Without hearing Monica's reply, Ye Feng immediately runs away from the crocodile with a brisk stride. At the same time, he holds the dagger tightly in his hand to prevent the crocodile from attacking suddenly. He is at least a little prepared, although this preparation may not help at all.

However, Ye Feng several steps rushed past, but found that the crocodile as he thought, lying there motionless, did not mean to attack him.

Ye Feng rushed past, a hanging heart immediately put down, at this time, he stood not far behind the crocodile at the entrance of the cave, toward the cave of Monica way, "hurry up!"

However, Monica felt that her legs were as if she had been welded to the ground by cement. She could not pull out any of them. She even felt that she was a little unsteady. Let alone passing by the crocodile, she even mended her head. She passed by the crocodile and was swallowed by the crocodile, just like swallowing the body of a wild wolf.

Ye Feng sees Monica standing in the same place and feels that her face is not right. However, she thinks that although Monica is Virgil's sister, she is only a woman after all. Such a big crocodile gets in the way, and all her men are scared, let alone Monica.

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said to Monica, "you don't have to worry about it. Just walk over here. It won't bite you. But if you drag it down, you can't guarantee it. Moreover, there is a smell of blood in the cave. The wild wolves on the ground may also be chasing it. Even the immortals can't save you at that time."

As soon as Monica heard this, she instinctively looked at the cave behind her. At this time, although there was no wolf behind her, she always felt a rustling sound in her ears, as if she had heard something.

Thinking about what happened today, I even regret it. It's not good to stay in Angola prison. I have to follow Ye Feng to escape.

But now it's too late to regret. She also knows that it's time to know her life and death. It's no use complaining about regret. Now she can only adjust her breath to make herself not too nervous.

After taking a few deep breaths, Monica felt a little better. She took a step at her feet, only to see that the giant crocodile moved. She was so scared that she stood in the same place again, and her tears were almost coming out.

But the alligator just moved, and then there was no following. Ye Feng knew that it was unrealistic to force Monica to come here. It seemed that he had to take another risk.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng also took a deep breath, immediately walked towards Monica, soon came to her side, took her hand and left. Unexpectedly, Monica couldn't move her legs at all. Ye Feng immediately picked up Monica, then took a deep breath, and quickly passed by the giant crocodile.

Just got to the shore, Ye Feng put down Monica and said, "it's OK!"

Monica's face and eyes were closed just now. Even Ye Feng held her, she didn't feel anything. She didn't feel numb because she didn't have a piece of skin all over her body.

At this time, listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica opened her eyes and took a look, but she saw that she had passed the giant crocodile and arrived at the shore. Then she remembered that she had nothing on her body and immediately lowered her head to look for her clothes.

Finally, she saw that her clothes were on one side, and she was pressed by the crocodile's tail. Monica tugged hard and pulled the clothes over.

However, it seems that this also startled the alligator. The alligator immediately turned around and swept her tail directly on Monica's body. Monica only felt a chill in her chest, then she was unstable and almost fell down. Fortunately, Ye Feng on one side immediately hugged her.

At this time, the alligator has turned his head and quickly climbed towards them. Ye Feng, regardless of the others, directly picked up Monica and immediately ran along the Bank of the river in the underpass.

After running for a long time, Ye Feng felt that the alligator didn't seem to keep up with him. Then he looked back and saw that the alligator had disappeared. Ye Feng was shocked. He immediately looked into the water and didn't see the figure of the alligator. He was relieved. After putting Monica down, he leaned against one side of the wall and gasped.

At this time, Monica has become a frightened bird. After standing still, she still feels that her legs and feet are weak. She can't stand at all. She always feels that the alligator is following them in the water.

Ye Feng at this time after a short rest, see Monica or shivering standing there, then just stand up, toward Monica way, "still Leng do what, quickly put on clothes to go!"

Monica was Ye Feng so a shout, this just come back to God, and then put on the clothes and pants, followed Ye Feng continue to go forward,.

Is walking to hear some strange sound in the water, immediately startled, quickly ran to the front of Ye Feng, walk in front of Ye Feng, feel Ye Feng behind her, she has a little sense of security.

Ye Feng see Monica so, also don't talk much, his heart also some make fear, don't know that giant alligator has come with.

I don't know. After walking for a long time, I suddenly saw the light in front of me. Monica was listless, and she was in a good mood.

And after walking for such a long time, she didn't find the trace of the giant alligator. She gradually forgot about it, and immediately ran towards the light.While running, Monica also said to Ye Feng, "finally going out!"

Ye Feng didn't feel quite right. When he came, he roughly calculated the distance. The prison car alone drove for about an hour. How many roads did he and Monica walk?

But then I thought, maybe the exit is still in the forest, but it's good to get around a large area of forest. After all, after walking in the forest for such a long time, I guess I've already met other beasts.

Monica was the first to get to the light, but there was a hole in the top, and there was a rope hanging under the hole.

After Ye Feng came near, he took a look. The rope was covered with moss, but there was a feeling of being smoothed on the moss.

Originally Ye Feng thought it was Monica who touched it when she came here, but he looked up along the rope and saw that there were such traces on the whole rope, and it seemed that it was not long ago.

Ye Feng suddenly thought of Rex, which shows that they did not go the wrong way, this is indeed the underground road that Rex said, and Rex just went up from here, but this product is so lucky? Even if you don't meet a wolf, you don't even meet a giant alligator?

Seeing Ye Feng staring at the rope in a daze, Monica can't help pulling the rope. She finds that it's quite strong and says to Ye Feng, "shall we go up now?"

Ye Feng nodded. Although there is still a long underground passage in front of him, it seems that the underground passage is not very safe. In the deep water, he met a giant crocodile just now. I don't know what he will encounter next.

Although the ground may not be safe, but at least what you encounter, you can see directly, which is better than hearing any sound here.

At this time, Monica climbed up the rope, but the moss on the rope made the rope very slippery. Before she climbed much, she immediately slid down the rope again.

At last, Monica stood on the ground, tugging at the rope and said, "it's so slippery. How can I climb?"

Ye Feng then looked at the rope, immediately reached out and grabbed the rope, and then said to Monica, "you wait here, I'll go up first, I'll pull you up after I go up!"

Said Ye Feng directly dragged the rope to Monica's side, tied a knot with the end of the rope at Monica's waist, and then began to climb up the rope.

It's true that the moss on the rope is the same as that of Monica just now. The rope is particularly slippery, but when Ye Feng grabs the rope at this time, he immediately makes a detour, and then continues to climb up. As soon as his hand touches the rope, the lower hand loosens, and the upper hand makes a detour.

Although Ye Feng kept getting close to the hole, he felt that his palm would be worn by the rope, and his arm had been bitten by a wild wolf. At this time, the pain was even more unbearable. He was completely supported by his strong will until now.

Finally, Ye Feng climbed out of the cave and looked around. He found that he was still in the forest.

He didn't close so much. He went out of the cave first. As soon as he stood still, he heard Monika under the cave say, "pull me up!"

At this time, Ye Feng felt a sharp pain in the arm bitten by the wolf, and immediately sat at the entrance of the cave to check his wound, only to find that the skin of the wound had begun to turn out, and it was still bleeding.

Ye Feng tore a piece of cloth at the bottom of his trousers, and then bandaged the wound on his arm with his teeth and uninjured hand.

Monica didn't know what Ye Feng was doing. When she was worried, she suddenly heard a "rustle" noise. She couldn't help looking at it, but she saw more than ten pairs of green eyes flying towards her.

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