Just at this time, when the black bear climbed to a certain height, his whole body began to slide down. With a bang, he fell directly to the ground. He seemed to have been blindfolded and didn't recover after lying on the ground for a long time.

When Ye Feng saw this, he could not help but move. He took a look at the black bear lying on the ground. He immediately jumped down from the tree and stepped on the bear's abdomen. Then he turned over, rolled on the ground and stood up immediately. ,

the black bear was trampled on by Ye Feng on his stomach. Suddenly, he seemed to relax. He immediately rolled on the ground, turned over and rushed towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately dodged around the tree in front of him. Although the black bear was not slow, it was too big to turn around. Once Ye Feng began to change his direction, the black bear suddenly felt confused.

After Ye Feng ran for a while, he saw the black bear standing in the same place, looking at himself and not chasing himself. It seemed that he was going to give up. At this time, he immediately stood in the same place waiting for the black bear.

After hesitating for a while, black bear gave up Ye Feng directly and continued to run towards Rex.

Ye Feng sees this, his heart suddenly moves. If the black bear bites Rex, it may not be as lucky as last time. If it bites the neck or head this time, Rex will be finished on the spot.

In fact, Ye Feng doesn't care about Rex's life or death at all, but now he still expects Rex to point out a way for him to take Monica out of the forest safely.

So at this time, Ye Feng immediately roared at the black bear, and the black bear immediately turned around and glared at Ye Feng, but did not chase him immediately.

After the black bear made sure that Ye Feng was still standing in the same place, he tried to take a few steps towards Ye Feng. The speed was not very fast, and he stopped after a few steps.

See Ye Feng did not move, immediately walked a few steps, see Ye Feng still did not move, and stop after progress, staring at Ye Feng, did not move for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng stares at the black bear and looks around with his spare light. When he sees something, he has an idea.

At the same time, the black bear suddenly started to rush towards Ye Feng. The speed was so fast that even Ye Feng was startled.

Seeing that the black bear was about to come to Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately dodged and ran towards a tree, and Ye Feng deliberately slowed down to make the black bear feel like catching up with him at any time.

When he got to the tree in front of him, Ye Feng suddenly sped away and jumped between the two trees, while the black bear behind also rushed over. However, the black bear's head just rushed over the two trees, but his fat body was stuck by the two trees.

Ye Feng then looked back at the black bear, which was just like that. He also yelled at Ye Feng, but his body was firmly stuck in the middle of the two trees and couldn't move.

At this time, the black bear seemed to realize it, and immediately twisted his huge body. The two trees were swayed by the black bear, but after all, the trees in the forest are more than 100 years old. Not only the trunks are thick, but also the roots are intertwined with each other. No matter how powerful the black bear is, it can only shake the trunks a few times, and it can't shake them at all.

At this time, the black bear gave out a few more roars. At this time, if you listen to the roar again, it's not the same as before. It's more like howling.

But Ye Feng doesn't have the heart to sympathize with the black bear, and immediately runs towards lexier. Seeing that Ye Feng has trapped the huge black bear in this way, Monica, hiding on one side, can't help admiring Ye Feng.

It's not only a matter of wisdom, but also courage. If you climb a tree and don't even have the courage to jump down, and the situation was urgent, you can't think of these methods.

Monica saw that the black bear finally gave up, lying on the ground motionless, this just strong courage, stood up, toward Ye Feng and Rex side walked past.

At this time, Ye Feng has squatted in front of Rex's body, checked Rex, and found that Rex has fainted, but there is still breath, but the leg injury is very serious, half of the leg is almost only skin and flesh, the whole leg bone is bitten off by the black bear, and it is still bleeding.

Monica ran over to have a look, and suddenly felt a flower in front of her eyes. It was the first time that she saw the bloody scene, and immediately turned her head.

At this time, Ye Feng tore Rex's clothes into several pieces. At last, he pulled the leg of Rex's bitten leg and directly pulled it away from his body. Then he wrapped his wound with a cloth strip. Finally, he twisted the cloth strip into a rope and trapped him firmly to prevent bleeding again.

After doing all this, Ye Feng pinches in Rex's hands. After a long time, Rex takes a slow breath. As soon as he wakes up, he suddenly screams. His whole body seems to start to twitch. After a long time, he calms down a little.

But soon the pain on the leg immediately passed to the brain, and immediately sat up and looked at his injured leg. He found that the lower part of his leg was missing even his foot, just wrapped in a bloody step, and immediately cried, "where's my leg, my leg..."At this time, Ye Feng took a look at lexis, pointed to one side and said, "over there!"

Rex along the direction of Ye Feng pointed to see a look, but see there is a bloody leg, suddenly brain a heat, and fainted in the past.

At this time, Monica turns around and looks at Rex and Ye Feng again. Then she says to Ye Feng, "what's the matter with him? Is that all right? "

Ye Feng stood up and instinctively took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it with a lighter. After such a long time, the lighter was still wet, but Ye Feng hit it several times in a row, and finally it started.

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng said to Monica, "there's no danger to her life for the time being. I just fainted, but if I stay in the forest, it's not clear!"

At this time, Monica took a look at rexa's calf, and immediately avoided looking. She turned and looked at the black bear stuck by two trees. Then she said, "when he wakes up, let's ask how to get out. You don't want to take him with you, do you?"

Ye Feng smoking cigarettes asked Monica, "if you are in this situation, you know the way out, but the leg injury, you will not say it now?"

As soon as Monica heard this, she frowned and said, "do you mean that he will use this as a threat to force us to leave with him?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's normal to have this kind of request. Survival is instinct! Nobody wants to be here. Nobody knows when they die! The corpse may have to be fed to the beast

After looking at Ye Feng, Monica said, "how can I find you, do anything, say anything, as if you have no feelings?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word. At this time, he wiped his forehead and looked at the sweat in his palm. It was strange that the forest was not too hot. Did the black bear sweat so much just now?

Monica looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you ok?"

Ye Feng shook his head, leaned against a tree, continued to smoke cigarettes and said, "nothing! What can I do for you? "

But Monica said to Ye Feng, "but your face is very ugly. It's pale!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart next move, immediately looked at the arm that oneself was bitten by wild wolf, then untied the cloth above.

At this time, the cloth strip had been taken up with the flesh and blood on Ye Feng's arm. When it was torn open, it was torn open with scab, and immediately frowned.

After tearing open the cloth, Ye Feng took a look at the wound, and suddenly his heart moved. Those wounds were already a little black. He knew that he must have been infected.

Monica also saw Ye Feng's bitten arm. She frowned and said, "are you hurt so badly?"

Ye Feng then squatted down to pick up Rex's side. Just now, he helped to bandage Rex's leg injury, and wrapped his arm with the rest of the cloth.

But Monika immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's useless if you wrap it like this, and the clothes are full of bacteria. If you cover it like this, it's likely to be infected, and it's airtight, so it's easier to breed bacteria."

Ye Feng of course knows, but now in the wilderness, there is no condition for him to take good care of his wound. At this time, he took a look at Rex lying on the ground and said to Monica, "you're right. It shows that if Rex has bad luck, it's not as easy as losing a leg. We must leave here as soon as possible!"

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