Seeing the withered leaves below, a fire suddenly broke out, and the wolves around immediately dodged. Some of the timid fled further, and the brave also retreated.

Suddenly all the Wolves under the tree were attracted by the fire, but they forgot Ye Feng and Monica on the tree.

Listening to the crackling sound of the fire below, Monica looked down and said, "why is it on fire?"

Ye Feng stares at the Wolves under the tree. He takes advantage of this time to observe the wolves. When an accident happens, the first wolf will give instructions at this time.

After staring at the tree for a long time, he finally saw a big wolf pacing around the periphery of the wolf group. From time to time, he took a look at the fire, and then looked up at Ye Feng and Monica on the tree.

The eyes of the wild wolf were different from those of other wild wolves. They were full of faint blue light and had a deep feeling, as if they had experienced many things.

Ye Feng also noticed that when he was staring at the wolf, the wolf was staring at him with orchid's eyes, which made Ye Feng's heart cold.

But even so, Ye Feng said to Monica, "you stay in the tree, I'll kill that wolf!"

Monica can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. "There are so many wolves under the tree. Why don't you go down? To die? "

Ye Feng takes a deep breath and doesn't answer Monica's words. He knows that he has no choice at this time. He must kill the first wolf as soon as possible and drive away the wolves. Otherwise, if he drags on, the fire will not be controlled by himself and Monica.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng stood up slowly, took a deep breath, and jumped down directly. When he fell down, he immediately pushed his foot on the tree trunk, and his whole body rushed to the wolf. At the same time, the dagger in his hand was tight.

The wolf saw Ye Feng rushing towards him under the tree. He immediately raised his neck and howled towards the sky. After hearing the sound, the other wolves quickly surrounded the wolf and surrounded the wolf in the middle.

There are even a few wolves see Ye Feng rushed down, directly out of thin air toward Ye Feng jumped in the past, grew up the mouth, a mouth fangs toward Ye Feng's body bit in the past.

The dagger in Ye Feng's hand had been ready for a long time. When he got up and fell, he ended a wolf in an instant. When another wolf came up, he suddenly went down again. At the same time, a wild wolf came up on one side. Ye Feng fell directly on the ground and rolled on the withered leaves.

More than a dozen wolves who are closest to Ye Feng rush towards Ye Feng. Ye Feng immediately jumps to the fire. The wolves stop and yell at Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng was in the tree, he had already thought about it. Since these wolves were afraid of fire, if he didn't succeed, the fire would be his last barrier.

Ye Feng now sees that the wolves have surrounded her. Monica on the tree trunk can't help taking a breath of air. She stares at Ye Feng and cheers for him secretly. She can't help admiring Ye Feng's courage. In the face of so many wild wolves, it's estimated that there are few people in the world who dare to jump.

At this time, the wolves in front of them gave way one after another. The first wolf outside the wolves came in slowly. He paced back and forth among the wolves and looked at Ye Feng. From time to time, he made a dull hum, as if he was deliberately provoking Ye Feng.

The wolf looked at Ye Feng's eyes, as if in the direction of Ye Feng said, "do you still want to kill me? Now I'm standing here. You can kill me! "

At this time, Ye Feng picked up a tree trunk on the ground and dragged the body of a wolf he killed. Then he picked up his tail and threw it into the fire. All of a sudden, the whole wolf was buried in the sea of fire. The hair on his body burned away in an instant. At the same time, his skin and flesh began to shrink. From the skin and flesh, he began to drip fat into the fire.

Ye Feng immediately thrust the forehead of the trunk into the wolf's body, then pulled it out again, put the head of the trunk under the wolf's body and burned it. The grease on the wolf's body began to flow up the trunk, and soon the whole head of the trunk burned.

Ye Feng this just pulled out the tree trunk from the fire, immediately toward the surrounding covetous looking at his wolves swept past.

When the wolves saw the torch in Ye Feng's hand, they immediately retreated. Ye Feng held the torch in one hand and the dagger in the other. After taking a look at the wolves, he saw that the fire on the torch began to decrease gradually. At the same time, he immediately put it under the wolf's body and burned it. At the same time, he picked up a tree branch to push away the dead leaves near the fire to control the whole fire There is a possibility of spreading in China.

At the same time, Ye Feng pulled out the trunk from the fire. At this time, he saw that the wolf's body had been burned and completely shrunk into a ball, and it also smelled. At this time, Ye Feng followed the hole he had just pierced, and immediately went in again. He stabbed hard and fixed his body on the head of the trunk. Then he lifted it up and immediately headed for the surrounding wolves Swept in the past, the flame in the air like a fire dragon in general, and the fat on the wolf's body is still dripping, was Ye Feng so a throw, fell around the wolf's body, the wolf immediately a scream of escape, hot they can't help rolling on the ground wail.Standing in the tree, Monica can't help admiring Ye Feng's wisdom. She can even think of using wolf oil to light the tree trunk and make torches to make weapons. These wild wolves may have no way to take Ye Feng for a while.

At this time, Ye Feng still kept shaking the tree trunk in his hand. The wolf oil was thrown away everywhere, and the wolves were also afraid of being scalded. They all scattered and did not dare to get close to Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the wolf. He saw that the wolf was out of the pack, and the fire on one side was under control because he separated the dead leaves around him. But the fire was getting smaller and smaller, but he felt that he was about to go out at any time.

Ye Feng saw this, immediately squatted down, grabbed a handful of dead leaves, threw them on the fire, and led the fire up again.

Ye Feng while swinging the tree trunk in his hand, while thinking about countermeasures, although these wolves are afraid of the fire and the torch in his hand, but sooner or later the fire will burn out, his torch will always burn out, drag to that time, is his own disaster.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately locked his eyes on the wolf. He had to find a way to turn the wolf around in a short time, otherwise it would be bad for him to spend it like this. The purpose of these wild wolves is very clear, they just want to spend it with themselves.

Ye Feng thought of this, holding the torch tightly in one hand and the dagger tightly in the other hand. After taking a deep breath, he stared at the wolf and rushed to the wolf in an instant.

The wolves on the road are scared by Ye Feng's posture, and they all let him go. They don't know whether they are afraid of Ye Feng or the torch in Ye Feng's hand.

Ye Feng took advantage of the situation and rushed directly to the wolf. The wolf seemed to understand Ye Feng's meaning and jumped away with a jump. But Ye Feng threw out the dagger in the moment when the wolf jumped up.

As soon as the wolf's body jumped into the air, his neck suddenly hurt. The dagger had been firmly stuck in his neck, and the wolf immediately howled. After landing, he continued to run towards one side for a few steps, but soon fell to the ground, and his mouth couldn't help howling.

Ye Feng didn't give any chance at all. He threw the torch in his hand and rushed to the wolf. When he got to the wolf, he saw that the wolf was not dead yet. He even showed his fangs and wanted to bite Ye Feng.

Ye Feng gave it a chance. He stepped on the dagger on the wolf's neck directly. In an instant, he put the dagger on the wolf's neck on the ground. The wolf hummed and didn't move.

Seeing this, the other wolves not only didn't retreat, but also rushed towards Ye Feng. Ye Feng didn't expect this. He thought that these wolves didn't see the leader dead, and they didn't want to die, did they?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved, immediately pulled up the dagger on the ground, then lit the dead leaves around the wolf's body with a torch, and the wolf was engulfed by the sea of fire.

Seeing this, the wolves stopped one after another and looked at the fire on Ye Feng's side. One by one, they made a wailing sound. One by one, the whole forest seemed to be echoing the wailing sound of the wolves.

Ye Feng sees this and sneers. At this time, she takes a look at Monica on the tree. However, she sits on the tree trunk and looks at her side. She is completely stunned.

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