At this time, Ye Feng immediately waved the torch in his hand, a pair of posture to rush toward the wolves, the wolves saw Ye Feng rushed over, immediately dodged, completely did not dare to come forward and Ye Feng.

In fact, at this time, as long as these wolves dare to rush up, Ye Feng has nothing to do with it. But the animals are animals, and there is no human thinking. In addition, at the moment, the wolves have no heads, and there is a fire behind Ye Feng. Suddenly, ye Feng is scared away, and occasionally falls. Ye Feng also goes up with a brisk walk, and a dagger is directly inserted into the wolf's neck.

Hearing the neighing of their companions behind them, the wolves had no courage to look back. They disappeared in the depths of the forest in an instant. They were afraid that they would have a shadow on this place in their lifetime.

Ye Feng saw that all the wolves had escaped, so he hurriedly put out the fire behind him. After confirming that it would not be rekindled again, he sat on the ground with a long sigh of relief.

Seeing that Ye Feng had already beaten back all the twenty or thirty wolves by herself, Monica admired Ye Feng's ability and said to Ye Feng, "why do you want to save me?"

Ye Feng looked up at Monica on the tree, then directly lay on the withered leaves and said, "I told you last time that my two important women are in your brother's hands. I have to take you to change them!"

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, Monica said, "are these two women important to you?"

Ye Feng didn't speak. At this time, he sat up and looked around. Then he said to Monica, "hurry down and continue to drive! It's hard to say if we can go out! "

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say it, Monica immediately hugged the trunk road and said, "if you don't say it, I won't come down! If I don't go out with you, you'll never save those two women! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look up at Monica, sneer a, what also didn't say, straight toward the front.

Seeing this, Monica immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't you care about me? How can you save those two women without me? "

Ye Feng said coldly, "just now the wolves are back and forth. You can see that. If you want to go, you can come down by yourself, or you can stay and wait for the wolves to come back to you!"

As soon as Monica heard this, her face suddenly changed. She subconsciously looked around and never saw a wolf again. She was relieved.

When she thought that there were only a few wolves at the beginning, she killed one of them by herself. As a result, more wolves were attracted. Will more wolves be attracted this time?

Thinking of this, Monica panicked and immediately wanted to come down from the tree, but the trunk was too high for her to jump down directly, but she couldn't climb the tree. For a moment, she said to Ye Feng, "you come back, how can I get down?"

Ye Feng continued to walk in front, and said coldly, "the withered leaves below are very thick, and you won't break them if you jump down!"

Monica can't help but look at the bottom. She seems to feel very high. Although she knows that the dead leaves are very thick, she still feels that she doesn't dare to jump down directly.

When Monica was ready to call Ye Feng again, she heard Ye Feng say, "be careful, there are many wild animals in the forest, and the ants on the trees may be fatal. Maybe there is a poisonous snake staring at you on the losing side!"

As soon as Monica heard this, the five colored python that Ye Feng killed just now appeared in her mind. Suddenly, she was excited. Her foot slipped and fell directly from the tree. Suddenly, she fell on the dead leaf. Although it was not very painful, she was full of anger.

Monica immediately stood up, patted her ass, immediately chased Ye Feng, and soon caught up with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng glanced back at Monica and said, "isn't it coming down?"

Monica said to Ye Feng immediately, "don't think you're here to save me. You can do this to me. I warn you that if you offend me, even if you save me, I can ask my brother not to let go of your two women. You'll save me in vain!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately stopped and looked coldly at Monica. Her eyes were as cold as a sharp edge. She couldn't help but feel cold.

See Ye Feng so, Monica can't help but instinctively back a step, "what do you want?"

I don't want to hear that as soon as Monica's voice fell, she immediately fell from the dead leaves.

Ye Feng sees this in the heart is also a move, immediately walked over to poke away the dead leaves on the ground, this just found that the place where Monica fell down, is a one meter square space.

Monica is sitting on the ground at this time, humming holding her ankle, Ye Feng see so, immediately asked, "are you ok?"

Monica immediately snorted coldly, "it doesn't matter whether I live or die. I tell you, I'm very angry. I won't let my brother let those two women go..."

Just then, Ye Feng jumped down from the top, quickly went to Monica, squatted down, looked at her, but saw that her ankle was red and swollen, obviously sprained.

Ye Feng just wants to reach out to touch and have a look, to be opened by Monika, his hand way, "don't touch me!"

But at this time, Ye Feng found behind Monica, there is a half human high hole, he immediately went to poke the grass leaves above, looked inside, it is too dark, also don't know what the situation is.Ye Feng immediately went in. When Monica saw that Ye Feng disappeared in a flash, she turned her head and took a look. But she saw a hole in the back. She was also surprised. Holding the wall of the cave, she wanted to stand up. She didn't want to have a sharp pain in her ankle. She felt that she couldn't stand. She could only stand there with her body against the wall.

After waiting for a long time, she didn't see Ye Feng come out of the cave. Monica was a little worried. She immediately sat down with the cave wall tied and looked into the cave. But it was dark inside. She couldn't see the situation at all. She couldn't help thinking that Ye Feng didn't really lose herself, did she?

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard another "rustle" sound coming from the dead leaves outside the cave. She was scared. She looked up at the hole above her head and saw that the wolf head was looking down here all the time. She was so scared that Monica yelled. She didn't expect that the wolf really went back.

When Monica was very nervous, Ye Feng came out of the cave and said to her, "there's an underpass in here, which should be the one Rexer said..."

Just then, he saw that Monica was staring at the hole of her head in a daze. He suddenly looked up and found that a wolf's head was staring at them, and his mouth was almost dripping. Looking at its posture, he seemed to be trying to jump down.

Ye Feng immediately toward Monica way, "you hurry to the hole drilling, I rear!"

But Monica said to Ye Feng, "I can't move because my ankle hurts!"

Ye Feng immediately squats down and reaches out to touch Monica's ankle. This time, Monica doesn't open Ye Feng's hand again, but her eyes are staring at the wolf outside the cave.

At this time, Ye Feng pinched Monica's ankle, while Monica didn't pay attention to instant force, immediately forced a twist, ankle suddenly issued a click crisp ring, painful Monica immediately cried.

The wolf at the entrance of the cave was really scared by Monica's sudden cry. In shock, he slipped down from the cave directly, scratching his limbs, and the dead leaves were flying around.

Monica is still feeling the pain in her ankle. Seeing the wolf slip down, she screams again.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately stood up, instantly took out a dagger, directly stabbed into the wolf's neck, the wolf immediately opened his mouth to bite Ye Feng, but Ye Feng's other hand punched him in the head, and Ye Feng did not move.

After Ye Feng pulled out the dagger, he said to Monica, "stand up and move your feet to see if you can move. You can enter the cave immediately!"

Monica just stood up with the wall of the cave and tried to twist her ankle. She found that it was still a dull pain, but it was not as painful as before. Then she nodded to Ye Feng, "much better!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "hurry to get in. There's blood here. I don't know what it will lead to for a while!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica immediately gets down and goes into the cave. Ye Feng takes a look at the wolf's body in the cave, and then climbs behind her towards the cave.

After a while, Monica stopped and said, "how long? I feel like I've got a stab in my hand! "

Ye Feng said coldly, "keep climbing, it will be here soon!"

Monica couldn't, so she had to continue to climb in front. After about ten minutes, she saw that the cave in front of her suddenly began to be spacious. She could bend down and walk towards the front.

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