stars fall to the southwest, Gengjin White Tiger...

Xi Zhicai kept pinching his fingers, and his face became more and more ugly.

Medical divination Xingxiang, as a strategist in this era, Xi Zhicai is obviously qualified. Even if his divination method is not comparable to Mr. Shuijing, it is definitely not much worse.

"Sun Wentai..."

Three low words came out of his mouth, Xi Zhicai's body trembled violently, and he fell to the side.

Beside him, Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Yun, and Guan Yu reached out to support him at the same time.


A worried voice sounded. At this time, Xi Zhicai's face was extremely pale, and the whole person seemed to be on the verge of dying, but it was terrifyingly tight.

"Sun Wentai is afraid that he has fallen, and the land of Jiangdong will not live in peace..."

Xi Zhicai looked at Ling Tian and Lu Bu, who had just returned.

Behind Lu Bu, Rhaedia stared at several people with wide eyes, and a trace of worry flashed from her eyes.

This woman is a Han Guotong. In a short period of time, she has roughly inquired about the scene of the big Han from the huge army formation, even if she does not understand why under this situation, Ling Tian and other extremely powerful warriors still need to Go north, not in your own country to pacify the chaos of an entire country.

But no matter what, Ling Tian's army is the last hope of Rhaedia.

She clearly knew that this army was fully qualified to become the most stable force in Rome once again.

If there is any accident that prevents this army from going to Rome, it will be an extremely cruel thing for her.

"Who can kill Sun Wentai... Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, or Liu Yan, Liu Biao..."

Lu Bu spoke fiercely with an angry tone.

In this world, apart from his own brothers, there are not many people who can be recognized by Lu Bu, and these people are Ling Tian, ​​Sun Wentai, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Dian Wei, other than that, even Zhang Fei, Yan Liang, Wen Chou This is because he has not shown his own strength yet, and he has not caught Lu Bu's eyes.

Moreover, because they were in the same camp, Lu Bu regarded Sun Wentai as a brother.

At this time, hearing about Sun Wentai's fall, one can imagine the anger in his heart.

In the voice of the words, Lu Bu stretched out his arm violently, and the dark halberd had already swept up and landed on his hand.

At this moment, Lu Bu just wanted to go back to the Central Plains and kill the culprit who killed Sun Wentai, but before he could speak, Xi Zhicai jumped up and grabbed him.

"What Feng Xian wants to do, Wentai is dead, what is the meaning of Feng Xian to go back at this time, Your Majesty ordered me to wait north to raise the power of the Han Dynasty, so as not to block the Silk Road and empty the treasury of the Han Dynasty, which will lead to the decline of the national fortune. Don't you forget it..."

Xi Zhicai's angry voice sounded.

In one sentence, Xi Zhicai not only explained to Letia why the big man looked like this, but they also had to go north, and even more ruthlessly pointed out the word "Going abroad".

Lu Bu, who was about to turn around and walk away, suddenly stopped.

The current Lv Bu is no longer the Lv Bu in the original book. In the original book, Lv Bu is invincible. Even if the Hulao Pass was drawn by Sanying, it would still be three fights.

At the same time, at that time, Lu Bu had already killed Ding Yuan and was given a bad name, so he simply broke the jar.

But now, because of the appearance of Ling Tian, ​​and the appearance of Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Dian Wei, Sun Jian and other fierce generals at the same time, Lu Bu does not have the mentality of being invincible in the world, and he has no notoriety. Therefore, he has neither ambition nor any excess. other thoughts.

Then, the title of Great Han is quite cherished for him.

And once the big man is finished, his title is just a joke.

Under such circumstances, how could Lu Bu allow the big man to die.

While hesitating about this, suddenly, Xi Zhicai, who was holding Lu Bu's shirt, trembled violently, his body slammed downward, and then a mouthful of blood was sprayed on Lu Bu's shirt.

"Poor and sour..."

Lv Bu was not angry because Xi Zhicai was spitting blood on his clothes, but turned around abruptly to support Xi Zhicai.

"I'm fine, I'm fine..."

Xi Zhicai stretched out his hand and waved it slightly, reached into his arms, took out a porcelain bottle, and poured the medicine into his mouth ruthlessly.

"Perhaps, we can go back to Dahan first. When we get here, we have enough to maintain this Silk Road. Dahan's national fortune will not be affected by this flaw..."

Ling Tian looked at Xi Zhicai.

Ling Tian knew about Xi Zhicai's physical problems, but the medicine bottle in Xi Zhicai's arms contained only the medicine that Xi Zhicai could only survive.

Although the drug is also highly toxic, one day it will no longer be able to help Xi Zhicai to continue his life, but, in the Central Plains, the drug can be easily dispensed, and more or less can help Xi Zhicai to continue his life for a longer period of time. Time.

And in the grasslands, or even going to Rome, this kind of medicine native to the Central Plains is bound to be uncommon.

"My lord thinks how long can someone last even if he goes back to the big man..."

Xi Zhicai smiled and looked at Ling Tian, ​​the scholar opened his arms slightly, "In those days, Ban Chao 36 rode across the Western Regions, Chen Tang went all the way to the north, and even a single person with a knife subdued the ruler of a country, and a mission killed him. All the enemies of the Huns forced the king to bow down... I wish I had my own story behind these legends..."

The indifferent words were filled with incomparable yearning, Ling Tian looked blank, and then nodded slowly.

"Thousands of thousands of horses were used to pacify Rome, the largest country in the West. As the military advisor of such a force, even thousands of years later, the descendants of the great Han will definitely remember your name, and even the descendants of the Romans will definitely remember you. 's name, the legendary strategist from the great Han, the eternal wise man..."

Ling Tian spoke in a low voice.

But what he said was decisive.

In ancient China, only two dynasties were qualified to leave their mark on the world, one was the Great Han, and the other was the Tang Dynasty.

Both are equally huge, the same fusion of the majority, and the same Central Heaven.

However, there are differences between the two. The Tang Dynasty has had problems since the founding of the country. The Li family is said to have the blood of the Hu people.

Only the big Han is the real peak of the Han people. Except at the beginning of the founding of the country, because the internal friction of the Han people was too strong, there was a siege of Bai Deng. After the Han Dynasty, the big Han dominated the Quartet and was invincible. All the alien races in Shino.

In this era, whatever the sun and the moon illuminated, or the rivers and rivers, were all the concubines of the great Han ministers.

This is much more domineering than the empire on which the sun never sets.


Facing Ling Tian's words, Xi Zhicai smiled and nodded.

On the grassland, the night wind was piercing to the bone. Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu and other fierce generals camped around Xi Zhicai's tent. outside the space.

With the strength of Ling Tian and others, looking at this world, I am afraid that there are absolutely few who can match, and their concentration of strength has almost reached a situation that is enough to reverse nature.

However, all the hard work failed to make Xi Zhicai recover.

After the bonfire night, the team continued to head west, but Xi Zhicai collapsed.

Fortunately, during this process, Guishuang's army came again, and it was the so-called prince who led the army himself. Then, Lu Bu, who was in rage and sadness, let out a stern rage.

The ghosts and gods Fang Tianji slaughtered thousands of people. In addition to the cavalry he brought, in the first war, more than 40,000 soldiers died directly, and even more were captured.

When Ling Tian's team continued to head north, they actually had tens of thousands more prisoners apart from the original tens of thousands of cavalry.

Those Guishuang captives were strange, but they kept up with Ling Tian and the others.

Even though they had countless opportunities to leave during this process, it seemed that they were born with a sense of following the strong. These captives who were easily defeated by Lu Bu chose to follow Ling Tian and the others honestly.

All the way to the west, continue to the west.

Following the route that Rhaedia had been waiting for, Ling Tian's cavalry quickly passed the farthest point that their predecessors had reached.

With Letia leading the way, Ling Tian and others could not be taken to the Persian Gulf like their predecessor Gan Ying. Letia took Ling Tian and others directly to the west, but planned to go straight through the border between Anxi and Rome. However, the passing of such a large army immediately alarmed the Parthian Empire.

Although the Parthian Empire was called one of the four great empires by later generations, in reality, this empire was far behind Rome, not to mention Han.

Facing Ling Tian's hundreds of thousands of people, the Parth Empire first dissuaded them. After discovering Letia and her subordinates, they immediately dispatched troops to prepare to kill Ling Tian and this big man's troops directly.

Then, it was gone. Then, it was already waning at this time. The Parthian Empire, which had ended in a few years in history, was not as good as Guishuang. There was a huge difference between them and the big Han at this time. The demise of the big Han Not because it is weak, but because it is too strong, the Parthian Empire is normal because it is too weak.

Therefore, the army sent by the Parthian Empire was directly abused one by one by the strong generals who were not in a good mood at this time.

So, Xi Zhicai, who was carried along the way, had another job to do, and searched for the dragon energy of the Parth Empire.

At this time, what everyone didn't know was that the Parthian Empire, which should have had a few years of national fortune, fell apart immediately after Ling Tian's team passed by, and even the other kingdom that was supposed to succeed the Parthian Empire followed before it could take shape. Egg.

Of course, knowing this, Ling Tian and others probably wouldn't care.

At this time, Ling Tian and others only wished to have more dragon energy, and Xi Zhicai had not shy away from Letia's search for dragon energy.

However, this is nothing, although Letia is Han Guotong, she still can't understand the high-level operation such as Xi Zhicai's search for dragon energy.

Of course, no matter what Xi Zhicai did at this time, it was impossible for Letia to let Ling Tian wait to return. After all, Rome was almost over at this time, so how could Letia care about those things.

Rome, Rome, later generations say what Rome is like. To be honest, Rome is really not an empire that inherits the same blood.

From the rule of not the emperor to the rule of the emperor, from theocracy to the monarchy, from different skin colors to different races, except for the name of Rome, no, this name also has Eastern Rome and Western Rome.

Therefore, the so-called Rome that is boasted in the West is extremely powerful. In fact, most of the time, it only has the same word for Rome, and the rest from the outside to the core is not the same at all.

To use an inappropriate analogy, if the nomads on the Shenzhou grasslands use the same name no matter which one rises and which one perishes, then it is estimated that it is another Rome.

Of course, Ling Tian and others at this time wouldn't care about Rome.

Under the leadership of Rhaedia, they soon entered the territory of Rome.

At this point, I have to admit that later generations of Westerners worship Rome. In any case, Rome's ruled area is indeed huge, even if this huge area is the same as the feudal system in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties of Shenzhou.

And such a system caused trouble when Letia brought Ling Tian and others into Rome.

After passing the territory of the Parthian Empire, Rhaedia actually began to be vigilant. In the heart of this Roman female general, there are only two countries in the world that can be called empires, namely Rome and Dahan. , What rest, what Guishuang, even if there is the power to crush the army under her command, it is only because they are alone.

Therefore, after seeing the fighting power of Lv Bu and others, Letia didn't care about Kushang and Anxi at all, but now that she entered the territory of Rome, this woman began to be vigilant again.

"Here, it used to be the place where the 13th, 15th, and 21st legions of Rome were stationed. They suppressed the Parthians here and let them know the power of But, with the power of the Roman emperor being destroyed Deprived, these legions also began to change, they were split into half, so the Palmyra people who were given by Rome to survive here began to move..."

Letia's voice sounded with a hint of sadness.

Rome is a city-state system and a feudal system, but when it is strong, the lords of any city-state and feudal system must obey the emperor's orders.

And now, let alone obeying orders, even the ants that lived under the feet of the Roman Empire dared to jump out and show their teeth and claws at the great Rome, which made Rhaedia very uncomfortable.

"Sometimes, for those white-eyed wolves who don't know gratitude, we need to use weapons to let them know what a master is..."

Lu Bu glanced at Letia indifferently and said indifferently.

Along the way, Letiya kept showing her love. Lu Bu was not blind, nor was he a fool. It was impossible not to see or feel it, and Lu Bu was also not hard-hearted. He was more or less moved by Letiya .

At this time, seeing Laetia sad, Lu Bu naturally opened his mouth.

While speaking, Lu Bu turned his gaze to the northwest.

At this moment, there was silence in that direction. However, in the eyes of experts like Lu Bu and Ling Tian, ​​in that direction, a boundless and cold aura was sweeping in.


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