After the Pulsatilla came out of the canteen, he went to the barbed wire fence on the other side of the playground and took a look at the playground. He found that Ye Feng was sitting behind the basketball shelf and was smoking there. In addition, there were several people who were going to play basketball on the playground. When he went there, he saw Ye Feng sitting under the basketball frame and immediately stood in the same place and did not walk in.

The Pulsatilla recognized that those people were bullfighting terriers. Seeing Ye Feng's look from those people, the Pulsatilla saw a kind of fear.

At this time, he could not help but move. It seems that Ye Feng fought polar bear first here last time, and then abandoned a man, making him disabled for life. Today, he is showing his power in the workshop of the factory, which obviously has deterred these people.

The Pulsatilla suddenly realized a problem. People like Ye Feng didn't intend to compromise with the Martians or bullfighting terriers from the beginning to the end. They were just wishful thinking.

After taking a deep breath, the Pulsatilla thought that no matter what he said, no matter what Ye Feng thought, it was necessary to have a good chat with him.

Thinking of this, the Pulsatilla immediately went around to the iron gate. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, he saw a dozen prisoners coming in at the gate on the other side of the playground.

Looking at him, he saw that he was an oriental, but he had the height of a westerner. His eyes were very small and his face was very long. He looked just like bullfighting terrier. He was the big bullfighting terrier of the other side.

Seeing this, the Pulsatilla can't help but move. It's obvious that bullfighting terrier's goal here is Ye Feng.

But see bullfighting Terrier straight toward Ye Feng there, originally still standing there hesitant is not to play a few people, see bullfighting Terrier came, all face move to one side, called a boss.

Bullfighting terrier's footstep does not stop, has been walking toward the basketball frame, walk to distance Ye Feng still have three steps far, he suddenly stopped.

At this time, Ye Feng was lowering his head to smoke. After feeling a sense of oppression, he slowly raised his head. When he saw the head, he immediately thought of bullfighting terrier.

He did not expect that the origin of bullfighting Terrier nickname is because it looks like bullfighting Terrier?

What he didn't know was that someone called him that at first, and he killed him directly. Later, more people called him, and bullfighting Terrier couldn't change anything.

Later, I heard that he thought the ferocity of bullfighting terrier was in line with him, so he just let others call him.

In Angolan prison, the word bullfighting Terrier has changed from ridicule at the beginning to fear. Up to now, there is still a lot of awe. Bullfighting Terrier has even enjoyed what others call him.

Bullfighting Terrier has a pair of small eyes staring at Ye Feng. At the same time, Ye Feng is also looking at bullfighting Terrier, and bullfighting Terrier can see that Ye Feng is in Angola prison. When he sees himself, there is no fear in his eyes.

Ye Feng sees bullfighting Terrier coming out to find himself, and there are so many people behind him. He says in his heart, is this bullfighting Terrier going to do it himself?

Just thinking about it, bullfighting Terrier showed a smile on his face and said to Ye Feng, "are you Jet Li?"

Ye Feng didn't answer bullfighting terrier. When he saw the smile on bullfighting terrier's face, he was uglier than bullfighting terrier. It was better not to laugh.

After he finished smoking his last cigarette, he stood up, threw the butt on the ground and stamped it out, then slowly spit out a puff of smoke.

Just at this time, a gust of wind blowing, the clouds directly toward the bullfighting stem that group of people blowing past.

The men behind bullfighting Terrier feel that Ye Feng is deliberately provoking, and they will rush to Ye Feng immediately. Although Ye Feng's reputation has come out, in front of the boss, they still have to show when it's time to show.

The Pulsatilla stands in the distance and looks at it. At this time, he can't help but wonder if ye Feng is too arrogant. You should know that bullfighting Terrier is in this prison. If the warden is the emperor, then bullfighting terrier and Martians are equivalent to the prime ministers. They are also people who echo each other.

Ye Feng dares to treat bullfighting Terrier like this. No matter how good your skills are, if you really piss off bullfighting terrier and start all your subordinates to fight with you, you may not have any good fruit to eat alone?

But at this time, Bull Terrier reached out and stopped the man behind him. His ugly smile was still on his face. He continued to ask again, "are you Jeter Lee?"

After staring at the Bull Terrier for a moment, Ye Feng nodded and said, "Hmm! You're bullfighting Terrier? It's really like that! "

When they heard this, they immediately burst the pot. One pointed to Ye Feng and cried, "what do you say? Say it again

But bullfighting Terrier stretched out his hand and motioned everyone to shut up. Then he said to the humanity behind him, "you all go away!"

The group of people can't help but look at me and I'll look at you, but the boss said, and they were a little afraid of Ye Feng, so they all walked away immediately.

After the bullfighting terrier and his men all left, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out two, handed them to Ye Feng and said, "I'm bullfighting Terrier! Smoking? "

Ye Feng is also impolite. He reaches for it and points it in his mouth. He smokes and looks at the bull terrier. He doesn't know what the Bull Terrier wants to do.Bullfighting Terrier then took out the lighter and lit it for himself. After taking a deep breath, he said to Ye Feng, "there was a misunderstanding between my men and you before. I came here this time to tell you!"

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, "misunderstanding? Yeah! Zhang Wei's one million is really attractive, and it is easy to have some unnecessary misunderstandings! "

Bullfighting Terrier smokes a cigarette and continues to look at Ye Feng. Then he says with a smile, "there's such a thing. Zhang Wei and I used to be villagers. I think you are Chinese, which shows that we are all our own people. This is a misunderstanding. I didn't see you. If I had seen you earlier, there would not have been such a misunderstanding at all!"

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, eyes from beginning to end did not leave the bull terrier's face, but did not speak.

Bullfighting terrier was holding a cigarette in his mouth. As soon as he looked back, he nodded to the group behind him. Then he saw several people leave the playground.

Then bullfighting Terrier said, "we are all Chinese. In a place like Angola, we should be united. You and Zhang Wei have a little misunderstanding. Did you kill Brooke? What's the big deal? If I want to kill him outside, besides, if you don't kill Brooke, how can he get Zhang Wei's chance? In fact, he should thank you. Don't worry. I'll tell Zhang Wei about this. I believe there's no problem! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there is no misunderstanding between Zhang Wei and me. He wants my life, unless I don't go out. If I have a chance to go out, I will go to him to relieve the misunderstanding face to face!"

Bullfighting Terrier listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help but frown at Ye Feng way, "out? I've come to the Angolan prison, and I haven't heard of anyone leaving alive! "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "no, but recently I heard that you are also contacting Miyamoto. Do you want to leave here with his ability?"

Bullfighting terrier's face suddenly moved when he heard this, and then he scolded a dirty word and said, "this son of a bitch, Miyamoto, really dares to say anything!"

Then he said with a smile to Ye Feng, "I'm just talking about it. Here, I'm the earth emperor. If I go out, it's nothing. What do I want to do when I leave here?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "are you the earth emperor here? There are several local emperors here. Even if you are one of them, you are a local emperor without freedom

Speaking of this, bull terrier's face moved slightly. At this time, several men behind him came carrying a man.

Bullfighting Terrier looked back and said to Ye Feng, "in order to show my apology, this waste was going to kill you at that time. Now I have carried him out of the infirmary and handed him over to you for disposal!"

Ye Feng took a look at the man who was carried over. It was the guy who had a hand and a leg abandoned by himself a few days ago. At this time, his arm and leg still had this plaster cast. Even if it's good, I don't know if it will affect walking.

The man looked at Ye Feng in horror, and then said to bullfighting Terrier, "boss, I'm wrong. Please forgive me this time!"

Bullfighting Terrier hummed coldly, "don't call me boss. I'm not your boss. I've told you many times that even if you want to do something, you should be aboveboard. What's the matter with your sneak attack? What a shame

Then bullfighting Terrier winked at a man, who immediately took out a dagger from his arms and handed it to bullfighting terrier.

Bull Terrier took the dagger in his hand, and then stretched out to Ye Feng, "you come and kill him! Even if I make amends! "

Ye Feng looked at the dagger in bullfighting terrier's hand, but did not move. Instead, he continued to smoke cigarettes and said, "do you want me to kill him?"

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