When Monica looks at this scene, her face suddenly changes. She is naturally afraid of the hairy animals. Whether it's a dog or a cat, she keeps away from them. What's more, there are seven wolves standing in front of her.

The seven wolves are all brown gray, with green eyes, and the front paws begin to crawl down, and the hind legs are raised, which is obviously a posture of preparing to attack.

In this way, Ye Feng can't help but feel flustered. What's more, it's Monica. However, Ye Feng is relatively calm. He has developed this habit in his special career for many years.

When he is in danger, the more flustered he is, the less likely he is to survive. The more calm he is, the more likely he is to survive. Therefore, even if his heart is like a storm, he must be as stable as a mountain.

At this time, Ye Feng's body began to slowly lower, and her upper body sank. She held the dagger in her hand, and at the same time, she put the other hand on Monica's back, and pressed her down.

Not only that, Ye Feng also said to Monica in a deep voice, "try not to move, hold the pistol well, don't be nervous, once they attack, you will shoot!"

Monica was bent down by Ye Feng, but she was still a little nervous. Maybe there were six or seven big men on the opposite side, and now she was not so nervous.

At this time, one of the wolves standing at the back suddenly raised his head and howled, and the other six wolves immediately ran towards this side.

Ye Feng immediately said to Monica, "you just beat the howling wolf. Don't worry about the rest!"

Monica immediately raised her gun to aim there, but I don't know if she was too nervous to shoot directly.

And the other six wolves had already arrived in front of them, and surrounded them in the middle, their mouths kept humming and showing their teeth.

Ye Feng tightly clenched the forehead dagger in his hand and continued to say to Monica, "don't be nervous, just hit the wolf! As long as you kill it, the other wolves are not a problem! "

After taking a deep breath, Monica immediately aimed at the wolves and fired another shot. This time, one shot directly hit the wolf's head, and the wolf fell to the ground.

When the other six wolves saw this, they couldn't help humming. They all looked back at the head of the wolf who fell to the ground, and then they threw it away one after another.

When Monica saw this, she could not help sighing. Her heart had already been in her throat, but then she fell back. She even felt that her legs were a little soft and almost fell to the ground.

Ye Feng also took a deep breath at this time, then stood up, a pat looked at the run away Ye Feng dazed Monica said, "hurry up! There should not be only a few of these wolves. To prevent these wolves from going back and calling for support

When Monica heard this, she couldn't help but say, "do you mean they will come again?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "no one can tell. It's better to go first!" Then he immediately started running towards the front.

Seeing this, Monica did not dare to stop. She immediately held the pistol tightly behind Ye Feng. They ran for about a quarter of an hour. Ye Feng heard the "rustling" noise again, and the noise this time was bigger than before.

Ye Feng ran and looked back. There was nothing behind him. He immediately scanned both sides of the forest. At this time, he found that there were black shadows on both sides of the forest. He moved very fast.

Monica also heard the voice, then nervously said to Ye Feng, "are those wolves back?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word. Just now, he saw more than six figures on both sides of the forest. This time, the whole wolf pack should have come.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately stopped and leaned back against a tree. Then he looked around and quickly stopped Monika and said, "will you go up the tree?"

Monica looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "up the tree?"

Ye Feng pointed to a long crooked tree, and immediately said to Monica, "climb that tree again!"

Monica shook her head and said, "I haven't climbed trees since I was a kid!"

Ye Feng didn't pay any attention to Monica. He jumped up and held the tree trunk. He twisted his body to support it. Then he hooked the tree trunk back and hung upside down. He said to Monica, who was standing in a daze, "give me your hand!"

Monica hesitated and said, "I can't!"

At this time, Ye Feng looks at the wolf behind Monica, who has at least ten wolves, crawling towards this side.

Seeing this, Ye Feng said harshly, "if you want to stay and feed the wolf, you can't do it!"

At this time, Monica also felt something was wrong behind her. She looked back and ran towards Ye Feng with a cry of terror.

The wolf behind saw that Monica had run away, and they all began to speed up. The speed was so fast that they were about to catch up with Monica.

At this time, Monica jumps up and grabs Ye Feng's hands. Ye Feng also takes advantage of her wrists, swings back and throws her into the air.When Ye Feng threw Monica up, he said aloud, "hold the tree trunk!"

In her panic, Monica felt as if her foot had been bitten by something. She looked down and saw that a wolf had bitten her foot.

While Ye Feng is swinging up, the dagger in his hand cuts directly from Monica's foot. The dagger passes the wolf's neck in an instant, and the wolf immediately falls to the ground with a plaintive cry.

And at this time, Monica also hugged a tree trunk, but her body was gradually sliding down, which made her scream again.

Ye Feng immediately stood on the tree trunk and walked towards Monica. When she was about to lose her grip on the tree trunk, she immediately grabbed her hand.

The Wolves under the tree trunk gathered more and more at this time, and many of them kept jumping towards the air, showing their teeth to bite Monica's feet.

Monica kept scratching her legs and yelling in fright. At the same time, Ye Feng pulled her up and let her sit on the tree trunk. Then she looked down on the tree trunk.

Monica sat on the tree trunk, hugged the tree trunk and looked down breathlessly. She saw countless wolves, but she couldn't count them. She was so scared that she immediately closed her eyes.

Ye Feng asked Monica at this time, "give me your pistol!"

When she saw her hands holding the tree trunk, where there was a gun on them, she felt her waist again, and then she was sure that she had lost her pistol.

Ye Feng sees that Monica doesn't respond. He looks at her sideways. He doesn't need to talk to Monica, so he already knows the answer.

At this time, he directly sat on the tree trunk and looked at at at least 20 or 30 wolves below. They all bared their teeth and looked at the tree trunk. He didn't mean to leave at all.

Ye Feng then said to Monica, "it seems that we are going to spend the day in the tree!"

Monika said to Yefeng, "when will they leave?"

Ye Feng took out a cigarette from his pants pocket, lit one and said, "why don't you go down and ask when they will leave?"

As soon as Monica heard this, she couldn't help but look at Ye Feng, but she knew that if it wasn't for Ye Feng, she would have been buried in the wolf's belly now, and she would not have said a word.

Ye Feng sat on the tree, smoking cigarettes, while looking at the wolf under the tree, this group of wolves must have a wolf, must find this wolf.

However, he looked around at the ground and didn't see any one that looked like a wolf. Now, he had to sit on the tree trunk and wait. He had to be patient with these wolves to see who couldn't hold on first.

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng flicks his cigarette butt under the tree. With a flash of red light, he comes to a wolf, who jumps away immediately.

Ye Feng can't help frowning. Suddenly, he thinks that the wild animals are afraid of the fire. If he lights a fire, will he be able to get rid of the wolves.

There are dead leaves all over the forest. It's very easy to ignite the fire. But after looking around, Ye Feng gave up the idea. There are too many dead leaves on the ground. If you prepare in advance, you still have a chance.

Now it's easy to start a fire out of thin air, but once the fire starts, the whole forest may be burned by itself.

The withered leaves on the ground are continuous. Once there is a spark, it may start a prairie fire. At that time, these wolves will be scared away, but they will also be burned alive in the forest.

Now he even began to worry about whether his cigarette butt would cause a fire after it was thrown away.

Ye Feng's eyes then looked at the ground where he had just thrown cigarette butts, and found that there was really beginning to smoke. The wolves around dodged and saw that the fire was about to rise.

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