At this time, Miyamoto continued to say, "but I don't think the inmates of this prison are easy to get along with. It's estimated that they will get along with each other for a long time!" Then he immediately added, "take your time, don't worry!"

Ye Feng knows what Miyamoto means. He plans to get acquainted with the inmates. If there is any news in the cell, he can talk. Otherwise, it's not good for them if anyone leaks the news.

Ye Feng quickly washed, out of the shower, toward the Palace this way, "you slowly plan, need what to say with me, I'll help you think of a way!"

Miyamoto then lifted the curtain of the shower, looked at the door of the bathroom, and said, "first of all, we need to dig through the underground passage to the building of the female prisoner, and then we can consider other things!"

Just as Ye Feng was about to speak, he saw the polar bear come in. After taking a look at them, he went directly to a shower and turned on the tap.

Miyamoto frowned and whispered to Yefeng, "can't this guy hear you?"

But Ye Feng nodded to Miyamoto and said in a low voice, "my own people!" Then he went to the polar bear shower.

Standing outside the curtain of the polar bear, Ye Feng said in a low voice, "I've already told you who I am! Can you at least give me some letters? "

The polar bear whispered, "what's the letter for you? I've been in for many years and I want to go out, but I'm still here? Virgil wants to save Monica. It's a dream

Just as Ye Feng was about to say something, he saw Planck come in again. Seeing Ye Feng standing there, he immediately laughed at Ye Feng, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he went directly to a shower.

Originally, Ye Feng, a polar bear, didn't have to worry about it, but Planck was a Pulsatilla man. I don't know if he heard anything outside. Ye Feng was not sure.

He originally thought that after this afternoon when he was in the workshop, these guys in the same cell would hide from him. When he took a bath, these guys would not come, at least they would not come in until he went out.

But Ye Feng didn't expect that polar bear and Planck were not affected by the events in the afternoon. Even if polar bear knew his real purpose and identity, Planck was so bold. In the afternoon, he was almost as frightened as other prisoners, and his performance should be the same.

Ye Feng watched Planck walk into the shower, as if he didn't hear anything, but Ye Feng was not sure.

At this time, Miyamoto washes out and takes a look at Ye Feng. He also looks at Planck's shower along Ye Feng's eyes. Then he says to Ye Feng, "I'll go out first!"

Ye Feng nods, looks at Miyamoto, and then follows him out. He doesn't want to make these meaningless guesses. Now that he has done so, he can only take one step at a time. However, the relationship between Planck and Pulsatilla is very close, so he should be more cautious.

As soon as Ye Feng went out, all the prisoners outside immediately went into the bathroom. Only Ye Feng and Miyamoto were left in this sleeping place.

Miyamoto took a look at the door of the bathroom, then sat down by Ye Feng's bed, and said to Ye Feng, "the first one to go in, that guy, you say it's one of your own?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, he will help us!"

Miyamoto sneered and said, "I didn't hear what he said just now. He is very pessimistic! Is it credible? Don't hold back then! "

Ye Feng stares at Miyamoto for a long time, thinking that Tom just let himself in to contact the polar bear, but he didn't introduce the polar bear too much. He doesn't know much about the product, and Miyamoto is right. He thinks it's impossible for the product to escape.

Although Ye Feng is in prison for the first time, he also knows that prison is the thing that destroys people's character most. What's more, if he wants to wear the bottom of the prison, he will never expect to go out, which means that he has no hope. The more this happens, the easier human nature is to be distorted. Therefore, whether the polar bear can be trusted or not, Ye Feng also asks a question mark.

Just thinking about it, the polar bear came out and looked at Ye Feng and Miyamoto sitting in the lower bunk. Without saying anything, he climbed to the upper bunk and lay down on the bed.

Miyamoto can't help but frown and take a look at Yefeng. He uses Yefeng to question whether Yefeng is reliable.

Ye Feng shrugs and says that he doesn't know. Miyamoto has no choice but to go to his bed to sleep.

The prisoners came out one after another and went to their beds to lie down. The whole prison was silent, and the silence was terrible.

Ye Feng just looked at the side, thinking about things in his mind. At this moment, he saw Planck walk to Ye Feng's bedside, squat on the ground, holding a whole packet of cigarettes in his hand, and handed it to Ye Feng, "this is my filial piety to you!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly and looked at Planck. He didn't know how many meanings Planck suddenly gave him cigarettes, and didn't reach for them.

When Planck saw this, he immediately put the cigarette on the side of maple's pillow. He didn't say much, but after laughing, he turned away and went back to his bed to lie down.

Ye Feng took a look at Planck's side, but he didn't think much about it. At once, he saw someone sneaking over and gave Ye Feng a pack of cigarettes and went back.Seeing this, Ye Feng directly sat up, looked around the cell, took two packets of cigarettes in his hand, and then said, "who else wants to give me something, come along!"

On hearing this, all the other prisoners looked at me and I looked at you. Someone got out of bed immediately and walked towards Ye Feng. All the cigarettes in his hand were cigarettes. After all, cigarettes are sometimes more valuable than money in prison, which is hard currency.

After a while, Ye Feng's bedside already had several packs of cigarettes, all kinds of brands. Ye Feng took a look and then looked at the inmates, "what do you mean?"

A prisoner immediately toward Ye Feng a smile way, "have no other meaning, hereafter you are our eldest brother, this is brothers filial piety you, hereafter eldest brother please much care?"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the words. He knows that the reason why these prisoners do this is that they are scared by themselves in the afternoon. Now they all try to curry favor with themselves.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a look at the cigarette, and then said, "you have bullfighting people and Martian people here, don't you all have your own boss?"

Planck immediately said to Ye Feng, "that boss is that boss. Any cell has its boss. In this cell, you will be our boss in the future!"

The others echoed, "yes, you are the boss of this cell!"

Ye Feng looked at the crowd, then said, "but you are two forces, both call me boss, how do you get along?"

Planck said to Ye Feng, "that's out of the cell. Here, we only recognize you as the boss, whether we are with Martians or bullfighting terriers!"

Miyamoto at this time toward Ye Feng a smile way, "brother, can ah, after this cell is your world!"

Ye Feng sees that Miyamoto is still winking at him. He naturally understands what Miyamoto means. As long as these guys recognize themselves in this cell, Miyamoto will be more convenient to do things.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng pondered for a while and asked people, "are you all afraid of me?"

The prisoners were silent, and Ye Feng got the answer from their eyes.

But at this time, Planck said, "it's not fear, it's respect!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "what have I done that deserves your respect? Did I help you, or what? "

The prisoners were silent again, but Planck continued, "that's what happens in Angola. We only respect the strong. You are the strong, so we respect you!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "OK, since you say so, I'll take this cigarette, but in addition to this cell, don't call me boss. I don't want to be boss. I just want to be in prison at ease!"

When the other prisoners heard this, they could not help nodding and saying yes, thinking that everything would be easy to say as long as you were willing to accept cigarettes.

Ye Feng immediately lay down a way, "all sleep!"

As soon as the prisoners heard this, they immediately lay down and returned to a state of silence.

Ye Feng understands that these guys have seen their own affairs in the afternoon, so he's afraid that he's worried about them and that he'll be on guard against them. That's why he's so worried. It's not only reassuring for himself, but also reassuring for them.

When Ye Feng looks at Miyamoto, he sees that Miyamoto reaches out his thumb and then closes his eyes and goes to sleep.

Ye Feng simply didn't think much. He closed his eyes and said everything tomorrow. Anyway, when he decided to come, he knew that it couldn't be solved in one or two days.

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