Ye Feng just sat there, watching the other prisoners working. Bullterriers and Martians naturally divided into two groups. At first, they were busy, and soon there was a conflict.

Some Martians are holding paper cups to seal their bags. They begin to dislike bullfighting terriers. The paper cups are not tightly covered. Every time they seal their bags, they have to cover them again.

The bullterriers also began to dislike the Martians for having nothing to look for. They said that wrapping paper and sealing bags would be done by sticking adhesive tape. They also had to take paper cups and then pack them one by one. The process was more complicated than that of the Martians.

Ye Feng looks at the Martian and bullfighting Terrier standing there. The prison guard outside takes a look, lights a cigarette and doesn't come in to stop them.

Ye Feng saw the prison guard's smiling face, as if he wanted them to fight now.

Planck immediately clapped the table and stood up. He said angrily, "don't be so cocky. If you like, do it. If you don't, go away!"

As soon as the Bull Terrier group heard this, they all stood up, and some people directly threw all the paper cups on the table to the ground.

Seeing this, the C.O. reminded him, "if you quarrel, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight

Although he said so, he didn't want to come in at all to stop the possible conflict between the two sides at any time. He still stood at the door smoking cigarettes and watched.

At this time, Planck immediately threw a few bags of paper cups in his hand directly at the bull terrier.

Although the two sides were shouting, they didn't touch each other. But when Planck threw them like this, the people on the Bull Terrier rushed towards Planck. After a while, the people on both sides were in a group, and the plastic bags and paper cups in the whole workshop flew everywhere.

Ye Feng stood on one side, watching the two sides of the people fight together, and the other side also stood a person did not start, Ye Feng looked over there, it is the polar bear.

The polar bear frowned at the people fighting together, and then looked at Ye Feng again. There was no expression on his face.

At this time, Planck was more and more excited. He directly pulled a person's head and knocked it on the edge of the table. Then he said to Ye Feng, "what are you doing? Which end are you on? "

Ye Feng shrugged, said nothing, and even moved a stool to sit far away, with a casual look on his face.

The guard at the door was still smoking cigarettes, but he shook his head. "It seems that your work has been wasted for several days!"

The polar bear came up to the C.O. and said, "give me a cigarette!"

The C.O. took a look at the polar bear and asked, "don't you go up and help?"

The polar bear shrugged and said, "there's nothing to help. This kind of fight without result has no significance at all."

After looking at the polar bear, the guard took out a cigarette and handed it to the polar bear. Then he looked at Ye Feng, who was sitting in the far corner. He waved to Ye Feng and said, "do you want one, too?"

Ye Feng saw the polar bear standing next to the guard. He immediately got up and went over. He took the cigarette from the guard and lit it with the lighter of the guard. Then he took a deep breath and glanced at the polar bear.

At this time, the polar bear leaned against the wall and smoked cigarettes with his head down. He didn't look anywhere, but smoked cigarettes on his own.

Ye Feng then smoked a cigarette, looking at the two sides still shaking together, can't help but ask the prison guard, "Sir, in this case, you don't care?"

"Who cares?" The guard sneered and said, "I want to manage it. Can I manage it? Do you know how many times this happens every month? There was once a prison guard who wanted to take care of him, but he was stabbed to death with a knife. In the end, he couldn't even find out who stabbed him! "

Ye Feng smell speech to raise head to a few corners to see a way behind, "isn't there all monitor?"

The prison guard shrugged his shoulders and said, "the equipment is aging seriously, and when there are too many people, they are crowded with people and can't see clearly at all!"

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you a Martian or a bullfighter?"

Ye Feng said, "both sides don't count! Bull Terriers are killing me, and Martians are not necessarily on my side! "

On hearing this, the C.O. couldn't help staring at Ye Feng. After a few eyes, he said, "are you the one who killed Brooke, the new one?"

Ye Feng shrugged, did not say a word, continued to smoke cigarettes, looking at the other side is still playing, and glanced at the polar bear standing on the other side of the door.

At this time, Ye Feng walked towards the other side. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood beside the polar bear, the polar bear didn't even look at Ye Feng. Then he turned around and walked away. He went to the other side of the wall and continued to lower his head to smoke cigarettes.

Ye Feng can see that the polar bear is deliberately hiding from himself. He can't help but move. After looking at the polar bear, he doesn't speak much.

At this time, when other prison guards on patrol passed by the door, they saw a scene in the workshop and immediately came over and said to the prison guard at the door, "what's the matter?"The guard shrugged helplessly and said, "bull terrier and Martian are fighting!"

Patrol of the prison guard but a face puzzled way, "Bull Terrier people and Martian people how can be in a workshop?"

The guard at the door shrugged and said, "who knows, I haven't met people from both sides in the same cell for a long time."

The patrolling C.O. took a look at the door, saw that someone had fallen to the ground and was convulsing, and then shook his head and walked away.

As soon as he walked away, the walkie talkie on his waist rang. He picked it up and listened to it for a moment, but said, "stop them now?"

The patrolling C.O. couldn't help but be stunned. He was stunned for a long time. The fighting between the two sides was just a matter that could not be avoided on patrol. They never asked to stop it. What's the matter today?

First of all, bullterriers and Martians are locked up in the same cell. It's very rare that they are asked to organize fights between the two sides.

However, the C.O. came over and said to the colleague standing at the door, "let's stop it from above!"

The guard at the door had heard what his colleague said on his walkie talkie. At this time, he frowned and complained, "how to organize?"

The patrolling C.O. then took out the electric baton and said to the C.O. at the door, "stop the ink and stop it. I think the man who fell to the ground seems to be going to die!"

Then the C.O. took the electric baton and went up to the man near the door. Suddenly, the man was shocked and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the C.O. at the door also took out his electric baton and walked over. When he saw the man, it was all at once. In the twinkling of an eye, there was only Planck and another bullfighter.

Seeing the two prison guards charging towards them with electric batons, their faces changed, they immediately stopped their movements, put their hands on their heads and began to squat down.

But even so, the prison guard still took the electric baton to the two people, and they fell to the ground and twitched before they could hum.

After everyone was electrified, he picked up the walkie talkie and said, "it's all stopped. Several people are injured, one of them is seriously injured, and his brain is bleeding..."

The walkie talkie said that he knew it and hung up. The two prison guards looked behind the scenes and said to the public, "at this time, the meaning of the leader, don't blame us! It's a bit too much for you to lose it. It's almost fatal! "

The people on the ground were still twitching, and no one answered them.

The patrolling C.O. took a look at Ye Feng and the polar bear on the other side of the wall. He frowned and said, "what do you two do?" Said also took the electric baton to walk toward the leaf maple in the past.

Ye Feng frowned and said, "we didn't do it!"

The prison guard immediately scolded, "squat down even if you don't start!"

Ye Feng had to squat down with his head in his hands, but he still had a cigarette in his mouth.

At this time, the polar bear had finished smoking a cigarette. He threw the butt of the cigarette and squatted there motionless.

At this time, there was a sound of footwork outside. In a short time, six or seven prison guards came in, each with handcuffs. When they came in, they handcuffed everyone on the ground, including Ye Feng and polar bear.

Then several guards went out, as if they were discussing something at the door.

At this time, a man on the ground suddenly stood up. He didn't know when he had a dagger in his hand, and rushed to Ye Feng in an instant.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. Why hasn't this guy been handcuffed? And there's a dagger in your hand?

Ye Feng didn't think much, immediately stood up, just stood up, the man had to his body, facing his stomach is a knife.

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