Ye Feng looked at lexai, and then took a look at Matsumoto Musashi. Then he took a long breath, "so all this is in your plan from the beginning to the end?"

Matsumoto Musashi said, "originally everything was in the plan. Your appearance was an accident, so I asked the warden to test you and let you kill Martians, but you refused!"

Ye Feng shrugged at this time and said, "I charge a lot for killing people!" He said, looking at the race track, "maybe you can't hire me to kill a man for all the money you've collected in Angola for so many years!"

Rexai's face moved slightly, and Matsumoto Musashi said, "no matter how expensive it is, there will be a price. Unfortunately, you don't even give me the chance to bid, but it's also good that you didn't bid, otherwise I wouldn't have come up with such a perfect plan to deceive everyone!"

Ye Feng smell speech but can't help in the mouth, murmured, "perfect, deceive everyone? Is that true? "

Matsumoto Musashi frowned at Ye Feng and said, "isn't it? In my plan, except for your accident, and I know your goal is to save Monica, so I've been following your meaning! In order not to let you doubt, I even said that Monica is my goddess, just want you not to doubt! "

After listening to this, Monica can't help but look at Matsumoto Musashi, but she doesn't speak. At this time, she is quite impatient. After all, Ye Feng is here to save herself, not to listen to rexai and Matsumoto Musashi tell stories, but Ye Feng seems to be very interested in their plans.

Ye Feng said at this time, "nothing can be seamless. No matter how perfect the chance is, there will be loopholes. Your biggest loophole is that you should not take the initiative to talk to me, but hide there and let me find you. Maybe I won't doubt you!"

Matsumoto Musashi heard Ye Feng say so, can't help sighing, "I know this may be a problem, but time does not allow, and I also want to bet a look!"

But Ye Feng said, "anyway, your plan has been successfully implemented, and you have also got the results you want. My appearance is no longer important. Congratulations!"

But Matsumoto Musashi said, "it was a perfect ending, but you already know my true identity, so the ending is not perfect!"

Ye Feng eyebrows slightly move way, "so, how do you want to make up for this ending, make it look as perfect as possible!"

Matsumoto Musashi looked at Ye Feng with the remaining light of his eyes at this time, but he didn't speak.

Lexy did not speak any more, but his eyes were staring at Ye Feng and Matsumoto Musashi.

One side of Monica saw a few people suddenly did not speak, although do not know what happened, but also vaguely felt that the atmosphere is not right.

At this time, Matsumoto Musashi, sitting on Ye Feng's side, suddenly had a dagger in his hand and stabbed at Ye Feng's chest in an instant.

Ye Feng had been ready for a long time. He immediately pushed his foot on the table, and the chair immediately slipped off the table. After Matsumoto Musashi hit the air with a knife, he immediately stood up and rushed to Ye Feng. His ferocious look showed that Matsumoto Musashi must let Ye Feng die here today.

Ye Feng directly leaned back. After the chair fell, he turned over and stood up. At the same time, he stepped out and pushed the chair toward Matsumoto Musashi.

Matsumoto Musashi jumped up and landed on the ground. Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Feng. "It's the top secret agent. His skill is really extraordinary!"

Ye Feng also sneered, "you're not bad either. No wonder you can beat bullfighting terrier and Martians by one person and dominate Angola for a year."

Matsumoto Musashi also sneered, "if I were Miyamoto, maybe we would be friends!"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "even if you are Miyamoto, we can't be friends!"

Matsumoto Musashi frowned at Ye Feng and said, "why?"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "you are Japanese, I am Chinese. Our ancestors have national hatred and family hatred. Naturally, I don't like Japanese. I can't hate them, but I can't be friends!"

When Matsumoto Musashi heard his brow move again, he sneered and said, "as far as I know, you grew up in New Zealand. You are not Chinese at all!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "no matter where I was born, where I live, whether I'm Chinese or not, I can't change the yellow blood flowing in my body!"

When Matsumoto Musashi heard this, he hummed coldly, "that's the best. If I kill you, I won't have any psychological burden!"

Then Matsumoto Musashi snorted coldly, and immediately stepped forward. The dagger in his hand was unpredictable. He could not see where his dagger was, and even made you feel that the dagger was no longer in his hand.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, he can see at this time one of Japanese Ninjutsu, secret way this Matsumoto Musashi is really not simple, did someone let himself be careful before coming in.

Just thinking about it, Matsumoto Musashi's hand suddenly flashed cold light, the dagger suddenly appeared, but it had come towards Ye Feng's neck.If ye Feng is just a general person, he is afraid that he will be dazzled by Matsumoto Musashi's flowery technique in front of him. Now he has been killed by his dagger.

But Ye Feng is Ye Feng. In a flash of cold light, Ye Feng has already made a move. His action is faster. He directly took Matsumoto Musashi's wrist.

Matsumoto Musashi was not flustered. With a little shaking in his hand, the dagger flew out immediately. The other hand caught the dagger and stabbed it down to Ye Feng's chest in an instant.

Ye Feng immediately twisted Matsumoto Musashi's wrist, but he felt that his hand was like a snake, and immediately slipped out of his hand. At the same time, another hand holding a dagger had reached his chest.

Ye Feng can see that Matsumoto Musashi's moves all want to kill himself. At this time, he snores coldly in his heart. He and Matsumoto Musashi could be said to have no injustice or hatred, but they were not used by him, and he saw through his conspiracy. Originally, this matter could end here, but Matsumoto Musashi didn't want to leave Angola alive.

Ye Feng has always been like this. He doesn't care about things that have nothing to do with him. He doesn't care about people who have nothing to do with him. If he doesn't ask, he doesn't ask. But since the other party wants to die, he won't let the other party feel better. When he was in the workshop, Ye Feng did this.

Although Matsumoto Musashi's skill is really good, and it can be seen that Matsumoto Musashi is a little better than Martians, but it is only a little better. Ye Feng predicted that the reason why bullfighting terrier and Martians would be defeated by Matsumoto Musashi was that Matsumoto Musashi's skill was not as good as Matsumoto Musashi's, which is just a pity for westerners It's a new thing, so it's not surprising that Matsumoto Musashi has taken the lead in Angola for more than a year.

In the end, Matsumoto Musashi was killed by the two men, which is enough to show that Matsumoto Musashi's Kung Fu is powerful, but the gap between Matsumoto Musashi and Martians and bullfighting terriers is not too big.

Ye Feng didn't dodge at this time. He knew Matsumoto Musashi's Ninjutsu would be when you dodge. The more you give in, the more his tricks will be.

In fact, to deal with Ninjutsu is not to be blinded by his various tricks. As long as you recognize this, Ninjutsu is just a clever trick.

And Ye Feng expected that Matsumoto Musashi would guess that he would dodge, so this move must be a false move, and the real killing move should be later, so Ye Feng didn't dodge, but immediately grabbed Matsumoto Musashi's hand holding the dagger.

Matsumoto Musashi immediately shakes his hand and wants to transfer the dagger from one hand to the other. However, Ye Feng has seen through this move for a long time. He just relies on his own quick move. Ye Feng's technique is faster than Matsumoto's, so he grabs the dagger directly and stabs Matsumoto Musashi's neck in an instant.

Matsumoto Musashi didn't respond. He felt a sharp pain in his neck, and then a blood arrow splashed out. He immediately reached out to cover his neck, but the blood kept pouring out.

Ye Feng immediately called Matsumoto Musashi to kick over, and then sneered, "you are relying on this to dominate Angola?"

Matsumoto Musashi's throat is rustling. He obviously wants to say something to Ye Feng, but he has been stabbed in the neck. At this time, he can't say anything any more. He can only watch Ye Feng blurring from his vision and finally lying on the ground.

Monica was stunned. Originally, she thought Ye Feng might not be Matsumoto Musashi's opponent. After all, that guy's dagger was so wonderful that she could see her eyes.

She didn't even see how Matsumoto Musashi's dagger got into Yefeng's hand, so Matsumoto Musashi had fallen to the ground and died.

Rex is also a face of horror, at this time immediately open the drawer, want to take the drawer of the gun.

And Ye Feng immediately pulled out the dagger on Matsumoto Musashi's neck, immediately threw it at rexai, and stabbed it directly on the back of his other hand, which was still on the table. Together with his hand, he stabbed it directly on the table. He screamed in pain.

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