They continued to walk towards the front. The more they walked, the more spacious they were. They also heard a murmuring sound of the river. They soon came to a underpass, but they saw that the water was dark and silver in the dark underpass.

After Monica came here, she immediately took a look at both sides of the underpass, and then said to Ye Feng, "don't you have a lighter? Let's have a look! "

Although Ye Feng had been here just now, he had seen that the groundwater was still relatively clean, and it was about one meter deep, but he still picked up the lighter to light it, shining towards the water.

As soon as Monica saw that the water in the river was very clear, she immediately thought that she was still covered with mud. Some of them had dried up and attached tightly to her skin.

She thought about blowing out Ye Feng's lighter immediately, and then said, "you turn around, I'll take a bath first, I'm so dirty that I feel sick!"

Ye Feng didn't say much. He turned around and looked at the cave behind him. He didn't find anything else. He thought that since he had found the underground passage, it would be sooner or later for him to leave here. He was not in a hurry. Let Monica take a bath.

Then Ye Feng went to one side of the cave and sat down against the cave wall. He took out a lighter and a cigarette and lit a leisurely cigarette.

But as soon as the fire broke out, she saw that Monica had just taken off her prison jacket. As soon as the fire broke out, she immediately covered her chest and screamed, "did you mean it?"

Ye Feng is quite impatient to say, "not that elegant, I smoke a cigarette, you speed point!"

It's no wonder that Ye Feng is upset. If he is alone, many things are very simple. Now it's like carrying a burden with Monica.

Is smoking cigarettes, listen to the "bang" sound of water, Ye Feng can't help looking at the side of the groundwater, although nothing to see, but still slightly shook her head, this girl is here as his villa backyard swimming pool, right?

Ye Feng smokes and observes the two ends of the underpass. After entering the underground, he can't tell the difference between the southeast and northwest. In fact, he can't tell the direction clearly in the forest. In addition, after meeting the wolves and having a fight, he is lucky to survive. Where is he in the mood to distinguish these.

However, it's safe now. If you want to leave Angola, you have to distinguish the direction. Otherwise, if you run in the opposite direction, don't you have to walk a lot more?

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng frowned and thought that there was something falling from the top of the cave. However, listening to the sound of falling water, the stone was at least as big as Monica to make such a big noise.

But Monica said to Ye Feng, "what are you doing? You came down, too? "

Ye Feng stood up and walked toward the river. He said, "I'm still on the bank."

Monica can't help but wonder, "what's that? Are you throwing stones at me? "

Ye Feng cold hum a way, "I don't have that leisurely and easy!"

While talking, Ye Feng flicks the cigarette end toward the sound of falling into the water, but the red light of the cigarette end is limited, and he can't see the situation clearly.

Ye Feng immediately took out the lighter to light, toward the distance a look, but because of the distance is too far, still can't see clearly.

And the water of Monica see Ye Feng suddenly lit a lighter, immediately is a scream, then the body to the water a way, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng didn't look at Monica, but he said coldly, "hurry up after washing, don't waste time!"

Monica also washed almost, then toward Ye Feng way, "you first put out the lighter, I come up again!"

Ye Feng didn't pay any attention to Monica, but continued to look at the sound of falling water. It seemed that he saw a sword like water temperature sliding on both sides of the river, which indicated that something was sliding towards this side at the head of the sword.

At this time, Monica saw that Ye Feng was still lighting a lighter. She immediately picked up a handful of water and splashed it on Ye Feng's side.

At the moment when the lighter went out, Ye Feng's heart suddenly turned cold and said to Monica in the river, "come on up, there's a crocodile!"

While talking, Ye Feng ran to Monica. As soon as she heard this, her face moved. She immediately stood up and screamed.

Ye Feng to the river, immediately toward Monica hand, but at this time saw a black thing has arrived behind Monica.

Ye Feng, regardless of whether Monica is willing or not, grabs her hand and pulls her out of the water.

When Monica is still in shock, she hears the sound of the mixed current rolling in the river. She immediately hides behind Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is holding a lighter. He can't hit it for several times in a row. It's obvious that the flint was watered by Monica just now. It's wet.

But at this time, the river was calm again, only the slight sound of the gurgling water, and there was no other movement.

Monica realized that she was not wearing anything. She screamed again, and then went to the shore to get her clothes.But Ye Feng grabbed Monica and said, "are you crazy? Aren't you afraid of crocodiles?"

"What am I going to do? I'm not wearing anything? "

But Ye Feng hummed coldly, "who can see the black sound? You have to get dressed. You don't even have to die? "

Monica thought it was the same, but she was naked and always felt cool behind her. In addition, she was scared by the crocodile and felt that the whole cave was dark.

But hiding behind Ye Feng for a long time, there was nothing more. Monica frowned and didn't see the crocodile from the beginning to the end. Then she said to Ye Feng, "do you really see the crocodile?"

Ye Feng did not speak, eyes staring at the shore there to see, Monica saw Ye Feng did not speak, can not help but sneer a way, "you deliberately play with me, right, in fact, there is no crocodile, you throw stones into the water, want to scare me?"

Seeing that Ye Feng doesn't speak, Monica can't help pushing Ye Feng and then walking towards the bank, "I didn't expect you to be a lecher! How could you think of such a mean... "

Just as he was about to reach the shore, he was about to reach for the clothes on the ground when he heard a loud noise of drinking water in the river, and then a shadow in the water rushed towards Monica.

Monica was so shocked that she even forgot to scream. At this time, she could see clearly that what came out of the water was a crocodile. The crocodile's head was about to be bigger than her whole body, and her mouth was wide open when she rushed up, and her tusks were longer than her fingers.

When Monica felt that she was going to be buried in the belly of the crocodile, she felt her waist warm. One hand had caught her smooth waist, and she pulled her back, then swung her whole body back, and finally fell on the cave floor behind.

Ye Feng was standing in front of her at this time. She saw that Ye Feng's legs were open and slightly bent down, just like a Mongolian wrestler. She put on a good posture and looked forward from Ye Feng's crotch. However, she saw that the crocodile had already landed. The big head of the crocodile was on the bank, and there were two front claws. The back half of the crocodile was still in the water.

Monica just took a cold bath. At this time, she felt that she was sweating again. At this time, she was stained with a lot of soil stains. But at this time, no matter how clean she was, she could not care about these. She immediately stood up with the cave wall, looked at the front and said, "what should I do?"

Ye Feng snorted. He didn't know what to do. The crocodile in front of him was so big just by looking at his head. He didn't know how big his whole body was. He had a dagger in his hand. Looking at the crocodile's appearance, he estimated that his dagger couldn't even pierce its crocodile skin.

Fortunately, the crocodile was also lying on the bank looking at them, and did not want to further attack, but even so, the crocodile blocked the hole and did not let them pass, it was not the only way for them to leave Angola now.

Ye Feng is thinking of a way to deal with it. At this time, he hears a "rustling" sound from the back of the cave, and also the panting sound of the wolf. Ye Feng's heart is suddenly awe inspiring. There is a giant alligator in front of him, and there is a wild wolf chasing him behind him. Is heaven going to die? Can't they be here?

It seems that Monica also heard the movement behind. Looking back, she saw that several pairs of green shining eyes were slowly moving towards this side in the depth of the cave. She had seen the green shining eyes and knew it was the eyes of the wolf. Suddenly, she said, "we are going to die here?"

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