The Martian could not help humming when he saw that the Dragon had fallen to the ground and had not moved. At this time, he heard a man humming. Looking at him, he saw that the Pulsatilla was covering the place where he was shot. He looked very pale and looked at the Martian in horror.

Seeing this, the Martian immediately went to the Pulsatilla, squatted in front of the Pulsatilla, looked at the Pulsatilla lying on the ground, could not help shaking his head, and then pulled the trigger on the Pulsatilla, but after pulling the trigger, he found that the pistol had no bullets.

The Pulsatilla thought that he was doomed, but he was still alive after one shot. He could not help sighing.

But at this time, the Martian was looking at him in a ferocious way. When the white headed Weng was stunned, he immediately reached up and covered his nose and mouth tightly. Until the white headed Weng died, he released his mouth. But the white headed Weng's eyes were round and staring at himself.

Martian then stood up, in the face of Pulsatilla kick a foot, let him turn his head, this is a sigh of relief, looked around a circle, just how Ye Feng suddenly disappeared?

At this time, the Martian saw that one side of the window on the second floor had been opened for a flash. He couldn't help but move. Was Ye Feng jumping from here?

But think about this only possible, if not, downstairs up the channeling dragon and Huapi how can not meet Ye Feng, Ye Feng also can't hide away.

Martians want to go to the window and take a look at the situation outside. At this time, most of the people on the playground have been killed and injured, and there are a few dozen people still fighting there.

At this time, the Martian immediately looked at the bull terrier on the opposite side, only to find that there was no one on the second floor of the bull terrier. He could not help frowning. He immediately went to a desk drawer on one side, took out a plate of bullets, loaded them, and then went down from the second floor.

Downstairs, the Martian didn't care about the people on the playground. Instead, he went directly to the opposite leisure building. He put his gun in his pants and covered it with his hand. On the way, if the prison guards occasionally saw him, it was the same as if they didn't see him.

Soon the Martian arrived at the lobby of the opposite leisure building, but still didn't see a ghost. Soon he went up to the second floor, but still didn't see anyone. He immediately went to the window, but saw the bullfighting Terrier not far away was heading towards the office building, and his heart suddenly moved.

As soon as the Martian was ready to go downstairs, he saw a figure in the distance walking towards the red chamber. It was Ye Feng who had just disappeared suddenly. He could not help but eyebrow again. What was Ye Feng doing in the Red Chamber?

The Martian suddenly seemed to realize something, and immediately went downstairs. Instead of going to the office building, he ran after Ye Feng.

When the Martian came to the red chamber, he found that he had already lost the trace of Ye Feng. He roughly guessed where Ye Feng had gone, and immediately stepped forward.

The Red Mansion used to be the prison building and resting place for female prisoners. At this time, the female prisoners gathered around the barbed wire and looked at the men's playground. When they saw the Martians coming, they could not help looking at the Martians in surprise.

The Martian immediately went to the barbed wire and asked, "where's Monica? See Monica? "

The female prisoners shook their heads one after another to show that they did not know. The Martian then asked, "did any male prisoners come just now?"

A female prisoner immediately pointed to the other side of the cell building, "towards that side!"

Without saying a word, the Martian immediately ran over there and took out his pistol as he ran.

When the Martian arrived at the cell building, he saw that the iron door at the door was locked. He immediately turned to the back of the cell building, but saw that Ye Feng was climbing along the back window net, a total of six floors, and Ye Feng was almost climbing to the top.

When the Martian saw this, he immediately aimed his gun at Ye Feng, but when he was about to shoot, Ye Feng had already reached the top of the building and disappeared from the front of the Martian in an instant.

Seeing this, the Martian couldn't help sighing that this guy is the world's top secret agent. In his eyes, the six storey building is like walking on the ground. He said that he would climb it?

The Martian immediately put away his gun, immediately turned to the front door, knocked hard on the iron door, and yelled, "open the door!"

But after shouting for a long time, I saw a fat female prison guard come over and look at him in surprise, "men and women are different. What do you do?"

The Martian immediately snapped at the fat female C.O., "someone has climbed into the building, you let me in and catch him!"

The fat female prison guard sneered, "climb into the building? How do you climb? Did you get in through the rat hole? " Then he looked at the Martian disdainfully and went on to take a nap in the lounge, ignoring the Martian at all.

The Martian couldn't and couldn't shoot the prison guards, so he had to go to the back of the prison building. Ye Feng could climb up the secret Road, and there was no reason why he couldn't.

After arriving at the building, the Martians found a window, grasped the water pipe between the two windows and climbed up. The first two floors were very easy, and soon they reached the third floor.

Martians didn't expect it to be so simple. When they continued to climb up, they found that their arm strength was running out. As long as they let go, they could fall down immediately. If they fell down on the third floor, they wouldn't die. But even if they broke a leg, they could bear it.But now it's half done, and now it's hard to get down. It's better to keep climbing upstairs.

When the Martian climbed to the fourth floor, he stopped to have a rest for a while, but he saw that someone was moving in the window on one side. He immediately fixed his eyes and saw that it was Ye Feng standing in the window. The Martian's heart suddenly moved. It seemed that Ye Feng had found Monica's cell.

The Martian immediately glared at Ye Feng and continued to climb up. This time, he climbed to the top of the building in one breath. After turning over to the top of the building, he felt that his two arms were completely exhausted. He immediately sat on the top of the building and had a rest. Then he immediately went down from the patio corridor and went straight to the fourth floor.

When the Martians arrived on the fourth floor, they looked at the cells one by one. When they got to one cell, they found that only the iron door was unlocked. The lock looked like it was damaged. He looked inside and saw that there was no one in it. He immediately started to go to the corridor. There was only one staircase on the top of the building. When he came down, he didn't see anyone, Ye Feng There's only one way to go downstairs with Monica.

However, when the Martians reached the first floor, they didn't see the shadow of Ye Feng and Monica. The iron door at the door was still locked and intact. In the rest room on one side, the fat female prison guard was sleeping on her desk.

Mars heart can't help but move, Ye Feng can't destroy escape skill, how can suddenly disappear, immediately as if thought of something, immediately turned and ran upstairs, also took out the pistol in his hand.

Soon, the Martian went to the cell on the fourth floor where the door lock was damaged. He pushed the iron door open and immediately looked around under the bed. He still didn't find Ye Feng and Monica. Then he looked at the bathroom door on one side and crept over.

At the door, the Martian first leaned his back against the wall and held the pistol tightly. After taking a deep breath, he immediately turned around and went into the bathroom. First, he walked towards the shower room. Looking from one shower room to another, he found that the curtain of the last shower room was pulled. With a move of heart, he immediately walked over.

When I got to the shower curtain, I opened the curtain with one hand. Another hand holding a gun pointed to the shower room, but I found that there was nothing in it.

The Martian was relieved. He immediately turned his head and looked at the position between the toilets. Every door was closed. He immediately tilted his head and looked at the ground roughly. If there was a person hiding behind the door, it could be judged from the shadow. However, after looking around, he found nothing different, but it was also possible that two people were standing on the toilet.

In the end, the Martian still held the gun and walked over. Door by door, every door was opened, and the muzzle of the gun was immediately aimed at the inside, but the back of each door was as empty as before.

The Martian wondered if he had guessed wrong. Ye Feng and Monica didn't hide here. Then he left the cell and went straight to the top of the building.

When we got to the top of the building, the Martian immediately went to the side of the building and bent down to look at the downstairs. However, Ye Feng was still standing downstairs, while Monica was climbing down the sewer, and she was about to go downstairs.

The Martian immediately raised his gun and called downstairs, "Satan..."

Monica was hit by the Martian, and immediately fell from the air.

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