The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 252: king of gaul

The cavalry gallops in the wilderness.

It is mighty and mighty, with more than 100,000 people.

Salvez rode his horse among the mighty cavalry, staring straight ahead like a falcon.

As a general of the Roman servant army, Salvez's ability may not be much, but he definitely knows what civilization is and what it means to adapt to the times.

When Rome was strong, he was the most loyal lackey of the Romans, and now, when Rome is in chaos, he is the most loyal thug of the Palmyra.

What, you said to be king.

No, Salvis never wanted to be king.

As a civilized man, Salvis knows the history of Rome, the history of Greece and the history of Egypt.

The ancient Egyptian pharaohs, the Greek kings, and even the consuls who ruled Rome later, all of them were once kings, but who still exists now?

Even if it is Rome, even if the name is still Rome, the people who really rule this land now have much to do with those people back then.

Thrones are easy to change, but the eternal ones are the followers who follow the victor.

This is what Salvez understood with great wisdom. Of course, what this middle-aged general did not know is that in the east, there is a group of beings who have the same thoughts as him, called aristocratic families.

And Salvez made the same choices as those families in the East when Rome was about to go into civil strife. Watching Rome slowly collapse, he just kept his position.

Ignore the old king, welcome the new king, and even divide the family into different new kings. No matter which king eventually rises, his family will continue.

Before the overall situation of Rome is clear, Salvez will not make any choice, but there is one thing that can already make a choice, that is, any person who belongs to the original Roman emperor who has passed away long ago The strength can already be directly crushed and crushed.

Letia is one of them.

The more than 100,000 cavalry finally arrived in front of Ling Tian's team.

There were more than 100,000 on both sides. However, Salvez looked at the opposing team with a disdainful smile.

In this piece of land, the Romans already had a tyrannical habit. Even the so-called "rest in confrontation with Rome in the south" was actually more of an end to the expansion of the Romans, rather than the fact that the rest really blocked Rome.

As for the legendary cavalry of the Eastern Kingdom brought back by the envoys that looked like they were sent to the East back then, it was just their silks and utensils that were most praised by the envoys back then, rather than their military power.

Even if that kingdom had some force, how could it be an opponent of Rome, not to mention that there were only tens of thousands of cavalry in that kingdom, and the rest looked like a group of slaves.

"Don't do it, don't do it first..."

Letia looked at Salvis in the distance and shouted anxiously at Ling Tian and the others, and then the woman mounted a horse and quickly charged towards Salvis.

"Salvis, they are troops from the Eastern Empire. They can help us and help the emperor stabilize..."

Letia shouted loudly.

This Salvis has now obeyed the Palmyra people, but in fact Salvis himself is not the Palmyra people.

Strictly speaking, he is a Roman.

For hundreds of years, Rome has indeed conquered too many races. On this land, up to now, throwing aside their respective basic races, if they are to the outside world, they can probably be called Romans.

Of course, for the same Romans, the difference between citizens and non-citizens is huge.

In truth, citizens are considered Romans recognized by law, who live in the city, while the rest of the people who live outside the city are not recognized by law.

The topic is too far away, in short, Letia thinks that Salvis can still be saved.

"Shut up, you Bakugou..."

In the distance, looking at Rhaedia who was rushing towards him, Salvis roared loudly.

The original emperor, what a joke, telling him about the original emperor at this time, if those powerful beings who are now preparing to become kings all over the world hear these words and misunderstand, wouldn't it hurt him miserably.

Salvez looked at Letia coldly.

He and Rhaedia once belonged to the Roman emperor's generals, but their births were not the same.

Even though Salvis was a member of a tribe or small country once conquered by Rome and then became a Roman, Rhaedia is a descendant of gladiators.

It was the descendants of gladiators who were fortunate enough to become soldiers after a certain Roman emperor decided to recruit soldiers so that gladiators could also become soldiers, and then gradually became soldiers.

In essence, there is no difference between Salvis and Rhaedia now.

However, it's not only the Han people who care about one's background. In fact, Westerners don't care less about one's background than the Han people.

A nobleman, even a declining nobleman, is also called an aristocrat in the West. This is the same as the Han people. There was a Ming person in the ancestors, and the descendants would be surprised to say, 'So so-and-so is actually that person's. Descendants' a truth.

And if the identity of the ancestors is not good, it will have a greater impact on the officialdom.

"Salvis, do you have an opinion on Bagao, or do you have an opinion on the emperor who drafted Bagao into the army..."

Letia looked at Salvis angrily.

As a descendant of Bagao, Rhaedia has an extremely fanatical admiration for the emperor who recruited Bagao into the army. In fact, people who have never experienced slave society can never imagine how fanatical those slaves are towards the emperor who abolished the slave system. Respect and worship.

Of course, the Roman emperor who recruited Bagao did not abolish slavery. In addition, Rome at this time was still a slave country. Compared with the time when the Han Chinese entered the feudal era, Rome was more than a few hundred years later.

However, the more this slave society is, the more admirable the emperor who has given them a further opportunity to these marginal groups of society for people of Rhaetian's background.

This is why Rhaedia is still loyal to the emperor even though she clearly knows that Rome is on the verge of collapse.

Because the ancestors of the emperors she was loyal to gave her ancestors a chance to get rid of the maggot life at the bottom of the society, and she was equally even more afraid that another emperor, or another force to rule Rome, they who were born in Bagao will once again trampled into the mud.

Do not doubt that the laws of Rome have not changed since the beginning.

In fact, even the lineage of the emperor who now rules Rome, even the lineage of the emperor to whom Rhaedia is loyal may not be the original Romans. The original Rome was just a small country. In the current Rome, 99% of the land and race are from later generations. The spoils of the defeated nations that were annexed one by one.

"Leetia, Commodus has passed away, and even his successor has passed away. There is more than one emperor in Rome now... So, who else do you want to dedicate your loyalty to..."

With a cold smile on Salvis' face, he looked at Rhaedia.

As a wise man, Salvez dispatched the elites of his family to those who were kings, so how could he not go, not because there is more than one emperor in Rome now.

After the death of Commodus, the condition of Rome can be expressed by a sentence after the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains, the king of strong soldiers and strong horses.

Emperor, dead...

The emperor's successor also died...

Rhaedia rode sluggishly on horseback. The emperor she knew only had one son. If the emperor and his successor died, then there would be no follow-up to the royal family she was loyal to.

What should she do...

Letia was stunned for a while.

"Letia, I don't know what will happen to Bagao in the future. If you have nowhere to go, just stay here. The Palmyra people didn't betray Rome, they just wanted to protect themselves. You can imagine the same time. How does it feel to receive letters from several self-proclaimed Roman emperors asking to send troops to fight..."

Seeing the sluggish expression on Letia's face, Salvis suddenly moved in his heart.

It was not because of her beauty and birth that Rhaedia could become a general of Commodus as a woman, but because she indeed possessed great strength and commanding ability.

If he can bring Rhaedia under his command, then not only can he get a beautiful woman, but he can also have an excellent helper.

"Fengxian, how dare you sacrifice for the big man..."

When Salvez was speaking, in the distance, Xi Zhicai stood up with difficulty and went to Lu Bu's side to speak.

At this moment, the man was out of breath, and he seemed to be out of breath in the next second. However, his tone was extremely heavy and serious.

This seriousness and seriousness made Lu Bu look serious.

"Lu Bu is not afraid of death..."

A low voice came out of Beihu's mouth.

"After accepting Letia, it's better to leave her a child..."

Xi Zhicai said in a very serious tone that Lu Bu and Ling Tian couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

Accepting Letia was a joke that everyone and Lu Bu often joked about along the way. It's nothing, but keeping a child is something that everyone can't understand.

"Leetia has the spirit of a hidden dragon on her body. If there are no accidents, after hundreds of years, there will be people similar to Chen Sheng and Wu Guang in the descendants of Rhettia..."

Xi Zhicai spoke slowly, and Lu Bu and Ling Tian were slightly taken aback by the words.

Ling Tian is not familiar with Chinese history, and naturally he is even more confused about Roman history. Therefore, he does not know that Gaul, where Rhaedia was born, indeed broke out the most violent movement in Roman history hundreds of years later, and directly became the most violent movement in Roman history. The reason for the demise of the Roman Empire is similar to the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty.

"This hidden dragon energy is not much. Although the original impact is great, it will not become a climate. However, I can completely stimulate this energy. This requires a child, a strong enough child. If Feng Xian is willing, Not only will we be able to absorb enough dragon energy, but we will also be able to give Fengxian and Letia's children a chance to sit in the seat of the Roman emperor..."

Xi Zhicai spoke out of breath.

Dahan, Rome, Rest in Peace, Guishuang...

Of the four major empires, the last two are numbers, but only the first two are truly powerful.

However, even the two who made up the numbers were too far away from the Central Plains to be affected by the Kyushu Great Array. Therefore, this was why Xi Zhicai supported the expedition to Rome.

Because of this, they can obtain dragon energy to repair the Kyushu Great Array.

However, even if their team was strong enough, neither Xi Zhicai nor Lu Bu nor Ling Tian thought of directly killing Guishuang and Anxi.

This kind of thing, the big man in his heyday can do it, but they can't do it with an army of tens of thousands of people alone.

Even if they were able to kill seven in seven out, they would be at the level of Attila a few hundred years later.

Therefore, Xi Zhi only said such words at this time.

Lu Bu frowned slightly. With his personality, he was absolutely unwilling to do such a thing. First, he attached great importance to feelings, and Rhaedia's feelings for him made him not want to use Rhettia. Second, he He is a proud person and doesn't like this kind of conspiracy very much. The most important thing is to hear what Xi Zhicai said, his children have to stay here.

However, Lu Bu hadn't opened his mouth to object. Suddenly, he saw Xi Zhicai's face.

Pale, with a hint of flushed pallor.

Seeing this expression, Lu Bu's eyes suddenly changed again. As a ranger, Lu Bu was very familiar with everything before death. He could see that this was a sign that Xi Zhicai was on the verge of death and was about to return to light.

"Poor and sour..."

Lu Bu's complexion changed, and his tone trembled slightly.

"My road is coming to an end, but it's not enough to repair the dragon energy of the Kyushu Great Array. This may be the last time I work hard for the big man. Fengxian, don't blame me for putting my mind on you. In fact, if I can, I will I want to use Ling Tian more, he is more suitable to be the person who protects the big man than you, but, who made Letia fall in love with you..."

Xi Zhicai looked at Lu Bu's expression and laughed. He knew that Lu Bu saw that his life was imminent, and Xi Zhicai, who had been familiar with Lu Bu's character for a long time, did not hesitate to say anything at this time.

"You know, a certain family can't stand your tone the most..."

Lu Bu's voice has cooled Do you need me to stay here and let you cast spells..."

However, before anyone could guess whether Lu Bu was about to turn his face, Xiaohu's voice sounded again.

On the horseback, Lu Bu looked indifferently into the distance, his hand stretched out, and the pitch-black halberd instantly appeared in his hand.

"No, just do whatever Feng Xian wants to do. In fact, I have already done it. What Feng Xian has to do is just leave a child for Letia, hahahaha..."

Xi Zhicai saw that Lu Bu suddenly showed a hint of cunning, and laughed loudly as he opened his mouth.

"It's boring..."

Lu Bu snorted coldly, and suddenly rushed on his horse.

"Leetia, you ask him, the tribe that might help you, help Bagao continue to gain further opportunities..."

Riding the horse, diving, and roaring, with Lu Bu's strength, even Rhaedia and Salvez couldn't hear the voice from here, but Lu Bu could clearly hear the conversation there. .

In a word, the expressions of Salvis and Rhaedia changed at the same time.

They all know that this is impossible. Bagao is a gladiator, and how embarrassing the status of a gladiator is. Thinking about Spartacus, you know that there are several emperors who have a good impression on a group of gladiators who have rebelled. their chance to improve.

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