Rex and Monica directly asked for all the willow vines. They sat on the ground one by one, and soon they made a net. They continued to let Monica pick the willow vines.

Monica continues to pick wicker for Rex. Rex continues to weave wicker. Soon, she weaves it into a large net pocket with a dragging handle.

Then Rex said to Monica, "go get him up here!"

Monica immediately went to drag Ye Feng to lie in the net pocket, and then Rex himself also lay on Ye Feng's side and said to Monica, "you try dragging?"

After all, two big men are at the back, but she still goes over and grabs the front end of the net pocket, a handle that Rex specially weaves for her. She pulls it forward, only to find that Ye Feng and Rex don't move at all.

"I don't have the strength to drag the two of you!" said Monica with a discontented look

Reksey encouraged Monica to say, "you're just exerting force. Of course, you can't drag. After you drag, you don't need any strength at all!"

Monica sneered. "You don't have a pain in your back when you lie down!"

Lexer explained to Monica, "look what's under us. There are all floating dead leaves. If you pull, the friction between us and the ground will be very small. It doesn't take any effort at all. Try again, no more!"

Although Monika is reluctant, she still reaches for the handle after taking a look at Ye Feng. She just wants to save Ye Feng. After all, Ye Feng has saved herself several times. She wants to save him once and repay his kindness.

Thinking of this, after taking a deep breath, Monica exhausted all her strength to drag Yefeng and Yefeng. At the beginning, she still didn't move. Just when she was ready to give up completely, she used her last strength to drag Yefeng and Yefeng.

And it's really like Rex said, once it starts to move, it can't waste much energy. Ye Feng and Rex are sliding forward on the dead leaves on the ground.

Rex can't help but say to Monica, "I'm right, once it's moving, it's not very hard!"

Monica didn't reply and went on. Although she saved a lot of energy, she didn't use it at all. After walking about a mile, Monica felt that she was running out of energy and stopped to have a rest.

Force is also the second, mainly when the hand to hold the handle, was strangled pain, can't help but open a hand to see, has been ground red.

Rex saw that Monica had only walked a mile, so he took a rest. He didn't know how long it would take.

But at this time, Monica glared at lexer and said, "don't you say you know the way out? Where should we go now? "

Rex said vaguely, "just go in the right direction!"

After taking a dubious look at the race, Monica went to see Ye Feng. She saw that Ye Feng was wet through, and her face was still not very good-looking.

Then Monica turns around, blows her hand, immediately pulls her net pocket and continues to walk forward.

Rex then took a look at Monica, then looked behind him, and saw that there was nothing else to catch up with, which was a complete relief. Then he saw his lost leg, and suddenly he felt a burst of anger. However, if he had not been held here by Ye Feng and Monica, his leg would not have been lost at all.

Thinking of this, Rex took a look at Ye Feng on one side, and immediately put out his hand to pat Ye Feng's face, but he didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that if Monica heard her, she would leave her.

But Lexy is also thinking at this time that he doesn't know the way out. The reason why he says so is that he doesn't want to let Monica leave him. Although he doesn't know the way out, it will be terrible to die here alone. At least follow Monica and Ye Feng. Even if they are in danger, there will be at least three people. How many people will feel more secure.

But Rex also realizes that it's OK to cheat her for a while according to Monica's temperament. Once she can't get out of the forest for a long time, she will doubt herself. At that time, she will still leave herself, so she must think of Countermeasures before that time.

The best way, of course, is to get out of the forest. All three people can leave safely, so many things can be avoided. But Lexy also knows that once she really gets out of danger, Monica will not spare herself. After all, she almost killed her.

Rex's hand felt very diaphragmatic at this time. He drew back his hand and looked at it. But he saw a dagger pinned to Ye Feng's waist. His heart suddenly moved. He immediately took the dagger and hid it secretly. Now he had to be fully prepared. Once Monica really left herself, he would not let them have a chance to live.

At this time, Monica stopped again and leaned against the tree trunk on one side to breathe. At this time, sweat stains had appeared on her prison clothes. She was obviously tired out, and this time she broke through the limit. Several times when she felt that she had no strength, she stiffened. It would be impossible for her to survive. So she took a rest.After a few breaths, Monica takes a look at the track. "Where are you going now?"

Rex doesn't know where to go. He just wants to keep Monica from leaving him. At this time, she asks herself again and points to a direction. "You're a little bit off. Go that way!"

Monica a listen to this, can't help but frown, after a look, toward the REK track, "why don't you remind me?"

Rex put the blame on Ye Feng, "he lies in front of me. When you pull him up, he is higher, completely blocking my sight. I can't see it!"

Monica smell speech also looked at Ye Feng, see Ye Feng still no improvement, a little sigh, in the heart secret way, this also can't have what improvement in such a short time, can't here lost life is good.

After a short rest, Monica immediately pulls her net pocket and continues to walk in the direction that Rex just pointed out. However, the longer the time, the slower she will walk. Even if she drags two people with no effort, she will feel tired after walking for several kilometers.

At this time, Monika just walked less than a mile and stopped. But this time, it was not because she was tired, but because she felt that she heard the sound of the water and thought she was too tired, so she had hallucinations.

After stopping, Monica listened for a while and felt the sound of the water flow. She immediately asked the track, "do you hear me?"

Rex is thinking about his own business at this time. He is still worried that there will always be times when Monica will be tired and will not do it. He is thinking about how he will lead Monica to kill her once he arrives at that time.

Rex was so preoccupied that this time Monica stopped, he didn't pay much attention. After listening to Monica ask himself again, he came back to himself and said, "what?"

"Did you hear the sound of the water?" asked Monica in a quiet, angry voice after she gave Rex a white look

Rex heard the words of a stunned, then surprised, "the sound of water? As far as I know, there is no water in the forest outside the Angolan prison! "

Monica said impatiently, "don't talk nonsense. Listen to it first!"

After listening for a while, Rex really seemed to have the sound of gurgling water. It seemed that it was not far away from here. But now the fog in the forest is getting bigger and bigger, and the visibility is getting smaller and smaller. Maybe it's just one or two steps ahead, and you can't see it from here.

Rex said to Monica, "it's water! But it shouldn't be

After listening to Rex, Monica also heard it, which proves that she is not a mirage, and she has not heard it wrong. She can't help thinking about going to Rex track, "have you been to the whole forest? How do these forest trees live without water? If there is no water source, where does the water flow in the underpass we came from come from? "

After listening to what Monika said, Rex also felt that there was some truth. After all, he only heard that there was no water in the whole forest, because some government departments had sent UAVs to investigate the forest and came to the conclusion.

But at this time, Rex's heart was moving. Listen carefully. Is the sound of water coming from the ground?

As soon as Monica heard this, she really felt that the sound of the water flow didn't come from the ground. She calmed down to listen and walked along the sound of the water flow. At this time, she heard that the sound of the water flow was getting louder and louder, but it was still a kind of occasional feeling.

Monica immediately knelt down on the ground and put her ear to the ground to listen. She really felt that the sound of the water was from the ground. She immediately poked away the dead leaves on the ground and looked for a while. She found a hole. Looking down, she saw that there was an underground river flowing. It was similar to the underground road she had walked before.

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