Soon a group of prisoners were out of the cell building. On the way, bullfighting Terrier invited Miyamoto to to their leisure area, so they didn't have to wind and sun on the playground.

Miyamoto hasn't agreed yet. Martians also began to invite Miyamoto to their leisure area, saying that it's sunny there, which is better than the opposite building.

As soon as bullfighting Terrier heard this, he immediately sneered and said, "I said Martian, are you so boring? Obviously, I invited you first. You obviously mean to have a hard time with me! "

When Martian heard this, he suddenly looked at bullfighting Terrier coldly and said, "I just want to have a bad time with you. What's the matter? Don't think I've been locked up in the confinement building for a few months, and I'll forget everything. I still remember Wu Feng's death. I won't just forget it! "

Bullfighting Terrier heard Martian say so, can't help but frown and say, "I know you can't forget it, but Wu Feng's death can't be all on my head, it's his fault, and he has nothing to do with others!"

The Martian's face suddenly sank when he heard that he was about to speak, but he was interrupted by Miyamoto, "two elder brothers, this matter has been a long time. Now we are all prisoners under the eaves. Why can't we fight on jade and silk?"

Bullfighting Terrier shrugged his shoulders and said, "this has nothing to do with me. It's the mad dog Martian who bites people when he comes out!"

Martian a listen to this, complexion immediately move toward Bull Terrier way, "you say who is mad dog?"

Miyamoto took a look at them and saw that they were just like two dynamite barrels. Now there was only one gunpowder primer left, and they could explode immediately.

Thinking of this, Miyamoto sighed helplessly, "I won't go on either side. If you want to fight, you'd better fight and kill one. I've saved a lot of trouble!"

With that, Miyamoto said to Yefeng, who had been standing on one side and didn't speak, "man, let's go to the playground and bask in the sun!"

Miyamoto and Ye Feng walk toward the playground, leaving a bull terrier and a Martian with an angry face. They are both furious. But when they think of Miyamoto's words, they all stare at each other. Without saying anything, they turn around and go to their own leisure area.

Before the Martians arrived at the leisure area, Planck had already reported it. As soon as he arrived at the door, the white headed man and the bald man were waiting at the gate on the first floor.

When the Martians came in, they all laughed and called the boss to the Martians. The Martians just nodded and went up to the second floor.

Pulsatilla and several other people immediately followed up and saw that the Martian was sitting at the window and looking downstairs. Several people immediately went over.

The bald man immediately took out a cigar for the Martian and said with a smile, "boss, I've kept this cigar for a long time. I'm waiting for you to smoke it!"

As soon as he handed the cigar to the Martian, Huapi had already taken out the lighter, started the fire and waited on one side.

The Martians didn't see the cigar in their mouth. Instead, they took the lighter directly from Huapi's hand, lit a fire and baked the cigar, but their eyes never left the playground.

Several people look at the Martian's eyes, but they see Ye Feng and Miyamoto smoking in the stands beside the basketball court on the playground. They seem to be talking about something.

Seeing this, the Pulsatilla immediately turned to Mars and said, "boss, this Jeter Lee..."

Before the Pulsatilla finished, the Martian immediately said, "he doesn't look like Wu Feng at all!"

Huapi immediately said, "that's right. How can this boy compare with Wu Feng? Wu Feng is much more lovely than him!"

Channeling dragon also echoed, "yes, they have nothing in common except that they are all yellow people!"

But the Martian pondered for a while. The bald man just moved a stool and sat on one side of the Martian and asked the Martian humanitarian, "boss, I heard Planck say that you are in the same cell with Jeter Lee and bullfighting Terrier now?"

The Martian frowned and said, "Planck?"

Planck was standing far away. As soon as the Martian mentioned his name, he walked over and said with a smile, "boss, I'm Planck!"

The Martian can't help looking at Planck when he hears the words. His eyes are as cold as a blade. Planck's heart can't help shivering when he looks at them.

The Pulsatilla could see that the Martian was angry, and immediately said to the Martian, "boss, don't be angry. Planck also cares about you!"

At this time, the Martian held his cigar in his mouth, lit it slowly with a lighter, took a puff, and then looked at the second floor of the bull terrier's leisure area opposite the playground. However, he saw that bull terrier was also sitting on the second floor, staring at Miyamoto and Ye Feng downstairs.

Seeing that the Martian did not speak, several people were silent for a while, and no one asked more questions.

At this time, the Bull Terrier is also looking at Ye Feng and Miyamoto. The short fat man sitting beside him immediately says, "boss, the Martians are looking at you!"

As soon as bullfighting Terrier heard this, he immediately turned his eyes to the second floor of the leisure area opposite the Martian forces. If he really saw that the Martian was looking at himself with a smile on his face.

He immediately got up, went to the window, opened it and looked at the Martian.On one side, the bald, short, fat man and the Yellow curly also stood up and went to the window.

Bullfighting terrier's eyes have been staring at the Martian opposite, but he asked Huang curly, "let you check things, how's it going?"

Huang curly hair immediately said, "I asked the familiar C.O., he said that the Martian had never left Rex's office in the morning. He didn't know what Rex and Martians were talking about, but he said that Rex was a little angry and broke a red wine glass after the Martian left the office."

Bullfighting Terrier a listen to this, heart can't help but move, mouth murmured to say, "fell a red wine glass?"

Yellow curly hair nodded and said, "yes, I guess it must be that the Martians and Rex are not talking in the right way, otherwise Rex would not be so angry!"

Bull Terrier then lit a cigarette and smoked, but said faintly, "guess? Guess what? Besides, I don't care about Rex's anger at all. That son of a bitch is always on his high horse. When won't he? I want to know what they're talking about! "

Huang curly hair hears speech one is stunned, immediately bow a way, "this, temporarily cannot find!"

Bullfighting Terrier heard that he didn't say a word, but he saw that the Martian opposite also stood up and went to the window. He opened the window and was still staring at himself. His eyes were smiling, and he was completely provoking himself.

Seeing this, the short fat man immediately said to the bull terrier, "boss, I don't care what they talked about. Since the Martians are out now, the accounts of a few months ago will be calculated! It's true that Wu Feng is dead, but our side is also seriously injured. If we don't ask for an explanation, the brothers below will be cold hearted! "

Huang curly hair also can't help nodding and said, "boss, Roosevelt is right. This matter has to be solved all the time. I believe the Martians will not give up. This war is inevitable!"

Bull Terrier then looked up at the sky, but saw that the sky was still clear, but a dark cloud appeared in the distance, moving slowly towards this side.

At this time, he could not help murmuring, "the mountain rain is coming, the wind is full of buildings, this account must be calculated, the key is before I start, I must know Rex's attitude, if so, maybe Rex and Martians are talking about this!"

Said bullfighting Terrier immediately turned to yellow curly way, "you go now, help me make an appointment to see Rex, I'll go to find out his mouth again!"

Huang curly hair a listen to this, immediately said a know, immediately went downstairs, straight to the office building there.

Bald, short and fat Roosevelt then said to Ye Feng, "boss, is that really all about jet Lee?"

Bull Terrier a listen to this, sneer a way, "forget it? I wanted to forget it, but this guy doesn't seem to appreciate it very much. Now that the Martians are out, let's put this guy's affairs aside for a while. When the feud between me and the Martians is completely solved, we can find this guy again! "

Roosevelt heard bullfighting Terrier say so, a pair of words and stop.

Bullfighting Terrier said, "if you have anything, just say it. You're straight. It's different from curly hair. If you don't say it, you won't be able to sleep!"

Roosevelt said, "boss, jetty Lee's skill is undeniable, but if it's not used by us, I'm worried that once we officially split our face with Martians, if this guy stands on Martians, it will be our big trouble!"

Bullfighting Terrier can't help frowning slightly when he hears the words, and then says, "I don't think so. This boy has another purpose in Angola!"

Roosevelt looked surprised and said, "what's the purpose?"

Bullfighting Terrier immediately said, "how can a man with such skill be easily caught by the police? Besides, I heard from Zhang Wei that the boy voluntarily surrendered himself. Do you think such a person would have no purpose in coming to Angola? "

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