Ye Feng walked directly towards the man, who was scared and retreated. Ye Feng stood in front of the dagger, picked his feet, and the dagger fell directly on the table, just with the tip of the dagger facing down, on the table.

Ye Feng looked at the dagger on the table and said, "come here, take up the dagger!"

The man shook his head and said, "no No I just wanted to pick it up and throw it away! "

Ye Feng stares at that person to see, on the face has no the slightest facial expression, the eyes are cold as blade, the tone is cold, one word says, "pick up the dagger!"

The man was completely shocked by Ye Feng's appearance and tone, and his legs began to shiver. What else did he want to say, but he found that his lips were trembling.

Ye Feng continued to use cold mouth airway, "the same words, don't let me say the third time!"

That person a listen to this words, immediately a excited spirit, immediately pulled up the dagger on the table, shiver of hold, looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction and said, "good. Now come here Kill me

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately threw the dagger to the ground and said in a loud voice, "I dare not..."

Ye Feng took a look at the dagger on the ground, then looked up at the humanitarian, "pick it up, kill me..."

The man continued, "no, I can't I I can't... "

After staring at the man for a long time, Ye Feng sighed, "here's your chance! You don't use it! If you don't kill me, I'll kill you! "

The man saw a flash of cold light in Ye Feng's eyes and ran towards the door in a hurry.

Ye Feng at this time a pick on the foot, the dagger directly soared into the air, Ye Feng immediately a side body, lift a kick, the dagger like an arrow to fly to that person.

As soon as the man stepped out of the door with one foot, he felt a sharp pain in his back. Then the pain instantly passed to his whole body and disappeared. His whole body seemed to have no intuition at all. In an instant, his whole body collapsed and lay on the ground motionless.

The prisoner squatting on one side could not help looking at the man, but he saw that a dagger was sticking behind the man, which had gone into the hilt, and even the whole hilt had sunk into the flesh. The position was just the heart, and the prison clothes on his back had been completely stained with blood.

Everyone looked at the corpse in a daze. Several prison guards outside even looked silly, and the prisoners inside did the same. No one had ever seen anyone kick a dagger directly into the opponent's heart. Ye Feng really opened his eyes today.

Planck felt that his back was cold when he looked at it, and the ground in front of him was dripping with cold sweat.

Ye Feng then looked around and said to the crowd, "no matter you are Martians or bullfighting terriers, you send me a message. From now on, anyone who wants to take my life, I'll kill one, I'll kill two, I'll never let one go. If you are brave enough, you can continue to come! A million is not so easy to earn! "

Say Ye Feng to walk toward the prisoner there, cold hum a way, "still have who want to try?"

The group of prisoners squatted on the ground, and immediately began to move back. However, because they were all squatting on the ground for a long time, their legs began to feel numb. The people in front of them stepped back and fell back one by one. The people behind them fell on the ground one by one, just like the domino effect.

Ye Feng sneer, this group of wine sacks also want their own life?

He didn't even want to look at them. He walked out of the door directly. The guards outside were looking at the bodies on the ground. They were shocked to see Ye Feng come out suddenly, and they began their instinctive hind legs one after another.

Ye Feng looked at the guard and sneered, "do you take the advantage of bullfighting Terrier or listen to the warden's order? Let's have someone to make it clear! "

You look at me and I look at yours. Each of them is timid. No one wants to talk.

Ye Feng at this time back in the back of the hand, casually pinch a few, listen to "bang when" a, handcuffs directly fell to the ground.

Ye Feng stretched his hand to the front and moved his wrist slightly. Then he squatted down and took out the dagger on the body. As soon as the dagger was pulled out, a blood arrow splashed from the back of the body and sprayed on the doorframe. The prison guards and the prisoners in the house could not help shivering.

Ye Feng then holding a dagger, sitting on the doorframe, looked at the guards and said, "if you dare to do something, you should dare to do it. What are you afraid of?"

Several guards can't help swallowing a mouthful of foam, looking at the dagger in Ye Feng's hand, they are all estimating, who will Ye Feng's dagger fly to next.

Ye Feng weighed the dagger in his hand and said coldly, "it seems that there is no official, no tears! Then I'll come at random... "

With that, Ye Feng immediately held the tip of the dagger. As soon as he was ready to throw it towards the prison guard, he heard one of the prison guards say, "it's the warden's meaning!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at the talking guard, but he sees the guard step forward, but his face is still full of caution and fear.

But the guard went up and down and continued, "we all listened to the warden's orders! If we don't come, there will be another batch! "Ye Feng nodded and said, "you're right. If you don't come, someone will come..."

Just as he was saying that, there was a sound of footwork not far away from the gate, and soon more than a dozen prison guards trotting towards this side were seen.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, and then stood up, looking at the group of prison guards, without the slightest expression on his face.

The guards at the door saw that their colleagues were coming with weapons. One by one, like seeing God, they felt that they were saved.

Just now they were here with Ye Feng. They felt that they might go to hell at any time. Now they feel like they are going to heaven again.

After more than a dozen prison guards arrived at the door, they immediately pointed their guns at Ye Feng one by one, and the guns were all on the trip, their fingers on the trigger, and they could shoot at any time.

Seeing this, Ye Feng threw the dagger on the ground, then raised his hands and put it on his head, but his eyes didn't leave the more than a dozen guards holding guns for a moment.

Seeing this, the prison guards at the door felt that their legs were soft. Suddenly, they felt that they had strength again, and they walked behind the prison guards with guns.

At this time, but see the warehouse gate there into a person, Ye Feng glanced, not others, is the warden.

But see warden, hands behind, face without the slightest expression, is slowly came over.

There are prisoners in other workshops who open the door, stand at the door and look at the situation outside. When they see more than a dozen prison guards holding guns at Ye Feng, they can't help but move. In Angola prison, except for the important defensive points, there are few prison guards with guns. First, the prisoners are fierce, but it's not safe for prison guards to match guns. Second, they are under the control of the warden In, he also reached some kind of "gentleman" agreement with the prisoners. As long as they don't break the prison and do something deviant, the prison guards don't need to deal with them with guns.

Many prisoners who have come in for nearly ten years have not even seen guns for a long time. This is the first time that they have seen such a big battle against a prisoner.

At this time, the warden went to the front of the crowd and first looked at Ye Feng. Then he looked at the dead prisoner on the ground. His eyes narrowed, and then he gave a light kiss, "who killed this?"

Several prison guards scramble to speak, but the warden comes to Ye Feng and looks directly into Ye Feng's eyes.

Ye Feng nodded to the warden, "I killed him!"

The warden stared at Ye Feng for a long time and didn't speak. At this time, he took a look at the dagger on the ground and kicked it with his feet. Then he looked up at Ye Feng and said, "why do you want to kill him?"

Ye Feng sneer a way, "he wants to kill me, I keep him for Christmas?"

The warden smell speech and stare at Ye Feng to see for a long time, this just light ground says, "any place, all have their own rules, here, Angola also has Angola's rules! The rule here is that everyone's life and death are in the hands of one person, either others or me! Your warden

Said to step forward, almost close to Ye Feng's face, deep voice asked, "you kill him, through my permission?"

Ye Feng hummed coldly at this time, "I don't need anyone's permission to kill!"

The warden sneered, "aren't you afraid I'll shoot you on the spot?"

Ye Feng stares at the warden and says, "you can have a try!"

After a long time of staring at Ye Feng, the warden stepped back. He took a gun from a prison guard's hand and quickly walked to Ye Feng's side. Then he shot at the corpse on the ground. Until all the bullets in the gun were gone, the gun stopped.

Originally, many workshops in the distance didn't know what happened here, but after a few shots, the whole warehouse was echoed by the gunfire. The doors of all workshops were opened, surrounded by many prisoners, looking at this side.

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