Bullfighting Terrier shrugged to Ye Feng, smoked a cigarette and said, "if he wants to kill you, you will kill him. It's fair and just. There's nothing wrong with it!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to the bull terrier, "do you want me to kill you? That's what I punished him for! "

Bullfighting Terrier a listen to this, clearly know Ye Feng is deliberately not to give their face, but his face is a smile, "yes, everyone has their own way of punishment, your way so, I respect!"

Then he immediately said to the guy lying on the ground, "Mr. jetty Lee is so generous that he spared your life. Don't you thank Mr. jetty Lee?"

The guy on the ground looked at Ye Feng at this time, "thank you, Mr. Jet Li!"

But Ye Feng said to bullfighting Terrier, "if you just come to me for this, it's over, there's nothing to say!" Then he immediately turned around and left.

Bullfighting terrier's face suddenly sank, staring at Ye Feng's back and looking at it, he almost bit the sponge of cigarette butt into his teeth.

Behind him, a little brother came up and said, "boss, this boy doesn't pay much attention to you!"

Bullfighting Terrier face after several changes, but did not speak, has been watching Ye Feng go far, sitting on one side of the steps, and then waved his hand, "go!"

Then a crowd left the playground. When the bullfighting terrier was there, neither Martians nor bullfighting terriers dared to do anything on the playground. At this time, when the bullfighting terrier was gone, they came to do their own activities.

The Pulsatilla was also looking at the scene in front of him from a distance. After seeing the Bull Terrier go, he walked towards Ye Feng.

Before and after arriving at Ye Feng's face, the white headed man took a look at Ye Feng. Then he sat on one side of Ye Feng and said to Ye Feng, "you have alerted bullfighting Terrier!"

Ye Feng looked at the Pulsatilla with a sound and said, "what if you are shocked?"

The white headed man then said to Ye Feng, "don't look at the bull terrier. Now I'm having fun with you. Do you know what's the nickname of Bull Terrier?"

Yefeng listen to Pulsatilla say so, can't help but toward the Bull Terrier shrug a way, "I don't care what nickname he has, I have no interest!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the white headed man couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he sighed, "I know what you think now. You want to keep both sides neutral. You don't want to have anything to do with us or bullfighting Terrier!"

Ye Feng didn't speak. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and continued to light it.

But listen to the Pulsatilla continue to say, "in Angola, I tell you, you are either a Martian or a bullfighter, there can be no middle school!"

Then he immediately said to Ye Feng, "the so-called neutrals in the red chamber are all senior figures who have been in Angola for many years. The so-called neutrals are, to put it mildly, old. They don't speak well, and they don't care any more. So they went to the red chamber to provide for the aged. The Martians and the bullfighting Terriers are allowed to leave because of their respect They are in a corner and don't care about the world! That's why there are so-called neutrals. If you want to be neutral, you can't be neutral unless you spend money to support the elderly in Red Mansions! "

After listening to this, Ye Feng couldn't help but look at the Pulsatilla. After taking a deep breath of his cigarette, he stood up and said, "nothing is absolute! I just don't want to go to the red chamber, and I don't want to get involved in the dispute between Martians and bullfighting terriers. Don't count me in any of your affairs. As long as it involves me, I'll tell you, I'll pay you back! "

With that, Ye Feng directly got up and left the playground. He didn't give the Pulsatilla any chance to say anything more, but when he came to the gate of the barbed wire, he just saw the bald man and Huapi.

Ye Feng didn't look at them. He went out of the door and walked towards the cell.

Bald man and Huapi they four stand in situ to see a leaf maple walk away figure, channeling dragon cold hum a way, "this kid so drag?"

Huapi sneered and said, "I don't know what the Pulsatilla likes about this boy. If it wasn't for the mediation of the Pulsatilla, I would have done this boy!"

Then the lion said coldly, "look what the Pulsatilla said to him!"

Several people then walked towards the Pulsatilla, and saw that the Pulsatilla was carrying his elbows on his knees, and his whole head was buried between his legs. Looking at the ground, he was sighing.

Huapi went to sit on the side of the Pulsatilla, immediately put his hand around the Pulsatilla's shoulder and said, "I said, Pulsatilla, this boy can't get in now!"

Channeling dragon is cold hum a way, "Mars people always pursue is not a friend, that is the enemy, this boy if not on the road, that is the enemy!"

Flower skin also agreed to say, "I just saw bullfighting Terrier looking for him, it seems that this boy and bullfighting Terrier chat very happy ah, this boy is not going to take refuge in bullfighting Terrier?"

But the bald man hesitated to look at the pulsation and said, "pulsation, what's the boy's attitude now?"

At this time, the Pulsatilla raised his head and said, "don't worry, there are still a few days before the Martian comes out. I will take care of him before the Martian comes out!"The lion asked the Pulsatilla, "how can I do it?"

After taking a deep breath, the Pulsatilla said, "I have my way. You don't need to ask more questions!" Then he stood up and added, "besides, if I fail in this matter, I will explain it to the Martians myself!"

With that, the Pulsatilla, like Ye Feng, walked away without looking back, leaving a few bald men behind and standing in the same place looking at the Pulsatilla.

Huapi then sneered, "I really don't know what Martians value about the old man Pulsatilla. Apart from being able to talk, I don't do anything. If it wasn't for Martians, I would like to slap him in the face!"

But the lion said in a cold voice, "he said. He told the Martians himself, so let's leave it alone! One more thing is better than one less thing. We'll wait until the Martians come out! "

But Chuanlong said, "I have a little brother in the cell of Jeter Lee. I'll let him pay more attention to this boy. If he has any action, he will report it to us. When the time comes, the Martians will come out to do this boy. I'll arrange it immediately!"

The bald guy didn't say a word. At this time, he sighed, "this boy is much more troublesome than he looks. Maybe bullfighting Terrier also found out this, so he's trying to woo the boy Jeter Lee!"

However, the Dragon hummed coldly, "I can't see what's special about this boy. Martians and bullfighting Terriers are interested in him!" Then he asked, "by the way, don't you want the one million dollar reward for bullfighting Terrier?"

Huapi asked Chuanlong, "are you short of money recently? Repeatedly mentioned this million, do you want to take it? "

However, the Dragon shrugged his shoulders and said, "anyway, everyone is not pleased with this boy. In addition, there are still one million dollars left. It's better for the bullfighting Terrier people to take it. It's better for us to take it ourselves than for the cheap bullfighting Terrier people!"

But the lion said, "as far as I know, Zhang Wei, who issued the reward order, and bullfighting Terrier are old acquaintances. When I see that there must be some friendship between them, why else only bullfighting Terrier received the reward order, but we didn't?"

At this point, the lion snorted and continued to say, "in this case, the Pulsatilla has done nothing wrong. Bullfighting terrier and Zhang Wei are determined to kill Jet Li. Since we don't deal with bullfighting Terrier, we should keep Jet Li's life!"

But the Dragon said with a sneer, "lion, are you crazy? If we don't kill him, he has to thank God. Do you want to keep him? Are you really crazy? "

At this time, the bald man said, "the lion usually doesn't talk much, but these words are reasonable. Pulsatilla has always been valued by Martians. Maybe he has seen through this point. People like Jeter Lee can't be people on the other side of bullfighting Terrier, so Pulsatilla is trying to attract him to Martians. It's not wrong!"

Then the bald man said in a deep voice, "besides, now the Martians already know the existence of this boy, and we are not very clear about his attitude towards this boy. If the Martians mean the same thing as the Pulsatilla, we will annoy the Martians if we move this boy. It's better not to do anything these days. If we don't do it, we won't be wrong. Besides, the Pulsatilla is not wrong He's going to explain everything

At this point, the bald guy immediately nodded, "yes, we just don't do anything now, just wait for the development of things!"

Huapi then said, "just now the Bull Terrier has looked for Jeter Lee, but you all saw it!"

The lion said in a cold voice, "that means that bullfighting Terrier has seen the advantages of Jeter Lee, but I don't think he is interested in bullfighting Terrier either."

Huapi sneered, "this kid wants to be a neutral? Think too much? In Angola, people who are not ours are all regarded as bullfighting terriers. I don't care if they have a cold for bullfighting terriers! As long as the Martians say, let me do it myself

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