Everyone thought that the warden was going to shoot Ye Feng. Unexpectedly, the warden shot at the corpse. Not only that, but also after shooting, he said to the public, "this guy tried to knock out the prison guard when he was working, and he was killed on the spot to make an example."

After listening to the warden's words, everyone was deceived. This guy was obviously killed by Ye Feng. The warden could completely rely on this opportunity to solve Ye Feng, but instead of doing so, he planted the dead prisoner to escape?

When the guards were all puzzled, the warden immediately turned to the guards behind him and asked, "are you?"

After hearing what the warden said, the guards were stunned and then nodded. One of them said, "yes, yes, the prisoner wanted to escape. He was found by the warden and killed himself! It is worthy of death

As soon as this man said that, other prison guards began to agree with him. Some even began to make up how the warden fought with the gangsters for wisdom and courage, and how the gangsters were vicious. Finally, they were given the local array by the warden's sacred gun, which greatly cheered the people.

At this time, Ye Feng's brow is just slightly wrinkled, looking at the performance of the warden in front of him, and the polar bear and Planck squatting in the room are also surprised, and they are still thinking about the origin of Ye Feng, killing people in front of the public. Finally, the warden still protects him like this?

The warden then waved his hand to the prison guards with guns to take away the bodies, and then asked the patrolling prison guards to perform their duties. Then he came to Ye Feng's side and said in a deep voice, "you must be very surprised why I did this?"

Ye Feng did not utter a word, and stood still without hearing. But he heard the governor in his ear, and said, "I am going to tell you, in the Angola boundary, who has the final say, I can say that he is a prison breaking maniac, and I can also use any excuse to frame you!"

Then the warden turned around and said in a deep voice, "don't think you can do whatever you want in Angola after spending a few money! This is a warning to you Then he walked away immediately.

Ye Feng stands at the same place and looks at the warden walking away. His brow has not yet stretched out. He is curious about what the warden's purpose is? Just warning yourself?

The warden first locked himself up with the man who wanted to harm his Bullterrier, and then authorized the prison officer to let him deliberately not handcuff the Bullterrier and let them kill himself, and then helped him plant the dead prisoner after he fought back.

For a moment, Ye Feng can't figure out the real purpose of the warden, but this matter suddenly makes Ye Feng think through a problem. The warden is definitely not as simple as his superficial greed.

Moreover, in Angola, it's not as simple as I think. Maybe I think I can leave Angola smoothly after meeting Monica and Miyamoto, who is good at prison break. It's not realistic at all.

There must be some unexpected problems, and there may be more than one.

The prison guard who stayed in the workshop was standing outside the door. He just looked at Ye Feng and saw that Ye Feng didn't move. He didn't dare to move either.

When Ye Feng turns around and walks into the workshop, the C.O. dares to go to the door and stand there looking at the workshop. If it's normal, he will help everyone to release their handcuffs, and then let them continue to work.

But after what happened just now, it's obvious that the right to speak here is no longer on his side. Although the warden came forward to solve the storm, it's obvious that Ye Feng's image has been deeply rooted in people's minds.

After Ye Feng went in, he took a look at the prisoner who was still squatting on the ground. Then he sat on the table and subconsciously touched the pocket of the prisoner's clothes. He wanted to take out a cigarette, but he found that there was no cigarette at all.

Ye Feng then looked up at the door of the prison guard way, "borrow a cigarette?"

On hearing this, the guard immediately took out his cigarette and lighter, handed the whole package to Ye Feng, and said with a smile, "here you are!"

Ye Feng just took out one, lit it, put the cigarette box on the table and took a sip. Then he took a look at the prison guard standing in front of him. He nodded, bowed and laughed, as if he were the warden.

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and wanted to pat each other on the shoulder. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the man immediately stepped back, but he was forced by Ye Feng's obscene power and did not dare to step back.

Ye Feng's outstretched hand finally fell on his shoulder. After patting it gently, he picked up the cigarette on the table and gave it to the prison guard.

The guard shivered with a cigarette. After Ye Feng picked up the lighter and lit it, he put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it.

Ye Feng then patted the guard on the shoulder and said, "don't be nervous! I'm kind of a person! "

The C.O. can't help whispering that you are still kind? You're so kind. If you don't, why don't you serve Angola?

Although he thought so in his heart, the C.O. said with a smile, "yes, yes, very kind!"

Ye Feng then looked at the prisoners who were still squatting on the ground. At this time, the court said, "all stand up, what do you do with the old squatting?"

Prisoners, you look at me and I look at you. At last, no one spoke and they all stood up slowly.

Ye Feng took a look at the crowd and then said to the prison guard, "go and open their handcuffs!"As soon as the prison officer heard this, he immediately answered, took out the key of the handcuffs in a hurry, and went to open the handcuffs one by one.

After the prisoners' hands were untied, they moved their wrists one by one and looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

Ye Feng then looked at the polar bear, and saw that the polar bear was staring at him. At this time, he saw Ye Feng looking at him, and he did not avoid Ye Feng's eyes.

After the polar bear's handcuffs were untied, Ye Feng came down from the table, but he didn't go to the polar bear, and went to the other side of the table to see the prisoner who had been kicked to break his neck.

At this time, the prisoner had already woken up, but the sharp pain in his neck made him almost out of breath, his face was red, his neck was thick, and his chest was undulating.

Ye Feng took a look at the prisoner and then asked, "what's up? Can you still breathe? "

The prisoner saw Ye Feng standing in front of him, already scared at a loss, heard Ye Feng asked himself, also don't know whether to answer.

Ye Feng squatted down, reached out and touched the man's neck. The man's face changed, but the pain made him feel that he had no strength, otherwise he would have been scared to run back.

After Ye Feng touched his neck, he said, "fortunately, I didn't use any more power, you can still save me!"

Then he quickly found a stick and put it on the ground. Then he turned the man over on the ground and told him to wrap the stick around the man's neck.

Ye Feng just stood up and said to the prison guard, "take him to the medical room!" Then he said to the man, "take a rest for three or five months, and you can get out of bed!"

After hearing that, the prison guard immediately contacted the people from the medical room and said that there was a prisoner with a broken neck. They asked them to send someone to come.

Ye Feng took a look at the prisoner on the ground, smoked a cigarette, and then looked at the other prisoners.

The prisoners were all looking at Ye Feng in surprise. Seeing Ye Feng looking at themselves, they even felt that Ye Feng was looking at their necks. They were not as good as Ye Feng, and probably their necks would be broken.

Ye Feng glanced at the prisoners, took a deep breath of cigarettes, and then said, "after that, we will all be in the same cell, and we will get along for a long time. We should help each other, right?"

Prisoners listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but a consternation, you look at me, I look at you, don't know answer Ye Feng good, or silent better.

Ye Feng continued, "I said, I'm actually very kind. I've always been a person who doesn't offend me. You and I are good. I won't do anything to you. But if someone wants to take that million, I won't stop him. But don't blame me when I attack him!"

The prisoners were obviously frightened by Ye Feng, and they all stood there without speaking.

At this time, the medical staff came to check the broken neck prisoner and immediately carried him away.

Ye Feng threw the cigarette butt on the ground and trampled it out. He moved a stool and sat down. Then he said to the prison guard, "what should I do?"

On hearing this, the C.O. regained his mind. After saying a few words, he cleared his throat and said, "clean up quickly and continue to work!"

When the prisoners heard this, they scattered one after another. After cleaning up the plastic bags and paper cups that had been scattered all over the floor, they sat at their desks and continued to work. At this time, there was no more complaint.

Ye Feng sat on one side, slightly closed his eyes, did not speak, and the prisoners looked at Ye Feng from time to time, now no one dares to think of Ye Feng any more.

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