Ye Feng can see that it is obvious that these prison guards have no intention to stop the conflict on the playground. But then again, at this time, both the bull terrier and the Martian are hot blooded, and these prison guards do not have guns. Even if they rush in to stop it, it is estimated that it will not help. Maybe they will be hurt by the Martian and the bull terrier. In the end, they not only fail to stop the conflict, but also cause self harm My own injury is simply not worth the loss.

However, this is not the most critical issue. Ye Feng knows that the Martians came out of the cell with the hatred of a few months ago, and the initiator of this conflict is obviously the Martians. The Martians had been in Rex's office for half a day before, which is very critical and important. What did the Martians say to Rex and what has been achieved Bullfighting terriers, and agreements you don't know about?

Moreover, the Martians and bullfighting terriers have the same strength, and even if they are defeated, they will lose both sides. In Angola prison, if there is a third party who can compete with the two strong forces, it must be rexai's prison guard force. Moreover, after the use of guns, the Martians and bullfighting Terriers are not worth mentioning at all, but the conflict has developed to a new stage Today, I didn't find any news from the prison guards. Does this also mean that it represents Rex's attitude?

Or is this the agreement reached by the Martians in Rex's office within half a day, that is, to conflict with bullfighting terriers, and Rex doesn't care?

Ye Feng didn't think much. At this time, someone had been knocked down on the ground, and at the same time, he was trampled by the people who rushed up behind him. If he didn't pay attention, he would be trampled to death.

Miyamoto can't help but say loudly to Ye Feng, "we must find a way to stop them, or we will be in trouble!"

He must be loud at this time, because the noise on the playground has covered all the sounds. He doesn't worry that Ye Feng can't hear himself.

Ye Feng shrugged and looked at Miyamoto with helpless expression, "how to manage? Rex doesn't care. There are only two of us. No matter how good we are, we can't manage so many people! "

As he said, he looked up at the Martians and bullfighting terriers on the second floor of the recreation area on both sides, only to see that their performance was almost the same. They both looked coldly at what happened on the playground, and had no intention of stopping them.

Ye Feng then said to Miyamoto, "look at the Martians and bullfighting terriers. They just let them conflict. The leaders of the two forces don't care. What do we care?"

In fact, Ye Feng doesn't want to meddle in this business at all. Even if he doesn't have any clue about how to save Monica, he doesn't have enough time to meddle in this business.

At this time, however, Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "have you ever thought that once this incident becomes serious, the whole Angola will enter a state of martial law. At that time, our plan will be delayed. Maybe we will also be involved and go back to the confinement!"

Listening to Miyamoto's words, Ye Feng's face moves slightly. Miyamoto's words are reasonable. Maybe the real purpose of rexai is to reduce the power of both sides in this conflict.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took another look at the Martian and bullfighting Terrier standing in the window on the second floor of the two leisure areas, and immediately said to Miyamoto, "now the only way..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Miyamoto immediately said to Ye Feng, "the only way is for us to find Rex and let him mediate. No matter bullfighting Terrier or Martian, I think Rex will face no matter what!"

Ye Feng said with a sneer, "don't dream. Maybe Lexy is standing in his office window and enjoying this scene. If he wants to help mediate, he will send out the police force."

Miyamoto a listen to this, heart move, but listen to Ye Feng continued to say, "you look around the prison guards, and the crowd watching what's the difference, even if they don't stop, at least to send someone to report to Rex, I tell you, I have been observing them, so far no one has been to Rex's office building!"

Miyamoto looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "Angola prison is in chaos. What's good for rexai?"

After shaking his head, Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "I don't know what's good, but I know rexai won't help. We can't even get into the office building!"

Miyamoto a burst of depressed looking at Ye Feng way, "do we just so helplessly looking at?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "now the only way is to persuade bullfighting Terrier, and I'll persuade Martians. If you can persuade them, the two leaders will order a truce. Maybe more casualties can be avoided!"

Miyamoto a listen to this, can't help but look at a leaf maple, "do you think they can listen to advise?"

Ye Feng then Dynasty Palace this way, "should be able to, you just and I say of that set and Bull Terrier talk, moreover they all expect you to take them to leave, you talk weight should be some!"

After taking a deep breath, Miyamoto immediately said to Yefeng, "that's OK. I'll go to bullfighting Terrier, you go to Martians, and we'll act separately..."

Before Miyamoto's words were finished, Ye Feng had already started to walk towards the building of the leisure area where the Martians were. On the way, he occasionally met people from both sides, so he tried to avoid them and never interfered.On the second floor of the leisure area on both sides, Ye Feng's movement was noticed at this time. On the Martian side, the bald man was heading for Mars, "boss, Jeter Lee is coming here!"

The Martian couldn't help looking downstairs, but he saw that Ye Feng was really coming this way. He also looked at himself from time to time and asked, "what do you think he was doing here?"

Huapi could not help but say, "did this boy reach an agreement with bullfighting Terrier? Now I'm looking for you, boss? "

Huapi's meaning was obvious. He pointed out that Ye Feng wanted to assassinate Martians. When Martians heard this, they frowned slightly.

Scurrying dragon immediately said, "let me meet this boy, I don't believe this boy has such great ability alone?"

The Martians frowned and didn't speak at all, as if they were acquiescing to the practice of running dragons.

However, he didn't understand the Martian's meaning very well. He looked at the bald man and asked for his advice. Seeing that the bald man nodded to himself, he walked towards the stairway.

Huapi immediately said to Chuang long, "Chuang long, I'll go with you. This boy's life is worth one million. Don't think about it alone."

Channeling dragon a smile way, "you kid is thinking about money......" Two people said already to the corridor, and at this time the leaf maple also just arrived at the door of the first floor, the preparation of a few hands to stop it.

At this time, at the second floor window of bullfighting Terrier leisure area, Roosevelt also reminded bullfighting Terrier, "boss, Jeter Lee went to the Martian side! Is this guy really with the Martians? "

Bullfighting Terrier smell speech can't help but scan one eye on the playground, see Ye Feng has arrived opposite the entrance of the leisure area, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, for a long time did not speak.

At this time, a man ran up the stairs and said to bullfighting Terrier, "boss, the next one named Miyamoto says he wants to see you!"

Bull Terrier smell speech heart can't help but move, looked back, heart after a hesitation way, "let him up!"

After a while, Miyamoto went upstairs. As soon as he saw the bull terrier, he immediately said, "let your people stop!"

Bull Terrier snorted, "stop it? You may not see that it's the Martians who pick up the first thing. You don't ask him to stop, but you ask me to stop? Yes? How much better do Martians give you than I do? "

As soon as Miyamoto heard this, he immediately said, "if this situation goes on, it will become a large-scale bloodshed. At that time, all prisons will be banned, and our plan will be postponed indefinitely..."

Before Miyamoto finished, bullfighting Terrier looked back at Miyamoto. After a long time, he said, "this is what Jeter Lee asked you to say?"

Miyamoto had already walked up to bullfighting terrier and said anxiously, "it has nothing to do with Jeter Lee. That's what I want to tell you!"

Bullfighting Terrier looked at Miyamoto dubiously, then said, "don't you have a very strong relationship with Jeter Lee? Why are you alone? Why did Jeter Lee go to the Martians? Is he a Martian

Miyamoto can't help sighing, "at this time, you are still doubting this and that. I warn you, if you don't stop this, I won't take you away!"

As soon as he finished, he saw the Bull Terrier shaking his hand to his mouth, and said angrily, "here's your face? How dare you talk to me like that? "

Miyamoto was completely stunned on the spot. He didn't seem to expect that bullfighting Terrier would attack him. At this time, he covered his mouth and looked at bullfighting terrier.

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