Without waiting for Rex to react, Ye Feng has a vigorous step. After Rex, he grabs the dagger on the table and moves the dagger slightly. Rex is in agony.

Rex looked at his hand, forehead big sweat like rain down, mouth humming toward Ye Feng way, "don't kill me!"

Ye Feng is toward the track, "I never thought of killing you from the beginning to the end, you have been thinking about how to kill me!" Then he immediately opened the drawer and took out the pistol, which stood against the back of Rex's head.

Rex immediately said, "you forget that I let you go on purpose in the workshop. That time you killed the inmate, I could put you on the spot! But I didn't! "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "that time, you just know my identity. You know what will happen if your subordinates shoot. You are smart. You just don't want to have anything to do with yourself!"

Rex coughed awkwardly. At this time, Ye Feng hummed coldly, "but since you mentioned this, I also recognize it. Just think that you let me go that time, and I'll let you go too!"

After hearing this, Rex knows that Ye Feng has decided to let go of himself. He knows that people like Ye Feng always say that if he really wants to kill himself, there is no need to coax himself by saying these words before he dies.

Ye Feng then walked to the front of the race, looking at the race track, "you just said, can I take Monica?"

Rex a listen to this, immediately understand, why Ye Feng plan not to kill himself, this and his last time let him completely has nothing to do with, but he also expect to let him and Monica leave.

After thinking of this, Rex suddenly has some confidence. Yes, without himself, Ye Feng can't leave the gate of Angolan prison or walk out of the forest with Monica.

Thinking of this, Rex looked at the dagger on the back of his hand and said to Ye Feng, "can you take the knife away first?"

Ye Feng shrugged, went to the desk, toward the track, "then you have to bear it!"

Then he grabbed the dagger, but he didn't move. He just grabbed the dagger, and Rex hummed out in pain.

Ye Feng took a look at the track, "I haven't started yet..." Then he pulled out the dagger without waiting for Rex's reply.

After five minutes, he felt relieved.

Rexai gasped, looked up at Ye Feng and said, "you may have forgotten that I can't leave Angola until my contract is full!"

Ye Feng frowned and looked at the track, "in this case, you promised me to let me and Monica go, what do you mean?"

Rexay said, "literally, let you leave the Angolan prison, I can guarantee that no guards will chase you out!"

Ye Feng's eyebrows looked at Rex again, then sneered, "do you think I'm going to rely on you to send us away, so I'm not afraid, right?"

Rexai then looked at Ye Feng and said, "to tell you the truth, in Angola, if you don't say it, you and Monica really don't know or go out."

Ye Feng stared at Rex for a long time before he said, "you asked me to take Monica out of the big forest outside. You expect us to go out alive. On the surface, you promised to let us go, but in your heart, you are thinking about our death!"

Said Ye Feng's muzzle and immediately aimed at Rex, coldly said, "since this is like this, there is no difference between you, right?"

After hearing this, Rex's face suddenly moved and said to Yefeng, "although the forest is big, it's difficult for ordinary people to get out, but I know that there is an underground road in the forest, which existed many years ago and has been abandoned. It's a dry road, which can lead to the outside of the forest all the time. Only I know that place. If you kill me, you can't find the entrance to the underpass! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "since that's the case, you'll be led by the elder of Lao prison!"

Rex said immediately, "the first thing you have to think about is how to get out of the Angolan prison. It's not over!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "you are the warden of Angola. It's not a matter of your words whether you can pass the barrier or not?"

Reksai said to Ye Feng, "you forget, I told you that in Angola, there is not much essential difference between me and you. Within ten years, I can't leave Angola!"

With that, rexseton continued to say to Ye Feng, "let me tell you something, there are two prison guard systems in Angola prison. I am only responsible for the internal system of Angola prison, and the prison guard at the gate is another system, which is to prevent us from leaving temporarily when we don't want to work. No one will let the prison guard at the gate go without the order of the superior Yes, that is to say, if I want to leave Angola, it's impossible for me to let go there, let alone you! "

Yefeng listen to lexer said, can't help but frown a way, "if really like you said so, you said let me and Monica go, how to put?"Rexai immediately said to Ye Feng, "I believe you've been in Angola for a few days. In fact, Angola's defense system mainly relies on the natural protection of three baths and one forest. The surveillance on the other side of the gate only monitors you on the other side of the gate. But if you don't leave by the gate, no one will stop you, or even they will see you go, No one will go out to chase you, because in their eyes, as long as they don't follow the right path and run into the forest, they will die. Why waste human energy? "

Speaking of this, rexay immediately said, "it's said that there are wild bears and wolves in the forest. In fact, these wild animals are not really fatal. After all, if you're lucky, the chance of not meeting these animals is not zero. The real fatal is the miasma in the forest, and the forest is full of towering trees over a hundred years old. After you go in, you can't see the sky, There are trees all over your eyes. As long as you can't see the sun, you will easily get lost. You will get lost here and find no way out. Even if you want to go back to Angola, you won't be able to find your way. There are miasma and wild animals. How much chance do you have to survive? "

Ye Feng hears here, immediately eyebrow is a wrinkly ground looking at Lei Kesai again.

But this time, it's Monica, who has never spoken, heading for the race track of lake. "In this case, if you let us go this way, don't you drive us to death?"

Rexay immediately explained, "I said, I know the location of the underpass. It's not far from Angola. As long as I can get into the underpass, these are not problems!"

Monica immediately toward the track, "what are you waiting for? Take us now!"

Rex said, "I can't go now because I've hurt my hand! The miasma of the forest will invade my wound

Monica sneered, "it's all words. In that case, just chop your hand off!" Then he went straight over, picked up the dagger on the table and headed for Rex.

Rex said in a loud voice, "I can draw a drawing for you!"

But Monica snorted coldly, "no way. The forest you said is so dangerous. If you draw a false picture for us, we can't come out after we go in. Do you think we will believe you?"

Ye Feng smiles and shrugs at Rex. "What Monica said is right. Now it seems that we can only ask the warden to take us personally. Whether you can survive depends on your luck. Maybe you are lucky enough to come back and have nothing to do with it!"

Rex looked at Ye Feng and Monica in embarrassment. Seeing that he didn't say a word, Monica immediately took his injured hand over, pressed it on the table, raised the injured dagger and cut it.

Rex saw this and immediately cried, "I'll take you Don't chop

Monica sneered, put down her dagger and said, "did you say that earlier? I have to be rough Then he yelled at Lexus, "don't you get up yet?"

Rex saw that Monica was not a fuel-efficient light. If he didn't agree to the gesture just now, he expected that Monica would cut off her hand and quickly stood up.

Ye Feng looked at Monica and said, "I didn't expect you to be so cruel?"

But Monica looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't forget where this is. If I were an ordinary person, would I go to jail in Angola?" Then he shrugged and walked towards the door.

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