The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 275: Typed out approval

The extreme anger made Di Jun exude a terrifying breath all over his body.

Originally, he planned to use his ten sons to create an excuse for taking action against the human race, but now, it seems that this excuse no longer needs to be created. Seeing his ten sons being thrown by Ling Tian's feet, Di Jun has already burst into real anger .

The kind of anger that burns everything clean.

The terrifying scorching aura spread out, and in the air, the chill caused by the formation of the dragon race quickly began to dissipate.

After all, Di Jun was a congenital **** who was born with the sun. At this time, his anger was inflated, and his momentum was terrifying.

Not long ago, the expressions of the dragons who started to improve their qi because of Ling Tian's teaching of the formation method changed again.

The fear of the demon clan was recalled again under Di Jun's terrifying aura. These members of the dragon clan even followed Ling Tian's mental power to continue arranging the formation.

The chill dissipated more quickly under this circumstance.

"Ling Tian, ​​Human Race, Dragon Race... You are all courting death..."

At this moment, an angry roar sounded from the sky.

Di Jun looked coldly at Ling Tian and a group of dragons. Although he was angry at this time, he had not forgotten why he came here. He came here to have a reason to attack the human race.

Now, this reason has apparently been found.

"Monster clan, don't be humiliated, save the prince of the demon clan, kill the clan, destroy the dragon clan..."

Donghuang looked at the dragon sea with cold eyes, and said coldly after Di Jun's words fell. He himself couldn't bear to let Di Jun, who was born with him, use his ten sons as a trap. Now, looking at Di Jun The tragic situation of ten sons, the anger of Donghuang may not be as good as that of Emperor Jun, but the guilt in his heart is even greater.

With the roar, Dong Huang was the first to rush out.

In an instant, the demon clan above the clouds fell madly towards the bottom like dumplings.

A wave of terrifying power enveloped the entire Longhai area. Above the sea, endless demonic energy filled the air, and the terrifying aura even made the sea surface twist.

And the dragon clan that was floating in the air in the formation sank directly towards the sea.

Ling Tian glanced at the dragon family helplessly.

In this prehistoric world, and even in the world after the prehistoric era, the dragon clan has indeed been abolished. When the gods were conferred, they were calculated, and Journey to the West was still calculated. It can be said that it is true... tragic dragon clan.

However, it's no wonder the Dragon Clan.

After all, the current dragon clan is like the royal clan after the annihilation of the country. If there is any strength and it is not abolished, I am afraid that what awaits the dragon clan is to perish.

Probably, this is also the reason why the Dragon Clan Mingming Zulong is still there, but there is no idea to make the Dragon Clan stronger again.

"Stop, where can you hide even if you hide? Waiting to die..."

Ling Tian coldly glared at the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and immediately, his mental power exploded, and the power of the emperor's anger began to bless him crazily.

At this time, Ling Tian's anger of the emperor has nothing to do with the anger of the emperor in the Tang world. When he displays martial arts in this world and is recognized by the world, his martial arts are no longer the so-called low martial arts of later generations, and high martial arts can be divided into of.

If he insisted on saying that his martial arts and the divine Tao of the prehistoric world are now on the same level.

At this level, the power of Tianzi's anger is unimaginable by ordinary people.

With the blessing of the emperor's anger, Ling Tian's strength was pushed up like a rocket, and in the blink of an eye he had reached the peak of a quasi-sage.

The endless power spread from Ling Tian's body at this moment.

Immediately, Ling Tian's figure flew into the sky, and he didn't use the Yuan Tu sword, but went straight to greet the East Emperor with a punch.

In the sky, the Eastern Emperor also threw his fist down at this time.

The two great emperors of the demon clan, although both came from the sun, however, because of the relationship between the magic weapon, the emperor Jun is more of a handsome and strategist, but the East Emperor is an absolute warrior. The East Emperor Bell defends the world unparalleled. In no way inferior to any ancestor witch.

Donghuang, who was coming down from the sky, watched Ling Tian wave his fists to meet him, and his face suddenly showed a cheerful look.

As a fierce general, Donghuang is by no means a supporting role for later generations. He will not look down on any enemy. Even if Ling Tian is a human race, he should be despised by both the monsters and the witches. However, at this time, Donghuang has nothing to do with Ling Tian. Without the slightest underestimation and contempt.

Looking at Ling Tian throwing his fist up, Dong Huang just condensed the already condensed power even more.

The next second, Ling Tian and Dong Huang's fists collided in mid-air.

The luster of the 12th grade blood lotus and the Eastern Emperor Bell flashed from their bodies at the same time.

Blood and golden yellow are intertwined into splendid colors. The treasure from Pangu's eyes and the treasure from Pangu's tainted blood are of the same grade.

When they collided with each other, the two treasures were indistinguishable, but in the next second, the face of the East Emperor who was confronting the two fists suddenly changed.

An even more violent force was being born from Ling Tian's fist at this time, and then violently surged towards Dong Huang's fist.

The second force, and the second force without any preparation, is only a small trick to use the energy of the low martial arts world, but at this moment, it is a killer move.

In this prehistoric world, everyone is open and close. Even if there are some feminine means, it is a silent corrosion. No one has ever thought that a violent and fierce fist can be punched out again immediately after the power is exhausted. Move a force.

Feeling the terrifying power emerging from Ling Tian's fist again, Dong Huang's expression changed, and he immediately began to surge again.

However, regardless of how fast Ling Tian's power surged, it was the second burst of power, and the speed of the East Emperor itself fell behind. At this time, there was no explosive skill, just pure The surging belongs to the power of the body.

Ling Tian's strength is not inferior to the punch just now, even more powerful and violent than that punch.

In the low martial arts world, the so-called stacking wave strength itself is one-heavy than one-heavy berserk.

However, on the East Emperor's side, the pure physical strength might not be as strong as the explosive power that was shot down from the sky before.


A dull explosion sounded, and above the Eastern Emperor Bell, a terrifying golden light exploded, and then the Eastern Emperor flew out with the bell upside down.

In mid-air, you could vaguely see the golden luster on the East Emperor's face, and there seemed to be a little golden splash in the golden light of the East Emperor Bell.

Above the clouds, Di Jun's face changed. Others may not be able to see the scene in the light of the Donghuang Bell, but he and the big monsters in the heaven can clearly see that Donghuang was spit out by Ling Tian's fist. A mouthful of blood.

One punch defeats the Eastern Emperor...

When did the human race have such power...

If the human race had such power, how could the witch race have been able to please...

No, that's not right, the Wu clan didn't seem to have any favors before...

Di Jun's mind flashed countless thoughts for a while, but no matter what he thought about it at this time, many demon soldiers and demon generals of the demon clan had already rushed towards the sea.

At sea, the dragon clan that was about to sink into the sea originally shouted loudly because the dragon king of the four seas was awakened by Ling Tian, ​​and stayed on the sea. Lights up again.

"Let's form, form, form quickly..."

The roar of the Dragon King of the East China Sea sounded. At this time, seeing that the human race was indeed able to fight against the demon race, if they were still hesitating, then the dragon race would not be a wise race.

On the sea surface, one after another dragon began to lift into the sky again, and then, under the guidance of Ling Tian's spiritual power, began to circle and arrange a large formation.

The gloomy and cold breath appeared again, the dark clouds were dense, and a little crystal snow fell quietly.

Above the sea, the turbulent waves began to condense when the snowflakes fell, and the thick ice layer quickly covered a large area of ​​​​the sea, and the cold breath had instantly become the master of this sea area.

In mid-air, the dragon clan who had just formed a great formation looked at the sea in disbelief. Compared to just now, the power of the dragon clan's formation at this time was obviously much stronger.

Ling Tian was also looking at the frozen sea.

A trace of enlightenment emerged from Ling Tian's eyes.

Tianzi's anger has obviously become more idealistic in this world. The more those who are controlled by his spiritual power trust him, the stronger this Tianzi's anger will be.

At this time, with his defeat of the Eastern Emperor, the trust of these dragons in him has obviously reached an extreme, and the formation itself is also the first he created in this world, so at this time, the formation of the dragons formed The formidable power has been strong enough to make the heaven and earth sense.


In mid-air, Di Jun's eyes shrank slightly when he looked at the scene after the formation of the dragon clan.

At this time, the scene of the dragon clan formation was really terrifying.

The extreme chill even made Di Jun feel apprehensive.

You must know that Taiyin is the first cold attribute force in this world, and Di Jun's wife Xihe is a **** born in Taiyin. Di Jun has respected and loved each other with Xihe for many years. God is also ridiculous.

But now, the formation of these dragon clan has made Di Jun fearful. It is conceivable how powerful this formation is.

Di Jun's mouth opened slightly.

With his very clear strategy, the most appropriate and sensible approach at this time is to let the demon clan who had just rushed out immediately return, but only when his mouth was opened, Di Jun was stunned that he could not make a sound at all.

Can he make those monsters who rushed out to return? There is no problem in terms of actions.

However, once he did this, the morale of those monsters would be demoralized immediately, not to mention the cleaning up of the human race today, I am afraid that in the future, when these monsters face the human race, their combat power will drop by 30%.

After a slight hesitation, Di Jun didn't speak. Below, many of the demon clan rushing out had already collided with the dragon clan's great formation.

The aura of the ice attribute exploded, and tens of thousands of demon clans ruthlessly revealed the world of ice power.

A trace of frost and white began to quickly appear on those monsters.

For the demon clan with the same powerful body, these frost whites are not regarded as one thing by them.

Even though they clearly saw frost and white appearing on their body, all the demon clan still rushed towards the dragon clan and Ling Tian, ​​as well as the fifty human clan masters around Ling Tian.

The densely packed demon clan even drowned the area where Lingtian, human and dragon clan were located on the sea surface in an instant. From the outside, one could only see the densely packed demon clan piling up together.

Above the clouds, Di Jun's eyes showed a trace of expectation. At this time, he only hoped that the army of the demon clan could create miracles. Even if they suffered some losses, as long as they could destroy Lingtian and the dragon clan, it would be worthwhile.

"I can't stand it..."

However, at this time, Dong Huang, who was sent flying by Ling Tian, ​​returned to God Jun's side in the cloud layer again. He uttered a word coldly, and Dong Huang's figure suddenly turned upside down and fell towards the bottom.

After all, Emperor Jun only saw the powerful formation of the dragon clan, and he never fought against Ling Tian, ​​but Dong Huang knew clearly how powerful Ling Tian was.

Just in terms of cultivation base, Ling Tian is no less inferior to him and Di Jun. Counting the treasures, Ling Tian has two innate spiritual treasures, which happens to be one attack and one defense. In terms of combat, they are better than his and Di Jun's treasures. must be perfect.

What's more terrifying is Ling Tian's skills.

In this prehistoric world, there is the same difference between magic and magic. When preaching in prehistoric times, what is taught is Dao, while what is learned by inheritance is magic.

Those big bosses in the wild can create countless spells with their random thoughts.

However many techniques are useless to the big guys, just like the famous Bajiu Xuangong in later generations, what a powerful body he has cultivated to the extreme, but Zu Wu was born with a more powerful body than Bajiu Xuan. Even a body with a strong body that has been cultivated to the extreme, what value does these eighty-nine profound arts have to the ancestral witch.

Not to mention the Ancestral Witch, even if it is an ordinary Witch Clan, as long as you improve step by step with the Witch Clan's cultivation method, you can reach the realm of the Great Witch with a body that is not inferior to the eighty-nine profound arts.

In this case, not to mention the ancestor witch, even the great witch is not interested in creating any profound arts.

As for combat skills, the Wu clan is naturally powerful, the demon clan is born with instinct, one force can defeat ten skills, and instinctive combat skills are all skills created by them.

Under this circumstance, who would seriously create such a technique.

Therefore, in the Eastern Emperor's mind, art was never an important thing, and it was never something that needed to be paid attention to.

However, just now, the Eastern Emperor's thoughts were shaken.

Ling Tian's punch contained such a clever and mysterious technique. Even now, Dong Huang thought about it carefully. If he did it, he would not be able to avoid the threat of Ling Tian's second-strength technique.

During the battle, one punch hits two punches, which in itself is equivalent to two punches. The scary thing is that the second punch is stronger than the first.

It is conceivable that this technique has the advantage in pure power struggle.

: . :

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