The moment before Ye Feng saw the goods rushing towards him with a dagger, the next moment the goods had already arrived at his side, and he had no time to think about what he had.

Seeing a knife coming towards his abdomen, his hands were handcuffed behind his back, and it was impossible for his hands to block it, he immediately dodged to avoid the fatal blow.

At the same time, the goods immediately carrying a dagger, instead of holding, immediately toward Ye Feng's neck stabbed down, Ye Feng again dodged to avoid.

Wait for that goods to rush to come again of time, leaf maple immediately out foot, a foot directly toward the abdomen of the opposite party kicked past.

Don't want the other party to expect Ye Feng can't move, just wait for Ye Feng out of the foot, in the moment of his feet, stomach slightly back a hold, and then a hand dead grasp Ye Feng's leg, hold the other hand dagger immediately toward Ye Feng's leg.

Ye Feng originally wanted to retract his feet. He didn't want to be held tightly by the other party. He didn't give him the chance to get away. He saw that the dagger was about to hit Ye Feng's thigh.

He immediately took advantage of his leg was hugged by the other side, immediately jumped up, the other leg in the air immediately swept to the other side's head.

Ye Feng's foot speed is faster than the other's dagger speed, a kick in the other's head, but the other's dagger has not hit Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's foot is perfect in both strength and speed. Even Ye Feng doesn't believe that he can make such a foot in the critical moment.

The other side was kicked by Ye Feng. At the same time, Ye Feng heard a click sound. He didn't know whether it was the broken skull or the broken neck. The whole person flew out directly, fell heavily on the table, rowed on the other side of the table, and then fell to the ground with a bang, and then there was no movement.

All the people on the scene saw this scene, and they could not help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. Looking at Ye Feng at this time, it was as if they saw the God and man coming down to earth. They were so surprised.

At this time, the polar bear is still squatting on the ground, looking up at Ye Feng, but he looks calm, as if he had expected this scene.

These people had seen Ye Feng and polar bear fight each other on the playground before, and then a guy attacked Ye Feng secretly, and Ye Feng directly wasted one hand and one foot. At that time, Ye Feng was flexible, but now Ye Feng's hands were completely tied, which was equivalent to half of his martial arts. Ju ran, in this case, also knocked down the attacker within a few moves.

Planck, who was very disdainful of Ye Feng, was shocked when he saw this scene. Although he had seen the scene on the playground before, he was still a little unconvinced. But at the moment, Planck was deeply impressed with Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng in Planck's eyes, in good words, is just like a god man. In bad words, he is not human. These actions can not be completed by ordinary people. I feel that this scene can only be seen in action movies.

At this time, Ye Feng jumped up and stood directly on the table. He went to the side of the table and looked at the goods lying on the ground motionless and stabbed himself. His whole body was convulsed and he could not get up.

Ye Feng immediately turned to look at the group of people squatting on the ground. All of them looked up at Ye Feng. Seeing that Ye Feng looked at him with fierce eyes, they immediately lowered their heads, including Planck.

Ye Feng hummed coldly at this time, "if you want to kill me, just come here aboveboard. This is a warning. If you meet the next one, I will kill you directly!"

Those people listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but heart a hush, a squat over there don't say a word, don't dare to move.

At this time, the prison guard outside came in and saw Ye Feng standing on the table. He immediately said angrily, "what are you doing? Who allowed you to stand on the table? "

Speaking, he took out the electric baton and immediately stabbed it at Ye Feng. Ye Feng didn't move. Before the electric baton came to him, he directly kicked out his feet and instantly kicked the baton in the hands of the prison guard. After hitting the wall, it directly broke into pieces.

The prison guard was stunned, but he didn't come back. Ye Feng's foot had reached his face, and the goods immediately screamed, but he had forgotten to dodge.

Other prisoners can't help sighing. Since the prison in Angola, only a few years ago did prisoners beat prison guards. After being suppressed by the government with force, it hasn't happened in decades. I didn't expect that Ye Feng was crazy and dared to attack prison guards?

But Ye Feng's foot stopped in the air, then slowly put it down, immediately jumped down from the table and said, "this time is a warning, next time you won't be so lucky!"

At first, the prison guards didn't come back to their senses. When they came back to their senses, they saw that all the prisoners on the ground were looking at themselves. If they didn't find their faces back, they would never want to stay in Angolan prison again.

He immediately turned around and said, "boy, don't be arrogant. Do you know the crime of assaulting police? In the United States, if you attack a police officer, you can be killed on the spot. Let alone in Angola, I can give you a hundred ways to die! "Ye Feng suddenly turned back, a pair of eyes like a wolf in general pedaling the man, the murderous look in the eyes, are enough to make the prison guard tremble, see Ye Feng so, can't help instinctively back a few steps, until hit the edge of the table to stop, quickly with both hands to support the table, stammer tunnel, "what do you want?"

Ye Feng hummed coldly, "what do I want? It's my turn to ask you what you want? You didn't handcuff that guy on purpose and let him assassinate me? What do I want? If I used to be here, I would like to live... " Then he looked around.

The prisoners were looking up at Ye Feng and the prison guards. Seeing Ye Feng looking at them, they immediately lowered their heads one by one.

Ye Feng then looked back at the guard and said, "including you!"

The prison guard saw that Ye Feng's eyes were beginning to be full of blood, and the veins on his neck had begun to appear suddenly. It seemed that as long as he didn't want to say a word to him, he could break his neck. He was so scared that he just kept "I..." I don't know how to explain it.

At this time, several prison guards outside the door came in. Seeing this scene, they all said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng suddenly turned back, his temple had been raised, and his fists behind him were creaking. His eyes were burning like hell fire. He glared at the prison guards who were still arrogant, and his anger immediately faded.

One of them was also very nervous at the beginning. At this time, relying on the large number of people, he immediately waved the baton in his hand and deliberately discharged it, making the electric baton crackle. He warned Ye Feng, "you've been messed up. There are many people on our side. We're not afraid of you! If you dare to be arrogant again, I will immediately... "

Then he saw that Ye Feng not only didn't step back, but took a step towards him. The man was so scared that he almost walked out of the door. Only then did he notice that the other guards were standing on one side like the withered ball and didn't speak.

Ye Feng went to the door and looked at the prison guard outside. He hummed coldly, "anyway, I have dozens of lives on me, and I don't care about more of you. Those who are not afraid of death will come!"

Each of the five or six guards had electric batons in their hands, but none of them dared to approach Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng felt that there was someone behind him, but he didn't respond. He was immediately hugged by someone from behind. Then he heard the man yell, "I caught him, everyone hurry to call him. This guy's reward is one million. Prisoners earn money, we earn money..."

The guards saw that Ye Feng was hugged by himself at the same time. It seemed that Ye Feng couldn't start at all. They couldn't help itching again.

Among the prisoners squatting in the room, some people can't help but start moving towards the man who was just kicked by Ye Feng to break his neck. Then they sit on the ground and move their handcuffed hands from the bottom to the front. Then they pick up the dagger on the ground.

He picked up the dagger. As soon as he got up, he saw Ye Feng's feet appear on his head and flash by. The guard holding Ye Feng fell to the ground in an instant. He was so scared that he immediately threw the dagger he just picked up to the ground and made a clang sound.

At this time, several guards standing in front of Ye Feng, seeing that Ye Feng was entangled by his colleagues, also began to take a few steps ahead of him. Seeing that Ye Feng directly raised his leg and kicked his colleagues, they solved the problem, and immediately stepped back.

Ye Feng glanced at the guard, then turned around and looked at the prisoner who threw the dagger. He was staring at himself.

The prisoner saw Ye Feng looking at him and immediately raised his handcuffed hand and said in a loud voice, "I have nothing in my hand!"

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