Ye Feng and Monica are escorting Rex towards the door. Ye Feng asks Monica, "by the way, you haven't said what you've done in the end!"

But Monika took a look at Ye Feng and said, "if crime comes in, it's impossible for innocent people to come in, isn't it?" After that, I didn't speak any more.

Ye Feng knows that Monica still doesn't want to reveal too much to herself. Even Ye Feng can see from her words and deeds that she is even on guard against herself.

After leaving Rex's office, the three people walk directly towards the elevator. Monica's dagger is directly against Rex's waist, while Ye Feng holds the pistol in his hand, trying to cover it up.

After entering the elevator, Rex said to Monica, "you relax a little. I said I'll take you, so I'll take you. It's very dangerous for you to hold a dagger against me like this. If anything happens, I'm really worried that you'll accidentally stab me."

But Monica pressed her dagger tightly at Rex's waist and said, "if you say another word that has nothing to do with leaving Angola, I'll just insert it into your waist, so that you don't have to worry about what's in case, and don't worry about my carelessness!"

Rex said, "I'm not going to say anything. Don't mess with me."

After the elevator door was opened, several guards came in the corridor. When Rex, Monica and Ye Feng came out, they couldn't help looking at the elevator. However, Rex's face was cold and didn't speak, so they didn't see much and walked away.

After rexay, Ye Feng and Monica walk out of the office building, Ye Feng looks around, but he sees that there are many prison guards over the playground, and the whole playground is full of prisoners. More than a dozen prison guards are holding the exits on both sides of the playground, and there are also seven or eight prison guards with batons on the playground, who are patrolling the crowd.

Ye Feng took a look at it and then asked the race track, "where are we going now?"

Rex pointed to the northwest in front of him. "There's an exit over there. Although there's a bath on the side, it's relatively dry. People have died there, so few people pay attention to it!"

The Angolan prison is big or small. If you go from here to the location that rexai said, it will take at least 12 minutes. The distance is not very long and the time is OK. The key is that it is easy to cause unnecessary doubt to take rexai with you.

Ye Feng thought about looking around. On one side of the office building, there was an old jeep. He immediately pushed Lexy's back and said, "go there, drive over there!"

Monica takes a look at the jeep, escorts Rex to the other side, and says to Ye Feng, "I'll drive. You take care of him!"

Ye Feng nodded, Monica sat in the driver's seat, Ye Feng and Rex sat in the back seat. At this time, Ye Feng took out the pistol and put it on hand. The muzzle of the pistol stood against Rex's waist, and said in a deep voice, "don't play tricks!"

Rex didn't speak, just nodded. At this time, Monica had started the car and drove directly in the direction Rex said.

Occasionally on the road, the C.O. saw it and just looked at it. Seeing Rex sitting on it, he didn't ask much.

When passing by the red chamber and the women's playground, the release of the women's prisoners is over. After all, there has been such a big trouble for the men's prisoners, and there can be no more trouble for the women's prisoners. The best way is to end the release of the women's prisoners and stay in their respective cells honestly.

The car quickly drove past the women's prison building and continued to the northwest. After a while, it reached a low end full of iron mesh. Monica immediately stepped on the brake and stopped the car.

Ye Feng also signaled lexer to get off, and after lexer got off, he looked around.

When Ye Feng got off the bus, he saw that the fence of the barbed wire could only play a symbolic role. Many of the wire on the barbed wire were rusty, and even many places were broken.

Along the front of the barbed wire, and then extended to see the distance, there is a bath on the gas, but there is no barbed wire to stop, and then look to the distance, is a piece of forest.

Monica stood in front of the barbed wire and looked at it. She frowned and said, "that's the bath outside. Don't you want us to go out by the bath?"

Ye Feng was also puzzled that the place less than half a meter outside the barbed wire belonged to dry land, and the outer shell was bathed in water. It was impossible to go out of thin air.

Rex said to Ye Feng and Monica, "the biggest danger of the bath here is the bath gas. Compared with those mires in the deep of the bath, it is relatively safe. As long as we recognize the road, there will be no problem!"

Monica can't help but take a look at Rex. After a long time, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "OK, if you say you can go out, you can go out!" Then he went to Rex's side, pushed him and said, "you go ahead!"

Rex was pushed by Monica, and immediately leaned forward, almost fell down. After he stood still, he looked back at Ye Feng and Monica, and then walked towards the bath Ze. He got to the edge, stood there and looked for a moment, and immediately stepped out with great care.As soon as Rexroth took one foot, he used it first, stepped on it hard, determined that the soil was solid, and then stood on it. After the other foot went out, he began to repeat the previous action. After three or four steps, he took one minute.

Monica seems to be a little worried. Ye Feng doesn't urge reksey. Bathing in the earth is like hell on earth. If you step on it, you may be doomed. Once you get into the mire, you can't use any strength no matter how good you are.

Monika is closely behind Rex, and Ye Feng is behind Monika. The three of them continue to walk towards the depth of the bath.

At this time, a burst of blisters suddenly appeared in the mud on one side, and the stench came out. Rex immediately covered his injured hand.

Monika and Ye Feng immediately covered their mouths. There was a lot of poisonous gas under this kind of bath. Maybe they could smell it and kill it immediately. They had to be careful.

Rex's slow walking leads to Ye Feng and Monica's slow walking. They also need to remember Rex's pace, because there is mud under it. After Rex raises his foot, the mud starts to recover quickly. If they don't remember, it's easy to step empty.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Rex said breathlessly, "take a rest. I can't walk any more!"

As soon as Monica was about to speak, she urged Rex to move on. Don't be lazy, but Ye Feng said, "OK! Five minutes off first

Monica muttered, "you're a good guy!" Then he looked into the distance and asked Rick, "how far is it?"

Rex looked at the distance and said, "about an hour to go!"

Monica frowned and said, "another hour?"

Rex said, "it seems that this side is not far from the forest, but every step down may be death. If you are in a hurry, go ahead!"

Monica snorted and didn't say anything again. He knew Lexy was right. It's useless to be worried at this time, and the more anxious you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

And at this time, a burst of blisters immediately rose in the bath on one side. Three people covered their mouths at the same time. Monica murmured, "hurry up

Just as he said that, at this time, he saw a thing full of mud under the blister. Ye Feng looked at it carefully, and his heart moved. It was actually a corpse. It was only skeleton that had been eroded.

Monica took a look at it, didn't see anything clearly, and asked. Rex glanced at it and said in a cold voice, "corpse!"

As soon as Monica heard this, she screamed out in fright. She was unstable and almost fell down. Fortunately, Ye Feng helped her in time so that she would not fall down in the bath.

If she falls down here, it's estimated that Monica will be the same as the corpse of bather. Monica feels her heart beating wildly and is glad she didn't fall down.

After walking on for about half an hour, Rex was so tired that he wanted to rest.

Ye Feng took a look in front of him, and then said that he would rest here for another ten minutes. Ten minutes later, he walked to the end without any rest.

After a rest of about seven or eight minutes, Monica began to urge Rex. Rex stood up helplessly, but suddenly turned around and pushed her body hard. Suddenly, Monica fell down unsteadily, while Rex took the opportunity to speed up and go on.

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