The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 276: 0 years peace

Donghuang knew very well that with Ling Tian's strength, if he and Di Jun made up for it, even if all the demon clan were overwhelmed, there would be no chance of winning.

To die is to fight until Ling Tian is exhausted and run away, but in that case, under Ling Tian's counterattack, the demon clan is afraid that they will be at a loss.

The competition between the two Lich clans is a matter of two races. Emperor Jun and Donghuang compete against the Twelve Ancestral Witches, while the rest of the Great Witch and the ordinary Witch Clan need to compete with the Demon Commander and the ordinary Demon Clan.

If the demon clan that was created to besiege Ling Tian was in a state of collapse, it was obviously not what Di Jun and Dong Huang wanted to see.

And the most important thing, even so, still can't kill Ling Tian, ​​only in the case of reducing the strength of the demon clan to be inferior to that of the witch clan, it also provokes Ling Tian, ​​such an inexhaustible enemy.

Then, obviously, it is impossible for Donghuang to simply use the monster clan to play the crowd tactics.

The figure was facing downwards and accelerated rapidly. In the blink of an eye, Donghuang had once again reached the sky above the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. At the same time, the figure of Di Jun disappeared above the clouds, as if in a blink of an eye, in a few breaths, Di Jun had taken an afterimage to the east. behind the emperor.

However, as soon as they reached the sky above the Dragon Palace, next to the formation formed by the Dragon Clan, the expressions of Di Jun and Dong Huang changed one after another.

Cold, endless cold...

When they arrived here, the two discovered that the chill here was much stronger than the one they felt above the sky.

At this time, quite a few of the monsters in the dragon formation had already fallen down with their bodies stiffened.

However, at this time, the formation of the dragon clan was not the sea surface, but the endless ice layer.

The fallen monsters have now become part of the ice layer, and they look like crystal clear statues.

"Human race..."

In Di Jun's eyes, the look of fear became more intense.

As for the Dragon Clan, both Emperor Jun and Dong Huang knew very well. After all, when they heard the sermon in Zixiao Palace, the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan dominated the world.

However, after the dragon and phoenix catastrophe, the strength of both the dragon clan and the phoenix clan should have been reduced to a level that people can ignore.

Then, at this time, the formation of the dragon clan can show such power, the only explanation is that the human clan, Ling Tian has the means to turn stone into gold.

Among the fates, the human race is destined to replace the two lich races as the hegemons of heaven and earth.

In fact, the countless battles between the two Lich clans in the past were not simply to dominate the world, but more to accumulate enough strength to dominate the world and become the real supreme, and then try to see if you can Compete fate.

No one wants to be pulled down from a high position. Look at the current situation of the dragon and phoenix clan, no matter who the lich clan wants to become the next dragon and phoenix clan.

If not, with the wisdom of the two lich clans, how could they have seen such an endless battle after seeing the end of the dragon and phoenix fight for hegemony.

However, looking at the power displayed by the dragon clan, and looking at Ling Tian standing proudly in the middle of the dragon clan, a strange feeling emerges in Di Jun's heart.

Perhaps, their constant struggle with the witch clan was wrong.

What they really need to contend against is not each other, but the new human race.

The two lich clans back then were able to replace the dragon and phoenix because of forbearance, because the dragon and phoenix never cared about the lich clan, and because the dragon and phoenix killed themselves, but now, the human race may replace the lich clan because of the strength of the human race itself.

This is destined to succeed the human race of the two lich clans, and there may already be the possibility of directly defeating the two lich clans.

The horrified dispersal, and immediately, the killing intent was born, but sooner was dispelled by the chill outside.

At this time, what is there to say about killing or not.

Now, it's not that the demon clan wants to destroy the human clan, but the equal fight between the demon clan and the human clan has begun.

Di Jun's mind trembled, if the monsters would spare no expense, they would definitely be able to inflict heavy damage on the human race, but what's the use of that, the human race would not perish, at least Ling Tian should not die.

And that would not benefit the demon clan in the slightest, only the witch clan could benefit.

But, why did the demon clan do good things for the witch clan?

Although I just realized that the two lich clans don't necessarily need to fight each other, after all, after so many years of fighting, can they turn their heads and say hello, and then sit down and chat.

Hatred has been imprinted on each other's bones in the past countless years of fighting, and it is absolutely impossible for the two lich clans to coexist in this world.


Di Jun thought about it this way, his emotional fluctuations simultaneously infected the East Emperor next to him, and then the East Emperor's voice sounded.

In the dragon formation, the scorching aura spread out, and the demons, who were falling towards the ice layer like dumplings, stopped falling.

Donghuang looked at Ling Tian.

"If you continue to fight, there will be no good results, you will not win... Of course, you will not lose, but the monsters, humans, and dragons will definitely suffer huge damage, I think, this is not what you hope. have witnessed……"

The Eastern Emperor's low voice sounded.

The emperor of this monster clan, a fierce general born in the sun, did not hide anything, and directly acknowledged Ling Tian's strength in his words.

And his words also made Ling Tian nodded indifferently.

A lot of times, Ling Tian doesn't like the twists and turns of the words. Ling Tian is quite able to accept the words of the East Emperor.

"No one likes to fight indiscriminately. If there is a battle, there will be death. If you can live in a peaceful place, I think, neither the human race nor the dragon race will want to fight against the demon race..."

Ling Tian looked at Donghuang, and then looked at the many dragons and fifty human masters who followed him.

At this time, whether it is the dragon clan or the masters of the human clan, their bodies are already covered with scars.

The formation is indeed magical, but no matter how magical the formation is, it is impossible to completely make up for the gap in strength. The dragons and humans are now much worse than the monsters, especially the monsters that have big monsters.

Among those great demons, all of them have the strongest power under the saints, and one or two are even infinitely close to the quasi-sages.

Although relying on the power of the formation, the dragon clan resisted the attacks of these big monsters, but it also came at a price.

Of course, the price is mutual. Although the dragon clan and the human clan are embarrassed, the demon clan is even more miserable.

At this time, tens of thousands of demon clans have at least left thousands.

Above the ice layer below, there are countless ice sculptures that have been frozen like a stack of Arhats, each of which is a monster, and there is even a big monster in it.

At this point, Ling Tian had already done almost the same thing to show his strength, and it would be worth the loss if he continued to fight. After all, the demon clan was too strong, so he could surround them here and send a team to attack the human clan's city.

Compared to here, even if there is a formation guard in the human city, it is completely possible to kill with the strength of the monsters, the difference is only how much you pay.

"Human race, accepting the conferring of the demon race, you can send masters to follow the demon race to train and fight..."

In the air, Di Jun looked at Ling Tian and spoke calmly.

It's impossible to fight, but Di Jun didn't want to simply end today's affairs.

As a demon emperor with strategy as the mainstay, although Di Jun has never used the strategy of victory outside the battlefield in the past, it is very natural to do it.

In another existence, even if his strength is stronger than Ling Tian, ​​he probably won't think too much after listening to Di Jun's words. This era, after all, is an era dominated by lich, and Di Jun's words can be regarded as a gift.

However, Ling Tian came from later generations, so how could he not hear the trap in Di Jun's words.

Training and fighting with the demon clan seems to have improved the status of the human race, but in this way, the human race can only appear as the younger brother of the demon clan forever.

Moreover, once the Lich War begins, the human race will definitely be the cannon fodder of the demon race.

"No, my human race doesn't need to fight, my human race only needs a piece of land to survive... the East China Sea..."

Ling Tian coldly interrupted Di Jun's words.

The figure flies into the air, Ling Tian's arm shakes, and strange fluctuations spread out. A force after another is slapped on the ice layer along with Ling Tian's arm. Then, these forces spread along the ice layer and spread towards the surrounding area. go out.

When they first saw Ling Tian's strength, Di Jun and Dong Huang subconsciously moved, thinking that Ling Tian was going to use those monsters to threaten them.

But then, feeling the power from Ling Tian scattered, Di Jun and Dong Huang immediately knew that they had misunderstood.

However, the slackness brought about by the misunderstanding had not yet appeared, and suddenly the expressions of Dijun and Donghuang turned ugly again.

The scattered power covered the area, centered on the area of ​​the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, the East China Sea, the East China Sea, and large areas began to vaguely respond to Ling Tian's power.

The world in this area is actually completely recognizing Ling Tian.

Not only that, the world in this area is even more supportive to Ling Tian in terms of strength.

Di Jun and Dong Huang could clearly recognize that the world in this area was repelling them without even having to feel it. Moreover, it was not purely aura, but power.

The heaven and earth in this area are gathering the power that belongs to heaven and earth at this time. It feels like they may give Dijun and Donghuang to the wrath of heaven and earth at any time.

"This is... the power of the formation..."

Di Jun's eyes were solemn, he turned to look at Ling Tian and asked in a deep voice.

How strong the formation was, Di Jun already knew a general idea from Hetu Luoshu, but at this time, feeling the response from the heaven and earth brought out by Ling Tian's actions, Di Jun really knew how strong the formation was.

Looking at Ling Tian in front of him, Di Jun felt hatred and loss in his heart, and finally became helpless...

The heaven and the earth are blessed, the heaven and the earth are fond of...

This is the fate of the human race. Although the formation method, although Hetuluo Shu would have been generated, it is a step too late for the human race, and this step is a moat that can never be reached.

Now he can also deduce the formation, but the power of the formation he deduces can never be as terrifying and tyrannical as the formation of the human race. Relatively speaking, deducing the formation is not as hard as his hard work.

"It's the power of the formation, but it's the power of the human race..."

Ling Tian looked at Di Jun indifferently and said.

There is indeed a formation factor in this force, but, in the same way, the human race is favored by heaven and earth, so Ling Tian can display such a huge formation to such an effect.

From the place where the human race gathers to the East China Sea, it is not easy to imprint a formation in such a huge area, and Ling Tian has to activate the formation while imprinting the formation, so that it can be exposed. The power to deter Emperor Jun and Dong Huang.

This is not something Ling Tian can accomplish by himself, it can only be done with the help of the fate of the entire human race.

"East China Sea, and the 30,000-mile-square sky by the East China Sea, my demon clan will never interfere again..."

Di Jun took a deep look at Ling Tian and then spoke in a deep voice.

Under this power, Di Jun has no intention of continuing to fight against the human race.

However, Di Jun still dug a hole for the Wu clan in the end. The only thing the demon clan did not interfere with was the sky. As for the earth, it had nothing to do with the demon clan, it was the matter of the Wu clan.

"My human race will never participate in the battle between the two lich races. My human race and the dragon race only want a peaceful life..."

Ling Tian looked at Di Jun and followed.

He could naturally hear the trap in Di Jun's words, but Ling Tian didn't have any extra thoughts about it. After all, if the Wu clan really came here, he could only fight against it.

At this time, due to the formation, the human race seems to be much stronger, but in terms of overall strength, the human race is still unable to compare with the two lich races, so they can only passively confront the two lich races.

The words fell, Ling Tian's mental power fluctuated The ten princes of the demon clan under his feet, and the ice sculpture demon clan on the ice layer floated up one after another.

Soon, these monsters have left the range of the dragon's formation. Then, a trace of warm air dissipated, the dragon's formation dissipated, and the ice on those monsters disappeared quickly. In the blink of an eye, it seemed that they had not been frozen at all. the way it was.

Immediately afterward, all the demon races began to wake up.

However, at this time, Di Jun and Dong Huang ignored the awakened demon clan, and looked at Ling Tian deeply together.

The last hand, melting the frost on all the monsters with a warm breath, and then letting the monsters wake up, Ling Tian is clearly showing the power of yang attribute, fire attribute, and it is the most exquisite fire attribute, yang attribute. attribute power.

Di Jun and Dong Huang believed that they were in the Yang attribute, and the fire attribute was absolutely stronger than Ling Tian countless, but their control over the two attributes was definitely not as good as Ling Tian's.

At this moment, the two talents truly regarded Ling Tian as a top-notch existence that could surpass them. After all, Ling Tian showed not only a secondary explosion on his body, but also rules and control over his attributes and power.

Ling Tian put back all the monsters, and Di Jun and Donghuang didn't say anything, they turned around with all the monsters and flew towards the sky in the distance.

In this era, covenants are far less cumbersome than later generations. In fact, this era is more realistic. Everyone’s strength is almost the same, and verbal covenants are completely enough. Once the strength is out of balance, then any covenant is useless, unless it is the kind The race protected by heaven and earth still needs to find excuses and reasons to fight.

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