Yefeng listen to Martian say so, immediately bypass bald guy, want to go to Martian in front of, but bald guy always block in front of Yefeng.

The Martian then measured himself and looked at Ye Feng. He didn't speak for a long time. His eyes narrowed and finally said to the bald man, "let him come here!"

Bald guy a listen to this words, this just let to one side go, leaf maple directly walked to Mars person's opposite, sat down.

As soon as Ye Feng did it, the Martian immediately said to Ye Feng, "when I was still in the confinement room, the Pulsatilla mentioned you to me. He said that you are not a native of Louisiana like us, and you will naturally belong to us like us, but now it doesn't seem so."

Speaking of this, the Martian squinted at Ye Feng and said, "tell me, are you a bullfighter?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "I'm not a bullfighter!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng was obviously relieved to see Pulsatilla, but Ye Feng immediately said, "I also said with Pulsatilla, I will not be your person!"

Martians can't help but frown, "won't be our people?" He said with a slight sigh, "in the Angolan prison, it's either a friend or an enemy. There are no neutralists! You don't know? "

At this time, the bald man sneered and said, "I think he wants to go to the red mansion to provide for the aged at a young age." Said also oneself for funny smile.

But Ye Feng said to the Martian, "I'm here to find you, not for my belonging, but for the present!"

The Martian shrugged and said, "since you are not our own, what else can we say? You're not a bullfighter. Why do you want to talk to me about this? "

Ye Feng took a look at the Martian, then took a deep breath and said, "if you don't stop now, Miyamoto's plan can't be implemented. It's such a big deal. In the end, whether you win or bullfight Terrier wins, it's a double loss. Rexay will be banned. When the time comes, Angola will be in a state of strict defense. Miyamoto can't implement anything, I don't think that's what you want to see, is it? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the Martian couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he nodded and said, "what you said seems very reasonable, but if I tell you, I don't need Miyamoto to to implement his plan?"

Ye Feng heard the Martian say so, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "if so, of course you can do whatever you want!"

Then Ye Feng immediately looked at Mars humanity, "I don't know what you talked about in Rex's office, but I want to tell you what I said with Rex last time!"

The Martian said with a smile to Ye Feng, "what did you talk to Rex? There's no need to tell me, right? It's the same as what I said to Rex, and there's no need to tell you! "

Ye Feng took out a cigarette and lit one. After a slow puff, he said, "if I tell you, Rex wants me to kill you?"

On hearing this, not only the Martian's face moved, but also the bald man and the white headed man's face changed greatly. The lion sitting not far away could not help frowning and looking at Ye Feng. He clenched his fist and was ready to go. As long as the Martian spoke, the lion could go up and fight with Ye Feng at any time.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the Martian did not speak, but his eyes drifted up and down and looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "how can I believe your words?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm just telling you. Believe it or not, it's your business!"

The Pulsatilla broke in at this moment, "did you promise Rex?"

Ye Feng continued to shrug, "I refused!"

But the Pulsatilla frowned and said, "no? It's the secret of Lexus. If you don't carry it out, he will let you go so easily? "

When the bald man heard this, he immediately echoed, "yes, it's a big secret of Rex. You either go along with him or have been solved. Now that you're sitting here safe and sound, you can only explain one problem. You have promised Rex!"

The Pulsatilla added, "at least it's a verbal promise!"

The Martian looked at Ye Feng and said, "what they said is very reasonable. I also want to hear your explanation!"

Ye Feng is toward Mars humanity, "I have nothing to explain, I said the last time, I refused, if I agreed, why should I tell you!"

Then he took another puff of cigarette and glanced at the situation downstairs. Half of the people on both sides had fallen to the ground and couldn't get up.

Ye Feng immediately toward Mars humanity, "how do you want to stop this fight?"

The Martian shrugged and then looked at the second floor opposite him. "In Angola, bullfighting terrier and I can only have one person who is the boss of Angola!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "but I can tell you part of the conversation between Rex and I in the office for half a day!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, can't help but frown, white headed man and bald man also can't help but curious, so far Mars people also didn't mention half a word with them, actually will tell Ye Feng?The Martian continued to say to Ye Feng, "what Rex told me happened to be your idea. He asked me to kill you!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, eyebrow is a tightly looking at Martian, but still did not say a word, Mars face although hang smile, but this is not necessarily his joke.

Ye Feng knows that it's reasonable for Rex to ask Martians to kill him. Since he refuses Rex to kill Martians, Rex can use Martians to kill himself.

At this time, Pulsatilla reminded Mars, "brother, is it true?" Then, seeing that the Martian didn't speak, he immediately said, "this may be Lexy's plot. He wants you two to kill each other!"

The Martian sneered, "fratricidal? That's to describe our own people. Are we our own people? " Then he stared at Ye Feng and said, "are we our own people?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "at least not the enemy!"

The Martian sneered and said, "as I said just now, in Angola, as long as it's not our own people, it's the enemy!"

Ye Feng then stood up and said, "in that case, I have nothing to say!" With that, Ye Feng turned to the corridor.

Lion see immediately a brisk step, block in front of Ye Feng, coldly toward Mars, "boss, this guy can't stay!" Finish saying immediately fierce stare leaf maple.

Ye Feng holding a cigarette, standing in situ looking at the lion, did not speak.

The Martian then looked back and did not speak for a long time.

Seeing this, the Pulsatilla on one side advised Martian humanitarianism, "boss, since Jeter Lee said that he is not a bullfighter, at least he will not be our enemy..."

But the bald man said to the white headed man, "I said, white headed man, what's the drug you've been given to this boy? How can you always help him talk? Didn't you listen to the boss? As long as it's not a friend, it's an enemy! "

The Pulsatilla immediately said, "boss, I don't speak for anyone. I'm your man. I'm just thinking about you!"

But the bald man sneered, "for the sake of the boss? If you really want to be the boss, you'll kill this boy to avoid future trouble! "

The Pulsatilla sighed, "killing doesn't solve everything!"

The bald man immediately sneered, "but at least it can solve the problem in front of us!"

The Martian immediately snorted, "shut up

Then the Martian stood up and walked towards Ye Feng. As he walked, he said, "Jeter Lee, give me a reason not to kill you!"

Ye Feng came back to see the Martian humanitarianism, "you don't need any reason. If you want to do it, take advantage of now, because this will be your closest chance to kill me, and it's better to succeed, otherwise I will be a nightmare for all of you here!"

The lion stands behind Ye Feng and sneers, "what a big tone!" Then he looked at Mars and said, "boss, give it to me!"

But the Martian stared at Ye Feng for a long time without saying a word. At this time, he nodded and said, "it seems that you are very confident, Satan!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly sank. How did Martians know?

And the bald man and the Pulsatilla are both a fog waterway, "Satan?"

The lion frowned and said, "Satan? What is it? Death? "

The Martian smiles at Ye Feng and says, "you're surprised, aren't you? When I first heard it, I was also very surprised! "

Ye Feng still did not speak, he knew that since the Martians mentioned this, they would tell the origin.

The Martian then said to Ye Feng, "you look down on the police in the United States, and you look down on Rex! They've checked your identity! You should not forget that the relationship between New Zealand and the United States is a little brother of the United States. No information can escape from the information network of the United States! "

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