Ye Feng thought about why Rex chose to kill Martians that day, and why he didn't deal with himself.

Ye Feng thought, can't help toward Mars humanity, "these are Rex told you?"

The Martian shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "otherwise, what do you think I've been doing in Rex's office for half a day? I'm looking at your information! "

After taking a deep breath and lighting a cigarette, Ye Feng said, "what's the purpose of rexai to show you these?"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the Martian said, "this is what Rex and I want to know. You are a world-class agent. When you come to Angola prison, what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng then took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, then looked up at Mars humanity, "since you all know, I have nothing to hide, I do have my purpose, but it has nothing to do with you, including Rex and bullfighting Terrier, I will leave after I finish my work!"

But the Martian said with a smile, "leave? Do you think the Angolan prison is open in your family? If you want to leave, leave? " Said brow slightly a pick ground looking at leaf maple way, "no wonder you and Palace this now so familiar, you just want to borrow Palace this to leave?"

Ye Feng nodded and admitted, "that's right. Aren't we like each other? Isn't that why you and bullfighting Terrier are close to Miyamoto? "

Martian stare at after a long time, this just toward Ye Feng way, "you go!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "where are you going?"

The Martian said, "leave Angola, now!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "you just said that Angola is not my home, but I can go if I want to go?"

The Martian said to Ye Feng, "as long as you want to go now, I'll take care of Rex!"

Ye Feng sneered at the Martian, "what if I don't leave?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the Martian said, "if you don't leave, you may never have a chance to leave Angola in your life!"

With that, the Martian continued to say to Ye Feng, "I tell you, Rex has locked Miyamoto, and his last escape route has been blocked. If he still wants to dig a tunnel to achieve his goal of leaving Angola, I tell you, it's almost impossible!"

Ye Feng is toward Mars humanity, "even if it is true, what? If I can't do without you, can't you? "

But the Martian said to Ye Feng, "I have reached an agreement with Rex. He can let me leave!"

Ye Feng sneered, "if you let me choose between Rex and bullfighting Terrier, who is more credible, I may choose bullfighting Terrier!"

The Martian looked at Ye Feng and said, "so, even if you are not a bullfighting Terrier, you can't be a bullfighting terrier in your identity, but in your subconscious, you prefer to fight with bullfighting Terrier?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "to tell you the truth, I don't stand on either side of the conflict between you and bullfighting Terrier, and if you don't like to hear it, I don't have any interest in the conflict between you, so no matter how much conflict you have, it has nothing to do with me!"

The Martian said with a smile, "it doesn't matter, but you're still here. Do you want us to stop?"

Ye Feng sternly looked at Mars humanity, "because you do this, will affect my plan, I must stop it!"

The Martian looked at Ye Feng with a smile and said, "but have you ever thought that the reason for this conflict is just because of you?"

Ye Feng could not help frowning at the Martian, but listened to the Martian humanitarianism, "all this is the arrangement of Rex, you are right, and the Pulsatilla is right to advise. Once the bull terrier and I rush up, and the casualties are heavy, the prison has the right to start the martial law mode, but have you ever thought that I just want to cooperate with Rex's martial law action?"

Upon hearing this, the Pulsatilla on one side couldn't help looking at Mars humanely in surprise. "Boss, once the ban starts, it won't do us any good. All of us will have no activity time for a long time and will be locked up in prison all day long..."

The Martian couldn't help looking at the Pulsatilla and said, "that's right, isn't that what the ban is like? I've been in the cell for a few months. Isn't that what I spend every day? What's the big deal? "

The bald man and the lion can't help but look pale when they listen to the Martian saying that. Although they are in the Angolan prison, except that they can't leave the Angolan prison, they are almost the same as they are outside, but once the ban begins, then this kind of life means the end.

But the bald man and the lion did not speak, just looked at the Martian in surprise. They could not understand the purpose of the Martian?

Ye Feng at this time for them to ask out their heart voice way, "you so help Rex, what's your advantage?"? Is it to leave Angola? "

Martian did not speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "if so, I advise you to weigh it well, Rex's words have some degree of credibility, according to my understanding of him, he will not let you go so easily, do you know how much money he took from others, want me to kill you?"Speaking of this, Ye Feng said immediately after a pause, "I can even tell you that the person who wants to kill you is the family behind the person you killed in those years!"

The Martian looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully, with no surprise on his face. It was obvious that Rex had told him everything in half a day, otherwise he couldn't have looked like this.

Ye Feng is surprised that Rex's purpose of telling Martians all this is to make Martians and bullfighting stem conflict, so as to achieve the purpose of prison?

When the Martian saw that Ye Feng had finished speaking, he did not continue to speak. At this time, he said to Ye Feng, "I only ask you, do you want to leave?"

Ye Feng stares at the Martian and says word by word, "I won't leave until I reach my goal!"

Then, without waiting for the Martian to speak, he immediately said, "now I'll ask you, do you want to stop?"

But the Martian looked at Ye Feng with a smile. Then he went to the window and looked out. The outside had already become a mess. He sneered at Ye Feng and said, "look for yourself. Now even if I say stop, will the people below do it?"

Ye Feng went to the window to have a look, cold hum a way, "so, you are deliberately delaying my time!"

The Martian shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no time to delay, because as long as you have a choice before the prison represented by rexay leaves! As long as you nod, I can help you get out of Angola! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move ground to look at Mars humanity, "Lexy want me to leave, I can understand, you want me to leave, I have a little don't understand!"

The Martian looked sideways at Ye Feng and said, "you are such a smart person, can't you think of the reason? Although you don't say a word about the purpose you came in, your every move after you went to Angola prison has actually exposed your goal! "

Then the Martian turned to Ye Feng and said, "in addition to contact with Miyamoto, including the white headed Weng who takes the initiative to make friends with you, you are evasive. Bullfighting Terrier wants to attract you, but it's also hot face sticking your cold ass, but you just ask to see Monica once! Do you understand what I say? "

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the words. Before, he always felt that his identity was secret. In Angola, no one would find his true identity, so even if he met Monica, it would not cause much doubt.

But Ye Feng feels that he really belittles the Angolan prison, and also belittles Rex. He can find out his identity, or the US government finds out his identity and tells Rex that no matter what the reason is, he has exposed his identity now.

That means that every move of the Angolan prison from now on should be doubted by the prison authorities, so it's really a failure to see Monica, but Ye Feng doesn't regret it, because it's necessary to see Monica, otherwise, how hard she works on her side, and in the end, Monica doesn't know who she is and doesn't cooperate, so no matter how hard she tries, it's useless .

But Ye Feng also understood the Martian's mentality at this time. He said with a smile to the Martian, "you advised me to leave, because you know it may not be my opponent, and you don't want to be my direct enemy, but you don't want me to take Monica, do you?"

The Martian did not hesitate at all and said, "yes, I just don't want you to take Monica!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "if you like her, shouldn't you want her to be free rather than trapped in Angola?"

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