Not the Dragon King's orders.

Ling Tian looked at the dragons coldly, and then smiled slowly.

Naturally, he didn't believe the words of these dragons.

However, the words of these dragons gave him no reason to kill him immediately. However, it doesn't matter. Ling Tian believes that these dragons will soon give him a reason to kill him.

The arm trembled slightly, and the Yuan Tu sword instantly appeared in Ling Tian's hand, and at the same time, the 12th grade blood lotus appeared.

The powerful momentum spread, and in an instant, the entire space outside the human race city seemed to be stagnant there.

Those dragons who still had wanton smiles on their faces were suddenly stunned. They had never seen such a terrifying aura released by Ling Tian at this time.

You must know that their lives were not good enough. When they were born, the Dragon Clan was no longer the overlord of the world, so they had never even seen Zulong, the strongest of the Dragon Clan.

Apart from the Ancestral Dragon, there are only a few Dragon Kings among the Dragon Clan who can rival Ling Tian, ​​and absolutely none of them can rival Ming He's Yuan Tu Sword and the 12th Grade Blood Lotus.

A horrified look flashed across the faces of several dragons.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, the dragons turned around and headed towards the sea almost in unison.

Although these dragons were dazzled by jealousy, they were not really fools. By this time, didn't they understand that they were not Ling Tian's opponents at all.

Under such a powerful aura, if they were not stupid and rushed towards Ling Tian, ​​then they were definitely not the dragon race, but definitely some mindless barbarian.

Obviously, the dragon race cannot be the barbarian race.

However, no matter how clever the dragons are, at this time, it is impossible for these dragons to leave.

Ling Tian was already fully prepared to fight at this time, the Yuan Tu sword and the 12th rank blood lotus had already been revealed, how could they let them go.

Suddenly, fluctuations in space appeared, and in front of the dragons, the entire space was instantly stagnant. Immediately, Ling Tian's figure appeared directly in front of the dragons.

A terrifying aura enveloped the dragons straight from the front.

Under the enormous pressure, the relatively powerful beings among these descendants of the dragon race immediately fell to the ground from midair, and then the whole person lay directly on the beach by the sea.

In the face of Ling Tian's imposing suppression, these dragons obviously had no chance of resisting at all.

Ling Tian's figure followed a few dragons to the ground. The power of the 12th rank blood lotus still suppressed the dragons, but the Yuan Tu sword in Ling Tian's hand had already reached the tops of the dragons.

The aura that belonged to the innate spiritual treasure immediately fell on the throats of several dragons.

The Yuantu sword, like the Abi sword, is obviously inferior to those innate spiritual treasures like the Zhuxianjian, but Yuantu and Abi are both innate spiritual treasures that can not be contaminated with cause and effect.

These two swords can give people a feeling of nothingness from their origin.

Although the strength of those dragons is not strong, the dragon family itself is not an ordinary race, so the dragons immediately felt that Yuantu was terrifying.

And when they raised their heads slightly and saw the luster of the 12th rank blood lotus, several dragons even showed trembling expressions in their eyes.

"Styx...blood lotus, that's..."

This 12th grade blood lotus can undoubtedly be regarded as the identity symbol of Ming He, and since the 12th grade blood lotus appeared, it can make them feel such a terrible sword, these dragons have obviously guessed that it is not Yuantu It's Ani.

There were expressions of grief, anger, helplessness, and regret flashing in his eyes. How could these dragons know that they would come out to do a mission casually, and they could meet the inheritor of Styx.

Moreover, this inheritor also owns the 12th grade blood lotus of Styx and one of the two swords of innate spiritual treasures.

This thing is simply bad to the extreme.

"Who, asked you to come here to trouble the human race..."

A cold voice spit out from Ling Tian's mouth. The Yuantu sword was above the heads of the dragons, and a trace of coldness penetrated into the bodies of the dragons along the sword's body.

Ling Tian clearly knew what kind of mental pressure this situation would bring to the creatures.

However, at this time, Ling Tian had no intention of showing mercy at all.

Behind this incident, there must be the shadows of the two lich clans.

But now, on the land of the Great Wilderness, the two Lich clans themselves are the hegemons. If today cannot make enough deterrence for the entire Great Wilderness by cleaning up the Dragon Clan, then there will be many races that will come to trouble the Human Race because of the Lich clan in the future. Enough to make the race do not have any time to develop.

Even that kind of trouble is enough to directly affect the continuation of the human race.

However, Ling Tian had Ling Tian's plan, but the dragons on the ground knew how to protect their own race.

At this time, it was discovered that Ling Tian was the inheritor of Ming He, and these dragons would naturally no longer look down on Ling Tian. No matter how much they looked down on the human race because of jealousy, they did not dare to look down on Stye He.

An existence with Styx heritage is definitely enough to pose a threat to the dragon family.

Speaking of which, the four seas are the territory of the dragon clan, but that is only because the four seas are too barren, and there are countless monstrous beasts in the sea, and most of the beasts in the sea are not as many as those on land. wisdom.

Therefore, even if you know that you are no match for the dragon clan and those with magical powers, the alien beasts in the sea will still tirelessly attack the dragon clan's territory and even the dragon palace.

In the countless years of entering the sea, the dragon race has even had a lot of dragons die in the mouths of alien beasts in the sea.

These pains are unimaginable for those races on the land who do not know the situation of the dragon race.

But, even so, the life of the dragon family is not easy.

And at this time, if the inheritor of Ming He goes to trouble the dragon clan again, the dragon clan will definitely be in a bad way.

Now, Ling Tian is so tyrannical, which makes several dragons on the ground feel worried. They are not worried about themselves, but for the dragon clan.

Ling Tian is strong, and he will definitely find the dragon clan. That alone is nothing. After all, although Ling Tian is strong, it is not enough to completely destroy the dragon clan. In the end, most of them will choose everyone to take a step back.

At most, the Dragon Clan will give up some benefits and the like.

However, this matter also involves the demon clan.

Even if the few dragons on the ground are not smart people, they can think that the demon clan will never want to see the inheritor of Ming He and the dragon clan facing each other.

In other words, when the human race has Minghe inheritors, the demon clan definitely likes to see the dragon clan help to fight against it. It is best to lead the Minghe out alive, and then use the entire dragon clan as the price to damage Minghe. He, in this case, it will be much smoother for the Monster Race to deal with the Human Race.

These scenes are extremely likely to happen now, however, the dragons on the ground know that they seem to have nothing to prevent such a thing from happening.

At this time, their lives were all in Ling Tian's hands.

As for the East China Sea Dragon Clan, although they are the strongest among the four seas, no matter how tyrannical the East China Sea Dragon King is, it is not enough to fight against the 12th rank Blood Lotus and Yuan Tujian.

"This matter was done in private by the few of us. Your human race is so good at eating and drinking, why do we have to blow the cold wind on the sea... We are the dragon race. Although we are in decline now, we are still the overlords of the heaven and earth back then. Why are you weak human races able to eat and drink well in a warm city, while our dragon race has to endure the storm at sea..."

Among the several dragon races, there is a road that opens quickly.

This dragon's reaction is obviously much faster than his several companions. At this time, this dragon wants to pull all the responsibilities on them, so that the dragon family can get rid of this matter completely. .

However, facing the dragon's words, Ling Tian sneered with disdain.

In his hand, the Yuantu sword suddenly trembled slightly, and in an instant, the head of a dragon fell to the ground, and between heaven and earth, the torrential rain suddenly trembled wildly.

After all, the dragon clan is a natural spiritual clan that controls water. When the dragon clan falls, the rain between heaven and earth will induce induction.

However, Ling Tian didn't care about the feeling of the rain between heaven and earth. Just when Yuan Tujian cut off a dragon's head, Ling Tian's arm shook slightly. On the ground, on the dragon's corpse, a transparent The phantom suddenly floated into the sky.

phantom, transparent...

The eyes of the other dragons widened, and a trace of horror flashed from their eyes.

In this era, although there is no legend of the soul, there is already a theory of the true spirit.

And the death of a creature is not measured by the body. When the strength reaches a certain level, life and death depend on whether the true spirit still exists.

This is what the so-called immortality of the true spirit means.

The dragons themselves were the overlords of the world before, and their true spirits were naturally more tyrannical than ordinary creatures. Therefore, the previous dragons were extremely tough, their words were full of provocation, and they didn't care if they would be killed.

But, now, seeing that the dragon that was beheaded was not only killed, but even the true spirit seemed to fall into Ling Tian's hands, all of a sudden, endless fear welled up in the hearts of these dragons.

Horror, fear, definitely fear.

In this prehistoric world, although every creature has a power that is more arrogant than future generations, it does not know where to go.

But in the same way, this era also has strange and strange powers that later generations can't imagine.

Playing with the soul, life is better than death... These things that later generations will find extremely terrifying are just little tricks done at random in this era.

"If you are stubborn, you should endure the misery of the ninth life, the misery of the tenth life, and leave a mark. In the tenth life, I forgot that there is such a guy who was cleaned up by me. Forget it, after the tenth life, I will just let him disappear into ashes. Bar……"

The wrist trembled, the phantom of the dragon was pinched by Ling Tian out of thin air, and then a strange force shook and branded on the phantom of the dragon.

The phantom of the dragon trembled wildly, twisting and curling into a ball like a soft bug.

Although the true spirit has no voice, anyone can see how much pain he is through the movement of his figure.

On the ground, the bodies of several dragons still lying there trembled violently.

They are not afraid of death, they even feel proud of dying for their race.

However, they had to be afraid of ten lifetimes of torture.

In this world, the most terrifying thing is never death, but life is better than death. Now, what Ling Tian gave them is that life is better than death.

"Then, let's continue. You are so tough, obviously you don't plan to say anything to me anymore..."

Ling Tian cleaned up the dragon's true spirit, then clapped his hands and opened his mouth. As he spoke, his palms spread out, and the Yuan Tu sword appeared. Suddenly, Ling Tian's arms shook rapidly.

On the ground, heads fell one by one, and in an instant, there were only one dragon left.

At this time, the last remaining dragon was almost completely paralyzed.

However, Ling Tian still didn't pay attention to the last dragon. His arms were shaking, and he leisurely collected all the true spirits of the dead dragons. Then, he began to arrange various tragic reincarnations one by one. By the way, it is branded so that I can control the situation of the real spirits of these dragons after they are reincarnated at any time.

That kind of careful attitude made the surviving dragon tremble even more, as if his body could no longer maintain its original shape.

By this time, Ling Tian thought that in this dragon's heart, he was completely a demon.

Unexpectedly, this demon seems to want to concoct their dragon clan now.

The surviving dragon clan now doesn't even think about whether Ling Tian wanted to inquire about leaving him behind, but just wondered if Ling Tian thought of some other cruel way to deal with him.

The sad dragon clan, the original overlord of heaven and earth is now being cleaned up by Ling Tian, ​​and there is a psychological Finally, after concocting the true spirit of the last dragon, Ling Tian slowly walked to this last one. In front of the dragon, the Yuantu sword suddenly disappeared in front of Ling Tian, ​​and then Ling Tian's arm swung toward the ground.

The invisible energy dissipated, turning into a huge palm and directly pinching the dragon on the ground.

"I heard that snake wine is very good..."

Demon-like words spit out from Ling Tian's mouth.

The surviving dragon just subconsciously raised his head when he heard Ling Tian's words, and immediately saw Ling Tian's eyes with a desire to eat, he suddenly groaned and his body fell into a coma.

This dragon was frightened by Ling Tian and fainted.

However, in front of existences like Ling Tian, ​​wanting to be unconscious is all an illusion, a force viciously vibrated, and the unconscious dragon was suddenly awakened by stimulation.

"It has nothing to do with me. It was explained by the Dragon King. The Yaozu Jimeng entrusted the Dragon King to trouble you. We were only sent by the Dragon King. You have to find the Dragon King..."

A cry with a weeping voice followed when the dragon woke up.

This dragon was finally completely destroyed by Ling Tian.

"Monster, Dragon King, hehe... It's not like my human race is a soft persimmon..."

A deep laughter came out of Ling Tian's mouth, and then spread throughout the prehistoric world.

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