Lexy picked up the phone at this time, dialed a number, said in a deep voice, come here, and then hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Rex said to Ye Feng, "he'll come right away, just a moment!"

But Monica said to Ye Feng, "who is Miyamoto?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "a very special friend!"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, rexai said, "do you really want to take Miyamoto?"

Ye Feng is looking at the track, "how? You don't seem to want him to leave? "

Rex shrugged and said to Ye Feng, "I don't care. I'm just afraid he doesn't want to go!"

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Lexy said to the door. When she came in, the door of the office was pushed open.

Then he saw Miyamoto come in. Ye Feng looked at Miyamoto, but saw that there were blood stains on his hands and no expression on his face.

Miyamoto walked in and nodded to Yefeng. Then he went to the office and nodded to rexai, "it's done!"

Rex nodded with a smile, pointed to another stool and said, "sit down and talk!"

Miyamoto took a stool and sat down. Then he took a look at Monica on Yefeng's side and said with a smile, "Hello!"

Monica stares at Miyamoto, surprised. She doesn't know this person at all.

Ye Feng then looked at the blood stains on Miyamoto's hand, and then said, "is this blood yours?"

Miyamoto shrugged, "no, it's bullfighting Terrier!"

Ye Feng eyebrows slightly a wrinkle to see a palace this way, "you killed Bull Terrier?"

Miyamoto shrugged his shoulders and said, "kill and kill. What's wrong? Can't he kill?"

Ye Feng saw that Miyamoto's eyes at this time were not the same as before. He couldn't help sneering, "how? The plan went so smoothly that it didn't even disguise? "

Miyamoto looked at Ye Feng in surprise at this time. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he said, "do you know?" Then he immediately asked, "when did it happen?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "thanks to the warden!" Then he took out a mobile phone from his pocket and threw it on the table, "I spent too much money. The warden gave me a mobile phone that can access the Internet, so I checked it on the Internet soon after I met you! There is no Miyamoto in this world, and you said that you broke out in some prisons. I have made an investigation, but none of them happened! "

Miyamoto frowned slightly at Ye Feng, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe these prisons feel too shameful after I broke out, so they don't publicize it?"

But Ye Feng said, "I checked the internal information of these prisons. The external publicity is not very normal, but there can be no files inside the prison!"

Miyamoto looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "I'm wrong in those places. Let you doubt me and start investigating me?"

Ye Feng then took out a cigarette and lit a way, "I'm here to save Moni's prison break, and then just so coincidentally, when I was in confinement, there was a prison break master next door. I've always had good luck, but I've never had such a good time!"

Miyamoto looked at Yefeng and said, "is that why you doubt me?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "this is enough. Sometimes, once you feel right, everything will be right!"

Miyamoto stares at Ye Feng for a long time, then shrugs his shoulders and says, "then I'm not Miyamoto, who am I?"

Ye Feng then Dynasty Palace this way, "Matsumoto Musashi!"

Miyamoto smell speech face suddenly a change, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, then but hide general avoidance, Ye Feng staring at his eyes way, "Matsumoto Musashi? Who is it? "

Rex, who had not spoken for a long time, said, "you said Matsumoto Musashi had died more than a year ago. Martians and bullfighting terriers killed him together!"

Ye Feng looked at the mobile phone on the desk and continued, "thank you for the mobile phone you sent me. I did find that Matsumoto Musashi had been dead for more than 12 months. Three months later, Miyamoto appeared in Angola, and attracted the attention of bullfighting Terriers and Martians!"

Rex said with a slight movement of his face, "what do you mean?"

But Ye Feng looked at Miyamoto and said, "all this is inferred from the only data I have. It may not be accurate, but nine times out of ten, do you want to listen?"

Miyamoto shrugged, "tell me about it!"

Ye Feng said, "before Matsumoto Musashi came to Angola, the Angolan prison was always dominated by bullfighting Terriers and Martians. After Matsumoto Musashi came to Angola, he quickly subdued the Martians and bullfighting Terriers with his ruthlessness and fierce skills. However, the two were just pretending obedience, and they reached some agreement in private, Finally, I found a chance to kill Matsumoto Musashi. It should have been the fire more than a year ago. Matsumoto Musashi was burned alive. He was sent to the hospital for rescue and died after failure. Three months later, Miyamoto appeared... "Speaking of this, Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said, "let's assume that Matsumoto Musashi didn't die. Instead, with the help of the warden, he left the Angolan prison. After he was cured outside, he had a plastic surgery and returned to the Angolan prison with a new look to avenge himself."

Miyamoto sighed, "you can't think I'm Matsumoto just because I'm Miyamoto! In Japan, the two surnames are very different! Besides, if I'm really Matsumoto, I can use the West China name, the Korean name, or the harder it is, why use the Japanese surname Miyamoto? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Miyamoto, "it's because of the accent. You can't hide your Japanese identity by lying about the name of any country. No matter how good Japanese speak English, there are several words that will be obvious. Only Japanese have an accent. It's not unusual for you to appear as Japanese, so it's normal!"

Miyamoto listen to Ye Feng say so, eyebrows can't help a little wrinkle, and then go and ha ha a smile way, "is really speculation, you have no real evidence!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I won't say anything about DNA testing. You won't cooperate with me to do it. Do you still remember that we went to the bathroom to take a bath in the cell one after another? At that time, I saw the skin behind you. Yes, you can't see anything wrong with your skin now. But once you encounter water, your skin will start to wrinkle, which is totally different from the skin where you haven't finished. All this happened to be seen by me! Do you think it's a coincidence

On hearing this, Miyamoto instinctively shrinks his neck, then stares at Ye Feng and says, "can you even see this?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "so, do you admit that my speculation is correct?"

Miyamoto took a deep breath and saw that rexai was looking at Ye Feng with admiration. Then he hummed coldly, "let these two guys die, but it's too cheap for them!"

Then he stood up and said, "yes, I am Matsumoto Musashi! You didn't guess! But one thing is wrong! "

Ye Feng Oh a, looking at Matsumoto Musashi way, "which point?"

Matsumoto Musashi said, "I still use Japanese names, not because of the accent, but because I just want Martians and bullfighting terriers to doubt me and believe me! I expect them to see through me, but I don't want them to see through me. Moreover, Japanese surnames are the most noble and pure surnames in the world. I am a Japanese descendant. I am proud of Japanese surnames. Miyamoto is my mother's surname! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but nod a head way, "so it is!" In fact, he didn't care why Matsumoto Musashi used a Japanese surname. He looked at the race track and said, "I'm just curious, why did the warden abolish Matsumoto Musashi so much?"

Rex shrugged, smoked a cigar and said, "as I said, I'm a very simple person, just for money. Mr. Matsumoto has enough money to help him finish this revenge!"

Ye Feng suddenly nodded and said, "is it because of money? So, the so-called Martian adversary outside wants to kill him is just a cover? "

Rex said, "it's not all a cover. It's true that someone wants me to kill the Martians. And Mr. Matsumoto wants him to die, so I'll add to it."

Ye Feng can't help clapping, "seconds! It's not a greedy person to do one thing and collect money from two families. I can't think of such a thing! "

Rex said to Ye Feng, "there's no way. I used to be afraid of lack of money. Now of course, I can get it if I can!"

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