The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 271: monster move

At this time, Ling Tian's strength had reached an extreme level.

At this time, although he looked like he was just standing by the East China Sea, with his low voice, the invisible power had already swept the entire prehistoric world.

His words naturally swept the entire prehistoric world with this fluctuation.

Above the Nine Heavens, in the Wa Palace, Nu Wa stood up abruptly, and a horrified look appeared in Nu Wa's eyes.

The rise of the human race is the general trend of heaven, and the saints know it. However, the rise of the human race should not be at this time, nor should it be in such a tough way. Now Ling Tian's strength really makes Nu Wa feel very uneasy. .

However, what makes Nu Wa even more disturbed is that Ling Tian has the power to spread his will throughout the prehistoric world. Although she is not as good as her in pure strength, Nu Wa can clearly feel it from the shocking power. , If it was pure battle, I'm afraid Ling Tian is no longer inferior to her.

This kind of strength is quite terrifying.

"Heaven's favor..."

After a long time, Nu Wa smiled slightly.

For the human race, Nuwa has extremely complex emotions, the affection of the mother of the human race, and the gratitude of being pushed to the holy position by the human race.

At that time, Nuwa was very clear about the six positions in the Zixiao Palace. Compared with her feet, and even her tenacity and perseverance, she was definitely not as good as Sanqing, and even less than the two in the West. Even, as a woman, she was more delicate and calculating than she was. , she may not be able to match the five extraordinary people.

After all, her heels are just a member of the demon clan.

Because of Fuxi's help, and also because of some coincidences, she sat in the position of the sixth disciple of Hongjun.

However, if there is no creation of the human race, even if she is a disciple of Hongjun, even if she has the purple energy of Hongmeng, she will never be able to become a saint.

Strictly speaking, the creation of the human race is not entirely her credit. Heaven is destined for the human race to emerge and rise to replace the two lich races. Therefore, even if she did not create the human race that day, there will be other great powers to create the human race.

And she just took this step ahead by chance, and because of this, she gained a lot of benefits and became the second saint between heaven and earth except Hongjun Daozu.

In this way, there are actually more entanglements between her and the Terran than she imagined.

Originally, according to the destiny, the human race would gradually replace the two lich races after the Lich War, and eventually become the ruler of heaven and earth.

As for the demon clan, although she used to be one of them, she should actually have little to do with it after she was sanctified, and Nuwa also knew that the battle between the lich and the dragon was destined to end like a dragon and a phoenix.

In fact, not only she knows, but Di Jun, Dong Huang, the Twelve Ancestors and so on all know.

However, after all, these great powers are not willing to be arranged by fate, so they will resist.

However, Nu Wa will never participate in it.

She will save some of the demon clan at the last moment, which can be regarded as the complete relationship between her and the demon clan.

In this case, for Nu Wa, there is no need to make any difficult choices.

But now, when Ling Tian's strong and domineering declaration spread throughout the prehistoric times, Nu Wa knew that it would be impossible for her to want to be safe.

The human race is on the rise now, so, no matter what the final result is, it must be against the two lich races, so where should she stand in it?

As for the demon clan, she is the race she was born in, so naturally she can't be indifferent and show no emotion.

But on the Terran side, this is the race she created, and there is no problem in saying that she is the mother of the Terran.

Then, when the human race and the monster race are in conflict, is it possible that she can still stand on the side of the monster race and embarrass the human race? Obviously, this is also impossible.

Such unrest really made Nu Wa a little embarrassed.

However, after being slightly embarrassed, Nu Wa immediately thought about it.

The darling of heaven and earth, the overlord of heaven and earth, which one is not domineering, what happened to the dragon and phoenix in those days, even those saints today when the dragon and phoenix were the overlords of heaven and earth, who would dare to live with the dragon and phoenix clan.

And what about the two lich clans?

Although the current Emperor Jun, Donghuang, and Twelve Ancestral Witches can be regarded as having respect for the saints, which one of them would truly fear and worship the saints.

No, not one at all.

As the overlords of heaven and earth, these hegemonic races have unimaginable arrogance. They will not be abandoned by heaven and earth, nor will they lose their dominant position. None of these races will think that others are stronger than themselves.

Even saints are placed on this piece of heaven and earth, and since they are the overlords of heaven and earth, they will only give respect to saints, but not really worship them.

Although the human race was originally the ruler of heaven and earth in the destiny, the ruler of the human race was different from the previous four races, and the ruler of the human race deviated from the position of the ruler of heaven and earth from the very beginning.

Dragon and phoenix and lich are all races born from heaven and earth. Not only that, these four races can even be said to be the refinement of heaven and earth, and the remnants of Pangu. Therefore, they are born strong.

Moreover, they also have their own opponents.

But the human race came from the hand of Nuwa. Although it was destined by heaven and earth, after all, it was born from the help of Nuwa. Therefore, it was no longer stronger than the previous four races.

But, in the same way, the human race does not have any equivalent race.

It feels as if the four races before the birth of heaven and earth have exhausted all their strength. By the time the human race is here, it is no longer enough to give birth to the kind of race that was born and strong. Even, it can only be born with the help of Nuwa's hand. A new world overlord.

In this case, even if the human race itself can still be the overlord of the world, it seems that it is no longer enough to be on an equal footing with the great powers in this world.

Although this is fate, and Nuwa can accept it, she still feels a little regretful in her heart.

It's like a woman looking at her own child, obviously got a great position, but the predecessors in front of him have terrible rights, and their rights are greatly compressed when they are born to their own children.

Even if this way it will be much more stable and less dangerous, but as a mother, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart and feel that my child is being prejudiced.

This kind of emotion also made Nu Wa put down the embarrassment in her heart a little bit.

The human race, the overlord of heaven and earth, perhaps, it should have such strength.

Not to mention the mood changes on Nuwa’s side, not to mention the mood changes of the saints such as Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Taishang, Primitive, Tongtian, Western Ersheng, etc. Heavenly Court, Di Jun and Donghuang’s expressions changed slightly when they heard Ling Tian’s voice. Change.

"Brother, quickly bring the ten sons back..."

Donghuang looked at Di Jun and said with a hint of anxiety.

The two of them are the emperors of the demon clan, and their strength is only slightly inferior to that of the saints. Even, coupled with their magic weapons and lifelong combat experience, they are not without the strength to fight against the saints.

At this time, through Ling Tian's words, they were more able to judge the realm of Ling Tian's strength than Nuwa.

The strength revealed in that voice has already reached the level second only to the saints. Even if they face each other, they will never dare to say who wins or loses.

With such strength, the ten sons are absolutely no match for them.

"Big brother, this human race is our natural enemy after all. Originally, among the fates, we only regarded the human race as a dragon and phoenix. After the lich, the world was used to mend the race of the world, but now it seems that it is not so simple, how long has it been? , This guy from the human race has reached this level, big brother, do you think there will be another such character in the human race in the future, just like you and me, or even, will there be another eleven similar people, such as Zuwu... "

Di Jun looked at the East Emperor, with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes and said.

The human race, the darling of heaven and earth, the overlord of the new generation.

The two lich clans also know about it.

However, before the two lich clans did not move the human clan, except for the protection of the saints, it was because the human clan was really weak and pitiful. That kind of weakness made the two lich clans disdain to move the human clan.

However, now the human race has given birth to existences like Ling Tian.

The two lich clans are not fools. After all, a similar situation happened to Longfeng before.

Back then, when the dragon and the phoenix were dominating the world, the two lich clans were not strong either. Only Di Jun, Donghuang, and the Twelve Ancestors were powerful enough to deter the masters of the dragon and phoenix clans.

At that time, the masters of the dragon and phoenix clans were afraid of Dijun, Donghuang and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and did not take action against the lich. The final result was a deadly battle between the dragon and the phoenix, and both sides were injured, and then the lich clan replaced the dragon and phoenix clan.

Now, the relationship between the human race and the lich race is very similar to that between the lich race and the dragon and phoenix races.

"The way of heaven changes, we go directly to the trouble of the human race. Nuwa and Taishang will take action, but if the human race hurts ten sons, no matter how much Nuwa and Taishang care about the human race, they will never find continued protection. The reason of the human race..."

Di Jun's voice sounded low.

The Emperor Dong's body trembled.

In the heavenly court, outside the treasure hall, a cold voice sounded.

"So, should the ten sons be sacrificed..."

Xihe's figure appeared outside the palace.

As a mother, how could Xihe not care about the ten sons, and Ling Tian's words were also heard by Xihe, the goddess who was born with the lunar star immediately came to Di Jun, for fear that the ten sons who were still in the East China Sea would be angered by Lingtian.

However, Xi He never expected that when she went outside the palace, what she heard was Di Jun's cold and ruthless words.

Ten sons were used as a bargaining chip, as a bargaining chip for him and Donghuang to directly give Ling Tian Huo.

Is this what a father can say?

Xi He looked at Di Jun coldly.

Taiyin Taiyang, the two have known each other through their true spirits since they were not born. For endless years, Xihe never imagined that one day she would hate Di Jun.

But now, Xi He felt a trace of hatred for Di Jun.

This is probably also the instinct of a mother. Compared with children, there is nothing more important in this world.

"Brother, there is no need for this, I am the overlord of the world, and if I want to destroy a human race, where do I need so many excuses, and where do I need to sacrifice my own children and grandchildren? Could it be that I am afraid of the demon clan, what’s more, Nuwa was born from the demon clan, could it be that she really had the heart to kill the demon clan…”

Donghuang reached out and patted Di Jun's shoulder.

No one knows better than him the relationship between Di Jun and Xi He.

Di Jun may have done it by gritting his teeth to sacrifice ten sons, but if something happened to Xi He, or even turned his face, Di Jun would collapse.

Moreover, without talking about this, just sacrificing ten sons, Donghuang couldn't do such a thing.

Donghuang Taiyi, the first flame of the sun between heaven and earth, the emperor of the demon clan, maybe he is not a good person for the human race and other races, but for the life of the whole world, he is great and bright of.

Whether it is killing or pity, Donghuang Taiyi never hides it.

"Brother, do you think I only care about saints..."

Listening to Dong Huang Taiyi's words, Di Jun's sad eyes that were originally due to Xihe gradually calmed down, and he looked at Dong Huang Taiyi with a wry smile.

There are countless big bosses who are good at calculating. Fuxi is even known as the first calculating man under Hongjun. However, a few people know that Di Jun is the one who has the most control over fate in this world.

Hetu Luoshu, there is not only the most wonderful knowledge of heaven and earth, but also the changing trajectory of heaven and earth.

These days, because of the changes in the human race, Di Jun has been comprehending these two books of innate spiritual treasures, which are unique in the world, day and night. Then, Di Jun saw more mysteries of the changes in fate.

Human race, heaven and earth favor, human race, rise against the sky...

That is a race that can detach even heaven and earth, and it is also a race that heaven and earth are willing to be detached by it.

If the demon clan has no reason to take action against the human clan, I am afraid that even Hongjun will stand up.

Although the Hongjun Daozu after joining the Dao has given up the emotions that belong to the living beings, his strength has really reached the level of representing the Dao of Once Hongjun Daozu makes a move, then there will be no accident and Miracle, the demon clan will inevitably be wiped out in an instant.

Di Jun's wrist trembled, Hetu Luoshu kept flipping in front of him, his eyes slowly turned to the East Emperor, and then to Xihe outside the palace.

"It's not that I'm cruel, it's not that I'm mean, but, if you don't do something, don't take risks, soon, my demon clan will be completely suppressed by the human race, and then, in the endless years, the members of my demon clan will not become The pets domesticated by the human race, the beasts of war, are refined by the human race as medicine pills and used as blood food..."

Di Jun looked at Donghuang and Xihe Shen Sheng and spoke.

While speaking, Hetu Luoshu constantly reflected various scenes.

"Master, master, it's a wolf demon, a hundred years old. Did we kill and refine the elixir or domesticate the guardian beast of the mountain gate..."

"Beat it to death, a wolf demon is a bit pricey as a gatekeeper, at least you have to catch a tiger demon..."


"Bold monster, dare to confuse mortals, mummy, mummy coax, mighty Tianlong, give me the town..."


Scene after scene emerged with the turning of Hetu Luoshu, and the expressions of Donghuang and Xihe became dull one after another. They are all close people of Emperor Jun, and it is natural to see that what Hetu Luoshu is reflecting at this time is indeed the future. The scene, not Di Jun's tricks to make it out for them to see.

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