The Martian's face also moved. It was not his intention to hurt Monica. Originally, he was ready to shoot Ye Feng, but when he saw that, he immediately took back the gun.

When Monica falls, she doesn't feel as if she fell to the ground as she imagined. Instead, she falls directly into Ye Feng's arms. Ye Feng's hands hold her completely. She looks at Ye Feng in shock. At this time, she sees Ye Feng holding her buttocks with one hand and embracing her chest with the other. She immediately gives her a hand Push away Ye Feng.

At this time, the Martian on the top of the building immediately aimed at Ye Feng with the muzzle of his gun and yelled to Monica, "Monica, you can't go with him, you can't escape! Rex's on you... "

After Monica stood still, she gave Ye Feng a white look, then immediately looked up at the Martian on the roof, but there was nothing. She immediately followed Ye Feng and ran to the other side.

Seeing this, the Martian immediately fired a shot, but did not hit Ye Feng. Ye Feng and Monica had already stepped out of their sight. He immediately ran to the other side of the building. Looking at Ye Feng and Monica, they had already run towards the office building, completely out of the range of the pistol.

The Martian was helpless, and immediately began to climb down the water pipe of the back building. After a long time, he immediately began to chase Ye Feng and Monica, but at this time, he could not see Ye Feng and Monica at all.

After a while of hesitation, the Martians thought that it was impossible for Ye Feng and Monica to leave Angola directly. After all, there are three baths and one side of the forest around here. Even if they go out, they have no chance to leave alive. They are running towards the office building, so they must go to the office building. At that time, as long as they seize Rex, they may still have a chance.

Thinking of this, the Martians immediately started to walk towards the office building. When they passed by the barbed wire fence of the female prisoners, they saw that the female prisoners were looking at themselves and immediately asked them, "have you gone to the office building?"

But a female prisoner said, "no, they have entered the red chamber!"

When Martians heard this, they could not help but move. What did they do in the Red Chamber? Thought asked again to confirm.

The prisoner said, "into the red chamber!" Other women also agreed that Monica and Ye Feng went to the red chamber.

With so many female prisoners saying that, Martians have no doubt about it and go straight to the red chamber.

The Martian turned around the red chamber, but found that the iron door of the red chamber was intact, and there was no sign of climbing on the surrounding walls, or even found climbing facilities. Only the window, even if ye Feng could go up, Monica could not climb up. So the Martian expected that the female prisoners were cheating themselves.

The Martian angrily walked towards the female prisoners, but saw that the female prisoners began to step back and began to guard against the Martian.

The Martian didn't go there. He just glared at the other side and pointed at the other side with his pistol. It was like warning the other side. He immediately turned around and ran towards the office building.

Less than a minute after the Martians had just run in from the door of the office building, a group of prison guards with guns came and surrounded the office building. The other couple ran towards the playground and soon guarded the two exits of the barbed wire fence.

Not long after that, another group of prison guards without guns came out. They were armed with riot shields and police officers. They came in two teams from the two doors of the playground. After they entered, they immediately gave the prisoners who were still standing here a fierce blow, ordering them to lie on the ground.

At this time, there are only more than ten prisoners who can still stand fighting on the playground, but they are all unarmed. Where are all the armed prison guards' opponents? They all lie on the ground in an instant. Occasionally, some of them are too excited to lie down, and they are immediately hit by batons.

The situation on the playground was completely controlled by the prison in less than two minutes, and the Angolan prison turmoil, which lasted for nearly an hour, ended in this result.

But it's far from over. What's the purpose of the Martians and Rex? There are so many injuries in Angolan prison. It seems that several of them are seriously injured. It's hard to say whether they can be rescued. This incident will definitely go to the state, and the media will report it again. This will be the most serious incident in Louisiana A big scandal. Although the reputation of Angolan prison in the world has not been very good, it is at least one of the safest prisons in the world. But if this kind of thing goes out, the reputation will be another story.

At this time, the Martian had already entered the elevator and went directly to Rex's office on the top floor. The elevator soon reached the top floor and did not stop on any floor.

When the Martian got out of the elevator, he found that Rex's office door was open, but he could not hear any sound.

Seeing this, the Martian walked towards the office door step by step, subconsciously holding the pistol, crept to the door, and put his body as close as possible to the wall. At this time, he listened for any movement inside.After confirming that there was no sound at all, he immediately rushed in with a gun, only to find that the office was in a mess, but there was no one. Not only Yefeng and Monica who just came in were not there, but bullfighting terrier and Miyamoto who came in before were not there, let alone rexay himself.

The Martian was surprised. At this time, he left the office immediately and walked towards the elevator. He suddenly felt very flustered. He had never felt this kind of feeling. He seemed to feel something wrong, but he could not say it again.

When I got to the elevator entrance, I found that the elevator was coming up from the first floor. It didn't stop all the way. It seemed that it was coming towards the top floor.

Martian heart next move, immediately hold a gun at the door of the elevator, take a deep breath, the secret way is not Ye Feng and Monica just came, right?

I still think that if it's Ye Feng and Monica, I can't rush to shoot. I have to see clearly first. Don't hurt Monica by mistake.

Just thinking about it, but listening to a "Ding" sound, the elevator stopped on the top floor as scheduled, and slowly opened the door in front of the Martian.

However, when the door opened, the Martian was stunned. It was not Ye Feng and Monica in the elevator, but a pair of guards in military uniform, each with live ammunition facing the elevator entrance.

When the C.O. saw that the Martian was holding a gun to the elevator, they immediately "Bang Bang... " When the Martians heard the gunfire, they shot back subconsciously.

However, the Martians had only one gun, while there were five people with five guns in the elevator. They shot at the Martians at the same time. The Martians didn't react and fell into a pool of blood.

Several C.O.S immediately rushed to the Martian. One of the C.O.S kicked the Martian's gun away, and then five guns were aimed at the Martian.

Martians can't help panting. The feeling of panic just now is that they feel that they will die here?

However, he still can't believe that he will die here. Didn't Lexy tell himself that the prison guards won't do anything to him? He even killed several people and fired many shots in the leisure upstairs. The prison guards downstairs heard and didn't hear the same. Why did they shoot him at this time?

The Martian opened his mouth and wanted to speak. Suddenly, a mouthful of blood gushed from his throat and spewed out from his mouth. He coughed repeatedly, but he murmured, "Lexy You lied to me... "

At this moment, a door on one side of the corridor opened. Rex came from inside, walked quickly to the front and back of the Martians, looked down at the Martians lying on the ground, then nodded and said to several prison guards, "well done!"

The Martian looked at the track in disbelief. "You Lie to me... "

Rex waved his hand and motioned several prison guards to withdraw. Then he squatted down and looked at the dying Martian in front of him. He took a deep breath. "I can't tell you whether to cheat or not. You've made such a big move in Angola, and you still have a gun? Don't you want to die on your own

Martian then suddenly thought of something, immediately suddenly looked at the track, "Satan said is true, you want to kill me!"

Rex a faint smile, looked at Mars humanity, "who told you that your life is too valuable, do you know how much money the family gave me? The deposit alone is five million, which is one fourth of the total. After the event, there will be fifteen million. I originally wanted Satan to kill you, but he didn't help me, so I had to find a way myself! "

Martian puzzled to look at the track, "you want to kill me, very simple, why use me to make so much noise?"

Rex shrugged and said, "of course I have my reasons, but it has nothing to do with you. Your task has been completed. It's time to say goodbye to the world!"

With that, Rex stood up, took out a pistol and shot the Martian in the head. The Martian suddenly did not move, but saw a blood hole in his skull, and a pool of blood slowly flowed out from the ground behind his brain.

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