Ye Feng can't help looking at Monica in surprise, but seeing that Monica has been staring at herself, it seems that as long as you don't answer me, I will always ask.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help nodding to Monica, "yes, it is! What's the matter? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica sneered, "you think it's beautiful. Don't think that if you come to save me, I'll be grateful. I tell you, don't dream. You come to save me because your woman is held by my brother, so you don't have any kindness to me at all, because your ultimate goal is to save your woman, not to save me it's me! I can see that clearly! "

Ye Feng didn't expect that the purpose of Monika's saying this was to wait for her to say yes, so that she could say such a lot of nonsense to stop herself. She shrugged her shoulders and continued to walk forward with a face of indifference. While walking, she also said to Monika, "if you have the strength and time to talk nonsense, we can take a few more steps forward, and each more step means that You are one step closer to getting out of danger! If I were you, I would shut my mouth and follow behind. I would not say anything. I would try my best to save energy! "

Monica followed Ye Feng, but sneered, "I just love to talk. If you don't like to hear me, you can't hear me! But you can't stop me from talking, and you're not in my heart. That's why you have nothing to say, hum

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He continued to walk forward, just like before. Every time he passed a tree, he drew a mark on the trunk with a dagger to prevent him from turning around in the same place as before.

It has been at least two hours since they entered the forest from the Angolan prison. Ye Feng even felt a little hungry. There will be no adverse reaction at the beginning of this feeling. At most, the hungry stomach is a little uncomfortable. But if the time is long and there is no hope of leaving the forest, then the spiritual devastation is the most fatal.

In fact, many people in distress can hold on to the end, wait for rescue or self rescue, and they all hold on to the end with one breath, one strength and one belief. However, if there is no last hope, many people finally give up the idea of survival before they die.

Seeing that Ye Feng doesn't talk to herself, Monica is angry. At this time, she is thinking about what to say to stimulate Ye Feng to make him angry.

But at this time, her eyes are staring at Ye Feng's injured arm. Although her arm is no longer dripping blood to the ground, her wrist brother's arm is full of dried up blood stains, which is really shocking to Monica.

Although he said that the purpose of Ye Feng's saving himself was to save his own woman, he thought that if ye Feng didn't come to save himself, maybe he wouldn't be hurt. After all, in many cases, if it wasn't for Ye Feng, his life would have been lost here.

Thinking of this, Monica was more or less moved. But when she thought that Ye Feng's ultimate goal was not to save herself, she felt angry. For a moment, she was extremely contradictory. She didn't know what to say.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly stopped, squatting under a tree, as if groping for something.

Seeing this, Monica immediately went to see Ye Feng and said, "why don't you go?"

Ye Feng picked up a dead leaf on the ground, but found that there was blood on it. He also twisted it on the blood spot, and found that the blood spot had just dried up, and it was not very solidified.

Seeing this, Monica said to Ye Feng, "your arm is bleeding again?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "this is not my blood!"

"Is there a wild animal nearby?" said Monica

Ye Feng did not speak, bent down to continue to walk in front, and not far in front of the discovery of a few bloody dead leaves.

Monica follows Ye Feng closely. Seeing that Ye Feng doesn't speak, she doesn't have many flowers. After all, after several previous dangers, Monica also realizes that Ye Feng's ability to save people and save herself is very strong. Ye Feng won't answer even if she says anything, and it's easy to confuse Ye Feng's thoughts.

Ye Feng stood up at this time and continued to walk in front, but said, "this is human blood!"

As soon as Monica heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "human blood? How can anyone be here? "

But Ye Feng said to Monica, "don't forget, there's another Lexus!"

As soon as Monica heard this, she came back to herself. Yes, there was another Rex who left them and ran away. However, thinking that it was Rex's blood, she sneered again, "why is he bleeding? Was it bitten by wild animals? You deserve it

Ye Feng didn't speak. He continued to look at the dead leaves on the ground and walked towards the front. At this time, he heard a weak voice not far away from the front, "help..."

Ye Feng recognized Rex's voice, but the fog in the forest was thicker than they had just come out of the cave, and he could not see what was going on.

Monica also recognized Rex's voice, and immediately said excitedly, "I'm going to see him. What's the injury!"

Ye Feng stopped Monica and said in a low voice, "don't worry. Maybe there are wild animals around him. Didn't you hear him calling for help and bleeding all the way?"Listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica was shocked and stopped immediately. Then she said to Ye Feng, "do you want to go there? This guy almost killed us at that time. Do you still want to save him? "

Ye Feng said to Monica, "we haven't completely left the forest yet. At present, we still need Rex's help to guide us!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Monica a silent look at Ye Feng, and then did not speak, like default Ye Feng to save Rex.

Ye Feng didn't say much, and walked directly to the front. At this time, the cry for help from Rex was getting smaller and smaller.

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately quickened his pace, and soon saw a huge shadow standing in the thick fog in front of him, but he didn't see rexay.

Monica also breathes heavily to follow up, seeing the shadow in front of her, she is also scared. She takes a close look and finds that it's a giant bear.

Before Monica screams out, Ye Feng immediately covers Monica's mouth, makes a silent gesture for her, and then bends down.

Monica also followed Ye Feng to lean forward, looking at the front, but saw that the black bear also leaned down at this time, biting a thing on the ground, and continued to drag forward. When Monica looked carefully, she immediately covered her mouth. What the black bear was dragging in its mouth was not something else, it was rexay calling for help.

Ye Feng also noticed this, but he also noticed that fortunately, the black bear was biting Rex's leg, not his neck or head, otherwise it would have died.

At this time, Monica couldn't bear to stare at Rex's bloody legs. She felt a little scared in her stomach.

Ye Feng then whispered to Monica, "stay here and don't move. I'll save him!"

Say Ye Feng also don't wait for Monica to reply, immediately quickly ran toward the black bear side, just arrived at the black bear behind not far, immediately toward there loudly called a.

The black bear seemed to be startled by Ye Feng's sudden voice. He immediately put down Rex's leg in his mouth and looked back at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng then saw the black bear chest white "V" word is full of blood, at this time is glaring at himself.

At first, the black bear didn't seem to know what was shouting, but when he saw that it was Ye Feng, he immediately stood up and patted his chest with the bear's claws. After a roar, he immediately bent over and rushed towards Ye Feng.

Although the black bear is huge in size, it is estimated that it will be calculated by ton, but it runs very fast, and it will be in front of Ye Feng in an instant.

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, a flash to avoid after, along a tree directly climbed up.

Unexpectedly, after looking at Ye Feng under the tree for a moment, the black bear stood up along the tree trunk, and then climbed up to the tree trunk.

Ye Feng heart suddenly a Lin, secretly think this black blind man actually can climb trees, that oneself is not dig a dead road?

Monica hid not far away. Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but move. She said that if ye Feng was caught up by the black bear, wouldn't she be the same as Rex?

Think of here, Monica is still hesitating, whether he also want to learn Ye Feng, go out to the black bear yelling to lead the black bear away?

Monica couldn't stop breathing deeply and hesitated whether she wanted to go out. But she thought that her skill was not as strong as Ye Feng's. If the black bear really came to chase her, she couldn't run away. But she thought that it was bad not to save Ye Feng, so she suddenly got tangled.

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