The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 278: Anomalies come

Out of the sky, Ling Tian jumped out of nothingness.

Ling Tian didn't know how powerful the sage was, but Ling Tian knew that the sage was definitely stronger than him.

He has innate spiritual treasures, as well as saints, and more.

He has martial arts, but the sage definitely has more abilities than him in the inheritance of Hongjun, and there are more than one sage.

In the end, the saint represents the avenue of heaven and earth, and he is only a human race. Even if the human race is a race favored by the heaven and the earth, but a few saints go up together, no one will believe that the human race will replace the two lich races.

Ling Kong stood in nothingness, Ling Tian waited quietly.

Up to now, he can only do one game with the saint. There are too many mysteries in this prehistoric world. He has not yet found the secret of why the prehistoric world is the source of the imbalance of time and space. At the same time, although his current strength is already extremely strong , but it is still a little short to leave this prehistoric world.

Therefore, this battle with the saint is unavoidable.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is to avoid the sight of the human race.

In this way, no matter whether he wins or loses, at least the morale of the human race will not be exhausted, but if he loses, I am afraid that the human race will return to its original fate, and the people in the wild will no longer regard the human race as a threat. A heaven and earth favor the race of the two lich tribes.

Void, Ling Tian thought a lot in his heart, however, it was only a blink of an eye. Suddenly, six visions of heaven and earth appeared, purple air swept over 30,000 miles, and auspicious clouds covered the outer world full of chaotic aura. Domineering, or peaceful, or elegant and majestic figures appear together, and after the three is a woman with a holy face, and then two men with a dash of compassion and compassion towards the world.

The six saints are the only six saints in today's prehistoric world except Hongjun Daozu.

If there is no accident, in the case of the disappearance of Hongmeng Purple Qi, this will probably be the only Six Saints in this prehistoric world.

Ling Tian coldly watched the Six Saints appear, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

The 12th grade blood lotus slowly appeared beside Ling Tian, ​​and then the Yuan Tu sword appeared in his hand.

Since he came to this world to learn from Ming He, whether it was facing the witch clan when he was weak, or facing the demon clan in full force, this was the first time Ling Tian had armed himself.

"Your name is Ling Tian..."

However, Ling Tian put on a fighting stance, but the Six Saints didn't rush to do it, Nuwa first looked at Ling Tian and said slowly.

As the mother of the human race, Nuwa didn't seem to want to fight with Ling Tian.

"Five brothers, can you allow me to persuade him a little, maybe, this battle doesn't necessarily need to be fought..."

Nuwa first asked Ling Tian a question, and then she looked at Sanqing and the Second Sage of the West.


"Sage Nuwa, this person is arrogant and may not listen to you..."

On Sanqing's side, Lao Tzu nodded indifferently, while on the side of the Western Second Sage, the quasi-daoist said with a smile.

"Thank you five brothers..."

Nu Wa smiled. She didn't care about Lao Tzu's indifference or Zhun's talkativeness. She bowed and turned to look at Ling Tian again.

"The way of heaven is fixed, the destiny is fixed, why do you act like this? You must know that the human race only needs to be safe and stable, and it will definitely be able to sit firmly in the position of the overlord of heaven and earth..."

Nu Wa looked at Ling Tian and said with a sigh.

As for Ling Tian, ​​he is naturally extremely strong and also extremely powerful. It can be said that Ling Tian is no less to the human race than Di Jun and Donghuang are to the demon race, and the Twelve Ancestors are to the Wu race.

However, the fate of the human race is different from that of the lich clan. Going forward, whether it is the dragon and the phoenix or the lich, in the beginning of the world and the chaos of the wild, they are not domineering and arrogant, and they cannot suppress the chaos of the wild.

But now, the prehistoric order has tended to be peaceful. The ancestors of Hongjun and Dao were born together with the Dao of Heaven, and the Six Saints joined hands to maintain the balance of heaven and earth.

The next Overlord of Heaven and Earth only needs to do trivial things. Therefore, the more outstanding an existence like Ling Tian is, the less suitable it is to exist.

"What is the essence of this world..."

Ling Tian looked at Nu Wa, and a trace of disappointment gradually appeared in his eyes.

The mother of this human race is indeed for the sake of the human race. Like many parents in later generations, she wants to arrange everything for her children, and indeed she has arranged a good path.

However, they never thought that their arrangement might be very good, but they completely restricted the child they loved to death.

According to the path they arranged, it is possible to be stable, but that kind of stability is the one that is completely bound.

If this is the case from generation to generation, then there will be a situation where one generation is inferior to one generation.

Human race, prehistoric times, history, inheritance...

Ling Tian exhaled slightly.

Not to mention his beliefs, even if it is the inheritance of the human race itself, although the human race of this era can't fight against the two lich clans, it can still survive in the wild land, and in the period of conferring gods, the human race is even qualified to be cannon fodder on the battlefield. no.

Only those disciples of the Golden Immortal are qualified to be cannon fodder, and the human race, even if they want to be cannon fodder, must get some treasures bestowed by the Golden Immortal.

But Fengshen, the human race can still have the opportunity to be cannon fodder anyway. When the catastrophe happened on the earth during the journey to the west, the human race can only be the background board, no, it is worse than the background board.

Eighty-one difficulties, whether it is a monster from the original ecology, or a monster from the sky, which does not eat people.

So, in Journey to the West, the only role of the human race is to provide their own venue for the big robbery as a stage, and then take out their own flesh and blood to make food for the hard-working monsters.

Look how hospitable the human race is.

This kind of thing, even if Ling Tian didn't think about faith, he would never stand by and watch with wide-eyed eyes.

He is also a human race, pure, past and present.

If he leaves this world, then it's fine. Anyway, out of sight is pure, but he can't do without it, and he can't escape, so let's come to the next game.

"The essence of this world is that there is no essence. Before Pangu opened the sky, who knew what the queen of the sky was like... Before Hongjun Daozu joined the Dao, who knew what the Dao of Heaven was like. The birth of the human race may have a reason, but, As a human being, you are destined to have infinite possibilities..."

The deep words came out of Ling Tian's mouth.

In an instant, the chaos outside the sky vibrated wildly, just like the waves above the sea, and it seemed that something terrifying was about to come from outside the sky.

The purple thunder flashed wildly in the chaos, as if it was preventing something.

At the same time, the Six Saints felt a throbbing in their hearts, followed by the voice of Daozu Hongjun ringing in the ears of the Six Saints.


With a low and majestic voice, the Six Sages no longer dared to hesitate.

The power of the six-strand rule appeared instantly.

Six completely different rules. At this time, they shot at a target, almost instantly and chaotic shocks, equal to the purple thunder, and even suppressed those movements.

At the same time, at least ten innate spiritual treasures appeared and covered Ling Tian.

The Mysterious Yellow Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, the Taiji Map, the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, the Four Swords of Zhuxian...

Since the birth of the Great Desolation, I am afraid that this is the first time someone has suffered an attack of this intensity.

This can probably be regarded as the most terrifying battle in the world after the great **** Pangu killed 3,000 chaotic gods and demons before he opened the sky.

A faint smile appeared in Ling Tian's eyes.

Can he stop such an attack? He certainly cannot.

Six Saints, even if there is no Innate Spirit Treasure, it is absolutely enough to suppress him, not to mention that the Six Saints now all have Innate Spirit Treasures in their hands, and more than one person is still able to knock them out in an instant.

The blood-colored lotus flower was in full bloom, and the Yuan Tu sword was shining brightly. Ling Tian faced the attack of the Six Saints and did not block or evade in the slightest.

Just kidding, Six Saints, who can avoid their attack with more than ten pieces of innate spiritual treasures, let alone Ling Tian, ​​I am afraid that Hongjun Daozu would have to frown in the face of this scene.

The dazzling lustre of the Yuan Tu sword ripped apart the void, without making any contact with the Six Saints' innate spiritual treasure, in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of the West.

The terrifying Jianmang carried all of Ling Tian's power. At this time, Ling Tian himself was the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and in the case of a decisive blow, this strike was absolutely no different from the attack of a saint.

Zhunti and Jieyin watched the lustre of Yuantu sword fall, but there was no fear in their eyes, instead they showed a faint smile.

Although this sword has the attack of the saint, it will definitely not hurt the saint.

However, Zhunti and Jieyin can take this opportunity to take away the Yuantu sword, which is also a congenital spiritual treasure. It is said that the treasures in their hands are definitely not comparable to the Sanqing of the East, or even Nuwa.

Therefore, even ordinary treasures, these two people would happily take them away, not to mention such treasures as congenital spiritual treasures.

However, just when Zhunti stretched out his hand to grab Yuan Tujian, suddenly, the face next to him suddenly changed.


The honest man, one of the two saints in the west, shouted, and he rushed directly to the front of the reception. The chaotic golden lotus continued to expand, and then the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree frantically swept towards the front.

Behind him, Zhunti was still sluggish, and suddenly, the terrifying aura shrank violently, and then it seemed like a taut bowstring exploded, and the violent energy instantly cleared the surrounding tens of thousands of miles of void.

Even a few other saints not far away avoided them one after another.

"Xiantian Lingbao blew itself up..."

A horrified voice spit out from Zhunti's mouth, and his face showed anger. Compared with the previous anger, he almost grabbed the Yuantu sword. In his opinion, it was already his innate spiritual treasure. , but now it was directly blown up by Ling Tian, ​​how could he not be angry.

However, before his anger dissipated, the fierce body standing in front of him trembled, and even from behind Zhunti, he could see a dark-yellow aura pouring out in front of him. In the yellow breath, there are countless worlds that are collapsing and annihilating.

Three thousand Buddha kingdoms... The three thousand Buddha kingdoms that I received were also affected and collapsed countless times...

The anger in Zhunti's eyes dissipated, and he appeared in shock.

He never imagined that Ling Tian could actually hurt the saint. You must know that for him and Jie Yin, the Three Thousand Buddha Kingdom is even more important than the innate spiritual treasure. That is their origin. Once the Three Thousand Buddha Kingdom collapses too much, They may even lose their holy position outright.

In shock, Zhunti looked forward.

In the distance, at this time, among the more than ten innate spiritual treasures, a cloud of blood-colored dirt was constantly floating.

There is no doubt that Ling Tian did not create miracles.

Although Yuan Tujian injured a saint, however, Ling Tian did not resist the attack of more than ten innate spiritual treasures. Under such attack, Ling Tian was directly blown up, and the 12th rank blood lotus turned into wreckage and wreckage. Ling Tian's blood was mixed together.

"This son is irritable, and his methods are insidious. Otherwise, I can't suppress him at all..."

Zhunti looked at the **** dirt and said fiercely.

What Hongjun Daozu asked for was repression, not killing, let alone blowing up. Now, the Six Sages obviously violated Hongjun Daozu's intention.

However, although Zhunti is usually black-hearted, he was right this time. Originally, more than ten innate spiritual treasures could definitely suppress Ling Tian steadily.

However, Ling Tian's self-destructing Yuan Tujian frightened these saints.

Yuan Tujian, rank 12 blood lotus, the latter is better than the former, even if the former is the weapon of killing, but this self-destruction can be used by the treasure itself, it doesn't matter, the power of self-destruction only depends on the strength of the treasure.

There is no doubt that if the blood lotus exploded, it would definitely be ten thousand times more terrifying than Yuan Tujian.

And Yuan Tujian's self-destruction severely damaged the reception. One of the people present was counted as one. No one dared to say that the fate of the blood lotus' self-destruction would be better than the reception.

"Although the body is destroyed, the true spirit is still there. It should not be against the teacher's intention. Suppress and suppress it in this outer world, so as not to cause any impact in this world..."

Tongtian pondered for a while, looked at Laozi and Yuanyuan, then at Nuwa and Jieyin, and then said.

The two sages in the west have expressed their opinions, and there must be someone on the east side. It’s just that Laozi’s daily life is plain, primitive is majestic, and Nuwa… Well, although the sage doesn’t say the difference between men and women, no matter what, three It was impossible for Qing to let Nuwa represent Dongfang on the top, so Tongtian could only respond to Zhunti.

"Then, suppress it..."

Zhunti nodded.

The East and the West suddenly reached a consensus, and the Six Saints did not talk nonsense. With their arms slightly stretched, endless power had been born out of thin air, and at the same time, invisible fluctuations appeared, chaotic shocks, and purple thunderbolts also disappeared.

Faced with such a situation, the Six Saints no longer had any extra thoughts, and just wanted to seal Ling Tian immediately.

However, just when the power of the Six Saints was about to fall on the blood stained by Ling Tian and the blood lotus after they were smashed, a strange force suddenly penetrated the chaos, and then ruthlessly drilled into Ling Tian. In the blood stained by the blood lotus, the blood stain immediately fell towards the bottom.

In a blink of an eye, he actually disappeared directly into the sight of the Six Saints.

"No, it's gone..."

The six sages were fully aware, but they were unable to grasp the traces of blood. Nuwa blinked, unable to maintain the majesty of a saint, and couldn't help but look suspicious like a mortal.

: . :

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