The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 277: number of days

East China Sea, drizzle.

On the ground, groups of human races are cleaning up the fields. In this season, the drizzle brings the growth of all things.

From noon to evening, accompanied by a thunder, above the sky, the huge dragon swayed its tail towards the sea. In the field, an old man looked at the distant dragon and waved his hand politely.

"Old Zhang, it's been so many years since the Dragon Clan and our Human Clan have been in peace. Why are you still the same as you were..."

Not far from the old man, an equally old man smiled and said.

"When our human race fought side by side with the dragon race, those young people don't know, don't you know, Lao Cao, some etiquette can be omitted because of familiarity, but sometimes the etiquette is omitted, which often represents the beginning of unfamiliarity. Look at the young people today, there are still a few who know how difficult it is for the human race and the dragon race to be today..."

The old man looked at Lao Cao who was not far away and said.

"Got, I won't argue with you. Back then, the dragons did need a lot of courage and courage to stand on the side of the humans... However, the young man now, sigh..."

When Lao Cao heard Lao Zhang's words, he first smiled and nodded, then he sighed deeply.

The two have known each other for hundreds of years, and their relationship is naturally very good. The jokes they made at the beginning were just jokes, but when it comes to being young now, the two are really a little heavy.

At this time, hundreds of years have passed since Ling Tian's truce on behalf of the Human Race and the Monster Race.

Hundreds of years, even in this period, is enough to make a generation old.

Human race, after all, is not a lich, dragon and phoenix, even if human race has the blessing of heaven and earth, but since the second generation, the human race's lifespan has a limit.

Up to now, the first generation of human races whose cultivation bases are not top-notch have also grown old.

Although compared to the humans of later generations, even if they are old, the human race of this era is still strong and strong, but, no matter what, these old people are indeed old.

As an old man, what I care about most is that it is naturally the younger generation.

Therefore, Lao Zhang and Lao Cao sighed when they talked about the younger generation.

"Old Zhang, Lao Zhang, your son has come back, and he has brought back his daughter-in-law and grandson..."

At this moment, a loud voice came from a distance.

In future generations, such a shout can certainly startle people, but then it will only be ecstasy. After all, there is no need to bother you to have a daughter-in-law and a grandson, the old man doesn't like it.

However, at this moment, upon hearing this, Lao Zhang jumped up violently.

"Is it the witch clan, or the demon clan... This scumbag thing..."

An angry roar spewed out of Lao Zhang's mouth.

Immediately, this old man who was dying in this era collapsed three feet high, and then flew away quickly towards the distance.

"Old Zhang, don't be impulsive..."

Behind him, Lao Cao saw his old friend's reaction and quickly followed.

Donghai, the third city forged by the human race, at this time, Ling Tian sat there with a frown, several men from the first generation of human races who were well-cultivated and who had never been old stood in front of him.

"Supreme, now there are at least 200,000 witch hybrids and 300,000 demon hybrids in my human race..."

With an ugly look, a human race expert slowly opened his mouth.

For hundreds of years, the human race and the demon race never clashed again, but there were two conflicts with the witch race.

The most recent one was three hundred years ago.

In that conflict, Ling Tian and the Twelve Ancestral Witch slammed into each other fiercely, and then raised their injuries for more than two hundred years. After Ling Tian recovered from his injuries, he immediately planned the power of the human race.

However, Ling Tian never expected that the two lich clans would change their tactics to play with the human clan.

The two Lich clans actually dispatched handsome men and women from their respective clans to marry the humans.

For more than 100 years, there have been many confusions among the three lich tribes.

Even, occasionally, you can find children who have the blood of the three Lich tribes at the same time. These children may have Yaozu among their grandparents, or witches among their grandparents. Although their elders are all ordinary mortals, the three The bloodlines are mixed, but each of these children is a leader in the human race.

What makes Ling Tian helpless is that although these children have the blood of the two Lich clans, they deeply recognize their human identity from the bottom of their hearts.

Under this circumstance, Ling Tian had no way to deprive them of their human identity.

At first glance, it seems that it doesn't matter if they recognize their identities. After all, since they consider themselves to be human race, then these little guys will fight for human race when they grow up.

However, for some unknown reason, Ling Tian subconsciously always felt that something was wrong.

Therefore, even though Ling Tian had already accepted the intermarriage between the two lich clans and the human clan, he never dared to express his stance publicly.

"City Lord, City Lord..."

At this moment, suddenly, a frantic voice came from outside, and then, a human warrior quickly ran in.


The soldier who came in in a hurry suddenly saw Ling Tian also saluting immediately.

"Don't be too polite, is there something wrong with you being so anxious?"

Ling Tian waved his hand and looked at the warrior of this human race.

For hundreds of years, Ling Tian took the human race to occupy a large area of ​​the East Sea, and also developed the human race from the initial hundreds of thousands to now more than ten million. While he really has feelings for the human race, Ling Tian's own strength is also in the human race. He was promoted to the pinnacle of quasi-sage under the impetus of his belief, and he was only one line away from touching the realm of a saint.

At this time, seeing the anxious appearance of this human race warrior, Ling Tian naturally became concerned for the first time.

"Supreme, it's like this, there is a human race, the first generation human race, because his son brought back the wife of the witch race, the grandson of the mixed blood of the witch race, and was too angry, so he wanted to punish his son, who knows, the witch race The woman loved her husband too much and wanted to be punished for her husband, but was accidentally beaten on the forehead by the first-generation human race...

Later, the son of the first-generation human race committed suicide because he was sad that his wife died and the murderer was his own father. The first-generation human race committed a big mistake and committed suicide after entrusting his grandson to a friend...

But his death is not the end, the rest of the young people in the city who have taken or married the two lich clans have begun to feel panic in their hearts..."

The human warrior looked at Ling Tian and said quickly.

Lich people, after all, the three clans have gone through countless battles. At this time, it is not surprising that the young people who are married to the two lich clans are terrified.

Ling Tian frowned slightly, he knew that the responsibility for this matter rested with him.

It was his delay in stating that the intermarriage of the three lich tribes was right or wrong, which led to the current situation.

If he objected from the beginning, even if he expel hundreds of thousands of people, even if he let go of hundreds of thousands of children with outstanding talent, it would not have much impact on the human race.

And if he approves the intermarriage of the three races, then things will be simpler.

Those members of the Lich clan, whether they are married or married to a human race, will recognize the identity of the human race, and their descendants will truly consider themselves to be a human race.

But what's bad is that Ling Tian didn't do anything, so the human race below didn't know what to do, and some first-generation human races, the human races who had experienced war, naturally repulsed the two lich clans subconsciously, even if that witch The demons are their daughter-in-law or son-in-law.

"It's time to solve this..."

Ling Tian sighed again, then got up and walked outside.

He didn't know why he was so worried about gains and losses this time, which led to this tragedy.

The older the rivers and lakes, the less courageous.

This is not a Jianghu, this is a flood, and he is a human emperor.

With a self-deprecating smile, Ling Tian strode out of the City Lord's Mansion, and his figure immediately flew into the sky.

"My fellow human beings, from today onwards, my human race is inclusive, no matter the lich, no matter any inborn beings, who have feelings with the human race and voluntarily belong to our human race, that is a member of my human race, regardless of each other..."

The low voice spread out with Ling Tian's opening, spreading from the third city towards the surroundings, then the second city, the fourth city... and finally covered all six cities of the human race.

And following Ling Tian's words, countless cheers suddenly sounded.

Along with these cheers, Ling Tian had already started to calm down, and the belief that had grown steadily at intervals suddenly skyrocketed again.

This section is even more than three times the value of his solidified growth, and this surge is not a one-time increase.

Ling Tian could feel that this kind of skyrocketing seemed to still exist, and it would vaguely last for a long time.

In mid-air, feeling the growth of this faith, it seems that it won't take long for him to rely on burning faith to forcibly touch the realm of a saint, but Ling Tian's face does not have the slightest joy or smile, instead There was a hint of solemnity.

For some reason, after the words he said just now, Ling Tian vaguely felt an extremely strong gloomy aura appearing in his heart, as if he had made a very wrong decision just now.

At this time, Ling Tian didn't know that the Heavenly Court, the Pangu Temple, and even the Zixiao Palace had an unexpected vision.

Above the Heavenly Court, three thousand peach trees blossomed and fruited instantly when Ling Tian’s words were spoken. Although they were all peach trees that originally only took three thousand years to bloom and three thousand years to bear fruit, the six thousand years were shortened to a fraction of a second. See the horror in it.

But Di Jun and Donghuang looked at this scene and smiled at each other.

"The fate has been changed, and things have come to pass..."

An excited voice spit out from Di Jun's mouth. This demon emperor, who is mainly strategic, was as happy as an old child hundreds of thousands of years old. Next to him, Dong Huang was also not doing much better.

And above the earth, in the temple of Pangu.

The Twelve Ancestors were also sitting there cross-legged. Following Ling Tian's words, the eyes of the twelve people opened at the same time, and incomparable ecstasy appeared in the eyes of the twelve.

"The fate has changed, my witch clan can finally continue on the earth..."

In a word, the fate of the two races has changed.

This is already a big event in itself, but nine days away, in the Zixiao Palace, the old man in the right way suddenly opened his eyes.

"Walking against the sky, changing the number of fates, nonsense..."

It seemed to be a scolding voice, but there was no emotion that belonged to a creature. The old man glanced at the Chaos Heavenly Dao outside the Zixiao Palace indifferently, and then his arms were slightly stroked.

The way of heaven changes, and the river of stars turns.

There is something vaguely changing, but in the next second, the fate shakes, and different galaxies change again.

The old man frowned slightly.

"Existence is reasonable. However, the change of fate is not the right way, nor is it reasonable. It's just that this child is related to the way of annihilation of the world, and he is born into a human race favored by heaven and earth, but it cannot be erased. In this case, it should be suppressed for 30,000 years..."

Lao Dao's eyes were calm, but he seemed to be watching something, and he quickly came to some conclusions along with slow talk to himself.

Immediately, a pale golden talisman appeared out of thin air in front of Lao Dao, and then dissipated into the air.

Tusita Palace, Kunlun Mountains, Jinao Island, Western Paradise, Wa Palace...

"The human race is lingering in the sky and acts against the sky. It should suffer the pain of 30,000 years of suppression. Heaven and earth feel it. Saints can take action to suppress them.

The indifferent voice of the old man rang in the ears of several saints at the same time.

At the level of a saint, there are not many people who can impress him. At most, he is a little concerned about his own disciples, etc. However, when the words that Laodao called the power of calamity appeared, the eyes of these saints lit up one after another.

Quantum calamity, encircling Quantity Calamity, that is a terrifying existence that can make dragons and phoenixes fall, can make all saints fall, and even limitless tribulations can't escape even saints.

If you can get a measure of calamity.

With the means of a saint, it is not impossible to figure out the origin of a few calamities. In that case, even if you still need to face the calamities, you can be prepared to avoid them.

The old Taoist's voice dissipated, and several saints had disappeared in their respective dojos.

On the edge of the East China Sea, Ling Tian announced that the human race would accept the lich, and the figure immediately returned to the City Lord's Mansion. However, after returning, Ling Tian felt more and more gloomy feeling in his heart rising.

And slowly, there seemed to be some strange energy aura above the sky by the East China Sea. That kind of aura enveloped Ling Tian, ​​as if it made a sign for Ling Tian.

By this time, Ling Tian could completely confirm that he did indeed seem to have done something wrong, so that he was missed by Heaven and Earth.

The human race is the darling of heaven and earth, but the two lich races are to be erased by heaven and earth. Now, Ling Tian's actions seem to be against heaven and earth.

Or, there are other deeper things in it.

"I've been feeling something recently, vaguely touching the realm of a saint. I'll be in retreat for a while later. You don't need to find me. If you have any problems, you can negotiate and solve it yourself..."

In the City Lord's Mansion, Ling Tian looked at the human race masters standing there and slowly opened his mouth, he said a word, and without waiting for those human race masters to respond, the figure has disappeared in place.

At this time, Ling Tian could vaguely sense that a master was coming. Seven out of ten masters higher than Di Jun and Dong Huang were saints.

Never let the race see that the sage made a move against him, and must not let the race have hatred for the sage.

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