All of them are busy with their own affairs. Now they are no longer haggling over who is the upper class worker and who is the lower class worker.

The polar bear was also among them. He put the paper cups one by one, and then put them on the table and pushed them to the end of the table to let the crowd over there pack them.

Soon after work, the C.O. said the time at the door. Everyone put down their things and stood up in line at the door.

The prison guard stood at the door waiting for the door of the factory to open, and then signaled the crowd to follow him to the factory gate.

When he left the factory, many prisoners were staring at Ye Feng on the road. Today, he was in the limelight. The warden himself came to him with a team of armed guards.

Ye Feng didn't pay much attention to other people's eyes. In fact, he didn't want to kill people, but he knew that if he kept silent, the trouble would be endless.

Ye Feng, who lives in other cells, doesn't want to take care of it, and he can't take care of it for the time being. At least he has to take care of the prisoners who are in the same prison as himself. Otherwise, he can't expect to sleep in the future.

Soon a group of people went to the canteen to eat, Ye Feng followed the crowd in line, several inmates in front of the prison immediately get out of the way, let Ye Feng row in front.

Ye Feng didn't care about this, but now he knows that to survive in this environment, he has to do a lot of things he didn't like and didn't want to do.

He went to the front, but not far away from the front, came the voice of the Pulsatilla and said, "Jeter Lee This way

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at the Pulsatilla, and then leaves the team to walk towards the Pulsatilla. Beside the Pulsatilla, there are several bald men, Huapi, channeling dragon and lion, whom ye Feng knew last time.

Ye Feng walked to the Pulsatilla side, Pulsatilla immediately a smile, toward Ye Feng way, "after dinner do not line up, follow us here on the line!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and didn't say a word. At this time, he said with a smile, "I heard you changed your cell? Yes? Did the Pulsatilla bully you? Tell me, I'll stand for you

Upon hearing this, the Pulsatilla immediately laughed, and then looked at Ye Feng and said, "yes, why do you want to change your cell? Did I do something wrong? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "there is nothing wrong. I just want to change it!"

The white head Weng Wen Yan's face slightly moved and looked at Ye Feng, but Huapi sneered and said, "I heard that the cell you changed has people from our side and those from bullfighting terrier. It's a mixed cell. It's really interesting. What's the matter? Didn't they fight? "

The dragon then said, "you should be careful. There's a reward order on the Bull Terrier! You have a lot of money in your head

Then he said half jokingly, "it's a pity to give bullfighting Terrier to me. It's better to take advantage of my own people and get the million for me!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything. After getting the meal, he went to an empty table and sat down.

The white head Weng and other people's faces could not help changing. Huapi said to the white head Weng in a strange way, "it seems that this boy may not be our own!"

Channeling dragon smell speech sneer a way, "that's the best, kill him to get the reward, estimate Martian also can't say anything!"

The Pulsatilla is even busy way, "are a little calm, wait for me to chat with him again!" Said also took the rice tray to walk past, did not forget to turn head toward four humanitarians, "you do not come!"

They all shrugged and walked away with their rice plates. However, they all passed by Ye Feng and deliberately stopped there to have a look at Ye Feng.

The Pulsatilla put down the plate and sat opposite Ye Feng. Looking at Ye Feng who was eating, he said, "brother, do you have any idea? Tell me about it!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "no idea, I don't want to make trouble, but don't make trouble with me! Just be safe, everyone! "

On hearing this, the Pulsatilla frowned and said, "what does this mean?"

Ye Feng did not speak, and continued to wolf down his meal.

Seeing this, the Pulsatilla couldn't help looking at Planck, who was sitting not far away. That day, a prison guard came to say that he wanted Ye Feng to change his cell. This cell can follow him and ask for your opinions. At that time, the Pulsatilla recommended Planck.

The purpose of Bai touweng's letting Planck go is to look at Ye Feng. However, at this time, it seems that Planck is a different person. Just as a person passes by and touches Planck's shoulder, Planck is actually the same as he didn't find out. If this is the case before, even the gang members will be scolded by him. If the Bull Terrier side of the people, it is estimated that Planck's rice plate will be too small It was thrown directly, but today's Planck seems to be completely out of steam.

Seeing that Planck didn't look at himself, the Pulsatilla thought that he would ask the guy after dinner. Now he still asked Ye Feng, "you mean, you don't want to talk to us?"

At this time, Ye Feng's meal was almost finished. He immediately got a little bit of it into his mouth with a spoon. Then he stood up and said, "whatever you think! I don't belong to any of you in the future! "

With that, Ye Feng took the rice plate and walked towards the pool. There, someone wanted to take Ye Feng's rice plate and wash it for him, but he didn't let him. After washing the dishes, he left the canteen and went to the playground.Pulsatilla confused, a closed the boy's temper has changed? Or something happened in that cell that I didn't know?

Thinking of the Pulsatilla, he immediately took his plate and walked towards Planck's table. After putting down the plate, the others at the same table stood up and gave way to the Pulsatilla.

The Pulsatilla found himself sitting opposite to Planck. Planck didn't seem to notice that he was coming. He took the spoon in his hand and put it in his mouth. It seemed that the spoon was more delicious than the meal.

The Pulsatilla then reached out to Planck and said, "what do you think?"

Planck was so frightened by the Pulsatilla. After seeing that it was Pulsatilla, he was completely relieved and said to the Pulsatilla, "it's you, boss!"

The Pulsatilla immediately asked Planck, "Jeter Lee, what the hell are you doing? What happened to the cell? "

When Planck heard the words, he immediately thought of the scene in the workshop in the afternoon, and then he began to be absorbed again.

Seeing that there was something wrong with Planck today, the Pulsatilla immediately called Planck again and said, "what do I ask you?"

Planck came back to his senses, and then he said in a low voice, "today, in the workshop, the man on the Bullterrier side bribed the warden and C.O. to kill Jeter Lee! As a result, one was kicked to break his neck, and the other was killed directly! And he was handcuffed back then! "

Upon hearing this, the pulsation immediately sighed. In the afternoon, the warden brought a team of prison guards with guns into the factory. He didn't see it, but he heard it, but he didn't expect it would be Ye Feng's side.

Planck then said to the Pulsatilla, "boss, I'm glad I listened to you at the beginning, otherwise I might have broken my neck!" Said also subconsciously touched his neck, as if for fear that his neck will be broken out of thin air.

The Pulsatilla stares at Planck. At this time, he suddenly understands that it must be because the people on the other side of the Bull Terrier force Ye Feng too hard, so he forces Ye Feng to kill.

Thinking of this, the Pulsatilla asked Planck, "besides this, what else?"

Planck immediately said, "if it was someone else, the warden would have killed him directly at that time. But the warden not only didn't do that, but also shot the prisoner who was killed by Jeter Lee, saying that he wanted to escape and let the prison guards dispose of his body, and he didn't even touch Jeter Lee's hair!"

The Pulsatilla, listening to Planck's words, immediately fell into silence. I don't know if ye Feng has reached any agreement with the warden, or if ye Feng has spent more money than he imagined? Otherwise, the warden would not help Ye Feng like this.

However, the Pulsatilla always thinks that there are still some problems that he has not figured out. Everyone outside knows that he is the Martian's military strategist, and now he is in a bit of a mess by Ye Feng.

During Ye Feng's confinement last time, Bai touweng also went to see Martians in the confinement room through familiar prison guards, and he also incorporated Ye Feng's affairs to invite credit with Martians.

Now Ye Feng has turned into this attitude again. Seeing that the time limit of Martian's confinement is coming, when the Martian comes out, he finds that Ye Feng doesn't bird him at all. Isn't he a stranger inside and outside?

Thinking of this, the Pulsatilla had no appetite to eat any more. He stood up and walked out of the canteen. He felt it necessary to find out Ye Feng's attitude. He had to know whether he was a friend or an enemy before the Martians came out.

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