At this time, the younger brothers of bullfighting Terrier began to rummage through the boxes to find things. They managed to gather up some things. One by one, they went to bullfighting terrier's bed and put the things on the side of bullfighting terrier's bed.

However, most of the things had been given to Ye Feng last night, so that the bullfight terrier was much more shabby than the one given to Ye Feng. What's more, the things given to Ye Feng last night are still on Ye Feng's bedside. They are embarrassed to ask for them, or even dare not, but by comparison, they are a bit of an eyesore.

Planck sneered, "you gave Jeter Lee more than that last night. Obviously you pay more attention to Jeter Lee!"

Those bullfighting terriers look embarrassed and look at Planck with resentful eyes. Planck smiles with pride, lights a cigarette and smokes to watch.

Bull Terrier then sat up from the upper bunk, took a look at Planck, and then snorted, "aren't you the little fellow of the Pulsatilla? Why don't you be the dog beside the Pulsatilla and come here to bark

On hearing this, Planck's face suddenly moved, and his anger suddenly rose. However, facing bullfighting Terrier, he had no place to spread his anger, so he could only swallow it.

Bullfighting Terrier then took a look at the things at the side of getting up, and then said to his men, "if you're ready, don't give me these!"

Then bullfighting Terrier gave everything back to his subordinates. At this time, he took a look at Ye Feng's bed and said to several subordinates, "every cell has a boss. It's not a rule. I understand. I won't blame you!"

Several of his men were moved to see bullfighting Terrier when they heard that.

Bullfighting Terrier sighed at this time, "I'm not here to fight for the position of the leader of this cell. You'd better call it boss jetty Lee. I'll be on holiday. I'll leave when it's time!"

A few of his subordinates felt guilty when they heard the words. They didn't know whether the bull terrier was telling the truth or the irony.

At this time, Bull Terrier took a look at the polar bear lying on the top of the maple. His face suddenly moved, and then he said to the polar bear, "I said polar bear, are you here for a holiday?"

The polar bear didn't speak when he heard the words. At this time, there was a sound of footwork at the door of the cell. Then a prison guard came with another man and opened the iron door of the cell.

Bullfighting Terrier turned his head to take a look, and his face suddenly sank. Planck's face also moved when he looked at it. Besides bullfighting terrier's younger brother, all the people who were lying on the bed looked at the door in surprise.

When the people behind the guards came in, they all got out of bed and walked towards the man. They all called the boss.

Ye Feng had already closed his eyes. At this time, he opened his eyes and looked to one side. However, he saw that the man standing at the door was not too tall, but he was covered with tendons and beards. His eyes were shining and he was scanning everyone in the cell.

After the guard locked the iron door and left, bullfighting Terrier sneered, "I said Martian, what are you doing here?"

Ye Fengxin looked at the beard and said that this guy is a Martian? What's the charm of this cell, bringing bullfighting Terriers and Martians?

Planck immediately got out of bed and walked toward the Martian in a panic. When he saw the Martian, he immediately nodded and said, "boss!"

The Martian nodded and asked Planck, "where is the seat available?"

Planck immediately said, "boss, you sleep on my side. My side is on the inside, and it's the lower berth!"

The Martian nodded and walked towards Planck's bed. Planck's bed was just opposite to Ye Feng. After he sat down, he took a look at Ye Feng lying on the bed at this time, with a slight frown.

Bullfighting terrier's men sneered and said to Planck, "I said Planck, didn't you just take advantage of Jeter Lee yesterday? How come there's another boss now? Why don't you take something out to honor your boss? "

Planck's face was embarrassed. Just now he was still laughing at Bullterrier's men. That would be because he didn't know that Martians would come. If he knew, he would never say that he would be beaten in the face immediately.

Martians didn't pay much attention to these. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, they asked, "are you Jeter Lee?"

Ye Feng side head looked at a Martian, eh after a sound, then continued to close his eyes.

Miyamoto then sat up, toward Mars humanity, "I said, Martian, you have been closed for so long, I am rubbed thin, I see how you are still so strong?"

The Martian then looked at Miyamoto and said faintly, "I'm in the confinement room, and I exercise every day!"

Bullfighting Terrier at this time toward Mars humanity, "I said Martian, I heard you should be two days before you come out, how early?"

The Martian snorted coldly and did not speak any more. Then he lay down and closed his eyes to rest.

Bullfighting Terrier is toward Mars, "and I also heard that someone gave a reward order and wanted to kill you. You didn't come here because of this, did you? You say if someone really wants your life and pursues this cell, will I help or not? "The Martian snorted coldly, "take care of yourself! Don't worry about my business

But bullfighting Terrier seemed to be teasing Martians, but he didn't mean to shut up. Instead, he continued, "why haven't your hot spleen been suppressed after several months of confinement? What's more, we all know what we're here for! "

The Martian then opened his eyes and glared at the bullfighting terrier and said, "bullfighting Terrier, you don't have to talk to me in such a strange way. You also said that the purpose of everyone coming here is tacit, so you'd better be careful when you speak in the future. If you know me, the big deal is that you're dead and you're dead together!"

Bullfighting terrier's face moved slightly when he heard the Martian saying that. He knew the Martian's character. This guy was hot tempered and eccentric. If he really angered him, he would hold the attitude that he didn't want to leave, which would make him unable to leave. That would be a big deal.

But after all, he is also the boss of one side of the power. When the Martians talk against him like this, he chokes back and can't hang on his face.

But as soon as the bull terrier was about to speak, he choked back. He heard Miyamoto say, "since we all live in the same cell, what's the use of you fighting so hard and so happily? It's better to get along well, let's give full play to our own abilities, and then work hard together, so that we have a greater chance of success! "

Bullfighting terrier and Martian listen to Miyamoto so say, each cold hum a, immediately all lie down no longer speak.

Miyamoto sighed and closed his eyes for a rest. He didn't say anything more. He just thought that these two guys were living in. He didn't know whether they were good or bad.

Ye Feng has been listening with his eyes closed. Of course, he knows that the purpose of Martians and bullfighting terriers is to leave Angola with the help of Miyamoto's ability.

But Ye Feng also knows that it is impossible for warden Rexer not to know this. Why did he promise to let bullfighting terrier and Martians live in? What's the purpose?

And the Martians went to Rex's office in the morning and didn't come out until the afternoon. During this time, what are the Martians and Rex talking about?

Without much thought, Ye Feng took a nap. Anyway, he didn't have time to work in the afternoon.

But when Ye Feng wakes up, it's time for the guards to open the door.

Everyone got out of bed to line up, waiting to go out to let the wind out. Ye Feng went to the bathroom to wash his face first. At this time, the Martian followed him and stood in the urine pool, but he said to Ye Feng, "the Pulsatilla and I mentioned you!"

After washing his face, Ye Feng wiped his face. Oh, after a sound, he walked out of the bathroom. At this time, he happened to see bullfighting Terrier, and bullfighting Terrier shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "after that, everyone is a cellmate!"

Yefeng well, did not speak, Miyamoto this time came over, standing behind Yefeng, whispered to Yefeng said, "I don't know what these two guys are up to!"

Ye Feng said to Miyamoto in a deep voice, "no matter what they do, we'll go according to the original plan. We can't let anyone destroy the planned itinerary!"

Miyamoto should have a sound, the Martian also came out from the bathroom, walked to Miyamoto's back, stood there, did not speak, eyes staring at Ye Feng's back.

Miyamoto then looked back at the Martian, and asked the Martian humanitarian, "Rex, what do you want to do in the morning?"

The Martian shrugged and said, "nothing! A little private business

Miyamoto saw that the Martians didn't say much, so he didn't ask any more.

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