Bullfighting terrier was proud of a smile, nothing to say, carrying a rice plate to an empty table to sit down, just toward the Yellow curly hair whispered, "to investigate clearly, Mars is not going to come out?"

Huang said, "it has been checked. The Martian was called to the office building by the warden, and has not come out yet."

Bullfighting Terrier frowned at the Yellow curly hair and said, "hasn't it come out yet?"

Yellow curly hair nodded and said, "yes, I asked a more reliable and familiar C.O. and he said that the Martians have entered the office building and have not come out yet!"

Then yellow curly hair said in a low voice, "and I also heard a news that the Martians didn't kill people, and their family was the same as that of jetty Lee. The reward was more than jetty Lee's!"

Bullfighting Terrier listen to yellow curly hair so say, eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "recently Angola popular reward order?"

But Huang curled his voice even lower and said, "what's more shocking is that I heard that the person who took the reward order was the warden!"

On hearing this, the bull terrier's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Huang curly hair in a daze, "warden?"

Huang curled his head and said, "so, I wonder if the Martians were called to the office by the warden to make a local formation?"

After listening to Huang curly hair's words, Bull Terrier looked at him thoughtfully for a long time, but he didn't speak. His hand holding the milk cup also stopped in mid air. Finally, after drinking a mouthful of milk, he said, "no, if so, he won't take advantage of all the prisoners' rest on the playground. He will certainly be in the dead of night!"

After a moment's hesitation, Huang curled his head and said, "that's the truth. What does the warden want to do with the Martians? Why hasn't it come out yet? "

Bull Terrier shrugged his shoulders and said, "who knows what's the plan of Rex Then he asked Huang curly, "have you finished what I told you to do?"

Yellow curly hair nodded and said, "it's done. There will be a reply today!"

The Bull Terrier nodded and stopped talking. After eating, he said to Huang curly, "order to go on, everyone should keep a low profile from today, and wait for the Martians to come out and listen to me!"

As soon as Huang curly hair heard this, he immediately nodded and said he knew.

After eating, Ye Feng has gone to the playground. Miyamoto and Ye Feng are sitting in the stands of the basketball court, but they don't watch the people on the basketball court playing. Instead, they look at the gate of the office building.

Miyamoto asked Ye Feng, "I think you seem to be very interested in Martians!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm interested in more people and things!"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "that's right. In a word, if you succeed this time, you, Monica, Martian and bullfighting Terrier are the same. It's better to fight and work together to leave!"

Ye Feng smell speech but see to Palace this way, "if succeed?"

Then, without waiting for Miyamoto to to speak, he immediately said, "no if, only one success!"

Miyamoto shrugged his shoulders and said, "the reason why I succeeded every time before was because it was a success. If I was found this time, the prison side would be on guard. Besides, rexai is not a fool. He certainly won't let us succeed so easily!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly ground looking at a temple this way, "thunder gram match?"? Who is it? "

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "the warden's name is rexai! You don't know? "

Ye Feng shrugged, "I heard it for the first time. I don't know and I'm not surprised!"

Then Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "this time we must succeed, there is no if!"

Miyamoto then looked at Yefeng, did not speak for a long time, after a long time, this toward Yefeng said, "by the way, I heard you killed yesterday in the workshop?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Bull Terrier people are just like assholes. If we don't set an example to others, we will have endless troubles in the future, which will hinder our plan. So we have to kill one of them to frighten them!"

Miyamoto then said to Yefeng, "I also heard that you have almost no opponent. Many people say that bullfighting terrier and Martians may not be your opponents!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "what do you mean by these?"

Miyamoto immediately said, "I mean, if you have this skill, even the police may not be able to catch you. You don't need to escape from prison at all, so you enter Angola voluntarily and purposefully!"

At this point, see Ye Feng's eyes move, immediately said, "but you don't want to say, I don't want to know, know too many secrets, it may not be a good thing for me!"

Ye Feng took a look at Miyamoto, and then said with a smile, "is this the law of your survival in Angola?"

Miyamoto shrugged and said, "maybe it is!" Then he immediately said to Ye Feng, "it seems that they are very worried about the Pulsatilla!"

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at the barbed wire fence, but he sees that the white headed man and the bald man are standing on the barbed wire fence closest to the office building, as if they won't leave until today's Martian.Ye Feng originally thought that it would be the warden Rex who called the Martian to be assassinated, but he later thought the same as Bullterrier. There are many ways to assassinate the Martian. In public, he called the Martian to the office building. This is the most stupid way. Rex doesn't want to be a fool.

Once the Martians know that he is doing this, he is undoubtedly asking for trouble. The reason why the Martians are so comfortable now is that the Martians have been locked up. But once the Martians know that the Martians are dead, and it is related to rexay, Angola will usher in the greatest possible chaos in history, which is unimaginable.

Just thinking about it, the guard's whistle blew again, which meant that he was going back to his cell again. Then Ye Feng stood up and said to Miyamoto, "let's go!"

Miyamoto got up and followed Ye Feng out of the playground. On the way, Miyamoto asked Ye Feng, "do you know the people in the lathe workshop?"

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help looking at Miyamoto, "don't know, what's the matter?"

Miyamoto shrugged and said, "refit the two spoons, but don't know each other. I'll look for bullfighting Terrier then! It's all right

Ye Feng can't help but ask the Palace this way, "refit into what?"

Miyamoto is a mysterious smile, "then you will know!"

After returning to the cell, Ye Feng was lying on the bed smoking cigarettes, and other inmates also came back and went to bed to rest.

At this time, several of the Martian's men got together and talked about seeing the Martian today, while the Bull Terrier listened and did not speak.

At this time, a prison guard with a man went to the iron gate, then opened the iron gate and said, "go in, you will be in this cell later!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward the door to see an eye, face suddenly move, come person unexpectedly is bull terrier.

Several bullfighting terriers in the cell could not help but stand up and look at the bullfighting terrier in surprise.

After the bullfighting Terrier came in, several men immediately stood up and called the boss to the bullfighting terrier.

When Planck saw this, he frowned at the bull terrier, and then said to some of the bull terrier's men, "don't forget that you paid homage to the new boss yesterday? There is only one boss in a cell. Who do you call boss? "

Those bullfighting terriers were shocked and embarrassed. When Ye Feng was the boss yesterday, they didn't think bullfighting terriers would parachute to this cell. Now, of course, they are embarrassed.

Bullfighting Terrier didn't care about these. After coming in, he immediately nodded to Ye Feng, then looked at Miyamoto, and then asked everyone, whose is the upper berth?

Immediately someone said it was his, and bullfighting Terrier said, "I'm going to sleep on this upper bunk now!"

The man immediately said, "boss, how can you sleep in the upper berth?"

Bullfighting Terrier climbed directly to the upper bunk and lay down, "just sleep here, don't talk nonsense!"

His subordinates did not dare to say anything when they heard the words. They immediately went to take away all the things beside the bed and moved to the lower berth of another empty berth.

Miyamoto can't help facing the bullfighting terrier in the upper bunk, "I said, how did you come in?"

Bull Terrier stretched a stretch and said, "you come out, of course I want you to be closer!"

Miyamoto immediately took out two spoons and stretched them toward the upper bunk. "It's very nice of you to come. Here are two spoons. Please ask if your people work in the lathe workshop and help me process them."

After reaching for the spoon, bullfighting Terrier asked Miyamoto, "what is it made of?"

Miyamoto immediately said, "I'll draw a drawing for you tomorrow."

Bull Terrier should be a sound, put away the spoon, did not speak.

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