Monica naturally knew that it was the wolf who came after her. She immediately pulled the rope and yelled at Ye Feng, "pull me up, the wolf is coming! What are you dawdling about? "

Ye Feng just bandaged the wound at this time. Listening to Monika's cry, he immediately began to pull the rope up. However, as when he climbed up, the moss of the rope was too slippery and hard to use. At this time, he still used the method of winding the rope around his hand. However, this time, he was still carrying the weight of Monika. The back of his hand was more painful. On the injured arm, there was a kind of skin and flesh tearing pain It hurts.

Under the cave, Monica felt that her body was slowly rising, but at this time, she saw that the wolf had arrived at her feet. She immediately flew away, and her mouth came towards her feet.

Scared, Monica immediately raised her feet for fear of being bitten by the wolf. When she looked down nervously, she saw the light shining on the water and found that there was something like dead wood floating in the water. She didn't pay attention at first. When she looked carefully, she was scared out of a cold sweat.

What's the dead wood floating on the water is the crocodile with half of its head out on the water. At this time, the crocodile with static braking in the water suddenly jumps out of the water, and its mouth grows up towards Monica.

At this time, Monica felt that she was sweating all over. She opened her mouth wide and screamed, but she found that she had lost her voice and could not make any sound.

At the same time, Ye Feng uses his last strength to pull Monica up. Several wolves and crocodiles arrive at Monica's feet at the same time. The hungry wolf pours at her feet, but the crocodile doesn't come in vain. Immediately, he turns his mouth and bites a wolf. In an instant, he falls down again. The water splashes on the wolves in the air, and Monica is happy I feel that my legs are cold. It's obvious that I've been splashed by water, but Monica feels like her legs have been bitten off by crocodiles.

Monica was pulled out of the hole by Ye Feng. She was lying on the withered leaves, panting and sweating. Her whole body was completely exhausted.

Ye Feng is also lying on Monica's side at this time. After a rest, he sits up and checks the wound of his arm. At this time, he sees that the cloth bandaged in the wound has been soaked with blood stains, and the traces of blood stains on his arm have dried up and solidified.

Ye Feng takes a look at Monika. When she is OK, she leans over the cave and sees that a crocodile is swallowing a wild wolf. Several other wild wolves are standing on the bank and roaring at the crocodile in the water.

Ye Feng see so, also scared out a cold sweat, fortunately he has been suffering to pull up Monica, or at this time the crocodile may be swallowed by Monica's body.

It took a long time for Monica to take a breath. She sat up in a hurry and examined her legs. When she saw that her legs were still there, she burst into tears. She was afraid that she would be in a wheelchair from now on.

But think of just dangerous, Monica or spine feel cold, immediately look at Ye Feng, want to attack Ye Feng, if not he pulled too slowly, how could he be so dangerous.

But when Monica saw the blood stains on Ye Feng's arm, she suddenly said a word in her mouth without saying a word. It turned out that Ye Feng had already been injured? You didn't even know it?

Seeing this, Monica thought that she was out of danger after all, and Ye Feng tried her best to save herself. She immediately swallowed her breath and asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter with your arm?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said nothing, then stood up and said, "it's time to go! We are still in the forest

As soon as Monica came out of the cave, she still didn't notice this problem. After listening to Ye Feng's words, she immediately stood up and looked around. Then she said, "we haven't gone out yet, taking such a big risk?"

Ye Feng smell speech but looked at Monica one eye way, "if save you so simple words, your elder brother also won't big trouble of looking for me!"

Monica immediately followed Ye Feng in silence. At this time, she found that Ye Feng's arm was still dripping blood on the ground. She hurriedly said to Ye Feng, "did you hurt your hand? Was it a wolf or a crocodile? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said it was ok, but he didn't speak any more. His goal now is to find a way out, or he will be trapped in the forest, because he found that the fog in the forest is getting thicker and thicker.

Originally, we could see far away. The fog was only on the ground floor. Now we feel that it's higher than people's height, and the visibility is only about ten or twenty meters at most. Monica didn't pay attention to these, so she had to pay attention to them.

When Monica saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng. Then she said coldly, "are you usually so cool?"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "what? What's so cool? "

Monica said to Ye Feng at this time, "do you like to talk to others when they talk to you? Or is it because my brother has taken you two women, so you deliberately spread your anger on me? "

To tell you the truth, Monica thinks that she is the best woman in Europe and America, regardless of her face or figure. If she goes to jail in Angola, bullfighting Terriers and Martians will not be less jealous of herself. Usually, she just needs to take a break, or go to work in a factory. Needless to say, all male prisoners must have their eyes locked It's on yourself.I'm used to seeing those men's eyes when they look at themselves. I wish they were all in perspective function. When I see myself, I want to come and talk to myself immediately. But this Ye Feng, just like how much money he owes him, loves to answer and ignore every time he talks.

Ye Feng said at this time, "if you talk constructively, of course I will not ignore you, but there are no constructive questions. It's better to say less. If we can't leave here before dark, you will never have the chance to say such nonsense again!"

As soon as Monica heard this, her face suddenly looked at Ye Feng. Although what Ye Feng said seemed reasonable, she still felt harsh in her ears.

Thinking of this, Monica walked quickly to Ye Feng, blocked Ye Feng's way and said coldly, "you answer me honestly, is it because my brother tied your woman?"

Ye Feng stares at Monica for a long time and then says, "it has nothing to do with that!"

Monica also stares at Ye Feng and says, "it has nothing to do with this. What does it have to do with that?"

Say to see Ye Feng or didn't speak of meaning, even face also slightly show some impatient appearance, she immediately said, "I am not as beautiful as your woman, or the figure is not as good as your woman?"

Ye Feng listens to Monika say so, can't help but toward Monika way, "you are more beautiful than them, the figure is also better than them! But what's the point for me? My woman, I can sleep at will. Do you want me to sleep at will? "

As soon as Monica hears this, her face moves and she stares at Ye Feng. She doesn't seem to expect that Ye Feng will suddenly speak so vulgar. For a moment, she doesn't know how to answer Ye Feng.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what Ye Feng said is right. He has nothing to do with Ye Feng, and so far he has no plans to do anything. In this case, Ye Feng also knows that he will not have anything to do with him. Why do he have some unrealistic fantasies, do some impractical things, and say something that has no result, just like those apprentices?

Although the truth is such a truth, but as a woman, and still used to live in men's eyes and misty rain in the beauty, the bottom of her heart is still unable to accept.

Ye Feng saw that Monica didn't speak. At this time, he immediately bypassed her and was about to move on.

Don't want to this time, but Monica reached out to stop Ye Feng way, "I sleep with you, you will treat me differently?"

This time, it's Ye Feng's turn to look at Monica in consternation. Just now, she was just annoyed by Monica, and now her life and death are hard to predict. She still cares about these details. If she has the energy to talk more, it's better to save her energy. At the critical moment, she may lack the energy to survive, so she deliberately said so, with the intention of letting Monica stop talking to herself.

But Ye Feng didn't expect that Monica would stop him. He could not help frowning at her.

But I saw that Monica looked at herself with a kind of serious face, as if she was really waiting for her answer.

Seeing Ye Feng looking at herself without saying a word, Monica immediately added, "you haven't answered me, have you changed your attitude when I sleep with you?"

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