Miyamoto had always thought that bullfighting terrier and Martians depended on themselves to escape from prison and take them away, so he had been very polite to him for a long time.

Then this kind of politeness has made Miyamoto a habit, but he has forgotten bullfighting terrier and Martian nature. Once he goes beyond this point, he will make bullfighting terrier and Martian return to their original nature.

Miyamoto here was slapped by bullfighting terrier and was stunned. Yefeng's condition over there was not much better. As soon as he entered the building where the Martian lived, he was stopped at the door by the Martian's men and refused to let him in.

Ye Feng came to solve the problem this time, not to fight, so he patiently explained to the Martians that he wanted to see the Martians, but they just refused to let him go.

After a deep breath, Ye Feng knew that if he didn't use force, he could only waste his time here. Thinking of this, he rushed in with a brisk step while several of his subordinates didn't pay attention.

Just when the Martian's men rushed in and wanted to stop Ye Feng, Huapi and Chuanlong on the corridor had already come down.

Huapi said directly to the men, "you all get out of the way, let him come here!"

A few hands listen to this, one after another retreat, but see Huapi and channeling dragon came down, standing in front of Ye Feng, are looking at Ye Feng coldly.

Ye Feng then chaohuapi and Chuanlong said, "you're here just in time. I have something to say to the Martians!" He said that he wanted to move forward, but just took a step, he saw Huapi and Chuanlong standing in front of him.

See so, leaf maple can't help but back a step, looking at Huapi and channeling dragon.

Huapi then sneered at Yefeng, "Jeter Lee, what do you think you are? Are Martians what you want to see? "

However, the Dragon clenched his fist and said to Hua PI, "don't talk to him, kill him first!" Said a punch straight toward Ye Feng to pound to come over.

Ye Feng immediately dodged, and the Dragon saw that he had hit the air with a fist, and then followed up with a fist, tightly sticking to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng can see that Chuanlong's boxing is a typical change of Western boxing, which combines the Western boxing with the footwork, and turns it into a more practical boxing rather than a ring boxing. It seems to be much more flexible than clumsy boxing.

In fact, Ye Feng can see that it's not that the dragon is not good at boxing, but that there is no specific move in this improved boxing method. They punch at will, and the purpose is to hit the opponent.

Although the speed of the improved Western boxing has been improved, its strength has always been the top priority. The opponent, such as Ye Feng, is flexible and can dodge all the time. However, as long as he is hit by them, he may be bruised and can't get up for a long time.

Ye Feng naturally can see that in fact, he gradually saw the flaw from the dragon's boxing, but the flaw of the dragon is a dead hole. Once he makes a move, the dragon will not be disabled or injured. The purpose of his coming this time is not to make a feud, so he has been tolerating so far.

However, Ye Feng's forbearance, in the eyes of channeling dragon and Huapi, is that Ye Feng is not as powerful as channeling dragon. After all, they don't think Ye Feng is powerful at all. The reason why he has some influence is that Brooke, who killed him, is more famous, which leads to the popularity of the name Jeter Li. In fact, this boy is just an ordinary man who knows how to use his skills, It's OK to bluff the small ones outside. When they come to this kind of practitioner, they immediately show the prototype.

Originally, Huapi stood on one side and was ready to go. When he was ready to flee the dragon, he immediately made up for it. No matter how bad it was, the two of them joined hands to subdue Ye Feng.

But when he saw that Ye Feng had been beaten by the running dragon, he finally put it down. Although the running dragon has not hit Ye Feng yet, Ye Feng is just short and flexible by virtue of his Oriental physical characteristics. When he can't run, let's wait for the fist of the running dragon.

Huapi, however, has seen a blow from the running dragon directly shrivel other people's heads. It's conceivable that Ye Feng's small body will make him feel better as long as he is next to the blow from the running dragon.

Thinking of this, Huapi stands on the side of the corridor with her back against the stair railing, lights a cigarette and smokes leisurely. She says with a smile to Chuang long, "Chuang long, can you do it? You can't do it now. If you can't do it, just stand aside and have a rest. Let me clean him up!"

Channeling dragon but white a dazzled skin, did not make a sound, in fact, he was also worried, although said Ye Feng has been pressed to hit, but so far also a punch did not hit, so go on, although he also knows, it is likely that Ye Feng was consumed by himself, his chance will come.

But channeling dragon also realized a problem. After a long time, Ye Feng might be tired, but he would also be tired. Now he feels that his fist has stepped into the strength of the previous one.

If you don't feel it for a long time, once you lose your strength, you'll lose your strength. At that time, let alone kill Ye Feng with one blow, it's good to win Ye Feng. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you lose face in front of Huapi, that is, you lose face in front of Firestar, and Huapi is watching.Ye Feng also saw at this time, thinking that he or she didn't attack the dragon's Achilles' heel immediately. After the time was spent, the defeat of the Dragon had already shown.

However, it will take at least half an hour for us to continue to spend this time. The noise of fighting outside will be heard from time to time. If we spend another half an hour, we don't know how many people will be killed or injured outside.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng thought in his heart, if you want to think of the premise of not hurting channeling dragon, you can only get a hard punch from the other side, and then look for the opportunity to attack.

Fortunately, after a round of consumption of Ye Feng, the fist power of channeling dragon has been reduced a lot. Ye Feng thinks that he may be able to fight hard.

Think that do, Ye Feng this time no longer Dodge, see channeling dragon punch, directly stop chest won up.

Channeling dragon is now used to Ye Feng's dodging every time he punches. Moreover, channeling dragon has a smart idea. Since Ye Feng has been dodging all the time, he knows that if he can't hit Ye Feng, of course he has to make a virtual fist to save his strength.

So now it seems that the strength of each blow of the Dragon channeling has not been reduced, and even sometimes the bluff makes Ye Feng feel that his strength is even worse. In fact, he has spent more than half of his strength.

This time I saw that Ye Feng didn't dodge his fist, but when he realized that it was too late for him to temporarily increase his strength. The strength in boxing was actually combined with the speed of boxing. The strength was actually determined at the moment of his boxing. His fist had reached Ye Feng's chest, and he wanted to change his strength again, It's impossible.

Ye Feng felt a dull pain in his chest after he was punched. But the pain was acceptable. He couldn't think much about it. It was a rare opportunity. He immediately grasped the dragon's fist in his chest, and then he quickly hit the dragon's face with his fist.

Channeling dragon a panic, another hand instinctively block in front of his face, want to block Ye Feng's fist.

However, before Ye Feng's attack, he seemed to have expected that the dragon would reach out to block it. It was a move of virtual shaking. The fist was fake, but it was actually a foot.

Ye Feng while channeling a hand in front of his own face, can't see his real intention, at the same time a foot out, directly kick in the channeling of the dragon's abdomen.

His foot was straight forward. When he went down, he directly kicked the dragon. He fell on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. As soon as he was about to get up, he felt a dull pain in his abdomen. He didn't even have the strength to straighten up.

All this happened in an instant. Chuanlong didn't think of it, nor did Huapi, who was watching the battle on one side. He couldn't see it for a long time. When he wanted to make fun of Chuanlong, he saw that Chuanlong had fallen to the ground. He didn't even see how Ye Feng defeated Chuanlong. Suddenly, he took a look at the Chuanlong on the ground and looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

But see Ye Feng at this time has been toward the corridor side came over, flower skin flurried will only smoke half of the cigarettes on the ground, make a pair of defensive posture.

Ye Feng quickly steps towards Huapi, faster than Huapi's imagination. Before Huapi is ready, Ye Feng has already stood half a step away from Huapi.

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