Roosevelt could not help pondering over the bull terrier's remark. He nodded and said, "that's the truth!"

Bullfighting Terrier looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully at this time. He always felt that he couldn't see through the boy. This feeling had never been felt by Martians.

At this time, the Martian was standing at the window on the second floor opposite. He had been staring at the bull terrier on the opposite side. At this time, he turned his eyes to Ye Feng. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng.

The bald man then reminded Martian humanitarian, "boss, bullfighting Terrier originally accepted Zhang Wei's reward order to kill Jet Li, but since Jet Li killed one of his men and beat down two of his men, bullfighting Terrier seems to have changed his attitude towards this boy. Everyone can see that this guy is determined to win over Jet Li, but Jet Li doesn't seem to like him! ”

the Martian sneered and said, "it's very similar to Wu Feng to be proud of his talent!" Then he immediately turned to the bald man and said, "try to find out the reaction of bullfighting Terrier first!"

The bald man looked at the Martian with mist and water and said in surprise, "test his reaction?"

The Martian nodded and said, "that's right. After being locked up in the cell for such a long time, new and old grudges have to be cleared up. After such a long time, I don't know what's the attitude of bullfighting terrier. In the end, Lexy's words have a few catties in his heart, so I have to test them!"

The Pulsatilla immediately understood the Martian's meaning, then waved to Planck who was in a daze and said, "Planck, come here!"

Planck, who had just been looked at by the Martian's cold eyes, felt that he was wrong. He was thinking about how to recover his awakening in the boss's heart. At this time, he listened to the Pulsatilla call himself and walked over immediately.

The Pulsatilla immediately said to Planck, "you find a few smart men, go to the basketball court to find the bullfighting terrier's men, but remember, don't start first, understand?"

Planck was afraid of being abandoned and had nothing to do. As soon as he heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "understand!" Then he said, "boss, don't worry, I will do it well!"

The Martians didn't even look at Planck, but, with a sound, they continued to look at Ye Feng on the edge of the basketball court downstairs.

When Planck came downstairs, the Martian continued, "if you want to know which side Jeter Lee is on, you'll know in a moment."

Bai touweng understood Martian's meaning, but he still didn't trust Jeter Lee. After all, Wu Feng's last incident was because Wu Feng was too credulous of a man who wanted to surrender to bullfighting terriers, and he ended up in a tragic death.

Baitouweng clearly remembers that the guy at that time couldn't get along with bullfighting Terrier, but in fact, it was just a way to deceive Wu Feng. Martians were worried that Jeter Lee was singing double reed with bullfighting terrier.

Planck arrived downstairs at this time, quickly found a few people, said the meaning of the Pulsatilla, a few people immediately nodded, and then walked toward the basketball court.

The bull terrier on the other side noticed this and frowned, "it seems that the Martians can't help it?"

Roosevelt could not help but look at the bull terrier in surprise. Then he followed the bull terrier's eyes and looked down. He saw six or seven people walking towards the basketball court.

At this time, most of the people who play basketball on the basketball court are their people, and the target of the six or seven people is obviously their men.

Seeing this, Roosevelt immediately said to Bull Terrier, "boss, I'll go down and have a look..." Then he turned and left.

Don't want to bullfight, but stopped Roosevelt, "wait a minute, don't worry, first see what the Martians want to do!"

Just then, I saw that after they went to the basketball court, they just stood on one side and watched them play. It seemed that there was no change.

Ye Feng and Miyamoto are sitting in the stands talking, at this time to see that a few people come, Ye Feng eyebrows slightly move way, "it seems that the Martian and bullfighting Terrier conflict is inevitable!"

Miyamoto smell speech can't help looking at the basketball court, but see that a few people are just standing there, it seems nothing strange, surprised toward Ye Feng way, "nothing wrong?"

Ye Feng sneered, didn't speak, those guys came in groups, and the goal directly to the basketball court, it's obvious that they came here.

And when Planck came down from the upstairs to talk to these people, Ye Feng glanced at them. Now I think that these guys must have received some orders from Planck and are preparing to execute them.

Just thinking about it, a guy didn't succeed in dunking. The basketball hit the backboard and bounced towards the crowd. When he arrived at the crowd, he immediately grabbed the basketball and patted it at his feet.

A few people who play basketball see this, just casually toward the other side called out, "friend, pass the ball!"

The man with the ball sneered and immediately smashed the basketball towards the ground. The basketball flew away and hit a person's face.

Suddenly, the faces of several people in the basketball court moved, toward those people, "want to do something?"

But Planck's men sneered, "what's the matter? Didn't you let me pass the ball? Now I pass it and say I'm doing something?"Then someone immediately echoed, "yes, this basketball court is owned by your family. It has been occupied by your people all the time. What did we say? We can't even come to see how to play basketball? "

Someone immediately rushed to this side after hearing the speech, but was stopped by his companion and advised, "forget it, boss, don't make trouble!"

The man snorted, glanced at Planck's men, then turned to play.

Planck's men, who didn't want to be around, yelled, "what else can I do, egghead, besides throwing his anger on basketball?"

The man immediately turned back and said angrily, "what are you talking about? Say it again

Planck's men immediately sneered, "say it again, say it again. What are you afraid of? I said you're egghead

The man couldn't help it any more. He rushed up and kicked the man over with a flying foot, regardless of his companion's dissuasion.

When Planck's men saw this, they immediately surrounded the man with fists and kicks, while the Bullterrier rushed to save his companion, and the two groups immediately clashed.

Ye Feng see in the eyes, know that Planck's people deliberately pick things, but the Bull Terrier is also too much to pick, even a little bit on the explosion.

But when you think about it, no wonder who are the people in this prison in Angola? Who doesn't have a hot temper? It's very valuable to be able to hold back until now.

Seeing that the two gangs are fighting together, people from the surrounding forces rush to this side one after another. If they don't stop it in time, it is estimated that the big conflict will start soon.

At this time, the Martian and bullfighting Terrier standing on the second floor of the leisure area on both sides are coldly looking at the situation downstairs. The Martian just wants to test the reaction of bullfighting terrier.

At this time, the Martian took a look at the bull terrier in the second floor window on the opposite side, and saw that he didn't want to stop it at all. At this time, he hummed coldly, "it seems that the Bull Terrier has been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Roosevelt, behind the bullfighting terrier on the opposite side, was saying to the bullfighting Terrier, "boss, the Martian people are obviously deliberately finding fault. Do you want me to go down and declare war directly?"

Bullfighting Terrier sneered and said, "what Martians think, I'm counting it in my heart. He deliberately asked us to do it first, so that we can say for the time being that it should have happened a few months ago. It's been so long. I also want to take this opportunity to see what rexay will do with it, whether it's in charge or not!"

Roosevelt looked at the bull terrier in surprise and said, "boss, what do you mean, I don't quite understand!"

Bullfighting Terrier said, "you don't need to understand! All you have to do is watch the good play! " Then he said to Roosevelt, "help me keep an eye on Jeter Lee and see if he can do it!"

Then bullfighting Terrier immediately looked at the Martian opposite, and at this time the Martian also said to the bald man, "look at Jeter Lee, see if he can help bullfighting Terrier!"

At this time, there are more and more people on the playground. It's like a flood. After a while, there are hundreds of people gathered, all of them are excited. Obviously, after the Martians are locked up, these guys have been holding their evil spirit for several months. Now they have a local vent, and they don't all vent it?

Miyamoto stood up and exclaimed, "I don't know how many people will die today!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "the prison doesn't care. What are you worried about?"

When Miyamoto heard this, he thought to himself, "yes, it's been so long. Why didn't the prison guards come out to stop him? He thought that he immediately looked around, but he saw that the prison guards outside the barbed wire of the playground were standing outside the barbed wire, smoking cigarettes and watching coldly.

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