Ye Feng sleeps soundly at night. After all, after the afternoon, Ye Feng knows that these guys can't think of themselves any more. It can be seen from their attitude towards themselves at night.

Sleep until daybreak, the next morning with the sound of music, mixed with the sound of prison guards beating the iron door with batons, all of them wake up. After each stretch, they immediately look at Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng gets up and goes to the bathroom to wash, other people dare to go in, except for polar bear and Miyamoto. Miyamoto thinks that he and Ye Feng are brothers. Polar bear gives people the feeling that he doesn't care about anything.

After everyone had finished washing, Miyamoto stood behind Yefeng, put his mouth close to Yefeng's head and said, "help me get some spoons, stainless steel ones!"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, just nodded slightly, then the prison guard came to open the door, all the prisoners went out to the canteen to find something to eat.

Ye Feng lives in the cell on the first floor, so the line is relatively high. When they get to the canteen, there are only a dozen people in front of them. In addition, all the inmates in the cell let Ye Feng rank first, and soon they get to Ye Feng's position.

Ye Feng casually hit a glass of milk and a sandwich, and then took a fruit, took the rice plate to sit down there, Miyamoto row behind Ye Feng, at this time also hit things, sat on Ye Feng's side, then whispered, "the spoon of the milk cup is OK!"

Ye Feng nodded, took the spoon out of the milk cup and held it in his hand. Then he took a look at the guard who was smoking in the corner. Seeing that they didn't pay attention, he put the spoon away.

As soon as the spoon was put away, Ye Feng's shoulder was patted, and then came the voice of bullfighting Terrier, "brother, what about breakfast?"

Ye Feng didn't look up at all. He took a sip of the milk. The bull terrier's hand had been released. Then he took a look at Miyamoto sitting opposite Ye Feng, and immediately went to sit on the side of Miyamoto with a smile.

Just sit down, Bull Terrier immediately toward Palace this way, "come out? How time flies

Miyamoto took a look at the bull terrier, then sneered, "quick? My NIMA has been in it for several months. If I close it again, my mouth will stink! "

Bullfighting Terrier laughs, takes a bite of the sandwich in his hand, nods to Miyamoto and says, "just come out!"

Said to see a leaf maple again, this just toward two humanitarians, "it seems that you two are very familiar now!"

Ye Feng just ate his own food and didn't speak. He didn't even look at the bull terrier.

Bullfighting Terrier see Ye Feng so, brow slightly a wrinkle, but at this time the palace is toward bullfighting Terrier way, "we are familiar with what's so strange?"

At this time, the Pulsatilla and bald people went into the canteen and were eating. Huapi saw that Ye Feng and bullfighting Terrier were sitting at a table, and his face moved slightly. He immediately reminded other people to watch.

The white headed man and the bald man looked at each other, and their faces moved slightly, but no one spoke.

Huapi hummed coldly at this time, "what kind of bullshit neutralists, it seems that they have turned to bullfighting terriers? No wonder I haven't heard of any news about the assassination of Jeter Lee recently. It turns out that they are in a group! "

The Pulsatilla then said to Huapi, "don't you see that bullfighting Terrier is talking to the man opposite Jeter Lee?"

The lion said at this time, "that guy is Miyamoto. He tried to dig a tunnel to escape from prison a few months ago and was found. After several months' imprisonment, he didn't expect to come out!"

The bald guy said, "don't worry about so many. The Martians are coming out soon. We'll wait for the Martians to come out!"

Say a few people also don't care, each dozen rice, only flower skin from time to time to see to leaf maple there one eye.

At this time, Ye Feng had finished his meal, and then he stood up and walked away with the plate.

Bullfighting Terrier frowned slightly. After glancing at Ye Feng, he said to Miyamoto, "Miyamoto, what's your relationship with Jeter Lee?"

The Palace this smell speech then immediately Dynasty bullfight stem way, "see at first sight as before!" Then he looked at the bull terrier and said, "but I heard that you want to kill Jeter Lee!"

Bull Terrier immediately said with a smile, "misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding! I explained it to him yesterday, but he didn't seem to appreciate it very much

Miyamoto said, "is it a misunderstanding to kill people? This is really a misunderstanding. Don't talk about him. I don't appreciate it either! "

After the Bull Terrier gave a dry smile, he gathered the smile on his face and then said to Miyamoto in a deep voice, "now that you have come out, you should think about what you should do next. Don't forget your promise to me!"

Miyamoto smell speech heart next move, immediately toward bullfight stem way, "if you still want to leave here, had better not move Jet Li!"

Bullfighting Terrier smell speech complexion slightly move, just want to say what, but see Palace this also stand up God, carry rice dish to walk away.

As soon as Miyamoto left, the short fat man with bald head and Huang curly hair came over and sat opposite the bullfighting terrier. Huang curly hair said to the bullfighting Terrier, "big brother, things have been done!"

Bull Terrier nodded, continued to bite the sandwich in his hand, and said nothing more.Ye Feng is now on the playground, sitting in the stands on one side of the basketball court. After Miyamoto came out, he immediately went to find Ye Feng.

Sitting on Yefeng's side, Miyamoto said, "where's the spoon?"

Ye Feng immediately handed the spoon in the canteen to Miyamoto, Miyamoto immediately took out his own spoon, put two spoons together and put them away.

Miyamoto was about to speak when he heard someone shouting, "isn't that the boss?"

Then several basketball players on the basketball court threw away the basketball and ran straight to the side of the barbed wire.

Ye Feng doesn't have much interest. Is there too many leaders in Angola prison?

Miyamoto at this time side head a look, eyebrows but slightly move a way, "Martian? He let it out, too? "

When Ye Feng heard that he was a Martian, his heart moved. He immediately turned to look over there, but saw a figure who had gone far away and went directly into the office building.

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "this Martian is not a good stubble!"

Ye Feng then Dynasty Palace this says, "since you also know he is not what good stubble, why do you still want to promise to take him to leave?"

Miyamoto shrugged at Yefeng and said, "let me tell you this. If I don't promise, I'll never get to know you. I'll die here, you know?"

Yefeng listen to Miyamoto said, heart move, Miyamoto said is right, he has no choice.

At this time, a few of them walked into the playground, and immediately a little brother ran over and reported to them, "big brother is out!"

When they heard this, their faces could not help but move. After looking around, they could not help but frown and ask, "where are the people?"

The younger brother immediately said, "I went to the office building. Maybe I went to see the warden?"

The bald man was surprised and said, "isn't the boss going to come out in two days?"

But the Pulsatilla said, "I just went to the office building to see the warden, not necessarily to come out ahead of time?"

Then several people walked towards the barbed wire and stood there, trying to wait for the Martians to come out of the office building.

However, after waiting for about a quarter of an hour, we didn't see any Martians coming out. The Pulsatillae were a little worried.

Ye Feng can't help staring at the door of the office building. He remembers that the warden wanted to kill the Martian himself. Now he calls the Martian to the office building. Isn't this guy going to do it himself?

Just thinking about it, when a whistle sounded, it was time for all the prisoners to go to work. Many prisoners began to leave the playground. Ye Feng and Miyamoto also got up and went to line up. Only a few of them were still waiting there. They had to leave until the prison guards went in and called them out.

After going to the workshop, today's work is much smoother than yesterday's. both Martians and bullfighting Terriers are working diligently. Soon, half a day passed and nothing happened.

During casual work, the C.O. informs everyone that they don't need to come back in the afternoon and have a rest for half a day.

On the way to the canteen, Ye Feng heard someone talking about the Martian going to the office building. When he got to the canteen, he talked more.

Originally, the younger brother of the Martian side had obviously kept a low profile recently because of the Martian's confinement. But when he heard that the Martian was coming out, he suddenly began to hold his head high again. Some people were even not pleased with the Bull Terrier side, and some of them deliberately wanted to find fault with the Bull Terrier side. Fortunately, they were stopped by bald men and white headed men.

Bullfighting Terrier then walked into the canteen and said to the bald man and the white headed man, "teach these little boys well. Your boss hasn't come out yet. Even if he comes out, do you want to let the Martians go in again?"

A little brother was not convinced that he would start to fight, but he was stopped by the white headed man and the bald man.

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