Huapi only saw a flower in front of him, and Ye Feng was already standing in front of him, just like a ghost, which was beyond Huapi's expectation.

But Ye Feng hasn't yet waited for Huapi to react. He has directly punched Huapi in the face. I don't know whether Huapi is shocked by Ye Feng's fast body method, or because Westerners are naturally slow to react, Huapi didn't evade the blow.

But huapiyan watched the fight, and his reaction was slow, but his side dodged, and Ye Feng's fist rubbed his cheek and cheekbone and slipped.

Although he didn't hit him head-on, the friction between Ye Feng's fist and the skin on his face still made him feel pain on his face, and his heart was still a little empty. If he hadn't reflected it in time, he would have hit his head with this fist, and he didn't know what his head would be like.

Huapi didn't think much about it. Yefeng had already flashed over his body and went straight upstairs. Huapi didn't want to let him go. He stepped forward and swept towards Yefeng's leg.

Don't want to this flower skin leg strength hit, although Ye Feng jumped to avoid, but that kick in the side of the stainless steel tube railings, unexpectedly directly stainless steel tube railings to kick curved.

Huapi didn't give Ye Feng a chance to breathe. He didn't hit the ball and immediately kicked it. This foot was higher than Huapi's own head and went directly to Ye Feng's head.

This foot looks like a kick, but in fact it is a dual-purpose kick. If Ye Feng can't dodge, it's a kick, and his strength is not small.

But if he dodges in time, the kick will be changed to pedaling immediately. Huapi's main practice is leg technique. His toughness between his legs is relatively large. After one foot goes out, there is still a lot of space to change pedaling.

Sure enough, after Huapi's side kick, Ye Feng immediately dodged. Huapi, just as he had imagined, immediately kicked Ye Feng's chin.

Although Huapi's foot is pushed from bottom to top, it has great strength. If it's pushed by Huapi, it's estimated that his chin will suffer from it.

Ye Feng didn't expect that Huapi's Kung Fu was all on his feet, and it seemed that he really had several brushes. However, it's not surprising to think about it carefully. Huapi, Chuanlong, bald man and lion are known as the four kings of Mars. Naturally, they have several brushes.

This foot change surprise, although Ye Feng is also instinctive to avoid, but also as his surprise before a punch in general, Huapi's foot along his chin slide past.

His fist was still the friction between meat and meat, and there were shoes on Huapi's feet. Although it was not leather shoes, the friction of the sole was much greater than his fist. A layer of skin on Yefeng's chin was directly smeared by Huapi's sole.

After Huapi's success, he looks at Ye Feng with pride. Before running dragon, he has been arguing with himself about who is more powerful. Because the Martians have never given them a chance to compete, it's just a verbal contest. There's really no chance to compete.

But now channeling dragon has been hit by Ye Feng and can't sleep on the ground, and has not hurt Ye Feng, but he has hurt Ye Feng's chin, which is enough to prove that he is better than channeling dragon.

However, when Huapi was proud, Ye Feng in front of him had already come to Huapi. Although he had already performed it once, it was still completely beyond Huapi's expectation.

Flower skin immediately to foot, but his foot just about to move, leaf maple's foot faster than he, directly kicked the foot he wanted to out.

See so flower skin heart next move, immediately want to another foot, but still be Ye Feng preemptive foot, kicked the foot that he want to out.

Several times down, every leaf maple is fast one step, and even he did not think about which foot to put out. When he put out his foot at will, leaf maple can anticipate the enemy's first chance, and generally knows which foot he will put out.

Flower skin a burst of surprise, and several times down, his feet have been leaf maple for very painful, at this time a little leg to make some strength, feel a faint pain on the feet.

But even so, Huapi is still out of his feet, but he is still preempted by Ye Feng. Moreover, he obviously feels that Ye Feng's strength is increasing, and his legs are trembling at this time when Ye Feng kicks them. He even feels pain on his feet when he stands. If he doesn't bear it, he really wants to sit down and rub his feet.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at Huapi with a sneer, then turned around and left. He didn't look at Huapi at all, as if Huapi didn't exist at all.

Flower skin see leaf maple when he does not exist in general, immediately face move, immediately want to catch up, but just took a step, suddenly a pain in the leg, immediately a instability directly fell to the ground.

Originally, Huapi was still struggling with the pain. At this time, Ye Feng went up to the second floor directly. He didn't even look at himself at all. Then he kept rubbing his feet.

On one side of the bed was the dragon who had not got up recently. At this time, he said with a smile to Huapi, "it seems that we are half weight!"

Huapi immediately said to the dragon, "yes, I'm eight Liang, you're half a Jin. You didn't hurt Jeter Lee from the beginning to the end, but I hurt his chin!"When he heard this, he was not happy, but he had no words to refute. He had to lie on the ground and looked at the ceiling motionless, and murmured, "it seems that we are not lucky to have a million dollars!"

At this time, Ye Feng has been on the second floor. Just standing at the entrance of the corridor on the second floor, the lion sees Ye Feng. His face suddenly moves, and then he stands up.

Seeing that the lion stood up and his face was full of murderous spirit, the bald man couldn't help but wonder. He looked in the lion's eyes, but saw Ye Feng standing at the entrance of the corridor unharmed, and the dragon and Huapi didn't catch up. Needless to say, Huapi and Hualong must have been subdued by Ye Feng.

Pulsatilla also noticed at this time, saw Ye Feng coming, his face suddenly moved, toward the Mars humanitarian who has been paying attention to the outside situation, "boss, Jeter Lee is coming!"

After hearing this, the Martian immediately looked back at Ye Feng, and then looked at Ye Feng with his eyes moving. He said in a cold voice, "you're good. You can't even stop Huapi and Chuanlong?"

At this time, the lion immediately walked toward Ye Feng and said to the bald man, "I'll come!"

Ye Feng is standing in the same place, toward Mars humanity, "I'm not here to fight, but want to talk to the Martians!"

But the lion can't help but say, come up is a fly kick, direct toward leaf maple but go.

Ye Feng can see that the lion's skill is far above the dragon and flower skin. This kick is perfect in both strength and speed.

However, Ye Feng still saw the flaw. After turning around, he directly tipped his body back, then took out a leg, pushed it up from the bottom, and pushed it directly towards the lion's crotch.

In mid air, the lion immediately changed his posture, folded up and faded away. As soon as he started to fly and kick, he changed completely in the air and turned into a knee impact.

Ye Feng pedaled out and had no chance to take it back. Just as the lion changed his moves, he pedaled on the lion's knee.

Because the lion is from the top to the bottom, almost all the strength of the whole body is concentrated on the knee, coupled with gravity and inertia, this hit Ye Feng's feet, immediately a fly back.

Just now, Ye Feng also took advantage of the situation to jump in the air. After hitting the lion's knee, he instinctively stepped back. Then both of them could not help looking at each other. They thought that the other side was far more powerful than they thought.

Lion a side body, just want to go up again, but listen to Martian light ground to say at this time, "don't hit, let him come over!"

The lion listened to what the Martian said. After taking a look at Ye Feng, he closed up and went to one side of the stool to sit down, but his eyes were staring at Ye Feng from the beginning to the end.

Ye Feng took a look at the lion and walked directly towards the Martian. As soon as he got behind the Martian, the bald man immediately blocked Ye Feng, "just stand here and say!"

Ye Feng looked at the bald man and said, "it's not good for both of you if you two go on making trouble like this. It's only Rex who can make a profit!"

The Pulsatilla nodded when Ye Feng said that. In fact, he has been persuading the Martians to fight with bull terrier, but they have to fight without breaking it. After forming such a situation of equal strength, they can take advantage of each other. If it goes on like this, it is inevitable that both sides will lose. Even if they win by luck, the situation of dominance will be suspected by Rex, But the Martians couldn't listen at all.

The Martian then said, "well, according to you, it's time to stop now?"

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