At this time, Monica came back and looked at Ye Feng. She couldn't help saying, "what shall we do now?"

Ye Feng has been observing the surrounding environment. He found that almost all directions are the same except the bathze behind. If he can't touch the road, once he enters the forest, he has a great chance of getting lost.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, Monica said, "since we have come out, we just go outside. As long as we don't leave too far, I think it's OK. Besides, I'm covered with mud. I want to find a place with water and wash it quickly!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when listening to what Monika said. He has come to this step. There is no way to turn back. Now he can only go one step at a time. The best result is that he can find Rex again, but he must have been hiding for a long time?

Thinking, Ye Feng immediately recognized a direction and went to the prelude. When Monica saw Ye Feng walking so firmly, she couldn't help but wonder, "do you know the way? Is that right? "

Ye Feng heard Monika say so, can't help but stop, looked at Monika way, "or you lead the way?"

Monica can't help but look at Ye Feng. She is about to get angry when she hears a wolf howl in the distance. Suddenly, all her temper is gone. She immediately says to Ye Feng, "OK, OK, I'll follow you!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything. The wolf is a social animal. Generally speaking, it can't be one or two, at least several.

And even if there are only one or two, I'm not sure I can beat the wolf. After all, even if I kill the wolf, I will be bitten by the wolf in the end. The wild wolf's mouth is full of bacteria, and once infected, I have no chance to go out alive.

Ye Feng is thinking of speeding up her pace unconsciously. Monica feels a little chilly behind her and follows Ye Feng closely. The trees around them move back.

But Ye Feng walked for a while and then stopped. After looking around, he was surprised.

Seeing that Ye Feng stopped, Monica couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng went to a tree and touched a hole in it. He was talking to Monica and said to himself, "did you see this hole just now?"

Monica can't help but walk over and take a look at it and say, "this is a forest. There are thousands of trees. There are the same holes in the trees. What's so strange?"

Ye Feng didn't think much about it, and immediately quickened her pace. Seeing this, Monica could only trot behind Ye Feng. After about a quarter of an hour, Ye Feng stopped immediately.

Monica can't help but wonder, "why did you stop again?"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "come here and have a look!"

Monica immediately went to the side of Ye Feng and looked at the tree hole of Ye Feng's finger. She could not help frowning. This tree hole is indeed very similar to the previous one, and her heart is also a little empty. Is it a circle in the same place for her to walk with Ye Feng?

However, Monika was not willing to believe it. After all, they chose one direction and walked in a straight line. How could they come back? She said to Ye Feng immediately, "there are too many tree holes!"

Although Monika said that, this time she was not so sure. The reason why she still said that was more like a kind of self consolation.

Ye Feng said to Monica, "there are many tree holes, but I just peeled a piece of bark on the left side of the tree hole. Look here!"

Monica's heart moved when she heard the words. She took a close look. There is indeed a piece of bark missing on the left side of the tree hole. The same tree hole may exist, but it can't be so coincidental. Is the bark also peeled?

Thinking of this, Monica can't help but say to Ye Feng, "are we lost?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, the answer is very obvious, there is no need to ask, of course, there is no need to answer.

At this time, he looked around and found that fog began to appear in the forest in the distance. Although it was very light, it was enough to attract Ye Feng's attention. After all, there was no fog at all when they were in the forest.

Now although the fog is not very big, it means that the fog has just got up, and it may be big soon.

Now there's no fog around. I can see clearly. I've lost my way. I've been walking around the same road. Once the whole forest is covered with fog, I don't want to go out.

Ye Feng then asked Monica, "where's the dagger?"

Monica immediately takes out the dagger from one side of her shoes and gives it to Ye Feng. However, Ye Feng takes the dagger and tells her to keep up with it. She immediately starts to walk forward again.

But this time, as Ye Feng walked forward, she scratched a mark on the tree with a dagger. Monica knew that Ye Feng was making a mark to prevent them from coming back on the same road.

At this time, there was another wolf barking in the distance behind her. Suddenly, Monica was frightened. She was afraid of dogs, let alone wolves. She immediately stepped up and walked side by side with Ye Feng.While walking, Monica also said to Ye Feng, "hurry up, I don't want to meet a wolf!"

Ye Feng did not speak, this is not you do not want to meet will certainly not meet, Ye Feng of course do not want to meet, so he also accelerated the pace.

At this time, Ye Feng heard a "rustle" sound not far away, and immediately stopped. Before Monica spoke, he immediately put out his hand to cover her mouth.

After their steps stopped, the "rustle" sound became more obvious. Monica didn't hear it before, but now her eyes are wide open and her heart is almost jumping out of her throat.

Ye Feng then made a silent gesture toward Monica, slowly released his hand, and held the dagger tightly in his hand. If it's really unfortunate to meet a wild wolf or other wild animals, it's useless to hide. It's just a fight to the death.

At this time, Monica is also holding the pistol tightly and staring at the distance. Although she doesn't even know where the "rustle" sound comes from, she has to do something to embolden herself.

Ye Feng is relatively calm, now rashly forward, but more dangerous, to stop to observe the situation and then decide the next action.

He also took the opportunity to observe the trees around him, and found that there was no sign of being scratched with a dagger on these trees, which showed that they did not go back this time, which was the only thing to be thankful for.

After about five minutes, the "rustle" sound became smaller and smaller, indicating that the thing should have gone far away.

Ye Feng patted Monica on the shoulder and whispered, "keep going!" Then he went out first.

Seeing this, Monica immediately followed Ye Feng's side tightly, but she still held the pistol tightly in her hand, for fear that when suddenly an animal would come up from one side.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ye Feng heard the "rustling" sound in his ears. This time, he found that the "rustling" sound had come behind them and was approaching them at a very fast speed.

Monica seems to have heard the sound, scared immediately turned back to fire a gun, immediately "bang" a loud noise, the gunshot reverberated in the forest for a long time, but the "rustle" sound also followed the sudden stop.

Ye Feng first observed the situation around, and then toward Monica said in a deep voice, "don't open the gun disorderly, the bullets are limited, save some use!"

Monica can't help nodding to Ye Feng. Seeing Ye Feng's calmness, she feels a little more trust in him. It seems that with him by her side, she feels more secure.

At this time, Monica took a breath and tried her best to calm down. Then she asked Ye Feng in a low voice, "what do you think it is?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know, but there are a lot of them! It should be the wolf

As soon as Monica heard this, her face suddenly changed. Although she guessed it, she was still a little nervous after listening to Ye Feng's words.

But Ye Feng said to Monica, "don't worry, these wolves may have been shot by you just now, and they dare not get close for a moment! Now, let's go Then he immediately took Monica's hand and went on.

Monica was dragged by Ye Feng to run. Ye Feng's Footwork was very fast. At first, she could barely keep up with her, but ten minutes later she felt a little tired. She felt completely dragged away by Ye Feng.

After another two steps, Monica said to Yefeng, "I can't run any more! Why don't you take a break? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng had to stop, lean against a tree and look around again. At this time, he found that a few wolves not far away were bending over and marching towards this side. It turned out that these wolves had not given up at all and had been running with them.

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